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D322 - Introduction to IT | 160 Question with Correct Answers 2023, Exams of Introduction to Computing

D322 - Introduction to IT | 160 Question with Correct Answers 2023

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D322 - Introduction to IT | 160 Question with

Correct Answers 2023

  1. System Administrator - >>>>A person who is responsible for providing technical support for hardware and software issues end users encounter, such as log-in issues.
  2. Network Administrator - >>>>A person who is responsible for designing, planning, setting up, and maintaining an organization's network.
  3. Database administrator - >>>>A person who is responsible for installing and configuring databases. This position also fixes database errors and creates user accounts.
  4. Security Administrator - >>>>A person who is responsible for installing, administrating, and troubleshooting network security issues.
  5. Web Administrator - >>>>A person who is responsible for troubleshooting error messages employees encounter when attempting to access their organization's website. Also, responsible for tracking, compiling, and analyzing website usage data.
  6. Cloud Architect - >>>>A person who is responsible for overseeing a company's cloud computing systems. Strong understanding of operating systems such as LINUX, UNIX, and Windows is required.
  7. Network Architect - >>>>A person who is responsible for designing networks and monitoring traffic. This position is responsible for installing routers and modems and upgrading hardware and software that are essential for the network to function properly.
  8. Automation Architect - >>>>A person who is responsible for modernizing business processes and developing reasons or rationales for or against a process being automated.
  9. Cyber Architect - >>>>A person who is responsible for designing, building, testing, and implementing security systems within an organization's information technology network.

An individual within this position requires a thorough understanding of an organization's IT systems to anticipate possible network security breaches.

  1. Machine Learning Engineer - >>>>A person who is responsible for allowing an organization to take full control of its data.
  2. Software Engineer - >>>>A person who is responsible for designing and developing software that makes hardware and software systems work, including operating systems, database systems, and embedded systems.
  3. Network Engineer - >>>>A person who is responsible for setup, configure, maintain, and upgrade system where data resides that support the exchange of information, including communication systems and networks.
  4. Cloud Engineer - >>>>These individuals design and set up automation, cloud storage, data centers, virtual servers, and web services with an emphasis on a particular solution's cost benefits to users, and security of data processing.
  5. Technical Support - >>>>Supports, monitors, and maintains workplace technology and responds to user requests for help.
  6. Systems Analyst - >>>>Investigate business problems and create information systems to provide solutions. It requires both business and technical knowledge and rely on effective communication to understand client's requirements.
  7. Data Analyst - >>>>Who uses statistical and other quantitative methods to gain insights that support the organization's decision making.
  8. Security Analyst - >>>>A person who is responsible for monitoring an organization's network for security breaches.
  9. Cybersecurity Specialist - >>>>Works with organizations to keep their information systems secure and ensure integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data.
  1. Technical Consultant - >>>>Provides technical expertise by developing and implementing IT systems for external clients.
  2. Web Developer - >>>>Builds and maintains websites and their infrastructure. Need to understand client-side, server-side, and database web technologies.
  3. Software Tester - >>>>A person who is responsible for creating, documenting, and executing manually created test plans and procedures relating to system anomalies.
  4. Technical Sales - >>>>IT professionals in the role of sales or account managers identify and help clients adopt IT services or techniques.
  5. Data Pyramid - >>>>It is a concept that visualizes the data-information-knowledge- wisdom hierarchy.
  6. Information - >>>>A collection of data from a variety of sources. Data is continually aggregating and is not useful until it has been processed and is presented in a usable form. Information can be unstructured or structured, and the key term associated with it is meaning
  7. Data - >>>>Includes raw facts or observations.
  8. Knowledge - >>>>It is hard to define. It is a dynamic combination of experience, values, and contextual information. The key term associated with knowledge is "context"
  9. Wisdom - >>>>it is knowing the right thing to do.
  10. IPOS (Input-Process-Output-Storage) - >>>>The IPOS model explains what computer systems are used for. They take input, process it, and provide an output while using storage to keep intermediate and final results of the transformation of data. Individual hardware components support the function of computer systems.
