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Make sure you know the Idaho schools that fit each of these categories: 4 Year Public Colleges 4 year Private Non-profit Colleges 2 year Public College 2 year Private Non-Profit College 1 - 2 year Private for profit Colleges 4 Year Public Colleges- University of Idaho, Boise State University, Idaho State University, Lewis and Clark University 4 year Private Non-profit Colleges- Albertson College of Idaho, Boise Bible College, Brigham Young University-Idaho, New Saint Andrews College, Northwest Nazarene University 2 year Public College- College of Southern Idaho, Eastern Idaho Technical College, North Idaho College, College of Western Idaho 2 year Private Non-Profit College- Carrington College ITT Tech University of Phoenix
1 - 2 year Private for profit Colleges- Academy of Professional Careers What do you need to complete the FAFSA? To complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you will need: Your Social Security Number. Your Alien Registration Number (if you are not a U.S. citizen) Your most recent federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned IDEAL Method Problem Solving -- Problems arise both in personal life as well as within education. Problem solving is a critical life and study skill that connects both with self-management and higher education. Problem solving should require thought. One method of problem solving is the IDEAL strategy: Identify the problem Define the problem Explore alternative approaches Act on the best strategy Look back to evaluate the effects I - What is the problem that you have identified? D - What do you want to happen? E - What are some possible ways you could solve the problem? A - What might happen if chose the solutions you have listed? Which is the best solution? L - What will you do the next time this situation occurs? SQ3R Survey-Before you dive into your reading assignment, survey the whole chapter. This means reading section headings, skimming the introduction, and looking for the main ideas contained in the assignment. This should take no more than one minute. Question—Write down one question based on the entire chapter that you expect to have answered by the end of your reading. This can be formed from the title of the chapter or from the major themes that you discovered in your survey. Write this question down. Then ask yourself one question based on the first topic heading of the chapter that you expect to have answered by the end of that section.
Read—This is the most time consuming part of the SQ3R method. Take your time to carefully read the section, always with your question in mind. Mark your textbook as necessary. Recite—When you have finished a section, answer your question in your own words and use an example from the section that illustrates the point. If you can, come up with your own example. Review—When you have completed the assignment, review your questions and responses for each section of the reading and then answer your question for the overall assignment. Smart Goals Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely SAT/ACT - Compass What do the test? Know some differences between the 2 SAT- Tests what you are capable of learning in the areas of Math, Writing, and English. Your lose a fraction of a point for getting a question wrong 1/3 English - 2 parts 25 - minute essay (Part 1) 49 multiple choice questions (Part 2) 1/3 Math (Algebra I & II, Geometry, Statistics and Probability) 1/3 Critical Reading (sentence structure, vocabulary, passage-based reading) No Science Mostly multiple choice Some fill-in math answers 1/4 or 1/3 of point deducted for each incorrect answer ACT- Tests your knowledge in the areas of Math, Writing, Science, and English. You are not penalized for guessing/ 1/4 English (grammar) 1/4 Math (Algebra I & II, Geometry, and some Trigonometry 1/4 Reading 1/4 Science
Writing portion is optional and is done as the last part of testing (one 30-min. essay) All multiple choice No penalty for incorrect answers Compass- Unlimited time, computer-based, self-directed test to determine math, reading, and writing skill levels Used as a placement test at many community colleges (ACT may also be used) Used as admission placement for CWI, CSI, TVCC and most 2-year colleges Used by Boise State University (in addition to ACT or SAT scores) for mant and English placement and English 101 credit. FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Work study, Federal Student Loans, and Pell grants/ a free application that must be completed by all students and parents who apply for federal student aid College term used for Higher Education College vs. University Universities can be private or public. They can also be undergrad, graduate, or both. Universities typically consist of multiple colleges in one school. They offer a variety of degrees and certificates. college is an institution of higher education that may stand alone or make up one part of a university Types of Federal Financial Aid Work Study- a federal program providing undergraduate and graduate students with part-time employment during the school year. Pell Grant- A federally Sponsored need based grant to undergrad students Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant- A program that provides funds for undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need. The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant is similar to the Federal Pell Grant Program, in that funds awarded do not need to be repaid.
