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This study guide provides a comprehensive overview of dental hygiene law and ethics in california, focusing on key regulations and procedures. It includes a series of questions and answers covering topics such as oral prophylaxis, scope of practice, infection control, and licensing requirements. The guide is designed to help students prepare for exams and understand the legal and ethical framework governing dental hygiene practice in the state.
Typology: Exams
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Oral Prophylaxis - ANSWER - >preventive and therapeutic procedures including bacterial debridement with complete removal of sub and supragingival calculus, soft deposits, plaque and stains. OBJECTIVE: maintain healthy hard and soft tissue Hygienists licensed before December 31, 2005 may perform all RDA functions. - ANSWER - >True All hygienists licensed on or after January 1, 2006 must apply for a RDA license separately in order to perform RDA functions.
Dental hygiene practice does NOT include: - ANSWER - >- Diagnosis
-educational services, oral health training programs, oral health screenings
any other cause applicable to the licentiate provided. - ANSWER
unprofessional conduct, gross negligence A licensee may have his or her license revoked or suspended, or may be reprimanded or placed on probation by the ___________________, for conviction of a crime substantially related to the licensee's qualifications, functions or duties. - ANSWER - >committee The record of conviction or a copy certified by the ___________ of the court or by the judge whose court the conviction occurred shall be conclusive evidence of ______________. - ANSWER - >clerk, conviction A plea or verdict of guilty or a conviction following a plea of ___________________ made to charge of a felony or any misdemeanor substantially related to the licensee's qualifications, functions, or duties deemed to be a conviction within the meaning of this section. - ANSWER - >nolo contendere The committee may reprimand a licensee or order a license suspended or revoked, or placed on probation or may decline to issue a license, when any of the following occur: - ANSWER -
- The time for appeal has elapsed
under any provision of the Penal code allowing them to withdraw his/her guilty plea. BPC 123. It is a __________________ for any person to engage in any conduct which subverts or attempts to subvert any licensing examination, not limited to: - ANSWER - >misdemeanor a). conduct violating the security of the exam materials b). communicating with any other examinee during the exam c). if any provision of this section is held invalid, it shall not affect other provisions or applications **a person found guilty of violating this section shall be liable for damages by the agency administering the exam not to exceed $10,000 and the costs of litigation BPC 123, 123.5 - ANSWER - >Subversion of licensing examinations BPC 123. Whenever a person has or is about to engage in any practices that will constitute a violation of Section 123, the superior court in the county wherein the act has taken place may issue an injunction, or other appropriate order, restraining such conduct on application of the board, the Attorney General or district attorney of the county - ANSWER - >True a group of infection prevention practices that apply to all patients, regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status,
in any setting in which healthcare is delivered - ANSWER -
Standard precautions hand hygiene, use of gloves, mask, eye protection, face shield, safe handling of sharps - ANSWER - >Standard precautions items considered high risk for infection if they are contaminated with any microorganism. - ANSWER - >Critical Items all instruments, devices, and other items used to penetrate soft tissue or bone - ANSWER - >Critical items instruments, devices and other items that contact oral mucous membranes, non-intact skin or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) - ANSWER - >Semi-critical items instruments, devices, equipment and surfaces that come into contact with soil, debris, saliva, blood, OPIM and intact skin, but not oral mucous membranes - ANSWER - >Non-critical items the least effective disinfection process, kills some bacteria, some viruses and fungi, but does not kill bacterial spores or mycobacterium tuberculosis var bovis - ANSWER - >Low-level disinfection kills mycobacterium tuberculosis var bovis indicating that many human pathogens are also killed. Does not necessarily kill spores - ANSWER - >Intermediate level disinfection
kills some, but not necessarily all bacterial spores. Kills mycobacterium tuberculosis var bovis, bacteria, fungi and viruses - ANSWER - >High level disinfection a chemical agent that can be used to disinfect items and surfaces based on the level of contamination - ANSWER -
Germicide a validated process used to render a product free of all forms of viable microorganisms - ANSWER - >Sterilization the removal of visible soil debris and OPIM from objects and surfaces and shall be accomplished manually or mechanically using water with detergents or enzymatic products - ANSWER - Cleaning
specialized clothing or equipment worn or used for protection against hazard - ANSWER - >PPE's OPIM - ANSWER - >Other Potentially Infectious Materials Human body fluids such as saliva in dental procedures and any body fluid that is visibly contaminated with blood, and all body fluids in situations where it is difficult or impossible to differentiate between body fluids - ANSWER - >OPIM any unfixed tissue or organ (other than intact skin) from a human (living or dead) - ANSWER - >OPIM
