Download Dental Anesthesia Dental Anesthesia and more Exams Anesthesiology in PDF only on Docsity! Dental Anesthesia blocking nerve conduction - Local anesthetic agents achieve their effect by hydrophilic and lipophilic - Lipid membranes are composed of phospholipids having both [1] and [2] ends. True - Core bundles innervate tissues at some distance away Resting state, stimulation, slow depolarization & firing threshold, rapid depolarization, repolarization, return to resting state - sequence that describes the events in a successful impulse generation Sensory and small nerves, then motor nerves - Local anesthesics are effective on both motor and sensory nerves. Which of the following sequences is correct for the order of the effect True - During depolarization the sodium channel opens allowing positively charged sodium to enter the axoplasm. This acts to create an environment inside the axoplasm that is less negatively charged - relative to the extracelluar environment ATP - Energy for the sodium pump comes from Interdental, interradicular, and dental - What are three divisions of the dental plexus? True - Saltatory conduction refers to the act of impulses jumping over Schwann cells from one node of Ranvier to another CNS stimulation - Which of the following is not a systemic reaction to an overdose of a local anesthetic agent The time it takes for half of the drug to be out of the system - Elimination half-life refers to which one of the following? decreased myocardial contractility, vasodilation, and hypotension - Cardiovascular system toxicity occurs due to small number of molecules able to cross the nerve sheath - 1 Adequate blockage of a nerve is more difficult to achieve in infected or inflamed tissues because of the ________. in the blood - Ester local anesthetics are metabolized in which one of the following pathways low system toxicity - Because all injectable and most topical local anesthetics are absorbed from the administration site into the cardiovascular system, ________is of paramount importance concentration of the drug - Among the factors that a clinician can control in regard to a given drug's induction time is/are the ___________ have a longer duration of clinical activity - Local anesthetics possessing the greatest degree of protein binding appear to _________ because of this characteristic away from the inflamed area - To obtain adequate nerve block anesthesia in the presence of inflammation or infection, dental professionals should deposit solution the ionized (cation) - Which portion of the anesthetic molecule is responsible for binding to the receptor site inside the nerve membrane, thereby preventing depolarization? Roots of primary teeth are generally shorter than permanent tooth roots. - In which of the following ways do anatomic variations affect the choice of injection techniques for children? Rapid rate of deposition - Several different techniques were mentioned that assist in making the injection process more tolerable. Which of the following is NOT one of the ones mentioned? False - Soft tissue trauma in children occurs most commonly on the upper lip. supraperiosteal infiltration - For pediatric patients, _______ is frequently indicated. true - Palatal anesthesia for children, if necessary, can be achieved using intrapapillary injections Rapid injection of solution - The PowerPoint listed five specific factors that add to increased risk of local anesthetic overdose in children. Which of the following is NOT one of the five listed? 2