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DENISE CALIFORNIA NOTARY PUBLIC EXAM Questions and Answers 2024.pdf, Exams of Public Relations


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PUBLIC EXAM Questions and Answers

Acknowledgment - ANSWER- A formal declaration before a duly authorized officer by a person who has executed an instrument that such execution is his act and deed Administrator - ANSWER- A person appointed by the court to manage the estate of a deceased person who left no will Affiant - ANSWER- The person who makes and subscribes his signature to an affidavit Affidavit - ANSWER- A signed statement, duly sworn to, by the maker thereof, before a notary public or other officer authorized to administer oaths Affirmation - ANSWER- A solemn declaration made by persons who conscientiously decline taking an oath Apostile - ANSWER- Department of State authentication attached to a notarized and county certified document for possible international use Attest - ANSWER- To witness the execution of a written instrument, at the request of the person who makes it, and subscribe the same as a witness Attestation Clause - ANSWER- That clause (e.g., at the end of a will) wherein the witnesses certify that the instrument has been executed before them, and the manner of the execution of the same Authentication (Notarial) - ANSWER- A certificate subjoined by a

county clerk to any certificate of proof or acknowledgment or oath signed by a notary; this county clerk's certificate authenticates or verifies

the authority of the notary public to act as such. (See §133, Executive Law.) Bill of Sale - ANSWER- A written instrument given to pass title of personal property from vendor to vendee Certified Copy - ANSWER- A copy of a public record signed and certified as a true copy by the public official having custody of the original Chattel - ANSWER- Personal property, such as household goods or fixtures Chattel Paper - ANSWER- A writing or writings which evidence both an obligation to pay money and a security interest in a lease or specific goods. The agreement which creates or provides for the security interest is known as a security agreement Codicil - ANSWER- An instrument made subsequent to a will and modifying it in some respects Consideration - ANSWER- Anything of value given to induce entering into a contract; it may be money, personal services, or even love and affection Constituents - ANSWER- those for whom we provide notarial services. Our customers or clients Contempt of Court - ANSWER- Behavior disrespectful of the authority of a court which disrupts the execution of court orders Contract - ANSWER- An agreement between competent parties to do or not to do certain things for a legal consideration, whereby each party acquires a right to what the other possesses

Conveyance (Deed) - ANSWER- Every instrument, in writing, except a will, by which any estate or interest in real property is created, transferred, assigned or surrendered County Clerk's Certificate - ANSWER- See "Authentication (Notarial)." Deponent - ANSWER- One who makes oath to a written statement. Technically, a person subscribing a deposition but used interchangeably with "Affiant." Deposition - ANSWER- The testimony of a witness taken out of court or other hearing proceeding, under oath or by affirmation, before a notary public or other person, officer or commissioner before whom such testimony is authorized by law to be taken, which is intended to be used at the trial or hearing Duress - ANSWER- Unlawful constraint exercised upon a person whereby he is forced to do some act against his will Escrow - ANSWER- The placing of an instrument in the hands of a person as a depository who on the happening of a designated event, is to deliver the instrument to a third person. This agreement, once established, should be unalterable Execute - ANSWER- To complete or sign. Making or completing a signature Executor - ANSWER- One named in a will to carry out the provisions of the will Ex Parte - ANSWER- A hearing or examination in the presence of, or on papers filed by, one party and in the absence of the other Felony - ANSWER- A crime punishable by death or imprisonment in a state prison

Guardian - ANSWER- A person in charge of a minor's person or property Judgment - ANSWER- Decree of a court declaring that one individual is indebted to another and fixing the amount of such indebtedness Jurat - ANSWER- The part of an affidavit where the officer (notary public) certifies that it was sworn to before him Laches - ANSWER- The delay or negligence in asserting one's legal rights Lease - ANSWER- A contract whereby, for a consideration, usually termed rent, one who is entitled to the possession of real property transfers such right to another for life, for a term of years or at will Lien - ANSWER- A legal right or claim upon a specific property which attaches to the property until a debt is satisfied Litigation - ANSWER- The act of carrying on a lawsuit Malfeasance - ANSWER- The illegal actions of a public official, such as a Notary Public, that interfere with the performance of his or her duties Misfeasance - ANSWER- The actions of a public official, such as a Notary Public, that are performed in such a way that is not technically illegal, but are nonetheless mistaken or wrong Mortgage On Real Property - ANSWER- An instrument in writing, duly executed and delivered that creates a lien upon real estate as security for the payment of a specified debt, which is usually in the form of a bond Notary Public - ANSWER- A public officer who executes acknowledgments of deeds or writings in order to render them available

