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An insightful analysis of cultural conflicts depicted in the PK movie by Rajkumar Hirani. The researcher explores the significance of studying cultural conflicts through sociological approach and identifies various types of cultural differences leading to conflicts. The document also discusses the impact of cultural conflicts on social stability and continuity within societies.
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A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora in English and Literature Department of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities of UIN Alauddin Makassar By NURHASANAH Reg. No. 4030011 2090 ENGLISH AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY ALAUDDIN STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2017
First of all, the researcher would like to extend the deepest gratitude to the Almighty Allah Swt, The Researcher, the only provider for providing to her with a little light for searching more of His unlimited knowledge during her study at State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar. The researcher also never forget to send the greet and invocation to the prophet Muhammad Saw, the Great Prophet who is sent by Allah Swt as the Rahmatan Lil Alamiin. The researcher got a lot of help and support from many people around her during the process of finishing this thesis. There are many people who provided their motivations, advices and even remark that helped the researcher. Therefore the researcher would like to express her appreciation to all of them.
also to the staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, for their help and administrative support.
HALAMAN JUDUL........................................................................................... i HALAMAN PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI ....................................... ii HALAMAN PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ................................................. iii HALAMAN PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI ............................................................. iv APPROVAL SHEET .......................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... iv ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... x CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1 A. Background of Research ..................................................... 1 B. Research Question ............................................................... 3 C. Objectives of Research ........................................................ 4 D. Significance of Research ..................................................... 3 E. Scope of Research ............................................................. 4 CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................ 5 A. Previous Findings ................................................................ 5 B. Theoritical Background ........................................................ 6
- 2. Elements of Movie - 3. Synopsis of Movie
This chapter presents background of research, problem of statement, objective of research, significance of research, and the last scope of research. A. Background of study Literature represents life, which may actually happen in social realities. Literary works tell about human life and life itself is an inspiration for producers to produce a literary work. As Wellek and Warren state: “Literature represents life, and life is in large measure, a social reality even though the natural world and the inners of the subjective world of the individual have also been object of literature imitation”. (Wellek and Warren: 1970: 94). According to Kennedy (2003 : 47), literature is a kind of art that can offer plesure and illumination. It gives us the beauty, fact, even, and imagination born from the proccess of contempolation or observetion of social phenomena as living the impact of the reality and the restlessness of human being. Literature is an important subject to study because it reproduces or recreates life through words, it takes human experience as its material. Studying it can help us to understand life, environment, culture and values better. As landy state : “literature includes the whole aspects of human activities, expressing any feeling, emotion, though and ideas studying it can help us to understand life and our environment” (Landy, 2002 : 2 ).
In short, the researcher concludes that literature is a kind of art which represents life where the producer can result literary work because of getting inspiration from the life. That is why from literature, researcher can learn about life and environment. There are some genres of literature. According to Bakhtin (2003 : 3), the most genres in literature are (in chronological order) they are epic, tragedi, comedy, novel, short story, movie and creative nonfiction Most of literary works serve social facts, movie for instance. Bring variety of phenomenon though words, such as politics, economics, culture and social. The movie is a literary work that is very supportive in literature itself, it is very nice studied by contains of many aspects, it is mentioned that likes of intercultural communication and components of culture. Novinger (2001: 9) states that intercultural are used indicating one or several differences between communicators relating to language, national origin, race or ethnicity. Novinger adds, we can understand intercultural communication as cultural variances in perception of social objects and events. The differences commonly defined as cultural include language, nationality, ethnicity, values and customs (2001: 13). One of the movies which determined to reserach culture of “PK” movie. It is an Indian producer Rajkumar Hirani‟s movie, this movie has emerged as the most successful Indian movies all the time, by rated 66 highest sold movie of 2014 worldwide.
This movie was adapted by the producer who had a doubt about the Indian cultural conflict. Actually, there are so many conflicts told of the story, as such as, it was through by the under privilege. The researcher choosed this movie because it reflects the social condition and the culture of society. By watching this movie, the viewer can learn cultural conflicts and components of culture reveled in this movie. It will increase our cultural awareness or better understanding about it. The researcher is interested in analyzing Cultural Conflicts in Intercultural Communication in “PK” Movie by Rajkumar Hirani (Sociologocal Approach) because of the addition value which contains in this movie such as theme, characters and settings especially the conflicts. B. Research Question Based on the explanation described above, it is necessary to formulate research questions as follows:
D. Significance of Research The significances of the research give some benefits for the researcher, readers, students, society and others, to know more about the components of culture and cultural conflicts. Besides that, this research would become a reference for other students who want to study about it, so the other researcher could take this sources based on literary work. E. Scope of the Research In this research, the researcher focus on analyzing about the components of culture and cultural conflicts in “PK” movie by Rajkumar Hirani. Based on the components of culture by Manohar theory and cultural conflict with Kennedy theory, and researcher took them all to be analyzed by using sociological approach,.
