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CWAM TEST 1 100% VERIFIED ANSWERS 2024/2025 CORRECT STUDY SET, Exams of Organization and Business Administration


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Available from 12/02/2024




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Download CWAM TEST 1 100% VERIFIED ANSWERS 2024/2025 CORRECT STUDY SET and more Exams Organization and Business Administration in PDF only on Docsity!




Which of the following best describes the function of a SAG? a. To manage a cooperative program for breeding specific, and typically threatened or endangered, species population in zoos b. To maintain a database of a species, including the pedigree and demographic history of each individual in the captive population c. To provide expert scientific advice to zoo professionals regarding topics such as reproductive biology, nutrition, and behavior and to serve as consultants/advisors for specific zoo-related topics d. To examine the needs of a particular group of animals and develop a regional plan for the conservation and management of population within that group. This is the umbrella group under which the other animal programs fall c. To provide expert scientific advice to zoo professionals regarding topics such as reproductive biology, nutrition, and behavior and to serve as consultants/advisors for specific zoo-related topics A permit may be obtained to hold a species specifically listed as injurious for all of the following reasons except: a. Zoological b. Education c. Research d. Medical reasons e. Private pet, with condition that none will be released f. All of the above are permit reasons g. None of the above are permit reasons e. Private pet, with condition that none will be released With regard to conservation, AZA accredited zoos: a. Must conduct field research

b. Should display endangered species c. Are required to participate in or contribute to conservation action d. Don't have conservation as a major emphasis c. Are required to participate in or contribute to conservation action Generally, animal habitats are cleaned: a. Every day b. A couple of times a week c. Once a week d. As needed a. Every day How can you tell if the space provided in an enclosure is effective for the animal? a. The animals is visible to zoo visitors at all times b. The animal exhibits similar behaviors to what might be seen in the wild c. The animal utilizes all areas and components of that space d. The enclosure remains in good condition and is not damaged by the animal b. The animal exhibits similar behaviors to what might be seen in the wild To be in compliance with regulations, research facilities/investigators that deal with live warm blooded animals must do all of the following except: a. Register as an educational facility b. Establish a special committee to oversee the research c. Consider alternatives to animal use d. Minimize discomfort and stress to the animals e. Ensure the research does not duplicate previous research f. They must do all of the above g. None of the above are required a. Register as an educational facility The position at a zoo which is responsible for maintaining the records and the appropriate permits is: a. Keeper b. Veterinary technician

c. Registrar d. Curator e. Director of Conservation c. Registrar You are a new keeper at the Endangered Wolf Center and receive a call from someone who wants to donate a cow that died giving birth. You respond by saying: a. Thank you ---- but this is not an item we feed here b. Thank you ---- all donations are greatly appreciated. We are non-profit c. Thank you ---- if the animal was ick, we couldn't feed her, but this will be great! d. Thank you ---- the wolves love beef a. Thank you ---- but this is not an item we feed here Proper CWAM is very important because the animal no longer has its: a. Home b. Family Structure c. Natural choices d. Resources c. Natural choices The Grevy's Zebra Trust assists the people in Kenya in which of the following ways? a. Education b. Employment c. Habitat restoration and management d. All of the above e. None of the above d. All of the above All of the following are biotic variable except: a. Humidity b. Temperature c. Illumination d. Space

e. All of the above are biotic variables f. None of the above are biotic variables f. None of the above are biotic variables If an animal is specifically listed by regulation as endangered, a permit to collect the animal may be obtained for which of the following seasons: a. Exhibition b. Species conservation/propagation c. Scientific Research d. All of the above e. None of the above f. A & B g. B & C h. A & C g. B & C In the context of zoos, which of the following provides the best definition for immersion? a. Zoos create naturalistic exhibits so the visitor feels like he or she is in the wild habitat of the animals b. Zoos create a stimulating environment for visitors, in which they are constantly entertained c. Zoos create exhibits that provide all needs and choices for the animals held there d. The conditions to which animals must adapt in a zoo environment a. Zoos create naturalistic exhibits so the visitor feels like he or she is in the wild habitat of the animals Provides for human care and treatment of animals Animal Welfare Act (AWA) Seeks to unsure trade does not threaten animals Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES) Specifically prohibits the importation/exportation of animals like ruminants, swine, birds, etc. Animals Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

Primarily concerned with the transfer of diseases between non-human animals and humans Public Health Service Act Regulates the movement of animals across state lines Lacey Act What do the following represent? TAG ZIMS AZA ESA Taxon Advisory Groups Zoological Information Management System Association of Zoos & Aquariums Endangered Species Act Name the four areas in which AZA accredited facilities have achieved rigorous standards animal care, education, conservation, research What is the #1 advantage zoos and aquaria have over other animal conservation entities? What must they do to capitalize on this advantage? visitors

  • educate them as much as we can An animal's need for space is determined by what 4 factors? mates, food, shelter, water We stated 4 specific goals of SSP's with regard to zoo population. Name and explain them demographically stable
  • distribution of male vs. female & young vs. old healthy
  • need to live & have longevity or whats the purpose? life sustaining
  • need to be able to reproduce genetically diverse
  • variation in their genetics Define husbandry. Be specific! the scientific control and management of a specific group of animals Name two advantages to having mixed species exhibit, and three recommendations for management of such exhibits: two advantages:
  • educational
  • don't have to have separate enclosures three recommendations:
  • animal behavior
  • have same diets (don't eat each other)
  • let them go away from each other (put them in holding facility) because they need time alone You are training a new keeper regarding animal introductions. Describe the process. Why are introductions handled in this manner? "Howdy Introductions"
  • you put a gate in-between the two animals so that they can smell and see each other
  • then once you feel like they are ready you put them (slowly) into the same space
  • this is important so that they can sense each other rather than being completely & randomly introduced why handled in this manner?
  • we do this for safety purpose State 3 basic recommendations for animal display display in groups invisible barriers more naturalistic Contrast a conservation center with a modern zoo. State at least two distinct differences


  • reintroduction & reproduction
  • larger population size & fewer species Modern Zoo
  • educational
  • many species & smaller population size Name at least two characteristics of the enclosures at the Endangered Wolf Center that are critical to the center's mission
  • very large so hunt small prey as well as room to travel in groups
  • no human presence (as little as possible) (ex: guided tours) State at least three techniques that can be used to decrease conflicts between livestock and predators
  1. fladry: set up flags to scare wolves/predators
  2. move barn/living area closer to the owners
  3. do constant check ups b/c predators scared of humans
  4. give owners GPS