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Critical Care Nursing Exam Preparation, Study notes of Nursing

A comprehensive set of study notes or practice questions for a critical care nursing exam. It covers a wide range of topics relevant to critical care nursing, including respiratory acidosis, supraventricular tachycardia, insulin management, medication calculations, pneumonia, ventilator management, siadh, cardioversion, orthopedic surgery, dopamine administration, swan-ganz catheter insertion, intracranial pressure, siadh, glasgow coma scale, ventilator management, fluid resuscitation, pacemaker troubleshooting, vasodilator medications, medication conversions, pain management, chest tube management, cardiac monitoring, and various other critical care nursing interventions and assessments. The level of detail and the variety of topics suggest this document could be useful for nursing students or practicing critical care nurses preparing for an exam, reviewing lecture notes, or seeking a comprehensive study guide.

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Available from 09/19/2024

tizian-mwangi 🇺🇸



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/guaranteed/24/ long history of smoking; sob; ABG pH7.25, PCO2 50, HCO3 24: respiratory acidosis (if CO2 is high it will always be resp. acidosis)

  1. "heart is pounding outside of her chest" client is in SVT; intervention: coach client in relaxation and deep breathing
  2. insulin protocol; pt. insulin is infused at 5 units/hr and her current glucose reading is 165. what to do?: increase drip by 1 unit/hr
  3. calculate; 1,500,000 IU in 500 mL of 0.9% NS: 33 5.DKA math question: 1000 mL NS with 30 mEq of sodium 6. older client comes in with CAP and SpO2 89%. what is priority intervention?- : assist client with turning, coughing, and deep breathing
  4. pt. received ETT 7 days ago and is currently on 50% O2. Pt is currently anxious and hyperventilating. what is the priority intervention?: auscultate lungs
  5. client has not been taking cortisone for either 2 weeks or 2 months and husband bring her into ED; not feeling well. SIADH. what to do?: initiate fall precautions (SIADH causes seizures)
  6. UAP assisting nurse in situation where pt is having SVT and nurse has to prepare for cardioversion. what task for UAP: bring resuscitation cart to the bedside has cardioversion due to uncontrolled a fib. what vital shows that the cardioversion was successful?: normal sinus rhythm with HR 84 has ortho surgery and 12 hrs after surgery is anxious with SOB; intervention: position client on the left side receiving dopamine. monitor for what: monitor urinary output 13.during insertion of swan gans, what should nurse do: monitor for dysrhyth- mias 14.which vital signs are contraindicative of ICP?: PaCO2 of 55 (normal PaCO2 should be between 35-45; when increased it will cause more ICP) 15.SIADH with normal lab values associated with this: hyperkalemia and hy- ponatremia glasgow coma scale of 14. what should the nurse do: document the findings 17.when caring for a client on a ventilator which finding shows the airway is open?: bilateral breath sounds can be auscultated is in the ICU after a colon resection. vitals are HR 135, temp 103, BP 88/65, urine output 10 mL/hr. intervention?: give a 500 mL IV bolus challenge (another question similar with low BP and same answer) 19.client with syncopal episodes due to 3rd degree block. receives transcu- taneous pacemaker; several fails: increase the sensitivity 20.which of these drugs are the strongest for most effective vasodilators: li- docaine 21.mcg to mg; 4mcg/kg and client weighs 165 lbs: 3.5 mL/hr 22.female falls down a flight of stairs and is having trouble walking and bearing weight. prescription for hydrocodone for pain and an xray. interven- tion: have the client take a urine pregnancy test with chest tube has the tube dislodged from pleural space;

interven- tion: place an occlusive dressing with take on 3 sides 24.postop client admitted to ED with intra-arterial cannula; heparin infusing at 2 units per mL. what finding indicates the heparin has achieved therapeutic use: the IA remain patent arrives to the ED with pain. description should prompt nurse to suspect an MI: produces chest heaviness with left arm pain 26.what equipment should always be made available at the bedside for a pt. with a chest tube: occlusive dressing 27.things should be done if an ET tube is in place: chest xray chest rises and falls bilaterally auscultate breath sounds comes in with severe hypotension. what medication should you expect a prescription for?: amiodaron 29.female has been asystole for 20 minutes and there has been no change in the client's condition; intubated; what should the nurse do: talk to the family members in a private area about desire to continue life support

  1. 47 year old female that comes in and thinks they have indigestion due to vigorous workout. which problem has highest priority?: decreased cardiac output 31.EKG strip: prepare the client for pericardiocentesis 32.treated for MI that occurred less than 6 hrs ago; MD suspects 100% occlusion; what does the EKG show: sinus bradycardia Q waves and ST elevation QRS lengthening