The Academic Competitiveness Grant, also called the ACG, is true to its name since it is a merit-based grant available to highly competitive first and second academic year students. Recipients of the ACG must have completed a rigorous secondary school program of study as defined by the US Department of Education. National SMART Grants are available to students for their third and fourth academic years of college. merit-based grant Perkins Loan-the perkins loan allows students to borrow up to $5,500/year up to a maximum of $27,500 for undergraduate school and $8,000/ year up to a maximum of $60,000 for graduate school. the perkins loan has one of the lowest interest rates and is awarded by the college's financial aid office to students with exceptional financial need. the student must have applied for a pell grant to be eligible. the interest on the Perkins loan is subsidized while the student is in school./ The federal Perkins Loan Program provides low-interest loans to help needy students finance the cost of post secondary education Stafford Loan- Stafford Loans are available both as subsidized and unsubsidized loans. Subsidized loans are offered to students based on demonstrated financial need. The interest on subsidized loans is paid by the federal government while the student is in school and during authorized deferment Items usually needed for college applications ACT or SAT, Transcript, applications Scholarship qualifications (what are they looking for) Financial need qualifications for scholarship GPA Test Scores Transcripts The Four C's lecture
Commit yourself to do your best work means be on time, don't miss class, do our assignment and come to class prepared to discuss it. Concentrate means to minimize distraction -- sit front and center and remove distractions such as phones and iPods so that you can be an active listener. Capture critical information and key ideas -- identify key words, themes, main point. Look for patterns in the lecture and stories that illustrate the main point. Connect ideas to things you already know, paraphrase what you hear, make note of unknown words, own your confusion, participate in class. Federal Grants the pell grant, supplemental educational opportunity grant, academic competitiveness grant, national science and mathematics access to retain talent grant, and other federal grants and scholarships that do not need to be repaid to the government. Associates a degree granted by a college after the satisfactory completion of a two-year, full-time program of study or its part-time equivalent Bachelor's a degree granted by a college after the satisfactory completion of a four- or five-year, full-time program of study, or its part-time equivalent. Master's An academic degree conferred by a college or university upon those who complete at least one year of prescribed study beyond the bachelor's degree. Doctorate A doctorate degree is the highest level of academic degree. Everyone is familiar with the medical doctor, who holds an M.D. (Medical Doctorate). But you can earn a doctorate in almost any subject area. For example, most states require licensed psychologists to hold a doctorate degree in psychology.
Major a subject or field of study chosen by a student to represent his or her principal interest and upon which a large share of his or her efforts are concentrated: Liberal Arts In these colleges, students generally major in a particular disciple while receiving exposure to a wide range of academic subjects, including sciences as well as traditional humanities. Community College Community colleges are designed to meet the vocational and educational needs of the community. Individual colleges vary widely and can offer programs ranging from classes in continuing education and certificate programs to vocational programs and associates degrees. They offer programs of study that result in associate's degree in arts or sciences. They are funded with local community tax revenue and typically serve students within the community they are in. Trade/Vocational Colleges A vocational school, also called a trade school, is a higher-level learning institution that specializes in providing students with the vocational education and technical skills they need in order to perform the tasks of a particular job. Private Career Colleges A private career college is an independent business that prepares students for a specific job, or gives them specific skills, such as computer skills. There are more than 500 registered private career colleges in Ontario. Private college They are funded by private means. Tuition is typically more expensive. They are schools for profit (money making schools). Not governed by state. Bloom's Taxonomy Bloom's taxonomy is a way of distinguishing the fundamental questions within the education system. 6 Knowledge - memorizing 5 Comprehension - understanding
4 Analysis - taking apart 3 Application - using 2 Synthesis - creating 1 Evaluation - judging Budgeting for College Once you go to college, it will be more likely that you will need to budget your expenses and your income. It may be necessary that you get a job either on-campus or off-campus. You will also most likely work a job during the summer to help with expenses. Budgeting your income to match with your expenses will be a life-long skill which often begins in college. Read the packet 40 Money Management Tips Every College Student Should Know to help prepare for budgeting in college. Also, review the creative thinking and problem-solving methods (especially IDEA) from Unit 5 -- they help to identify processes that can be applied to money-related issues when you are in college. One of the purposes of college is to gain knowledge in an area you are interested in and that will help you gain access to a job that will allow you to make a living wage. A "living wage" is the amount of money needed to support your self and, if necessary, a family. The eCIS Reality Check module will help you to understand what amount is necessary in order to make a wage that you will need to live on -- you may have to make some choices regarding what wage will fit both your income and your lifestyle. undergraduate A student in the Freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior year of study in college. Known as a first degree; it is usually offered at an institution of higher education, like a University. The most common type of this degree is a Bachelor's degree. These courses do not typically exceed four years and usually leads to a degree or certificate. Select the four types of federal grants available to students who demonstrate financial need. Federal Stafford Loan Federal Perkins Loan (FPL)
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Federal Pell Grant During the last session, we covered a lot of information about financial aid. Let's review what we have discussed. Write the number of the correct description in the space next to the financial aid term. A financial aid award that must be paid back upon graduation The form you must complete in order to be eligible for federal financial aid. A need-based program that allows you to earn money while attending school. A financial aid award that is given to students, usually based on merit, that does not have to be repaid. Typically, students need to complete applications in order to be considered for this award. A type of financial aid that is given based on the financial status of a student's family. A type of financial aid that is awarded on the basis of a student's personal achievements and accomplishments. A financial aid award, usually need-based, which does not have to be repaid. F. Grant G. FAFSA C. Merit-based aid D. Work-study A. Scholarship B. Need-based Aid E. Loan A financial aid award, usually need-based, which does not have to be repaid. F.
