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A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the dental hygiene prometric exam (cdca/ 728). It covers a wide range of topics, including anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, oral pathology, and clinical procedures. Designed to help students prepare for the exam by providing them with a thorough understanding of the subject matter and by familiarizing them with the types of questions that they can expect to encounter.
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parasympathetic nerves (cholinergic action) - Answer: produces an increase in fluid volume (serous saliva). sympathetic nerves (sympathomimetic action) - Answer: produces less volume and viscous saliva drugs that have an anticholinergic action - Answer: reduce the volume of serous saliva, including antihypertensives, antihistamines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiemetics, antispasmotics, and anti-parkinsonian drugs.
Oraqix® - Answer: (lidocaine and prilocaine periodontal gel) 2.5%/2.5% Periodontal Gel is supplied in dental cartridges that provide 1.7 g gel. duration of Oraqix® - Answer: provides anesthesia after an application time of 30 seconds, with a mean duration of action of about 17 to 20 min What is a diastema? What are causes? - Answer: A large space between the central incisors; Can be caused by tongue thrusting or hereditary What is material Alba? What does it look like? - Answer: Material Alba is created by food particles, dead epithelial cells, and accumulation of thick biofilm bacteria; White chalky pus How do you calculate CAL? - Answer: Cal is the measurement from the base of the pocket to the CEJ. Add pocket depth plus any recession if applicable. TRUE OR FALSE: When gingival margin is at the CEJ no calculations are needed to find the CAL because the probing depth is the same as the CAL - Answer: True What is Dens Invaginus? another name? - Answer: A tooth forming inside of another tooth; Dens in Dente What is Dens Envaginus? - Answer: A tooth forming on the outside occlusal surface similar to an extra cusp; it is more rare than dens invaginus
To maintain PPE which is NOT necessary: a - wash lab clothes after being done with patients b - Change lab clothes when they are wet or visibly soiled c- Clean loupes and patient glasses after every patient d- sterilize loupes and glasses daily - Answer: D - while it is good to clean loupes and glasses it is not necessary to sterilize them How long should you flush water lines? - Answer: 30 seconds Which is not a concern when buying a mask? a - must have HEPA filter b- complete coverage around nose c- BFE (Bacterial filtration) d- Breatheability - Answer: A- all masks that are sold have at least the legal minimum HEPA filter What should you not be wearing when cleaning instruments? - Answer: you should not use Patient examination gloves ( the gloves your wore during patient treatment) The Hep B vaccine also protects you from what other strand of HEP? - Answer: HEP D Corticosteriods and Anti-inflammatory drugs can cause a delay in what, that could affect patient treatment? - Answer: delay in healing
Procardia is what class of drug? what is that class used for? - Answer: Calcium Channel Blocker; tx of hypertension What types/ names of drugs cause gingival enlargement? - Answer: Acronym (CCC
Max # of cartridges of Oraqix that can be used? - Answer: 5 1.7g cartridges What Heart conditions require Premedication? - Answer: Artificial heart valves Infective endocarditis most congential heart defects cardiac transplant with problems in the valves How do drugs induce xerostomia? - Answer: by altering neural pathways that stimulate the salivary glands; either anticholinergic or sympathomimetic drugs What type of drug is Prednisone? - Answer: corticosteroid What is a prominent side effect of Prozac? - Answer: Xerostomia What type of drug is Claritin? What would a prominent side effect be? - Answer: Antihistamine; Xerostomia Know what cross bite looks like - Answer: ... Know classes of occlusion - Answer: Class I: mesiobuccal cusp of maxillary first molar occludes with buccal groove of mandibular first molar Class II: buccal groove of mandibular first molar is distal to the mesiobuccal cusp of maxillary fits molar
Class III: buccal groove of mandibular first molar is mesial to the mesiobuccal cusp of maxillary first molar Why would there be a white triangle covering all the mandibular anteriors and chin on a PAN? - Answer: If the mouth looks smiley then the chin was too low, if the mouth looked frowning then the chin was too high FDA regulates - Answer: fluoride content in bottled water medications that cause increased bleeding? - Answer: anticoagulants (warfarin, heparin), antiplatelets (aspirin, plavix), blood modifiers (xarelto, eliquis, pradaxa) medications that cause gingival hyperplasia? - Answer: - anti-seizure: Dilantin
