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DASLE MN Exam Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
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When taking alginate impressions, having the patient swish with a mouth rinse such as Listerine prior to impressing helps decrease all of the following except: a: drooling by the patient B: microorganisms on the impression C: gagging by the patient D: bubbles in the material - Correct Answer-a: Drooling by the patient You are seating your patient to take alginate impressions, what position will you have them in? A: upright B: reclined C: standing D: supine - Correct Answer-a: Upright Which of the following would not be an effective communication method? A: ask the patient to use predetermined hand signals to communicate with you
B: explain to the patient that the material may feel cold C: Ask the patient to breath through their mouth D: inform the patient that they can bring their head forward and off the headrest once you have seated the impression - Correct Answer-C: Ask the patient to breath through their mouth In order to best record the muscle attachments, frenums, and achieve a complete peripheral roll, the operator will need to perform_________ by gently massaging the patients lips and cheeks. A: facial trimming B: frenectomy C: muscle trimming D; muscle rolling - Correct Answer-C: muscle trimming A main advantage of polyvinyl siloxane is that it has high dimensional stability and pouring can be delayed for up to 7-10 days without distorting. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE Polysulfide is an impression material where the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Some of the main disadvantages are the odor, bad taste, it stains, and has a long setting time. True
False - Correct Answer-TRUE An impression tray should extend _____ mm beyond the last tooth in the arch. A: 1- 2 B: 2- 3 C: 3- 4 D: 4- 5 - Correct Answer-B: 2- 3 If an alginate impression remains in the open air, moisture will evaporate from the material, causing it to shrink and distort. This condition is called: A: expansion B: imbibition C: synersis D: adaptation - Correct Answer-C: synersis As a right handed operator, when seating the mandibular impression, you want to be standing at the side of the patient, near 8-9 o'clock. When seating the maxillary impression, you will want to be behind the patients head, near 11-12 o'clock. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE
When might the fabrication of a custom tray be necessary? A: the stock trays do not fit the patients mouth properly B: the patient is edentulous C: the patient needs whitening trays D: the patient needs a specific orthodontic appliance E: all of the above - Correct Answer-E: all of the above The purpose for the perforations in the impression trays is: A; to allow the impression material to flow out of the perforations B: creating a mechanical lock between the impression and the tray to allow for easier cleaning of the trays C: to allow air to escape in order to reduce the amount of bubbles in the impression D: to help reduce gagging by allowing excess material out of the mouth - Correct Answer-A; to allow the impression material to flow out of the perforations What is the water-to-powder ratio for taking an adult maxillary alginate impression? A: 1 scoop of powder to 1 measure of water B: 2 scoops of powder to 2 measure of water C: 3 scoop of powder to 3 measure of water D: 1 scoop of powder to 2 measure of water - Correct Answer-C: 3 scoop of powder to 3 measure of water
A patient is coming in for a crown prep on tooth #30. At the beginning of the appointment you use polyvinyl siloxane impression material to take a preliminary impression so you are able to fabricate a temporary crown. At the end of the appointment there needs to be a final impression taken of the tooth after it is prepared. Who is legally responsible and delegated to take this final impression? A: RDH B: LDA C: RDA D: DDS - Correct Answer-D; DDS An impression is defined as a positive reproduction of oral tissue and surrounding structures, where a stone cast is a negative reproduction. True False - Correct Answer-FALSE Elastomeric impression materials are great for taking final impressions when accuracy and detail are needed, all of the following are examples of elastomeric materials except: A: polyvinyl siloxane B: reversible hydrocolloid C: polysulfide D: polyether
E: silicone - Correct Answer-B: reversible hydrocolloid The _______ tray covers half of a dental arch. A: Full-arch B: custom C: section D: quadrant - Correct Answer-D: quadrant When seating an alginate impression in the mouth, it is centered over the teeth and then: A: seated in the anterior first, then the posterior B: seated in the posterior first, then the anterior C: seated left to right D: seated right to left E: it doesn't matter as long as you get is into the patients mouth before it sets up - Correct Answer-B: seated in the posterior first, then the anterior Baseplate wax is _________ prior to placing it in the patients mouth for a bite registration. A:molded B: placed in a tray C: warmed