as evidence of the facts therein contained; administers oaths and affirmation as to the truth of statements contained in papers or documents requiring the administration of an oath. A public officer. An impartial agent for the state. A witness of notarial writings and signatures. A public Servant. Oath - ANSWER- A verbal pledge given by the person taking it that his statements are made under an immediate sense of this responsibility to God, who will punish the affiant if the statements are false Plaintiff - ANSWER- A person who starts a suit or brings an action against another Power of Attorney - ANSWER- A written statement by an individual giving another person the power to act for him Proof of Execution - ANSWER- The formal declaration made by a subscribing witness to the execution of an instrument setting forth his place of residence, that he knew the person described in and who executed the instrument and that he saw such person execute such instrument Presentment - ANSWER- The act of producing a negotiable or security instrument for payment or acceptance Protest - ANSWER- A formal statement in writing by a notary public, under seal, that a certain bill of exchange or promissory note was on a certain day presented for payment, or acceptance, and that such payment or acceptance was refused. Seal - ANSWER- The laws of the State of New York do not require the use of this by notaries public. If used, it should sufficiently identify the notary public, his authority and jurisdiction. It is the opinion of the Department of State that the only inscription required is the name of the notary and the words "Notary Public for the State of New York."

Signature of Notary Public - ANSWER- A notary public must sign the name under which he was appointed and no other. In addition to his signature and venue, the notary public shall print, typewrite or stamp beneath his signature in black ink, his name, the words "Notary Public State of New York," the name of the county in which he is qualified, and the date upon which his commission expires Statute - ANSWER- A law established by an act of the Legislature. Statute of Frauds - ANSWER- Law which provides that certain contracts must be in writing or partially complied with, in order to be enforceable at law Statute of Limitations - ANSWER- A law that limits the time within which a criminal prosecution or a civil action must be started Subordination Clause - ANSWER- A clause which permits the placing of a mortgage at a later date which takes priority over an existing mortgage Subscribe - ANSWER- Best means "complete" or sign Subscribed - ANSWER- Best means "completed" or "signed" (past tense) Sunday - ANSWER- A notary public may administer an oath or take an affidavit or acknowledgment. but never a deposition for a civil proceeding Swear - ANSWER- This term includes every mode authorized by law for administering an oath.

Sworn - ANSWER- Administration of an Oath or an Affirmation has been completed by the Notary. The signer or deponent has taken an Oath or Affirmation in accordance with New York statues. Taking an Acknowledgment - ANSWER- The act of the person named in an instrument telling the notary public that he is the person named in the instrument and acknowledging that he executed such instrument; also includes the act of the Notary Public in obtaining satisfactory evidence of the identity of the person whose Acknowledgment is taken. Venue - ANSWER- The geographical place where a notary public takes an affidavit or acknowledgment Will (Last Will and Testament) - ANSWER- A document created as a specific guidline of what is to happen after a person's death. The disposition of one's property to take effect after death. The Notary Public "Certifies to the taking of the Acknowledgment" - ANSWER- when the Notary signs his official signature to the form setting forth the fact of the taking of the Acknowledgment Testator - ANSWER- The person make a will (male) Testatrix - ANSWER- The person making a will (female) Impartial - ANSWER- Am I a party to the transaction? Am I named in the document? Do I have any financial or beneficial interest in this transaction to be notarized? The Act of Notarization accomplishes - ANSWER- protects against fraud. Proves the signer appeared before the Notary Public. The signer must be in the Physical Presence of the Notary before the Notary my lawfully notarize. The Notary certifies that a signature is made willingly