clinical pictures of fluorosis, abrasion, pyogenic granuloma, redness on palate, what are some likely causes? - Answer: ill-fitting denture, tobacco, stain, linea alba a patient on an anti-hypertensive is most likely to experience what problem in the dental chair? - Answer: orthostatic hypotension what causes a diastema? - Answer: genetics x-ray pit falls - Answer: - patient moves
enamel projection (enamel pearl) - Answer: - misplaced ameloblasts migrate to the root area
when do maxillary first premolars erupt? - Answer: 10- when do mandibular first premolars erupt? - Answer: 10- when do maxillary second premolars erupt? - Answer: 10- when do mandibular second premolars erupt? - Answer: 11- when do maxillary first molars erupt? - Answer: 6- when do mandibular first molars erupt? - Answer: 6- when do maxillary second molars erupt? - Answer: 12- when do mandibular second molars erupt? - Answer: 11- when do maxillary third molars erupt? - Answer: 17- when do mandibular third molars erupt? - Answer: 17- 21 How much fluoride supplementation should be given to a 6 month old or younger? - Answer: none How much fluoride supplementation should be given to a 6 month old - 3 year old in a community with less than 0.3 ppm in their water? - Answer: .25mg/day
How much fluoride supplementation should be given to a 6 month old - 3 year old in a community with 0.3-0.6 ppm in their water? - Answer: none How much fluoride supplementation should be given to a 6 month old - 3 year old in a community with more than 0.6 ppm in their water? - Answer: none How much fluoride supplementation should be given to a 3-6 year old in a community with less than 0.3 ppm in their water? - Answer: 0.50 mg/day How much fluoride supplementation should be given to a 3-6 year old in a community with 0.3-.0.6 ppm in their water? - Answer: 0.25 mg/day How much fluoride supplementation should be given to a 3-6 year old in a community with more than 0.6 ppm in their water? - Answer: none How much fluoride supplementation should be given to a 6-16 year old in a community with less than 0.3 ppm in their water? - Answer: 1 mg/day How much fluoride supplementation should be given to a 6-16 year old in a community with 0.3-0.6 ppm in their water? - Answer: 0.25 mg/day How much fluoride supplementation should be given to a 6-16 year old in a community with more than 0.6 ppm in their water? - Answer: none
complication with high blood pressure medications? - Answer: orthostatic hypotension dental caries and relation most with diet? - Answer: frequency advantage of digital x-rays? - Answer: reduce exposure What is the most effective method of sterilization? - Answer: steam vapor what kind of treatment is needed for a bulimic patient? - Answer: rinse with bicarbonate solution according to CDCA all need to be medical waste except - Answer: tissue treatment for angular cheilitis? - Answer: antifungal APF can cause - Answer: etching of porcelain crowns when should spore test biological monitoring be done? - Answer: 1 week which tooth will replace the primary second molar? - Answer: permanent second premolar when the gingival margin is at the CEJ what calculation is needed to calculate the CAL? - Answer: none, the CAL is the same as the prime depth
Tooth #24 has a 6mm pocket with 2 mm of recession, what is the CAL? - Answer: 8 mm what tooth will replace tooth K? - Answer: # Teeth with a periodontal abscess are vital whereas teeth with a periapical abscess are non-vital, T or F? - Answer: True An irritation fibroma is composed of - Answer: dense fibrous connective tissue and giant cells In periodontal disease, the lamina dura is - Answer: - thinner
Periodontal probe that is taking a measurement but is not perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth - Answer: checking a furcation- nabers probe What dose it mean if panoramic radiograph is darker on one side? - Answer: exposing it to light concrescence - Answer: condition where the cementum overlying the roots of at least two teeth join together cyclosporine causes - Answer: gingival enlargement PAN radiograph of tooth #3 and you see a ghost image of anterior teeth - Answer: double exposed palatine fovea or fovea palatinii - Answer: Two orifices one each side of the midline, distal to the vibrating line. They act as collecting ducts for a group of minor palatine salivary glands hypodontia - Answer: having less than 6 congenitally missing teeth oligodontia - Answer: having 6 or more congenitally missing teeth