Grant The form you must complete in order to be eligible for federal financial aid. G. FAFSA A type of financial aid that is awarded on the basis of a student's personal achievements and accomplishments. C. Merit-based aid A need-based program that allows you to earn money while attending school. D. Work-study A financial aid award that is given to students, usually based on merit, that does not have to be repaid. Typically, students need to complete applications in order to be considered for this award. A. Scholarship A type of financial aid that is given based on the financial status of a student's family. B. Need-based Aid A financial aid award that must be paid back upon graduation E. Loan What is the fastest, simplest and best way to apply for financial aid? B. online at FSA's website - What is the name or acronym for the form completed by all college applicants for federal student aid? _______________
What is the generic term for an institution of higher learning? ________________ College What is a need-based program that allows you to earn money while attending school? ________ __________ work study The following is NOT a type of federal financial aid? Stafford Loan Which of the following items are most often used in all college admission processes? Application and Transcript Which of the following is one of the most common criteria taken into account for scholarships? All of the above Which item below is NOT a type of federal grant? Perkins An undergraduate is? A student in the freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior year of study in college. The Compass Test helps colleges evaluate incoming students in reading, writing, math for placement decisions. True The SAT includes English, math, reading and science. False The SAT penalizes you for guessing. True
Match the vocabulary word with its definition. Liberal Arts Major Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Community College B. Two-year degree such as an AA or AS A. Four-year degree such as BA or BS C. The focus of a student's academic studies E. Schools that focus on development of knowledge and reasoning rather than specific skills. D. Two year public college Associates Degree B. Two-year degree such as an AA or AS Bachelors Degree A. Four-year degree such as BA or BS Major C. The focus of a student's academic studies Liberal Arts E. Schools that focus on development of knowledge and reasoning rather than specific skills. Community College
Two year public college List and describe the steps that must be completed in order to gain admissions to college? 1a. Take AP and DC courses. Take hs courses in required subject areas and apply for SCHOLARSHIPS. 1b. Fill out the college application, either on line or on a "hard copy" that you mail in.
Knowledge List and describe the levels in IDEAL problem solving.
Identify the problem- In this level, you find the problem area you want to solve; What is the problem? Define the problem- In this level, you further define or identify what you are going to solve for; what do you want to happen? Evaluate alternatives- In this level, you look at all the methods of solving your defined problem. You also may look at the consequences of each; What are the alternatives and the consequences of each? Act on the best strategy- In this level, you do the strategy that seems to be the best option; Which is the best method? Look back and evaluate the results- In this level, you look back and reflect on your results. You identify if the method used was truly the best method. You reflect on what you may have done differently. Did you choose the best method? What would you do differently next time? Match the verbs to the correct level of Bloom's Taxonomy. Question Selected Match Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Comprehension Knowledge Application C. combine, create, integrate, reinforce, validate D. conclude, justify, defend, predict, evaluate, judge
research, contrast, classify, prioritize, debate E. choose, demonstrate, draw, show, compute B. describe, illustrate, summarize, explain, predict F. identify, match, recite, define, list Synthesis C. combine, create, integrate, reinforce, validate Evaluation D. conclude, justify, defend, predict, evaluate, judge Analysis A. research, contrast, classify, prioritize, debate Application E. choose, demonstrate, draw, show, compute Comprehension B. describe, illustrate, summarize, explain, predict Knowledge F. identify, match, recite, define, list Talking to other students to discuss notes during class is a good method of note taking.