Any of the following, if known or reasonably likely to contain or be infected with HIV, HBV, or HCV: - ANSWER - >1. cell, tissue, or organ cultures from humans or experimental animals
when should masks be changed and disposed? - ANSWER -
after each patient treatment After each patient treatment, _________________ and ___________________ shall be cleaned, disinfected, or disposed - ANSWER - >face shields, protective eyewear All DHCP shall perform hand hygiene procedures ______________ donning gloves and __________ removing and discarding gloves - ANSWER - >before, after Medical exam gloves shall be worn whenever there is contact with ______________ membranes, _____________, OPIM, and during _____ clinical, _____ clinical, clinical, and laboratory procedures. - ANSWER - >mucous, blood, pre, post DHCP shall wear ____________________ gloves to prevent puncture wounds. - ANSWER - >heavy duty utility Gloves shall __________ be washed before or after use - ANSWER - >not Needles shall be recapped only by using the _________ technique or a ______________ device. - ANSWER - >scoop, protective Needles shall not be __________ or ____________ for the purpose of disposal. - ANSWER - >bent, broken
All germicides must be used in accordance with intended use and label instructions - ANSWER - >true Cleaning must __________ any disinfection or sterilization process. - ANSWER - >precede Critical instruments, items and devices shall be _____________ or pre-cleaned, packaged or _______________ and ______________ after each use. - ANSWER - >discarded, wrapped, sterilized Methods of sterilization include: - ANSWER - >steam under pressure (autoclaving) chemical vapor dry heat If a critical item is heat-sensitive, it shall, at minimum, be processed with ______________ disinfection and packaged or wrapped upon completion of the disinfection process. - ANSWER - >high-level Instruments, items, and devices shall remain sealed and stored as to prevent contamination, and shall be labeled with the ___________ of sterilization and the specific ______________ used if more than one in the facility. - ANSWER - >date, sterilizer
Semi-critical instruments, items, and devices shall be ____________, packaged or wrapped and _______________ after each use. - ANSWER - >pre-cleaned, sterilized Non-critical surface and patient care items shall be cleaned and disinfected with a _________________ registered hospital disinfectant (__________________) labeled effective against _________ and __________. - ANSWER - >Cal/EPA, low-level disinfectant, HBV, HIV When the item is visibly contaminated with blood or OPIM, a Cal/EPA registered hospital _________________ level disinfectant with a __________________ claim shall be used. - ANSWER - >intermediate, tuberculocidal All high-speed dental hand pieces, low-speed hand pieces, rotary components and dental unit attachments such as reusable air/water syringe tips and ultrasonic scaler tips, shall be packaged, labeled and heat-sterilized in a manner consistent with the same sterilization process as a ____________________ item - ANSWER - >semi-critical Single use disposable items such as prophy angles, prophy cups and brushes, tips for high-speed evacuators, saliva ejectors, air/water syringe tips, and gloves shall be used for _______ patient and ________________. - ANSWER - >one, discarded Proper functioning of the sterilization cycle of all sterilization devices shall be verified at least ____________ through the use
of a __________________ indicator (such as a spore test). - ANSWER - >weekly, biological Tests results for the sterilizer shall be documented and maintained for _______ months. - ANSWER - > 12 If non-critical items or surface likely to be contaminated are manufactured in a manner preventing cleaning and disinfection, they shall be protected with _______________ impervious barriers. - ANSWER - >disposable Sterile coolants/irrigants shall be used for surgical procedures involving ____________ tissue or __________. - ANSWER -
soft, bone Sterile coolants/irrigants must be delivered using a ____________ delivery system. - ANSWER - >sterile _________________ barriers shall be changed when visibly ____________ or damaged and ______________ patients. - ANSWER - >Disposable, soiled, between Clean and disinfect all clinical contact surfaces that are not protected by impervious barriers using a Cal/EPA registered, hospital grade ___________ to ______________ level germicide after each patient. - ANSWER - >low, intermediate Low level disinfectants used shall be labeled effective against _____ and ______. - ANSWER - >HBV, HIV
Clean all housekeeping surfaces (e.g. floors, walls, sinks) with a _______________ and ____________ or a Cal/EPA registered _____________ grade disinfectant. - ANSWER - >detergent, water, hospital Dental unit water lines shall be anti-retractive. - ANSWER -
True At the beginning of each workday, dental unit lines and devices shall be purged with air or flushed with water for at least