Leukoedema - Answer: appears as a filmy, opaque, white to slate gray discoloration of mucosa, chiefly buccal mucosa,It is stated to be seen in 90% of Blacks Nikolsky's sign - Answer: Fragile mucosa may be induced to blister or slough when pressure is applied sign is particularly useful in differentiating pemphigus vulgaris, which causes a positive sign, from bullous pemphigoid, in which the sign is usually absent. Ankylosis - Answer: of primary molars has been reported to be associated with various anomalies in permanent dentition, is usually associated with hypodontia and occurs most time when a tooth fails to exfoliate. median rhomboid glossitis - Answer: fungal condition treated with an antifungal drug. It is a form of chronic atrophic candidiasis characterized by an asymptomatic, elongated, erythematous patch of atrophic mucosa of the posterior mid-dorsal surface of the tongue due to a chronic Candida infection Does the FDA regulate fluoride in bottled water? - Answer: Yes. The federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act provides FDA with broad regulatory authority over food, including bottled water, that is introduced or delivered for interstate commerce (produced and sold in more than one state). Bottled water that is in intrastate commerce (produced and sold only in one state) is under the jurisdiction of the state in which the bottled water is produced and sold. You need to contact the manufacturer to ask if their product is under FDA jurisdiction or state jurisdiction.
Does the EPA have jurisdiction over the quality of bottled water? - Answer: The EPA does not have jurisdiction over the quality of bottled water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the FDA have a 1979 Memorandum of Agreement specifying that the EPA regulates safe drinking water in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the FDA regulates bottled water as a consumer beverage under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (Federal Register, Volume 44, No. 141, July 20, 1979). The FDA has its own regulations on standards of quality, identity, and good manufacturing practices that bottled water must meet. Hemostasis - Answer: can refer to the physiologic process whereby bleeding is halted, thus protecting the integrity of the vascular system after tissue injury. It is responsible for minimizing blood loss. It is commonly referred to as stoppage of bleeding, however, coagulation is only one type of hemostatic process. Your patient is taking aspirin, and you will be performing scaling and root planing on 2 quadrants with local anesthetic and placing 3 sites of Arestin. What could be a possible problem? - Answer: prolonged bleeding Prozac causes - Answer: xerostomia What is an oral side effect of Prozac? - Answer: xerostomia How do steroids effect wound healing? - Answer: causes delayed wound healing
What should be done with a patient with a previous history of high blood pressure and comes in for their appointment with reading of 160/116? - Answer: refer the patient to their physician immediately Premedication regimine - Answer: 2g Amoxicillin 600 mg Clindamycin Patient comes in for appointment who needs premed, and they took 300 mg 1 hour prior to their appointment. What would you do? - Answer: administer another 300 mg and wait 1 hr prior to treatment (because their clindamycin premed is 600mg 1hr prior to treatment) What is a PAN used for? - Answer: - look at location of 3rd molars
What is the treatment for black hair tongue? - Answer: brush it What is a vitality test used for? - Answer: testing to see if the pulp is vital or not (applying cold air on cotton swap and pushing it against the tooth; if the pulp is vital it hurts, if its necrotic you would not feel anything) What are Hutchinson's incisors caused by? - Answer: Syphillis, NOT biting on bobby pins Identify lingual varicosities.. are they normal? - Answer: yes they're normal How long should ultrasonic units be flushed? - Answer: 20 seconds What provides proof of sterilization? Spore test or autoclave tape? - Answer: Spore test What does autoclave tape tell you? - Answer: that it has reached proper temperature Hep B vaccination also protects you from? - Answer: Hep D What can chlorhexidine cause? - Answer: staining, increased calculus deposits What instrument should you use to work on mandibular anterior gingiva? - Answer: - 1/2 gracey
What is wrong with the PANO picture? - Answer: patient should not have on a thyroid collar when taking a PAN What can prednisone cause? - Answer: delayed wound healing How old is a patient with 2nd premolar, 1st molar, and 2nd molars are unerupted?