D: cooled - Correct Answer-C: warmed You have just finished taking alginate impressions for bleaching trays, but are unable to pour them up right away. What should you do? A: keep them on the counter until you are ready to pour them up B: wrap them in a moist paper towel and place them in a plastic bag C: soak them in a bowl of water D: let them dry out as pouring up dry impressions is easier - Correct Answer-b: wrap them in a moist paper towel and place them in a plastic bag The medium mandibular stock tray you have tried in your patients mouth seems to be hitting the lingual areas of both the right and the left teeth, what size tray should you tray in your patients mouth next? A: large B: small - Correct Answer-B: SMALL Which of the following would not be a critical item when evaluating a maxillary impression? A: hamular notch B: tuberosity C: retromolar area D: palate - Correct Answer-C: retromolar area
For a mandibular impression, the correct length of the tray would include: A: tuberosity B: retromolar area C: hamular notch D: tooth #16 if present - Correct Answer-B: retromolar area The setting time is the time from the start of the mix until the material has set; where the working time is the time for mixing the alginate, loading the tray and positioning the tray in the patients mouth. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE When selecting a tray for an alginate impression, how much space is sufficient between the occlusal surface and the tray? A: 1-2mm B: 2-3mm C: 3-6mm D: 6-7mm - Correct Answer-B: 2-3mm When mixing alginate impression material, by decreasing the temperature of the water, you will _____________ your working time. A: decrease
B: increase - Correct Answer-B: INCREASE If the maxillary tray needs to be extended 2-3mm posteriorly, which of the following would be used to extend the tray? A: baseplate wax B: sticky wax C: utility wax D; silicone impression material - Correct Answer-C: utility wax What may occur to your poured up model if you did not remove bioburden from the impression? A: the gypsum may not set correctly because the bioburden may interfere with the setting B: the gypsum may be biohazard permanently C: the gypsum will remain runny D: the gypsum may set too quickly causing bubbles - Correct Answer- A: the gypsum may not set correctly because the bioburden may interfere with the setting A set of casts are to be mounted (articulated) to show occlusal relationship of the MX and MN teeth. What is needed to complete this process? A: bite registration B: articulating impression
C: bite block D: articulating paper - Correct Answer-A: bite registration To best record the patients lingual frenum, you should ask the patient to stick their tongue up and out of their mouth after seating the mandibular tray. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE If an alginate impression is submerged in water, it will take in water causing it to swell thus distorting the impression. This is known as imbibition. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE For the dental dam, when punching holes for the maxillary arch, holes should be punched approximately __________ down from the top of the material. A: 5 inches B: 4 inches C: 3 inches D: 2 inches E: 1 inch - Correct Answer-E: 1 inch
You are placing the dental dam clamp for treatment on tooth #14. Which instrument grasp will you use to place the clamp? A: thumb-to-nose grasp B: palm grasp C: reverse palm grasp D; Ppalm-thumb grasp - Correct Answer-C: reverse palm grasp For dental dam, when punching holes for mandibular posterior placement, the holes should be punched _______ from the side of the material. A: 1 inch B: 2 inches C; 3 inches D: 4 inches - Correct Answer-B: 2 inches You place the rubber dam and notice that there are gaps between the teeth that can cause materials to leak in and out of the area of isolation. What is the probable cause of this? A: either the holes are punched too far apart, or you used too large of a hole on the dental dam punch B: holes punched too far apart C: using too large of a hole on the dental dam punch D: A & C - Correct Answer-A: either the holes are punched too far apart, or you used too large of a hole on the dental dam punch