  11. Three basic computer components - >>>>CPU, storage, and peripheral devices
  1. CPU (Contract Processing Unit) - >>>>The CPU supports data processing. The CPU is the electronic circuit responsible for executing computer program introductions.
  2. Computer Memory - >>>>Stores ephemeral programs and data in use temporarily for quick access and primarily store it in RAM (Random Access Memory)
  3. Peripheral Devices - >>>>It supports the input and output operations of the system.
  4. Three parts of CPU - >>>>ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit), Control Unit, and Processor Register
  5. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) - >>>>It contains circuitry that performs on data. Such as addition and subtraction
  6. Control Unit - >>>>It contains circuitry coordinating the machine's activities
  7. Processor Register - >>>>It contains data storage cells called registers
  8. Registers - >>>>They serve as temporary holding places for data being manipulated by the CPU. It holds the inputs to the ALU and stores the results.
  9. Memory Address Register (MAR) - >>>>Holds the memory location of data that needs to be accessed.
  10. Memory Data Register (MDR) - >>>>Holds data that is being transferred to or from memory
  11. RAM (Random Access Memory) - >>>>Sometime referred to as primary or main memory. When the computer is off the data will be lost.
  12. ROM (Read Only Memory) - >>>>A component that stores instructions for crucial system activities, including booting up the systems and initializing different computer components.
  1. Bus (or Bus Lines) - >>>>The wires that serve as electrical roadways, transmitting information between CPU and other components.
  2. Three types of Bus - >>>>Address bus, data bus, and control bus
  3. Address Bus - >>>>Carries the destination address of the data is assigned to be processed.
  4. Data Bus - >>>>Carries data between the processor, the memory unit, and the input/output devices.
  5. Control Bus - >>>>Carries control signals/commands from the CPU. Controls and coordinates all activities within the computer system
  6. System Unit - >>>>also known as a tower or chassis, encases various components (CPU, RAM, power supply, etc.)
  7. Mother board - >>>>Main circuit board for the computer containing bother soldered components that cannot removed and sockets or slots for components can be removed.
  8. System Clock - >>>>It sends out a pulse of electricity at regular intervals. The more pulses sent out, the faster the computer.
  9. Expansion slots - >>>>a place in a computer where an expansion card can be inserted.
  10. Ports - >>>>Allow cables to be plugged in without opening the system unit. e.g., parallel, serial, and USB (Universal Serial Bus).
  11. Secondary Storage - >>>>Hold data and information permanently. The Saved content remains on even when the computer is powered down.
  12. Input Device - >>>>The device that translates data into a form that the computer can understand,
  1. Output Device - >>>>The device that translates information into a form that humans can understand.
  2. Communication Devices - >>>>Allow a computer to send and receive data and from other computers.
  3. Supercomputer - >>>>the biggest and fastest computers, designed to process huge amounts of data. It is particularly useful in scientific and engineering applications such as weather forecasting, scientific simulations, and nuclear energy research.
  4. Mainframe Computer - >>>>designed to support hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously. They also support multiple programs at the same time, making them useful to big organizations that manage and process high volumes of data.
  5. Workstation - >>>>a single-user computer designed for technical or scientific applications. It has a faster microprocessor, a large amount of RAM, and high-speed graphics cards. It generally performs a specific job with great expertise. Graphics, music, and engineering design departments often use this type of system.
  6. microcomputer - >>>>more commonly known as a personal computer. It is a general- purpose computer for individual use. It has a memory, storage, input and output units, and a microprocessor as a central processing unit. Desktops, laptops, and handheld or mobile devices are all microcomputers.
  7. PAN (Personal Area Network) - >>>>A small network consisting of personal devices at close range; the devices can include cell phones, PDAs, and notebook computers.
  8. LAN (Local Area Network) - >>>>A network consists of a collection of computers in a single building or building complex. For example, the computers in a manufacturing building may be connected via a LAN.
  9. WAN (Wide Area Network) - >>>>WANs link systems over a greater distance, including machines on the opposite sides of the world.
  1. Four common network topologies - >>>>Bus, star, ring, and mesh
  2. Bus network - >>>>The machines are connected to a common communication line called a bus. (Connecting several computers in a straight line.)