What type of drug is Procardia? - Answer: calcium channel blocker What is procardia used for? - Answer: for high blood pressure What does procardia cause intraorally? - Answer: gingival enlargement What would mandibular anterior, facial, bright pink and enlarged gingiva indicate?
sympathetic nerves (sympathomimetic action) - Answer: produces less volume and viscous saliva drugs that have an anticholinergic action - Answer: reduce the volume of serous saliva, including antihypertensives, antihistamines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiemetics, antispasmotics, and anti-parkinsonian drugs. Oraqix® - Answer: (lidocaine and prilocaine periodontal gel) 2.5%/2.5% Periodontal Gel is supplied in dental cartridges that provide 1.7 g gel. duration of Oraqix® - Answer: provides anesthesia after an application time of 30 seconds, with a mean duration of action of about 17 to 20 min. Hand washing - Answer: 25 Seconds Orquix last? - Answer: 14-21 minutes Parotid goes with which duct? - Answer: Stensen HPV 16 &18 viruses causes? - Answer: Verruca vulgaris What condition doesn't need a Pre med? - Answer: Pacemaker Alcohol percentage in hand sanitizer - Answer: 60%
Class III occlusion - Answer: Prognthic Cold sterilization last? - Answer: 8 hours What causes prolonged bleeding(hemostasis) blood thinner? - Answer: Warfarin When patient is taking warfarin what do we need to find out? - Answer: (INR) international normalized ratio from physican IV antibiotic used to treat MRSA - Answer: Vancomycin What is wrong with this image - Answer: Fractured tooth Inflammation around gingival margin of #8? - Answer: Restoration irritation Gingival irritation around two weeks? - Answer: Re-scale and re-evaluate Recession is ___ apical to the CEJ - Answer: 3 Acetaminophen (Tylenol)- causes? - Answer: Xerostomia Diastema is? - Answer: Genetic What is on the baby's hand? - Answer: Urtucaria
What is the position do you put a patient going into syncope? - Answer: Trendelenburg Bitewing for child is? - Answer: 12 years old What do you not recommend for a child with braces? - Answer: Stimudent What is wrong with the guy standing by the pano machine? - Answer: Thyroid collar is on Tooth has pus coming out around tooth, tooth passes vitality test is what? - Answer: Perio abscess Patient took 300 mg of Clindamycin, what do you do? - Answer: Administer 300mg more and then wait 1 hour Someone with an artificial Joint needs? - Answer: Medical consult Anti-depressant drug - Answer: Prozac & fluoxetine Blood thinners (anti-coagulant) - Answer: Warfarin - Coumadin, Clopidogrel - Plavix Periodontal abcess (lateral periodontal cyst) - Answer: Radiolucency on the lateral side of the tooth
Furcation reduces? - Answer: reduced chance if increased root trunk length What do you check furcation with? - Answer: Nabor's probe 11/12 13/14 - Answer: Mesial, distal Ultrasonic instruments are generally contraindicated with dental implants. Ultrasonic scalers may disrupt the titanium oxide surface. If needed, tips should be covered with plastic inserts. What should be the level? - Answer: Low setting Anterior open bite is caused from? - Answer: Thumbsucking Lamina dura that surrounds the root is what with disease? - Answer: Thinner Lamina dura around molar is? - Answer: Too thick Why does the tooth not have roots? - Answer: Not formed yet A scaler with a short tip and contra-angled shank is best for? - Answer: Posterior deep pockets What is that cottage cheese looking stuff on the teeth? - Answer: Material alba