and freely. Does not prove a document or statement is true or accurate, nor does it validate or legalize a document. Notary Responsibilities - ANSWER- must take necessary steps to verify a signer's identity before notarizing a signature. A Notary Public may not notarize a signature unless the Notary personally knows, or has satisfactory evidence, that the person whose signature is to be notarized is the individual who is described in and who is executing the instrument. verify a signer's identity - ANSWER- Personal knowledge Credible Witness Identification card or papers Personal Knowledge - ANSWER- is the safest and best verification of a person's identity. It requires no witnesses or identification cards. It means having an acquaintance, derived from association with the individual, which establies the individual's identity with at least a reasonable certainty. Credible Witness - ANSWER- is a third person that personally knows the document signer, and verifies the signer's identity. This does not replace the "presence" requirement. The person whose signature is being notarized must be present at the time of notarization. Identification card or papers - ANSWER- are necessary in verifying the signer's identity. The Notary should examine the photograph, accurate physical description, and signature of the bearer. Asking for two forms of ID can further assure the signer's identity. If a Notary is uncomfortable or suspicious of any identification, the Notary should not notarize for that person. Acknowledgements - ANSWER- are the simple authentication of a signature. They prove or acknowledge that the signer personally

appeared and was identified before the Notary Public. To make an acknowledgment, the document signer must personally appear before the Notary Public, and declare that he/she has executed and signed the document voluntarily. The Notary should ensure that the signer understands the document and has not been coerced into signing. If there is any question about the signer's willingness to execute the document or his/her understanding of the terms of the document, a Notary should refuse to notarize. The Notary may want to ask the signer: - ANSWER- "Do you acknowledge that this is your signature and that you are executing this document of your own free will?" If yes, the Notary should complete a certificate that states the signer acknowledged the document. Jurats/Affidavits - ANSWER- the authentication of a signature made under Oath or Affirmation in front of the Notary by the signer of a document. An Oath of Affirmation is administered to a document signer by the Notary when the signer is required to make a sworn statement about certain facts in the document or about their testimony. The signer - ANSWER- personally appears before (in front of) the Notary to swear (or affirm) to the Notary, an officer duly appointed to administer Oaths, that the information contained in the document or their testimony is true. A person who makes a false Oath or Affirmation is subject to criminal charges for perjury under NYS laws. A notarization requiring an Oath should begin with the administration of an Oath or Affirmation by the Notary. The Notary may want to ask the signer - ANSWER- "Do you swear (or affirm) that the information contained in this document is true and correct to the best of your knowledge? After receiving an affirmative

(positive) answer, the Notary must complete a Jurat notarial wording certificate indicating that an Oath or Affirmation was given. Notarial Act - ANSWER- A Notary is usually appointed for the state they apply to only. They may perform Notarial Acts anywhere with the state, but at not time can they perform such acts outside of the state. Does notarization mean that the document is "true" or "legal"? - ANSWER- Notaries are not responsible for the accuracy or legality of documents they notarize. Notaries verify the identity of signers. The signers are responsible for the content of their documents. acknowledge his own signature - ANSWER- It is impossible for a Notary to be a witness to his own act. It is strictly prohibited by law in most states. Can a Notary who is not an attorney assist in the completion of legal forms? - ANSWER- No. The Notary must always remain impartial and should not assist a client in the completion of any forms. If the form is a legal instrument, the Notary's assistance could be determined to be unauthorized practice of the law (UPL). When is it proper to refuse to perform a Notarial Act? - ANSWER- As a public official, a Notary cannot unreasonably refuse to perform a Notarial Act for anyone who provides the statutory fee and meets all other requirements prescribed by statute. However, if the Notary seriously questions the identity or competence of the signer, or if the instrument in question is blank, contains a false statement, or is intended to deceive or defraud, the Notary may and should refuse to perform the Notarial Act. Notary journal - ANSWER- is a record of the Notary's acts and can be used to demonstrate that a Notarial Act was properly performed.

What does the "ss.", in the venue of a notarial certificate mean? - ANSWER- an abbreviation of the Latin word "scilicet", meaning "namely", or more particularly the exact location or designated particular place within a city and/or county where the official Notarial Act was performed. Included in the journal should be: - ANSWER- The documents signer's printed name The document signer's signature The date and time of notarization The date of the document (may differ from the notarization date) The type of notarization performed and type of document notarized The document signer's address A statement on how the signature was verified (personal knowledge, etc) Any special comments about the transaction The journal should be completed prior to notarizing each document. A new entry should be made in the journal for every Notary service provided. Appointment as Notary Public - ANSWER- $60; $40 appointment and $20 filing of Oath of Office Change of Name/Address - ANSWER- $ Duplicate Identification Card - ANSWER- $ Issuance of Certificate of Official Character - ANSWER- $ Filing Certificate of Official Character - ANSWER- $ Authentication Certificate - ANSWER- $ Protest of Note, Commerical Paper, etc - ANSWER-. Each additional Notice of Protest (limit 5) each - ANSWER-.