  3. Star network - >>>>Various computers connected in the middle by a router
  4. Ring network - >>>>Computers are arranged in a circle with each one connecting to the computers on either side. Unlike the star diagram, there is no device in the middle to which they connect. (Connect directly to each other as a peer).
  5. Mesh network - >>>>connects every device in a network to every other device; mesh networks enable redundancy while also introducing significantly more network traffic.
  6. Client/Server network - >>>>The basic roles played by the processes are categorized as either a client making requests or a server satisfying client requests.
  7. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) - >>>>the basis of file-sharing services, a computer communications model and network whose computers are considered equal peers who can send, store, and receive information equally well
  8. Distributed Systems - >>>>Interactions between computers via networks have become commonplace and multifaceted. Many modern systems, such as global information retrieval systems or computer games, are designed as distributed systems. Distributed systems execute software as processes on more than one computer.
  9. Clustering computing - >>>>Use many independent computers to provide computations or services comparable to those of a larger machine. The cost of several individual machines can be less than a higher-priced supercomputer, with comparable performance.
  10. Grid computing - >>>>Typically includes specialized software to make it easier to distribute the workload and data among the machines in the grid.
  1. Cloud computing - >>>>Provides large pools of shared computers that can be allocated to clients as needed. Services such as Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud allow clients to rent virtual computers by the hour no matter where the associated computer hardware is located.
  2. IPv4 - >>>>32bit address pattern (e.g.,
  3. IPv6 - >>>>128bit address pattern (e.g., 2001:DB8:12:34::1111)
  4. ICANN (International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) - >>>>A non-profit organization that coordinates the internet's operations
  5. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - >>>>the protocol used for transmitting web pages over the Internet
  6. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - >>>>A communications protocol that enables sending email from a client to a server or between servers.
  7. POP (Post Office Protocol) - >>>>an email protocol that stores and downloads messages to a client
  8. IMAP (internet mail access protocol) - >>>>A more recent and advanced electronic email system for incoming mail.
  9. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) - >>>>protocol that transmits phone calls over the same data lines and networks that make up the Internet; also called Internet telephony
  10. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) - >>>>links documents, allowing users to move from one to another simply by clicking on a hot spot or link
  11. Web Server - >>>>A computer that runs special software to serve up Web content by responding to requests.
  1. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - >>>>A location or address identifying where documents can be found on the Internet, a Web address
  2. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) - >>>>The standard coding language used to construct World Wide Web documents.
  3. Malware - >>>>Malicious software is any software intentionally designed to cause damage to a computer, server, client, or computer network.
  4. Virus - >>>>A software program that infects a computer by inserting itself into programs that already reside in the machine. When the "host" program is executed, the virus is also executed, possibly performing degradations of portions of the operating system, erasing large amounts of data, or corrupting data and other programs.
  5. Worm - >>>>An autonomous program that forwards copies of itself other machine in a network and cloud results in detriment of individual machines or the operations of the network.
  6. Spyware - >>>>Resides on a computer, collecting information about the computer's activities and reporting back to the spyware's instigator. Passwords or credit card numbers can be exposed via spyware.
  7. Phishing - >>>>Technique used to obtain private information by simply asking for it. The perpetrator sends emails posing as a legitimate business asking for information.
  8. DoS (denial of service) attack - >>>>the process of overloading a computer with messages and results in suffocating the network resources.
  9. Packet Sniffing Attack - >>>>An attack on wireless networks where an
  10. attacker captures data and registers data flows in order to analyze what data is contained in a packet.
  11. Brute force attack - >>>>The attacker uses all possible combinations of characters to learn a user's password.
  1. Dictionary Attack - >>>>Performed by the attacker by using an application and a large dictionary text file with just words. When the attacker runs the application, it tries identifying the password by trying hundreds or thousands of words per minute from that dictionary file.
  2. Firewall - >>>>Block outgoing messages with certain destination addresses or block incoming messages from untrustworthy sources.
  3. Proxy Server - >>>>a software that acts as an intermediary between a client and a server to shield the client from adverse actions of the server.
