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Crossfit Level 1 Exam | 60 Questions with 100% Correct Answers, Exams of Yoga

Crossfit Level 1 Exam | 60 Questions with 100% Correct Answers Crossfit Level 1 Exam | 60 Questions with 100% Correct Answers

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Crossfit Level 1 Exam |

60 Questions with

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  1. What is the main goal of Crossfit? - answers>To increase an individual's competency and abilities at all physical tasks
  2. What are the 10 fitness domains Crossfit can improve? What are their definitions? - answers>- Cardiovascular endurance: Ability of a body system to gather, deliver, and utilize oxygen - Stamina: Ability of body processes to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy systems - Strength: Ability of a muscle joint, or multiple muscular units, to apply force - Flexibility: Ability to maximize ROM at a given joint - Power: Ability of a muscle unit, or multiple muscular units, to apply force over time - Speed: The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement - Coordination: Ability to combine several movement patterns into a distinct movement - Agility: ability to minimze transition time from one movement pattern to another - Balance: Ability to place center of gravity in relation to base of support - Accuracy: Ability to control movement in a given direction at a given intensity
  1. How is Crossfit different from typical training approaches? - answers>Crossfit utilizes high-intensity compound movements and workouts that are geared to increase overall athletic performance. More holistic than specialized isolated exercise
  2. What are the main exercises and training practices at Crossfit? - answers>Metabolic conditioning, gymnastic movements, olympic lifts, some isometric movements, and sports activities
  3. What does "Core Strength and Conditioning Program" Mean? - answers> 2 senses of the word Core:
  4. The workouts and exercises of crossfit are the core backbone of any athletic endeavor
  5. It's literally exercising for your core (abs) and the functional axis of the body
  6. In Crossfit's view, why is there so much disease? - answers>They believe that fitness and health are about the same thing. There are 3 types of ways your health can be: Sick, normal, or above normal. If your athletics are above normal, your amount of health will be above normal and your chance of sickness and disease will be low
  7. What is the optimal training frequency and duration in Crossfit? - answers>Anywhere from 45 minutes- 1 hour 5-6 days a week. Additional time isn't necessary if your training is high-intensity. More training and practice per day could be spent on specific skills for sports 10.Is aerobic vs anaerobic exercise more important? - answers>Both are important. The main distinction is in the client's goals

11.What is adaption's role in Crossfit? - answers>Crossfit is constantly varying the workouts to include the 10 fitness domains, meaning the athlete is constantly adapting 12.What affect does Crossfit have on neuroendocrine response? - answers>Crossfit produces an enormous response in testosterone and growth factor hormones, simply by utilizing compound movements with large weights at high intensity. The importance of this for athletes and those looking to get in shape is incredible. 13.What is Cross-training and does Crossfit utilize it? - answers>Cross-training is participating and practicing for multiple sports. Crossfit often combines small amounts of cross-training into their client's programs. Practicing these moves will specifically help athletes learn new skills and improve old ones. 14.How does Crossfit use functional movement? - answers>All movements in crossfit are multi-joint and compound, which are found in natural movements more often than isometric movements. Functional movements are not only safe but elicit the highest training response. 15.What diet does Crossfit recommend? - answers>The zone diet, which typically recommends 30% protein, 40% carb, and 30% fat. Diet is centered around lean meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Higher protein is recommended for more elite athletes. 16.What do Crossfit's Fitness models measure? - answers>They are used to systematically measure and understand work capacity. How well a person is able to perform difficult tasks tells us how healthy and vibrant a person is.

17.What is Crossfit's 1st model to measure fitness? - answers>How experienced the athlete is in the 10 General Physical skills 18.What's Crossfit's 2nd model to measure fitness? - answers>The hopper. This model suggests that if a workout was given to you completely at random with varying reps, sets, rest periods, exercises, order of exercises, routines, periodization, etc. on different days, you would be able to complete the routine. 19.What's Crossfit's 3rd model to measure fitness? - answers>The metabolic pathways model. This suggests that we need to develop our phosphagen system, glycolytic system, and oxidative system. 20.What's Crossfit's 4th model to measure fitness? - answers>Sickness- Wellness-Fitness Continuum. In this case, fitness is super-wellness. We can take an immense amount of data on any individual (blood pressure, BF %, Bone density, triglycerides, cholesterol, muscle mass, etc.) and place them into one of the 3 categories. 21.What's the difference between training vs practice? - answers>- Training: Activity that improves performance through a change in the body (strength, stamina, endurance, flexibility).