Oath or Affirmation - ANSWER- $ Acknowledgement (each person) - ANSWER- $ Proof of Execution (each person) - ANSWER- $ Swearing Witness - ANSWER- $ Conflict of Interest - ANSWER- If we are a Party of Interest, we have Legal Consideration which is anyting of value to us, including money, services & love & affection. However officers, employees and even stockholders of a corporation can all notarize each other's signatures as long as they are not pecuniarily involved. Professional Misconduct - ANSWER- Class A misdemeanor; license suspension/removal after tribunal hearing cannot notarize (will) - ANSWER- People's signatures to their own wills. Can notarized the witness signatures. cannot notarize (marriage) - ANSWER- Marriage Contracts. cannot notarize (COC) - ANSWER- "Certified Original Certificates" on photocopies of government documents like birth certificates & passports Fee for Appointment as Notary Public - ANSWER- $60 total $40 to appointment with SoS & $20 filing of Oath of Office with County Clerk Fee for Change of Name/Address - ANSWER- $ Fee for duplicate identification card - ANSWER- $ fee for Issuance of Certificate of Official Character - ANSWER- $

fee for filing Certificate of Official Character - ANSWER- $ fee for Authentication Certificate - ANSWER- $ fee for Protest of Note, Commercial Paper, etc - ANSWER-. each additional notice of Protest (limit 5) each - ANSWER-. fee for Oath or Affirmation - ANSWER- $ fee for Acknowledgement (each person) - ANSWER- $ fee Proof of Execution (each person) - ANSWER- $ fee for Swearing Witness - ANSWER- $ Misdemeanor - ANSWER- A Notary Public or commissioner of deeds, who in the exercise of the powers, or in the performance of the duties of such office shall practice any fraud or deceit, the punishment for which is not otherwise provided for by this act, shall be guilty of a(n) Advertising by Notaries - ANSWER- "I am not an attorney licensed to practice law and may not give legal advise about immigration or any other legal matter or accept fees for legal advise." Civil Penalty of up to $1000. May be suspended upon a second violation and removed office upon a third. Notary Public - ANSWER- may take depositions in civil proceedings Banking Law (10) - ANSWER- within 10 days of opening a safety box, a copy of certificate under seal must be mailed to the lessee of the box at his last known postal address Banking Law (30) - ANSWER- after giving 30 days after notice of termination of the lease or not being paid the box the bank may open a

safety deposit box in the presence of a notary public and remove and inventory the contents. Notary then files with the lessor(bank) a certificate under seal which states the date of the opening, name of lessee, list of contents. Felony - ANSWER- indeterminate sentence shall be a minimum three year jail sentence Class D Felony - ANSWER- jail sentence shall not exceed 7 years Class E Felony - ANSWER- jail sentence shall not exceed 4 years Class A Misdemeanor - ANSWER- definite sentence shall not exceed one year Class E Felony - ANSWER- Issuing a false certificate Class D Felony - ANSWER- Forgery Class A Misdemeanor - ANSWER- Official Misconduct - Official Misconduct (Notary) - ANSWER- Notary refrains from performing a duty which is imposed up him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office Official Misconduct (guilty) - ANSWER- guilty of this when, with intent to obtain a benefit or to injure or deprive another person of a benefit Official Misconduct (commits) - ANSWER- he commits an act relating to his office but constituting an unauthorized exercise of his official functions, knowing that such act is unauthorized The Roman Empire - ANSWER- established the office of notary public

forgery - ANSWER- may be prosecuted for for non-resident notary can - ANSWER- take depositions cannot be appointed for (burglar) - ANSWER- Possessing burglar's instruments cannot be appointed for (illegal) - ANSWER- illegal use/carry of a pistol or dangerous weapon cannot be appointed for (buying) - ANSWER- buying or receiving or criminally possessing stolen property cannot be appointed for (unlawful) - ANSWER- unlawful entry cannot be appointed for (aiding) - ANSWER- aiding escape from prison cannot be appointed for (unlawfully) - ANSWER- unlawfully possessing or distributing narcotic drugs cannot be appointed for (vagrancy) - ANSWER- vagrancy or prostitution can be appointed (received) - ANSWER- received an executive pardon criminal contempt - ANSWER- notary asks for and receives more compensation than allowed by law; can be charged with criminal contempt, criminal prosecution and treble damages jurat - ANSWER- is added to an affadavit attest - ANSWER- to indicate genuineness by signing as a witness, the notary public the instrument knowingly making a false certificate

statute - ANSWER- the powers of notaries are defined by A possible penalty for committing perjury is how many years in prison?