  4. System software - >>>>General-purpose software that is used to operate computer hardware. It provides a platform to run application software.
  5. Application Software - >>>>Specific-purpose software used to perform a specific task.
  6. OS (Operating System) - >>>>It controls the overall operation of a computer. It provides the ability for a user to store and retrieve files, facilitates a user interface to request the execution of programs, and maintains the environment necessary to execute programs.
  7. Two types of Operating System - >>>>Network operating system or Desktop operating system
  8. Three most common operating systems - >>>>Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac
  9. Utility Sofware - >>>>It extends the capabilities of an operating system and helps customize the operating system's function. e.g., software to compress or decompress data, play multimedia presentations, and handle network communications.
  1. Kernel - >>>>contains the operating system components that perform the basic functions required by the computer installation. One such unit is the file manager whose function is to coordinate the machine's storage.
  2. File Manager - >>>>It maintains records of all the files stored in secondary storage, including where each file is stored, which users have access, and portions of the storage are available for new files.
  3. User Interface (UI) - >>>>Allows end users to communicate with operating system.
  4. Command Line Interface (CLI) - >>>>A type of user interface that communicates with end users through textual messages using a keyboard and monitor.
  5. Graphical User Interface (GUI) - >>>>Type of user interface that allows a user to interact with software using text, graphics, and visual images, such as icons.
  6. User Account - >>>>a record within the operating system with information such as a name, password, and user privileges (e.g., administrator vs. standard user)
  7. Paging (Memory Management) - >>>>technique of swapping items between memory and storage
  8. Device Driver - >>>>Software that facilitates the communication between a device and the operating system.
  9. Productivity Software - >>>>Software that people use to complete daily tasks is called productivity software. Productivity software is used to complete tasks such as writing documents, managing personal information, giving presentations, storing data, and sending email.
  10. Collaboration Software - >>>>Software helps people communicate and work with one another, and helps computers share information.
  1. Specialized Software - >>>>Software performs tasks for specific purposes.
  2. Bespoke Software - >>>>Custom made, specifically designed and developed for an organization.
  3. Off-the-Shelf Software - >>>>Not customizable; intended to be used as purchased
  4. Hybrid Software - >>>>Flexible; new features can be introduced via customization options
  5. Local Application - >>>>Software stored on an individual computer.
  6. Cloud Application - >>>>An application that does not reside or run on a user's device but rather is accessible via a network. (Flexible; new features can be introduced via customization options)
  7. Software Licensing - >>>>The agreement on the amount of times it can be used, downloaded, or installed
  8. Software Packing - >>>>Shareware, Freeware, and public domain
  9. Shareware - >>>>software that is available free of charge and often distributed informally for evaluation, after which a fee may be requested for continued use.
  10. Freeware - >>>>Software that is given away free of charge, but whose author still retains all rights.
  11. Public Domain Software - >>>>No EULA and no intellectual property protections and is available for anyone to download and use at their own discretion.
  12. Complier - >>>>Translates source code into machine language. A compiler checks source code for errors before translating it into object code. e.g. C, C++, C#, and Java programs
  1. Interpreter - >>>>Translate and execute source code into machine language one line at a time. If the interpreter finds an error, the process is terminated at the statement containing the error and displays an error message. e.g., Python and Pearl
  2. C++ - >>>>Uses a vocabulary and a set of rules for instructing a computer to perform certain tasks.
  3. Python - >>>>An easy-to-use programming language that does not require a compiler for debugging.
  4. JavaScript - >>>>A programming language designed to enable user engagement with dynamic elements on web pages.
  5. Tcl (Tool Command Language) - >>>>Often used in rapid prototyping and the creation of GUIs, it is a simple and compact language but is also very powerful.
  6. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) - >>>>An all-purpose language that is especially suitable for web development.
  7. Algorithm - >>>>a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem
  8. Database Management System (DBMS) - >>>>Converts large amounts of data into a usable format to help users make business decisions
  9. DBMS Two Major Layer - >>>>Application layer and database management layer
  10. Application Layer - >>>>Communicates with the end user and can be fairly complex. (Consists of programs and services within a server that queries the database on behalf of the client)
  11. Database Table (Datasheet) - >>>>a collection of related records that contain fields to organize data
  1. Common Database Models - >>>>Flat-File, Relational, Hierarchical, and Object- Oriented
  2. Flat-file database - >>>>Store data in a plain text. Each line of text file holds one record. It cannot contain multiple tables.