False Leave lots of __________ so you can add comments later; your notes will look better and will be easier to use when it comes time for exam review. Space If you don't understand a concept, draw a ______ _______ and ask your professor for clarification after class. question mark Your attitude when you come to class plays a role in how well you hear and retain lecture information. True Sitting at the front of the class will help you stay focused and engaged in lectures. True **Match the symbol to its corresponding word / phrase: b/c w/ <
! X ...**
- > is related to I disagree and, in addition to important point because
less than and so on as a result of with may be on exam b/c because w/ with < less than
as a result of
is related to What is an efficient study method for getting your reading done? An effective study method for getting your reading done is the SQ3R method. It stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. During a class lecture you should do the following things: listen make notes ask questions summarize your notes Concept map note-taking is best for auditory learners. False The video clip on four steps to reading a textbook and the SQ3R method which has five steps are designed to help you have a process for comprehending college level books. Identify and describe the steps in each process. How are they similar and how do they differ?
The four steps to reading are:
Lecture- Listen and take notes on the lecture Review- Review notes taken from lecture Study- Study notes taken from lecture When you preview your notes, the best time to do that is before your next lecture. true An intensive study session of your notes from a lecture should take place immediately following the class. False One of your best study skills -- if not the most important -- is note taking True What are the four things you can do for successful lecture notes? Use the four C's Commit- Commit to doing your best work Concentrate- find a place with few distractions so you can focus on your work Capture- Capture the important facts and details as well as the big picture from the lecture Connect- Connect the new material to previously known material Don't try to write your final product in one ______. draft You'll likely write better about an aspect of the course that interests you rather than one you find dull. true
What was impressive about the last example of a term paper in the video? b,d, and c In the video, when writing a term paper, who does the presenter suggest students go to for help? resource librarian It's not important to seek a second opinion on your paper. Your opinion is the most important. false In the video, why are students encouraged to make a chart of their term paper? to look at the whole picture When you're done with your rough draft, take a break so you can come back to your writing with _________ _________. fresh eyes Match the term with its description: B. Give your reader an idea of your intent, including a statement of what you're going to discuss. C. Present the evidence that supports your idea. Use concrete examples and avoid generalities. A. Summarize and make sense of the evidence you presented in the body. Body Conclusion Introduction Introduction B. Give your reader an idea of your intent, including a statement of what you're going to discuss. Body C.
Present the evidence that supports your idea. Use concrete examples and avoid generalities. Conclusion A. Summarize and make sense of the evidence you presented in the body. When should you tackle the most intense subjects or the hardest topics that you have to study? d. during the block of time when you are most alert Why is it so important to say encouraging things to yourself before you go to bed the night before an exam? c. so that you will feel more comfortable about taking the exam What is the LAST thing that you should do before handing in your test? Selected Answer: a. check your exam for silly mistakes The environment you study in and the time of day does not matter False Why is it important to go through an exam once before answering any questions? b. it can familiarize you with the material and calm you down If you are unsure of the answer to a test question, you should answer the question first with your best estimation before moving on to other test questions. True What is the FIRST thing that you should do when preparing for final exams? Get eight hours of sleep every night the week before the test.
What study technique is ineffective for ALL students? d. skimming through material, but never studying in depth To figure out the best time to study, you should prioritize your tasks. True How long is the average person's attention span? nine minutes Discuss money situations with your roommates before a problem comes up. Even better, put your agreement ______ ______and have each roommate sign the agreement. in writing Which of the following habits will help you build good credit? all of the above You never need to re-apply for financial aid after your first year. False Which of the items listed is NOT something to consider when choosing a bank for your checking account? a. How much money will you put in the account? If you made purchases that haven't been processed by your bank yet, the ATM balance will be higher than the amount of money you really have. true Keeping cash in your wallet is an easy way to track your spending. False
Getting a job and earning additional income while in college will not affect your eligibility for financial aid False Put the following steps for financial planning in order: Selected Answer Make plans to reach your goals Define your financial goals. Take action unit your goals become reality.
Define your financial goals.
Make plans to reach your goals
Take action unit your goals become reality. Federal student loans have _______ rates, and you do not need to pay them back while you are a student. fixed To save money, but snacks at the _______ and keep them in your room. store Paying for college is a huge investment and takes a _______ commitment. large ______ anything with your name, address, credit card information, or bank account numbers before putting it into the trash or recycle bin, shred The best way to take charge of your money is to have a _______ for it. plan
**1. What skills do you feel are most important to college success - list three and describe how you feel they are important?