  • ANSWER- 2 - 4 years If you request a new Certificate of Authorization, the State of California must respond within how many days? - ANSWER- 5 days Are death certificates notarized? - ANSWER- No A subscribing witness can bring you a what? - ANSWER- Homestead declaration The penalty for stating a known false face as true is how much of a fine?
  • ANSWER- $10, The fine for failing to notify the state that your stamp or journal was lost is up to ...? - ANSWER- $1, Willful failure to provide a peace officer with a journal when requested is punishable by a civil penalty up to - ANSWER- $2, When a regulation states 30 days it means: - ANSWER- Calendar days Your commission is dated 9/1/05 and you get your oath filed on 9/25/05. Your commission will expire: - ANSWER- 8/31/ The fee for notarizing a circulator's affidavit is - ANSWER- $ A notary can certify a copy of a power of attorney according to the - ANSWER- Probate code During the signature by mark process, how many people write the name of the X signer - ANSWER- One

If you move, you must contact the proper authority within - ANSWER- 30 days A commission is valid for years: - ANSWER- 4 years Your 4 - year notary bond is worth - ANSWER- $15, The statute of limitations for making a statement known to be false is: - ANSWER- 4 years To be acceptable, ID's must be current or issued within the past - ANSWER- 5 years Notary certificates are signed by - ANSWER- notary A notary seeking reappointment must retake the notary exam - ANSWER- Every 4 years Notaries can withhold services - ANSWER- - When they employer limits services to transactions related to the employer's business

  • When a document is incomplete
  • When they believe someone does not understand what they are signing A notary does not have to charge a fee - ANSWER- KNOW Signers on what documents must leave a right thumbprint? - ANSWER- Power of attorney and trust deed for real estate An affirmation is - ANSWER- Legal equivalent of an oath but has no referral to a Supreme Being

How much to charge as a non-attorney notary (qualified & b. bonded as an immigration c. consultant) for per signature on a jurat? - ANSWER- $ How much is it to charge for completing a person's immigration application? - ANSWER- $ How much is it to charge for oaths and affirmations as a non-attorney notary? - ANSWER- $ Notaries obtain their seals from the - ANSWER- approved vendors or manufacturers A subscribing witness is placed under oath and asked...? - ANSWER- Did you sign as a witness? Did the signer acknowledge their signing? Did the signer ask you to get the document notarized? List notary actions - ANSWER- Proof of Execution, Jurat, Oath of Office, Acknowledgment Credible witnesses must not - ANSWER- have a financial interest in the document How much does a military notary charge? - ANSWER- No fees A person who is not commissioned and holds herself out as a notary is - ANSWER- guilty of a misdemeanor An employer of a notary can - ANSWER- Copy Journal entries of business generated documents in front of the notary A notary must respond to a request for a transaction within days - ANSWER- 15 The notary or security bond protects the: - ANSWER- public

The only documents that do not require a seal are: - ANSWER- Subdivision maps The county named in the Venue is where: - ANSWER- The signer personally appeared If a person has no right thumb and a thumbprint is needed - ANSWER- use any finger, use left thumb, and make a note of the problem A notary seal mustBe photographically reproducible and contain an expiration date Contain the state seal and "notary public" Have a serrated or milled edge border - ANSWER- know The most frequently completed form is: - ANSWER- the acknowledgment Which items must always be put in the journal - ANSWER- Date, time, type of document, fees The main purpose of a credible identifying witness is to - ANSWER- identify a signer Why are two witnesses for a signature by mark necessary? - ANSWER- To view the making or the acknowledging of the mark You are notarizing a document for a personal friend. What must be included in your journal? - ANSWER- Signer's driver's license number Type of Document Notary fee A written request for a photocopy of a journal entry must contain - ANSWER- type of document month and year of notarization