  3. Hierarchical Database - >>>>One of the oldest database models. Data is organized in a tree structure. There is one parent for each record, with optional nodes, forming sub-trees called segments. Access to the data is predictable and restricted to the paths in the trees.
  4. Relational databases - >>>>Contain database tables that can be joined together in logical ways.
  5. Database administration - >>>>It refers to the whole set of activities that ensure all databases are highly available, secure, and scalable.
  6. Database Administrator (DBA) responsibilities - >>>>Database security, tuning, high availability, business continuity, backup & recovery, reporting, and designing & developing database applications.
  7. Five domains of Information technology - >>>>1. Communication
    1. Data collection and management
    1. Information security management
    1. Consumer relationship management
    1. Process improvement
  8. IT Governance - >>>>Strategy and policies for using information technology within an organization, specifying the decision rights and accountabilities to ensure that information technology supports the organization's strategies and objectives.
  9. Outsourcing - >>>>Uses the resources and skills of a developed workforce from an external organization
  1. Insourcing - >>>>Assigns a project to employees within the organization. Insourcing generally requires the development of new operations and processes, making it an expensive option.
  2. Project Management Life Cycle - >>>>initiation, planning, execution, project closure
  3. Project Initiation - >>>>Broadly defines the project. It usually begins with a business case, followed by a feasibility study.
  4. Project Planning - >>>>1. Includes developing a road map that everyone follows,
    1. Defines the project scope and drafts a project management plan
  5. Project Execution - >>>>Defines the project scope and drafts a project management plan. Tasks typically include developing the project team, assigning resources, setting up tracking systems, conducting status meetings, and monitoring the project timetable.
  6. Project Closure - >>>>The project is declared complete, and the project team is dissolved. Project managers complete the final project documentation, including financial reports. Generally, meetings are also a part of this phase, allowing members of the project team to reflect on strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  7. Software Development Life Cycle - >>>>Planning, design, implementation, testing, deployment and maintenance.
  8. Software Planning Phase - >>>>The business typically defines the goals and purposes of new applications.
  9. Requirement Analysis - >>>>requires significant input from stakeholders, such as potential users, as well as those with other ties, such as legal or financial interests.
  1. Requirement Analysis Process - >>>>1. Compiling and analyzing the needs of the system use
    1. Negotiating with project stakeholders on trade-offs between wants, needs, costs, and feasibility.
    1. Developing a set of requirements identifying the necessary features and services of the completed system
  2. First Generation Computer - Vacuum tubes - >>>>In use from 1946 to 1959, was the entry to what would consider computing today. The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was the first real computer designed for the military and military-type applications. It used vacuum tubes to store information and occupied the size of a warehouse. It had to be programmed in machine language, which was complicated.
  3. True/False: Generation1 computer had to be programmed in machine language.
  • True

  1. Second Generation Computer - Transistors - >>>>In use from about 1959 to the mid-60's, used transistors, which were much smaller than vacuum tubes, consumed less power, and ran cooler. These computers are still large as a room, they were called mainframes. Machine languages representing instructions in binary (0s and 1s) were replaced by assembly languages that specified instructions using words. High-level programming languages were also developed, such as early versions of FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) and COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language).
  2. Third Generation Computer - Integrated Circuits - >>>>Spanning the mid-60s to early 70's, was considered the beginning for modern computing. Several transistors, holding 0 & 1 bits, connected in integrated circuits on silicon chips.
  3. Fourth Generation Computer - Microprocessors - >>>>Started in the early 70s in the age of microprocessors. In this age, the size of transistors reduced to between 7 and 14 nanometers. It has seen us move from mainframes and minicomputers to desktops and laptops in the 80's and 90s.
  1. Fifth Generation Computer - >>>>We will be using artificial intelligence to predict our needs and programming systems that can learn.