  • Practice: Activity that improves performance through a change in the nervous system (balance, coordination, agility, accuracy). 22.Power and speed are improved with both 23.Whats the key to developing cardio without losing strength, speed, or power? - answers>Interval training

24.What is the Theoretical Hierarchy of Development for an athlete? - answers>If you have a deficiency at any level along the hierarchy, all levels below will suffer 25.What are the roles of safety, efficacy and efficiency? - answers>All 3 of these should be working with eachother, if you specialize in one or 2, it could negatively impact another. Here are what they mean:

  • Safety: The amount of people that end up at the finish line without any injuries
  • Efficacy: What will the client recieve? In Crossfit, we increase work capacity across time and modal domains
  • Efficiency: How quickly the client can expect to achieve their results 26.What is the progression that crossfit athletes should take? - answers>First, develop mechanics (techniques of movement), then establish consistency (a schedule to practice movements), finally add intensity (how difficult the workouts are). 27.What are the differences between mechanics, technique, form, and style? - answers>- Mechanics: The amount of relative power, torque, and angles an athlete can get on their movements
  • Technique: The method to success for completion of a movement. It's what increases the amount of work for the energy expended. Some techniques are better/worse than others (form)
  • Form: The "Shoulds" and "Should nots" applied to mechanics and technique
  • Style: The signerature to the movements of each individual. Style doesn't compromise technique

28.Intensity vs technique: - answers>Crossfit is all about quantifiable fitness. Using great technique with high intensity is required. Each person has their own healthy balance 29.What is threshold training? - answers>Finding the intensity where errors just start to occur, then try to reduce errors at that intensity 30.What is crossfit's view on insulin and health? - answers>Hyperinsulinism (too much insulin) is the cause of most chronic disease, especially diabetes 31.What accounts for 70% of disease in America? - answers>Poor lifestyle habits 32.The "-ic" variation that contributes to 30% of disease: - answers>- Kinetic: Physical trauma, car crash, hit by person

  • Toxic: environmental toxins
  • Genetic: genetic disorder you are born with
  • Microbic: virus, bacteria, prions 33.What's crossfit's equation for health? - answers>Fitness + luck = Health 34.What diet is recommended for Crossfit athletes? - answers>The Zone Diet created by Barry Sears 35.What is the method to calculate one's block prescription on the Zone Diet? - answers>1. Find your body fat percentage (11%) 36.Fat % (11%) x Present weight (145lbs.) = Fat weight (16 lbs.) 37.Present weight (145 lbs.) - Fat weight (16 lbs.) = Lean Body Mass (129 lbs.) 38.Find Activity level (anywhere from 0.5-1.2 depending on activity level)

39.Lean Body Mass (129 lbs.) x Activity level (0.9) = Daily protein requirements (116g) 40.Daily protein requirements (116g) / 7 = Blocks Per Day (17) 41.What should an athlete do if their performance suffers due to weight loss? - answers>Increase the amount of fat. Some crossfit athletes get 70% of their calories from fat. 42.What supplements are recommended in Crossfit? - answers>Fish oil or Omega-3 supplement. Crossfit recommend such a high amount of fat that getting the right balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 (1:2 or 1:3 ratio) is somewhat difficult. If the individual is vegan, algae oil is recommended. 43.What does the schedule look like for crossfit athletes? - answers>3 days on, 1 day off. Because of most people's work schedule, it can be adjusted to 5 days on and 2 days off. 44.What are the 3 exercise modalities and what are their purpose? - answers>1. Monostructural metabolic conditioning: repeated movements over a long time, mostly used to improve cardio and stamina 45.2. Gymnastics: Body-weight exercises aimed at improving body control by improving neurological components (balance, coordination, agility, accuracy, and functional strength) 46.3. Weightlifting: Combines olympic lifts and powerlifting, where the aim is to increase full-body strength and power 47.What is the workout structure in CF? - answers>

48.What is scaling? - answers>Making an exercise or workout easier with fewer reps, movements, or work 49.In Crossfit, how is the body divided? - answers>4 body parts: spine, pelvis, femur, tibia 50.3 joints: sacroiliac joint, hip joint, knee joint 51.2 directions for joint movement: trunk and leg 52.Flexion vs extension: - answers>Flexion is decreasing the angle on a joint, extension is increasing the angle 53.When has the squat (or really any exercise) been mastered? - answers>When both technique and performance are superior for the individual 54.Causes of a bad squat: - answers>1. Poor engagement, weak control, and/or no awareness of the glutes and hamstrings 55.2. Trying to squat with the quads 56.3. Inflexibility 57.4. Sloppy work and poor focus 58.Therapies for common faults with squatting: - answers>- Bar holds: Use a barbell as balance to move to the bottom position of the squat, then let go of the bar with your hands