For the dental dam clamps, "W" means wingless and "A" means partially erupted. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE You are placing a dental dam on an adult patient who is having endodontic treatment on tooth #19, what size dental dam material are you going to choose? A: 6x B: 5x C: 4x4 - Correct Answer-A: 6x A double bowed clamp is used: A: for class V restorations B: to retract the gingiva on facial surfaces of anterior teeth C: to isolate tooth #8 during endo treatment D: All of the above - Correct Answer-D: All of the above A water soluble lubricant, like KY Jelly, can be placed on the underside of the rubber dam material to help the material slide over the teeth and through the interproximal spaces. True
False - Correct Answer-TRUE The _______ frame is a stainless steel frame that is placed on the outside of the dental dam. A: preframed B: plastic U-shaped C: Ostby D: Young - Correct Answer-D: Young The _______ holds the dental dam clamp, and the keyhole punch covers the anchor tooth. A: anchor tooth B: arched tooth C: stabilizing tooth D: A/C - Correct Answer-A: anchor tooth For multiple-tooth isolation the operator will isolate 3-4 teeth. When optimal stability is needed, it is recommended to isolate 6-8 teeth. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE What is the advantage of using a plastic U-shaped dental dam frame? A: it sits on top of the material so you have increased visibility
B: it is stainless steel and can easily be heat sterilized C: it is plastic, therefore radiolucent in radiographs - Correct Answer- C: it is plastic, therefore radiolucent in radiographs You are assisting Dr. Johnson in a crown preparation procedure on tooth #30. After the crown preparation is complete, what must be done in order to obtain an impression with clear, readable margins? A: gingival impression B: gingival etching C: gingival retraction D: gingival marking - Correct Answer-C: gingival retraction How many types of gingival retraction are used in fixed prosthodontic procedures? A: two B: three C: four D: five - Correct Answer-B: three Which type of gingival retraction is accomplished by placement of an unimpregnated retraction cord? A: chemo-mechanical B: chemical
C: surgical D: mechanical - Correct Answer-D: mechanical A substance that may be used to obtain ischemia and is contraindicated for patients heart conditions is: A: aluminum chloride solution B: epinephrine C: polyvinylsiloxaine D: zinc - Correct Answer-B: epinephrine The proper position of the tucked retraction cord is ________ mm into the crevice. A: 2-4mm B: 1-3mm C: 3-4mm - Correct Answer-B: 1-3mm Retraction is available in a variety of configurations such as: A: braided B: twisted C: woven D: All of the above - Correct Answer-D: All of the above
When packing cord into the sulcus, it is important that the operator leave a tail on the cord to ensure ease of removal. Ideally, this tail should be on the ______ surface of the tooth. A: distal B: lingual C: buccal D: mesial - Correct Answer-C: buccal When using the double cord technique, the larger cord is always placed first and then the smaller cord is placed on top. True False - Correct Answer-FALSE _______ is the most common type of gingival retraction used. A: surgical (electrosurgery) B: chemical (retraction paste) C; chemo-mechanical (impregnated cord) D: mechanical (unimpregnated cord) - Correct Answer-C; chemo- mechanical (impregnated cord) In the State of Minnesota, an LDA can place nonsurgical retraction material, such as a retraction cord, for gingival displacement under direct supervision. True
False - Correct Answer-TRUE After the cement has set, a scaler, spoon excavator, or explorer is used to carefully remove the excess cement from the crown. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE In the State of MN, an LDA can remove excess cement with hand instruments from inlays, onlays, crowns, and bridges under indirect supervision. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE The tip of the instrument is placed at the gingival edge of the cement and overlapping, vertical strokes are used to remove the bulk of the material. After the bulk of the material is removed, slight __________________ lateral pressure is applied to remove the remaining cement. A: lateral pressure B: vertical pressure - Correct Answer-A: LATERAL Besides the ligature ties, what else may be used to tie in the arch wire to the brackets? A: glass ionomer cement
B: stainless steel bands C: positioners D: Elastics - Correct Answer-D: Elastics That shape is the archwire initially indicated for correcting malaligned teeth? A: rectangular B: oval C: square D: round - Correct Answer-D: round Impregnated retraction cord contains a buffered solution of 10% aluminum chloride that helps in controlling bleeding and causes the desired provisional shrinkage of tissues. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE Match the types of gingival retraction below ___ Unimpregnated retraction cord ____ Retraction paste such as Traxodent