___________ minutes prior to attaching handpieces, scalers, air water syringe tips, or other devices. - ANSWER - > 2 Dental unit lines and devices shall be flushed between each patient for a minimum of __________ seconds. - ANSWER - > 20 __________ shields and equipment _______ shall be used on dental laboratory lathes. - ANSWER - >Splash, guards Fresh pumice and a sterilized or new rag-wheel shall be used for each patient. - ANSWER - >True Devices used to polish, trim, or adjust contaminated intraoral devices shall be __________________ or ___________________, properly packaged or wrapped and labeled with the date and the specific sterilizer if more than one in the facility. - ANSWER - >disinfected, sterilized
If packaging is compromised, the instruments shall be recleaned, packaged in new wrap, and sterilized again. - ANSWER - >True All intraoral items such as impressions, bite registration, prosthetic and orthodontic appliances shall be cleaned and disinfected with an ___________ disinfectant before manipulation in the laboratory and placement in the patients mouth. - ANSWER - >intermediate Items shall be thoroughly rinsed before placement in the patient's mouth. - ANSWER - >True The Dental Board of California and DHCC shall review the lab area regulation _______________ and establish a consensus. - ANSWER - >annually How many units are required for continuing education in infection control, California Dental practice Act and Basic life Support? - ANSWER - >2 units of Infection Control 2 units of California Dental Practice Act 4 units of Basic Life Support Mandatory continuing education unit's count toward the total units required renewing a license or permit, however failure to complete the mandatory courses will result in ________________ of a license or permit - ANSWER - >non- renewal
All licensees shall accumulate the continuing education units indicated during the ____________ license or permit renewal period assigned by the Board on each license or permit. - ANSWER - >biennial How many continuing education units are required for RDH's to renew their license? - ANSWER - >25 units How many continuing education unit are required for Dentist's to renew their license? - ANSWER - >50 units How many continuing education units are required for RDHAP's to renew their license? - ANSWER - >35 units Each dentist licensee who holds a general anesthesia permit shall complete, as a condition of permit renewal, continuing education requirements at least once every 2 years, and either (1) advanced cardiac life support course approved by the AHA which includes an exam on the course or (2) any other advanced cardiac life support course identical in all respects. PROBABLY DON'T NEED TO KNOW THIS FOR EXAM - ANSWER -
True Each dentist licensee who holds a conscious sedation permit shall complete at least once every 2 years a minimum of ______ total units of coursework related to the administration of conscious sedation and to medical emergencies. PROBABLY DONT NEED TO KNOW - ANSWER - > 15
Each dentist licensee who holds an oral conscious sedation permit for MINORS, as a condition permit renewal, shall complete at least once every 2 years a minimum of _____ total units of coursework related to the subject area in CE requirements. - ANSWER - > 7 Each dentist licensee who holds an oral conscious sedation permit for ADULTS, as a condition of permit renewal, shall complete at least once every two years a minimum of ____ units of coursework related to the subject area in CE requirements - ANSWER - > 7 Tape recorded courses, home study materials, video courses, and computer courses are considered correspondence courses and will be accepted for credit up, but not exceeding _________% of the licensee's total required units. - ANSWER -
50 In the event that 50% of the CE's required were non-live units, all remaining units shall be obtained through __________ interactive course study with the option to obtain 100% of the total required units. - ANSWER - >live Licensees who participate in the following activities shall be issued CE credit for up to 20% of their total CE unit requirements for license renewal:
Participation in any Dental Board of California or WREB exam
committee, Board
Alcohol or drug abuse or both is not in and of itself a sufficient basis for reporting ___________________ or _______________. - ANSWER - >child abuse, neglect Volunteers of public or private organizations whose duties require direct contact with and supervision of children are _________ mandated reporters but are encouraged to obtain training in the identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect and are further encouraged to ____________ known or suspected instances of child abuse or neglect to an agency. - ANSWER - >not, report Unless otherwise specifically provided, the absence of training shall not excuse a ____________ from their duties. - ANSWER -
mandated reporter A mandated reporter shall make the initial report to the agency __________________ or as soon as practically possible by phone and shall prepare and send a fax or electronically transmit a written follow up report therof within ______ hours of receiving the information concerning the incident. - ANSWER
immediately, 36 The mandated reporter may include with the report any ___________________ documentary evidence the mandated reporter possesses relating to the incident. - ANSWER - >non- privileged
Reasonable suspicion means: - ANSWER - >it is objectively reasonable for a person to entertain a suspicion, based upon facts that could cause a reasonable person in a like position, drawing, when appropriate, on his or her training and experience to suspect child abuse or neglect. Reasonable suspicion does not require ______________ that child abuse or neglect has occurred nor does it require a specific _____________ indication of child abuse or neglect - ANSWER - >certainty, medical Any reasonable suspicion is ______________. - ANSWER -
sufficient The _______________ of a minor does not , in and of itself, constitute a basis for reasonable suspicion of sexual abuse. - ANSWER - >pregnancy The agency shall be notified and a report shall be prepared and sent, faxed, or electronically transmitted even if the child has ____________, regardless of whether or not the possible abuse was a factor contributing to the death, and even if suspected child abuse was discovered during an autopsy. - ANSWER - expired A mandated reporter who files a one time automated written report because he or she was unable to submit an initial report by telephone is ______ required to submit a ___________ followup report - ANSWER - >not, written