33.list of vitals and patient will come in 2 hours after being in pain; what does nurse suspect the patient to have: acute pancreatitis 34.client has pneumothorax and has chest tube with NO fluctuation in the water seal: assess lung sounds 35.male falls 20 feet and the nurse observes it; client has no pulse: begin CPR 120 per 1 min 36.older woman pt. that feels very weak and is having a hard time breathing; leaning over while the nurse is doing assessment and cant keep head up; intervention: keep the client in high fowlers 37.client on a ventilator; intervention done so that the pt. doesn't develop VAP: oral hygiene getting an ET tube; MD has sedated the pt and the pt has soft restraints; intervention: test to see if the pt is aggressive once the sedation has weened down 39.trying to place an IV in pt that is confused and anxious; intervention: notify MD for a restraint so that the pt. can get the IV they need 40.what do you do prior to drawing from an arterial line: allens test 41.vitals related to acute pancreatitis; what should you monitor for: cushings triad diagnosed with acute pancreatitis admitted to ICU with temp 102, HR 138, RR 32, BP80/40. what to report to HCP: hemorrhagic discoloration at the umbilicus comes in who was in a fire and the smoke was in her face; pt states they can not breathe; priority: auscultate broncus (trach) is on ventilator and the vent is malfunctioning; intervention: bag the

pt. manually is turning and the best tube falls out; what should the nurse tell the pt. to do?: exhale forcefully and cough rapidly

46. on admission client is septic due to a ruptured appendix; vitals of temp 39.8 , WBC 18,000, BP 68/42. what class of meds is needed: vasoconstrictor 47.list of lab values; normal sodium, elevated WBC, BNP 800: BNP 800 48.vent high alarm is going off; reason: check for kink in tubing with basilar skull fracture has blood leaking from their nose and ears; intervention: gently dab blood from ear with gauze and observe for Halo 50.diclofenac; what to monitor with this med: monitor BP 51.septic shock drug used: anti infective 52.blood transfusion;: blood must be hung within 30 min of arriving on the unit, obtain a baseline vital signs 53.reasons for using only non-narcotics: ask full explanation from interpreters 54.cardiac tamponade: notify MD to prepare pericardia question regarding ampule: wrap gauze pad around the neck

  1. 25 mEq/10mEq x 5mL: 12.5 mL 57.MRSA: collect place cont aged child: hearing

59.MI: decrease smoking 60.IV pump alarm: clamp the IV tubing 61.inhaler use: spacer to use for this med 62.dry nose: water soluble lubricant 63.infant phototherapy: reposition every 2 hrs 64.headache: 142/89 admin lisinopril provide PRN acetaminophen 65.ciprofloxine: give with applesauce 66.parkinsons disease: worry about physical mobility

  1. 34 weeks gestation problem: hematocrit 28% 68.spinal cord injury: never move the head or pt 69.sickle cell anemia: fluids, daily drinks 70.U-wave: ST 12 leads P level 71.warfarin and diet in food: avoid food rich in vitamin K 72. 200 mg/250mg x 2mL: 1.6 mL 73.sequential compression device on both legs: 1 day post op 74.if pt is crying and confused: encourage the family to stay with the patient 75.positive fern test: 37 weeks gestation, primigravida 76. tied sheet around the client sitting in a chair: 77.mother of child with cerebral palsy: brain damage with CP is not


78. class b felonies: 79.acute renal failure: monitor PT cardiac activity 80.blood urea: blood urea nitrogen 35 81.poor feed and vomitting: venticulcaperitoneal VP 82.pacemaker: permanent pacemaker 83.inpatient acute care unit: bowel obstruction volvulus 84.low fiber diet: turkey 85.what to do if a pregnant womans water broke: use sterile vaginal exam 86.orthopnea: cb bath 87.negative or positive HIV: remove soft drink 88.huntingtons disease: padding, sick rails 89.rheumatoid arthritis: exercise daily 90.wear n95 while care: TB 91.behavior decreases psychosocial needs: shaking patients hands, introduc- tion 92.water chamber bubbling: moves with breathing 93.normal chest drainage in an hour: 150 mL to dress chest tube: wash hands sterile gloves remove old dressing inspect site remove old gloves and don new pair

clean site with choraprep begin where tube exits xeroform for airtight seal 4x4 around tube tape 95.milking and stripping chest tube: never safe to milk or strip chest tube be- cause it increases negative intrapleural pressure and does not significantly affect the tube patency 96.what to do when a chest tube is first placed: listen to lung sounds 97.what to do to confirm placement of chest tube: chest xray 98.what to do first if chest tube is in correct place: listen to lung sounds