  • Box squatting: Squat down to a 10-inch or higher box, then squat back to standing position without rocking forward
  • Bottom-to-bottoms: Stay in the bottom position of the squat for as long as possible with perfect form. Only come to standing position when needed.
  • Overhead squats: Perform an overhead squat with a broomstick or PVC pipe a few inches in front of a doorway. Don't allow the bar to hit the doorway. Move closer to the doorway as you progress 59.What's the point of doing overhead squats? - answers>Improve squat technique, incredible core exercise, works on midline control, stability, and balance. 60.What are the benchmarks for beginning, good, and great deadlifts? - answers>Beginner: body-weight deadlift 61.Good: 2x body-weight 62.Great: 3x body-weight 63.What are the 3 guiding principles for proper technique of the deadlift? - answers>Orthopedic safety, functionality, and mechanical advantage: Due to concerns with hip immobility and lack of functionality, wide stances for the deadlift are not recommended 64.What are the 6 abilities of an effective trainer? - answers>- Teaching: Ability to articulate and instruct the mechanics of each move
  • Seeing: Ability to discern good from poor movement mechanics
  • Correcting: Ability to facilitate better mechanics for an athlete using verbal, visual, and/or tactile cues
  • Demonstration: Ability to provide an accurate visual representation of the movement. This also means "walking the talk."
  • Group and/or gym management: Ability to organize and manage a gym facility
  • Presence and attitude: Ability to create a positive and engaging learning environment

65.What are the guiding tenants for gaining expertise as a trainer? - answers>- Master the fundamentals: Understand that clients progress with movement, then consistency, then intensity. You must be a master of all 3 to really understand the process. Don't make your workouts super difficult to impress clients, work at their speed

  • Limit the scope: Make sure novice trainers don't take on too many trainers or clients because their performance will falter if they have too many. The point of class is to improve a client's athletic ability and have a positive experience so the client is excited for the next session.
  • "Know what you don't know": Stay within your scope of practice and refer out when needed. 66.How do you protect a client from rhabdomyolysis? - answers>- Follow mechanics, then consistency, then intensity
  • Know the movements that have a higher rate of rhabdo (those that prolong eccentric contraction)
  • Scale workouts for clients appropriately
  • Avoid progressive scaling
  • Educate clients on the symptoms of rhabdo 67.How quickly should trainers increase intensity? - answers>Set a few months for increasing load and volume for athletes, then have gradual increases in intensity. It's smart to err on the safe side. 68.What is Progressive scaling? Who should it be used for? - answers>It's continually adjusting the difficulty of a workout (during the workout) so that an exhausted athlete can continue to move. Should be used for more advanced athletes and should be applied cautiously.

69.How do you minimize equipment related injuries? - answers>- Check equipment condition, use and arrangement (Test equipment at maximum capacity, make sure equipment that allows athletes to hang or hang upside down is checked and maintained, make sure the workout area is clear and safe)

  • Be prepared for equipment to fall (teach proper hand grip, help athlete develop body awareness, teach other athletes how to properly spot, teach athletes how to bail safely, )
  • Do a "dry run" of the workout before it begins 70.How much fluid should athletes drink? - answers>Drink only when thirsty. If you overcompensate with water to prevent body-weight loss, performance will suffer and could be deadly (Exercise-associated hyponatremia) 71.How can trainers advance their education? - answers>- Teach to Learn
  • Watch other coaches who are more experienced
  • Attend a Level 2 Certificate Course
  • Attend additional courses
  • Read and study everything related to training, movement, and health
  • Learn from those outside of the Crossfit community
  • Study 72.What is Crossfit's advice for success as a trainer? - answers>Markets are largely unknowable, excellence is obvious to everyone, and free markets reward excellence. So be excellent. 73.What is the process for using Crossfit in a gym or facility to advertise/do? - answers>To use Crossfit's brand name, you need to be an affiliate with Crossfit. To do that, you need to complete their online form and give payment.

74.What can you use on your resume/business cards? - answers>Crossfit Level 1 Trainer 75.What are 4 effective nutritional strategies? - answers>1. If you could not harvest it out of a garden and eat it an hour later, it's not food. 76.2. Shop around the perimeter of the grocery store 77.3. If it has a food label, it's not food 78.4. If it is no-perishable, it's not food.