This chapter deals with some previous findings and theoretical background, Definition of movie and the last Synopsis of movie. A. Previous Findings Anugrah (2000) conducted a study under the title, Cultural Conflicts in a Passage to India a Novel by Edward Morgan Forster. This research used qualitative method. This research aimed to find out the different culture between Indian and English in the novel in a passage to India and to know the men from Indian and English who can adapt with the different culture. The writer would use Uncertainty Avoidence theory by William Gudykunts. In this research the writer found the different culture between English men and Indians such as belief and worship, way of living, dress, language and climate. The conflict reflected through the characters (Indian and English people). Cultural conflicts occurs when there is a different view about cultural values. Amin (2007) conducted a study under the title, Cultural Conflicts in Intercultural Communication of Paul Haggis Film “Crash”. This research the writer used the qualitative method, concentrates her researches on cultural conflicts between Indian and England in language aspects in the dialogue of the film or cultural conflicts that exist in the real life that captured in a film. In this research the writer used Speech Codes theory by Gary Philipsen, besides that, the writer used discourses analysis. She found 10 utterances of the film, which
showed the cultural conflicts because of different perception in translating language based on their culture. Palayukan (2010) conducted a study under the title, Cultural Clash in Frances Hodgson Burnett’s Novel the Secret Gard en. This research used the qualitative method. This research aims to describe the cultural clash in Frances. The writer analyzed the cultural clash between India and England used Face Negotiation Theory by Ting-Toomey. She found six cultural differences that become the causes of cultural conflicts through the characters in the novel. Compare these three researches, there are similarities to the title which the writer analyzed. The similarity between the previous researchers and the research done by the writer is analyzing about cultural conflicts. In contrast to the analysis of the previous researchers, all of their researchers analyzed the conflict between Indian and England used Intercultural Communication Theory. While this research the researcher analyzed about cultural conflicts and components of culture in the movie based on sociological approach. B. Theoretical Background
1. Sociological Concept of Literature Sociology of literature is a branch study of literary works, which is looking at literary works as it is relation to the social reality, producer and literary creating process, and also the viewer of its work. Thus literary works is related to the historical background of certain society. “Sociology defines itself as a critical activity. The purpose of the sociology is to achive an understanding of social institutions which is different from
the current among the people through whose conduct the institutions exist, an understanding which is not merely different but new and better. The practice of sociology is criticism. It exists to critize claim about the value of achievement and to ask assumption about the meaning of cunduct”, (Burns, 200 7 : 10). Sociology, in sociology of literature (Swingedwood, 2002 : 35) is essentially scientific, objective study of man in society, the study of social and social processes, it seeks an answer the question of how society is possible, how its works, why it persist. Moreover literature is an attempt to make sense of our lives. Literature perfoms a picture of life. Life itself is social reality. It means that, the social reality is also including the relation intersociety. Intersociety and individual, including producer, which occurs in producer‟s mind. Wellek and Warren (2006 : 94), explain the correlation between literature and society as follows “Literature is a social institution, using as its medium language, a social creation. They are conventions and norm which could have arisen only in society. But futhermore, literature „represent‟ life : and life is, in large measure, a social reality, even though the netural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary „imitation‟. Sociology contains an idea which migth be used to develop certain social attitude as swingedwood states that : “This aspects of sociology is related to the concept of social stability, of continuity within different societies, the way in which individuals come to accept the major social institutions as both necessary and right. But of course, sociology is concerned also with the processes whereby society changes, gradually, or cataclysmic as in revolution - from one type of society to another from feudalism to capitalism form example- and the
affects, which these changes have on social structure”, (Swingewood, 200 2 : 11-12). Sociology is dealing with literature. It is used to study literature and social institution. The literary works derived from social phenomena, which is expressed by producer as his vision of the world and reaction of the phenomena mentioned. As like sociology, literature concerned with man‟s social world, as Burns says : Sociology is truly the study of institutionalization, and not merely of institution, then some grasp of this process within literature, and perhaps in art generally. (Burns 2003 : 28). The researcher can conclude that sociology and literature are connected each other. Literature performs a picture of life, while life itself is social reality which is icluded in sociology, because sociology is the objective of man in society.