names of parties A right thumbprint is not required in the Notary journal for a: - ANSWER- Deed of reconveyance When a Notary changes a business address to a new county within California, the notary must - ANSWER- notify the secretary of state A proof of execution may be performed on a - ANSWER- deed of reconveyance You are not automatically disqualified from doing a notarization when you are a - ANSWER- real estate agent By using the term notario publico in an advertisement, the Notary's commission could be: - ANSWER- Suspended for a period of minimum one year and revoked on the second offense A Notary may not charge a fee for notarization on what? - ANSWER- a circulators affidavit What is an integrity, state appointed public servant who is an impartial witness? - ANSWER- Notary public Can you notarize a document you are named in? - ANSWER- No Can you notarize your own signature? - ANSWER- No Can the notary have a direct financial or beneficial interest? - ANSWER- No Interest = - ANSWER- Conflict Spouse = - ANSWER- Caution

Examples of conflict of interest - ANSWER- Grantor or grantee Trustor or trustee Lesson or lessee Mortgagor or mortgagee Vendor or vendee Beneficiary If you are an "or" and an "ee" you cannot be the notary - ANSWER- Know Your spouse or partner is named as a trustee in a trust agreement. Would you be allowed to notarize the document? - ANSWER- Yes Can notary notarize an agent? - ANSWER- Yes Can notary notarize an attorney? - ANSWER- Yes Can notary notarize an insurer? - ANSWER- Yes Can notary notarize an employee? - ANSWER- Yes Can you notarize in another state? - ANSWER- No Once receive commission what must you do before able to use it? - ANSWER- Authenticate and validate How many days do you have to authenticate your commission? - ANSWER- 30 days of commencement date How much of a surety bond must you file with county clerk to validate commission? - ANSWER- $15,000 What type of notary? Federal employee U.s citizen

Only on base jurisdiction No fees Commission ends when service ends or 4 years (1st come) - ANSWER- Military base notary What type of notary? Employee or public agency Notarized for agency only Must charge Remits fees back to agency Commission ends when employment ends or 4 years (1st come) - ANSWER- Public employee notary What type of notary? Paid for by employee Limited service agreement Fee remission agreement Commission continues even if employment ends Never surrender journal or seal to employer - ANSWER- Private employee notary Must notify an address or name change within days? - ANSWER- 30 Failure to notify Secretary of State of a change of address or name change fine up to - ANSWER- $500 For commission resignation include - ANSWER- Commission name, number, expiration date, county of filing In case of resignation or death deface seal and turn journal and papers to county clerk within days - ANSWER- 30 Death of notary what to do (3 things) - ANSWER- Notify Secretary of State Deface seal

Turn in journals to county clerk within 30 days

  1. Require personal appearance
  2. Identify signer
  3. Scan document
  4. record journal entry
  5. Complete notary certificate - ANSWER- 5 Steps of notarization Satisfactory evidence for acknowledgment and jurats - ANSWER- State ID 1 - 2 credible witnesses How much is the civil penalty if a notary public fails to obtain satisfactory evidence required to establish the identity of a credible witness? - ANSWER- Up to $10,000 Person who knows the singer who swears or affirms to the signers identity - ANSWER- Credible identifying witness May a notary accept a current Canadian ID card as proof of identity? - ANSWER- No, it is not a drivers license Thumbprint required for: - ANSWER- Deeds Quitclaim deeds Deeds of trust Power of attorney Failure to get a thumbprint when required is a fine up to - ANSWER- $2,500 For one credible witness need signature OR ID info. For two credible witnesses need signatures AND ID info - ANSWER- Know Requests from public require - ANSWER- WHO WHAT WHEN

Name of parties Type of document Month and year of notarization How much do you charge for journal page copy? - ANSWER- 33 cents per page For journal entry content request how long do you have to respond? - ANSWER- 15 days Fine for failing to surrender journal up to - ANSWER- $2,500 Anything lost (journal, seal, etc) must be notified immediately and include - ANSWER- Commission name and number Expiration date Police report Time period covered in journal A statement that the notary has only verified the identity of the signer and not the truthfulness accuracy or validity of the document - ANSWER- Notice The state and county where they're staying and personally appears before the notary - ANSWER- Venue The body of the wording that states all the steps of particulars that took place during the notarization - ANSWER- Statement of particulars The notary's signed name - ANSWER- Signature Official sign of notaries authority that imprints commission info - ANSWER- Seal Statement signed by notary to certify certificate (only on California acknowledgment) - ANSWER- Penalty of perjury clause