___ Electrosurgical procedures using a laser
Which of the following requires etching of the facial surface of the tooth? A: placement of orthodontic brackets B: placement of arch wires C: placement of orthodontic bands D: placement of vacuum formed retainers - Correct Answer-A: placement of orthodontic brackets _____________ are a "power product" that will aid in correcting occlusal relationships. A: comfort tubing B: Elastomeric Ties/Alastics C: Elastics D: Ligature ties - Correct Answer-C: Elastics You are setting up for bonding of brackets, what orthodontic instrument will be used for this procedure? A: bite stick B: Howe (110) pliers C: ligature director D: bracket placement tweezers - Correct Answer-D: bracket placement tweezers
The condition that created an opening if the anterior teeth when the posterior teeth are closed is ________. A: openbite B; overjet C: overbite D: crossbite - Correct Answer-A: openbite When assisting a dentist in cementation of orthodontic bands, which of the following would NOT be needed in the tray setup. A: band seater B: preselected orthodontic bands C: scaler D: hemostat E: contouring pliers F: band pusher G: basic setup - Correct Answer-D: hemostat If an orthodontic patient does not maintain good oral hygiene, which of the following may occur? A: rampant decay B: hypocalcification C: periodontal disease
D: all of the above - Correct Answer-D: all of the above After the teeth have been ligated with the ligature ties, the ligature cutter is used to trim the wire, leaving a 3-5 mm pigtail which will be pushed under the wire toward the bracket using a ligature director. True False - Correct Answer-TRUE When placing arch wires, if the arch wire is too long, you will use a ________ to cut the ends. A: crown and bridge scissors B: pin-and-ligature cutter C: distal-end cutter - Correct Answer-C: distal-end cutter When placing orthodontic separators you can use the floss method or the separating pliers. When using the separating pliers, you will use a ___________ motion to guide the separator into place. A: cutting B: see-saw - Correct Answer-B: see-saw Prior to placing a new arch wire in the patients mouth, the new wire can be measured to the appropriate length by trying it on the patients diagnostic model or by holding it against the arch wire being replaced. True
False - Correct Answer-TRUE When removing elastomeric ties, the operator will use a _________; by placing the tip between the bracket tie wings and pulling the tie at the occlusal position with a rolling motion. A. ligature cutter B. explorer C. hemostat D. orthodontic scaler - Correct Answer-D. orthodontic scaler A _________ is used when seating mandibular molar bands because the patients heavy biting force is used to drive the band into place. - Correct Answer-BITE STICK/ BAND SEATER Darla is coming in for her appointment to start her orthodontic treatment which will include braces. She will need bands cemented onto her molars. What procedure will need to be done in order to make room for the bands? - Correct Answer-PLACING ORTHODONTIC SCALERS When fitting molar bands, maxillary molar bands are seated first by finger pressure and then a __________ is used on the mesiobuccal and distolingual surfaces to seat the band into place. - Correct Answer-band pusher
where would you find an auxiliary attachment? - Correct Answer- bands All of the following are instruments needed to place or remove orthodontic ligature ties except: hemostat scissors ligature director ligature cutter - Correct Answer-scissors What is the first step in the direct bonding of brackets? - Correct Answer-pumicing the tooth surface The orthodontist has prescribed a power chain for your patient. What is the orthodontist wanting to accomplish with this? - Correct Answer- close the spaces between teeth Orthodontic brackets are __________ to the teeth. - Correct Answer- bonded What is the purpose of banding the molars? - Correct Answer-to hold the arch wire in place on the posterior
The material of choice for cementing orthodontic bands is _______ because it slowly releases fluoride underneath the band. - Correct Answer-glass ionomer What shape is the headgear tube, and what is it used for? - Correct Answer-round for the insertion of the face bow appliance Edgewise tubes are auxillary attachments that are rectangular tubes that should be present on the buccal/facial surface of the upper and lower first molars. The purpose of these tubes is to receive the archwire. TRUE OR FALSE - Correct Answer-TRUE Who does the final positioning and placement of brackets on the teeth? - Correct Answer-orthodontist Which orthodontic duties may be performed by a Licensed Dental Assistant in the State of Minnesota under general supervision? - Correct Answer-placing and removing orthodontic separators An example of a fixed orthodontic appliance is: A. hawley retainer B. vacuum form retainer C. brackets and braces D. headgear - Correct Answer-C. brackets and braces