If after reasonable efforts a mandated reporter is unable to submit an initial report by phone, he/she shall ____________________ or as soon as practically possible, by fax or electronic transmission, make a ______________ automated written report on the form prescribed by the Department of Justice, and shall also be available to respond to a telephone ____________ call by the agency with which he or she filed the report. - ANSWER - >immediately, one-time, follow-up Any mandated reporter who fails to report an incident of known or reasonably suspected child abuse or neglect as required is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by up to ______ months confinement in a county jail or by a fine of $________ or by both that imprisonment and fine. - ANSWER - >6, 1000 If a mandated reporter intentionally conceals his/her failure to report an incident known by the mandated reporter to be abuse or severe neglect is a continuing offense until an agency specified discovers the offense. - ANSWER - >true Penitential communication - ANSWER - >a communication intended to be in confidence, including but not limited to a sacramental confession made to a clergy member who has a duty to keep those communications secret. sexual conduct means: - ANSWER - >sexual intercourse penetration by any object
masturbation sadomasochistic exhibition of private areas When two or more persons, who are required to report, jointly have knowledge of a known or suspected instance of child abuse or neglect, and when there is agreement among them, the telephone report may be made by a member of the team selected by mutual agreement and a _________ report may be made and signed by the selected member of the reporting team. - ANSWER - >single Law enforcement agencies shall also send a fax or electronically transmit a written report thereof within 36 hours of receiving information concerning the incident to any agency to which it makes the telephone report - ANSWER - >True Any person who has assumed full or intermittent responsibility for the care or custody of an elder or dependent adult, whether or not he or she receives compensation is a __________________ _________________. - ANSWER -
mandated reporter Elder abuse includes but is not limited to: - ANSWER - abandonment abduction isolation financial abuse neglect
physical abuse Any mandated reporter who suspects elder abuse shall report the abuse by telephone or through a confidential internet reporting tool, immediately or as soon as practically possible. IF reported by phone, a ___________ report shall be sent, or an __________ report shall be made through the confidential internet reporting tool within ______ working days. - ANSWER -
written, internet, 2 If the elder abuse has occurred in a ___________ __________ ___________ facility, EXCEPT a state mental health hospital or a state development center, the report shall be made to the ___________ __________________________ or the local law enforcement agency. **NEED TO KNOW - ANSWER - >long term care, local ombudsperson The local ombudsperson and local law enforcement agency shall as practically possible, except in an emergency: - ANSWER
- Report to the State Department of Public Health
If the suspected or alleged elder abuse has occurred in a state mental hospital or a state development center, the report shall be made to the designated investigators of the: - ANSWER -
State Department of State Hospitals State Department of Developmental Services Local Law enforcement agency (except in an emergency, local law enforcement agency shall as soon as practically possible report any case of known or suspected criminal activity to the Bureau of Medi-Cal Fruad and Elder Abuse If elder abuse has occurred any place other than described above, the report shall be made to the: - ANSWER - >adult protective services agency or local law enforcement agency A mandated reporter who is a clergy member who acquires knowledge or reasonable suspicion of elder or dependent adult abuse during penitential communication is _______ subject to report. - ANSWER - >NOT penitential communication means - ANSWER - >a communication that is intended to be in confidence A mandated reporter who is a physician or surgeon , a registered nurse, or a psychotherapist shall NOT be required to report an incident of elder abuse where all of the following conditions exist: - ANSWER - >1. The mandated reporter was told by an elder that they experienced behavior constituting physical abuse, abandonment, abduction, isolation, financial abuse or neglect.
*name of the person making report *name and age of the elder adult *present location of the elder adult *names and addresses of adults responsible for the elders care *the nature of the elders condition *the date of the incident *any other pertinent information
Whenever a county adult protective services agency report to a law enforcement agency, the law enforcement agency shall immediately upon request provide a copy of its investigative report concerning the matter to that county adult protective services agency and vice versa - ANSWER - >true The requirement to disclose investigative reports pursuant to this subdivision shall not include the disclosure of social services record or case files that are confidential, nor shall this subdivision be construed to allow disclosure of any reports or records if the disclosure would be prohibited by any other provision of state or federal law - ANSWER - >true Failure to report, or impeding or inhibiting a report of any type of elder abuse is a ____________________, punishable by not more than ________ months in the county jail, by a fine of not more than $_____________, or by both fine and imprisonment.