2. Sociological Approach Sociological approach is more concerned with individuals and their relationship with society, like cultural, economical or political aspects. As Kennedy and Gloria states: “Sociological approach or sociological criticism examines literature in the cultural, economical and political context in which it is written or received” (1995: 2005 ). Simmel emphasizes individual analysis unit in his theory. Simmel states as quoted by Turner ( 2004 : 75), one of the main tasks of sociology is understand the interaction between individual that can result conflict or solidarity between
them. Simmel adds that conflicts are happened because of interaction between individual who has “Emotional strength” and the built solidarity one another. He says that conflict is tendency that is impossible to be avoided in the society. Conflict is a form basic social interaction, related with cooperation attitude in the society. Conflict in sociology has assumption that society always in controversy and change condition. Besides that Simmel adds as quoted by Coser (1967: 32). If there is not conflict in the group, it means that the integration is weak in the group with society. Actually, conflict is not always giving negative effect but also conflict can give the positive effect. Conflict in positive effect can help social structure but in negative effect, conflict will make framework of society become weak. From the explanation above, researcher can understand that sociology cannot be separated from social processes in which the people have to make the process of cultural learning to make stability of social structure and the continuity of live within different societies. In other words, sociology cannot be separated from culture.
3. Cultural Concept Conflict between any cultures is the central discussion in this research. Since the behavior evokes cultural conflict, the question about what actually culture means to people seems urgent to be answered. What is culture itself? There are some definitions of culture, based on the points of view.
a. Kroeber and Kloeckhen, ( 200 2: 39), divided culture into five classes, as follows: Descriptive, which is emphasized on cultural components.
Antropologiest Hall (200 9 : 120), in his catalyzing work the silent language, states that culture is not one thing, but rather a complex series of interrelated activities with origin deeply buried in our past. He treats culture in its entirety as a form on communication. Culture is communication and communication is culture. Thus, culture could be defined as shared background such as knowledge relationship, and religious, also reflecting a common language and communication style, and shared customs, beliefs, attitudes and values. Each human being has culture which is formed from creative power, taste, and wish of the owner. It is built by any element in the society play together to be a cultural system. Talking about the relation between culture and communication, Novinger (2001: 15) adds explanation that culture gives human identity. It is the total communication framework for words, action, body language, emblems (gestures), intonation, facial expressions, for the way one handles time, space and materials. All these things and more are complete communication systems. When people with different cultural backgrounds live with or near one another. Margerita B. Melville as quoted by Oswalt, ( 2006 : 48) observes that there is one of three possible value attitudes, depending on the nature of the relationship. The first is an absence of concern about ethnic identity. The second is positive value – attitudes. In this form, a subordinate group organizes effective opposition by placing a positive value on their in – group identity. The third type
is value pejorative attitudes occur in confrontation ethnic as the in-group disparages out-group are notice but the group is not considered better or worse than one‟s own. There are different types of cultures across the world, and each culture has its unique essence. One of influential theory in sociological approach is b. Component of Culture Theory****. For answer the first querstion, the resercher used Manohar ( 2011 ) Theory. He says there are some components of culture, they are:
b) Religious norms, are norms based on the teachings of a religion or creed, this norm demands absolute obedience every adherents. c) Law norms, are norms that are based on commands and prohibitions that govern discipline in a society with legal provions and there are law inforcement as the authorities impose sanctions. d) Moral norms, are norms that are based on human conscience or morals. These norms are universal, that everyone around the world recognize and adhere to this norm, but forms and manifestation may be different.
4. Concept of Conflict In our life, there are many problems or conflicts, which have to be faced by human. Conflict is a universal phenomenon in human life. We can say that everybody will face the conflict; nevertheless the conflict that had been experienced by mankind is different from another. As Glorier (200 3 : 371), explains that conflict is an accident which has been generally happened in human life, everyone can face all kinds of conflict because of different reasons. It is similar to Glorier, Bernard, (2000: 30) state that. “Conflict is a normal part of human interaction. It is necessary to a certain extent. It must not always presume war. It can manifest at multiple levels, including behavioral, emotional, or perspective dimensions, in conflict” In other side, Perrine defines conflict as: Conflict is perceived condition exists between the parties or more feel the discrepancy between goals and opportunities to meddle in the business achievement of the goals of others. For answer the second question, the researcher used Kennedy‟s theory (200 6 : 20). He also divides conflict into four kinds, are those are: