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MN Dental Jurisprudence Exam Study Guide
(2023 – 2024) With Complete Solution
8 components of the dental record - 1. Personal Data
- Patient's reasons for visit
- Dental and medical history
- Clinical examinations
- Diagnosis
- Treatment plan
- Informed consent
- Progress notes An adult patient's record must be kept __________. - 7 years beyond the last time they were seen. A minor (child) patient's record must be kept for ___________. - 7 years beyond the age of 18. Informed consent consists of the health care provider giving ___________. - options, benefits, and risks and the patient giving approval. Consent is NOT necessary in an emergency situation. T or F - True When electronic records are kept, _______. - a dentist must keep either a duplicate hard copy record or use an unalterable electronic record. At the request of a patient, their dental records must be transferred to another dentist according to Minnesota Statutes, irrespective of the status of the patient's account. Even if they still owe money, the radiographs (or whatever part of the record) must be transferred. - True Original radiographs or records should never be sent. Diagnostic duplicated radiographs and copied records must be created and sent. - True
Can the dental office charge a fee for the cost of transferring records? - Yes Who decides what the maximum fee that a dentist can charge to transfer records? - MN Department of Health (MDH) No dental professional can accept money for making a referral to another dentist. T/F - True Remuneration - refers to payment fo a service Can a dental professional receive remuneration for a referral? - No Can a dentist dismiss a patient for being non-compliant to recommended treatment. - Yes The doctor/patient relationship can be terminated for: - - Patient's failure to comply with treatment or professional advice
- Consistent tardiness or failed appointments
- Failure to pay for services rendered
- Behavior management issues Can a LDA scale the lower anterior on a pediatric patient, even if the dentist asks them to do it? - No, the LDA would be held accountable for violation of the Dental Practice Act.
- The dentist and the LDA would BOTH be in violation and held accountable.
- The BOD may take disciplinary action against the LDA and the DDS. What are the violations in this ad? "Our practice specializes in cosmetic dentistry, promising superior results in the quest to achieve your perfect smile." - Several key words are in violation of the advertising rule. A dentist cannot say they are superior and cannot promise results of treatment. They are creating a false or unjustified expectation. Also, cosmetic dentistry is not recognized as a specialty by the ADA.
Can General Dentists limit their practice to orthodontics as long as they indicate they are general dentists and not orthodontists? - Yes, the same would be true for a general dentist that does mostly endodontic treatment (root canals) or oral surgery (3rd molar extractions). They cannot claim to be a specialist in those fields. In advertising a dental office, the dentist cannot use the terms "top" or "best" in describing who they are or what they do. T/F - True, they cannot make a claim that a survey, ballot, or poll constitutes a ranking for who they are or what they do. For example, "the top 15%..." or "voted best..." The 5 components of the required dental professional CPR training: - o AED (Automated external defibrillator) o Barrier mask or bag for ventilation o foreign body airway obstruction o Two-person rescuer o Adult, child, and infant CPR If a dental professional comes upon an accident in which the victim has suffered grave harm, what is the obligation as a dental professional? - The Good Samaritan Law, Duty to assist states: "A person at the scene of an emergency who knows that another person is exposed to or has suffered grave physical harm shall, to the extent that the person can do so without danger or peril to self or others give reasonable assistance to the exposed person. Reasonable assistance may include obtaining or attempting to obtain aid from law enforcement or medical personnel. A person who violates this subdivision is guilty of a petty misdemeanor." Who needs to sign the HIPPA form? - every patient What is criminal law? - The body of law that deals with crime and the legal punishment of criminal offenses. What is civil law? - Deals with the disputes between individuals, organizations, or between the two, in which compensation is awarded to the victim. What actions would cause an immediate suspension of a dental professional license? - 1. Dependence on alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances
- Writing unauthorized prescriptions How many members does the Minnesota Board of Dentistry consist of? - 9 members
- 5 dentists
- 1 dental hygienist
- 1 dental assistant
- 2 public members Who appoints the members on the MN BOD? - The Governor How many professional development credits must the DH earn every 2 years? - 25 credits How many professional development credits must the DA earn every 2 years? - 25 credits How many professional development credits must the DDS earn every 2 years? - 50 credits How many professional development credits must the Dental Therapist earn every 2 years? - 50 credits What are fundamental credits? - Activities directly related to the CLINICAL PRACTICE of dentistry The DH and the LDA must have a minimum of ______ fundamental credits. - 15 The DDS and the DT must have a minimum of _____ fundamental credits. - 30 What are core subjects? - aka: fundamental credits
- areas of knowledge that relate to public safety and professionalism
How many core subjects are required for each 2 - year period? - must be a minimum of 2 different core subjects required for each 2 years What are the 6 core subjects? - 1. record keeping
- ethics
- infection control
- patient communication
- management of medical emergencies
- diagnosis and treatment planning (optional for DH and LDA) CPR - - a fundamental credit
- must be updated every 2 years
- mandatory to maintain license
- 4 credits Self-assessment - - a fundamental credit
- printed from the ADA website; usually updated every 2 years
- must be complete and put in professional portfolio
- 1 credit Can all of your credits be earned in the fundamental category? - yes What are elective credits? - - activities directly related to, or supportive of the practice of dentistry What is the maximum number of elective credits that the DH and LDA can earn in a 2 year period? - 10 credits What is the maximum number of elective credits that the DDS and DT can earn in a 2 - year period? - 20 credits
How many credits are earned for general attendance? - - 3 credits for a state or national dental convention
- elective credits What are the 4 areas of elective credits? - 1. Self-study scholarly articles
- Scholarly activities-presentations
- Volunteering/Community service
- General attendance What is acceptable documentation of CE courses taken? - - name and contact info of organization presenting the CE
- presenters name and credentials
- course title, date, hours and subject matter How many days do you have to submit copies of CE evidence? - 60 days How will the BOD notify you of an audit? - - by letter
- you will have 60 days to submit copies of your CE record evidence How long is each dental professional required to keep documentation of their CEs? - Must keep previous 2 year and current 2 - year cycle. All DHCP must notify the BOD within ________ days of a name change or address change. - 30 days Where must all DHCP display their renewal certificate with their license? - In plain sight for the patients to see. Does your license need to be at every office you work? - Yes, it needs to be at the office you work most...full or part time. If you float, keep one in your wallet.
How often does all DHCP need to renew their license? - Every 2 years (biennially) from the date when they originally got their license. When is reading a professional article considered a fundamental credit and when is it an elective credit? - - a professional article with a post test is considered FUNDAMENTAL
- reading a professional article for the information is considered elective. What is acceptable documentation for professional development or continuing education credits? - A form should include:
- name and contact info of organization
- presenters name and credentials
- course title, date, hours
- subject matter When were the guidelines for infection control in the dental health care setting updated? - 2003 by the CDC in the MMWR (morbidity and mortality weekly report) Which diseases are HCP considered to be at substantial risk for? - Hep B
- Influenza
- Measles
- Mumps
- Varicella all are vaccine-preventable Who does OSHA protect? - the employees What vaccine does OSHA require employers to have available -- who have potential contact with blood or OPIM (other potentially infectious material)? - Hep B vaccination
Employers are required to follow CDC recommendations for vaccines, evaluation, and follow up procedures. T or F - True Which employees need the Hep B vaccination? - Any employee that has potential for contact with blood or OPIM What does every dental office need for occupational exposure? - - A written exposure plan What is a written exposure plan? - - Written policies and procedures for prompt reporting, evaluation, counsel, treatment and follow-up to occupational exposures
- Must be consistent with federal, state and local requirements - addressing education/training, post exposure management, and exposure reporting. Exposure training should include: - 1. a description of their exposure risks
- review of prevention strategies and infection control policies and procedures
- discussion regarding how to manage work-related illness and injuries including PEP (post exposure prophylaxis - med given after needle stick)
- review of work restrictions for the exposure or infection When to wash hands: - - before and after treating each patient
- before gloves are put on and immediately when gloves are taken off
- leaving treatment room
- visibly soiled
- when gloves are torn, cut or punctured (remove gloves, wash hands and re-glove) How should you keep your fingernails? - Short, so you can thoroughly clean underneath them and prevent glove tears. Why should the DHCP NOT have artificial nails in the dental office? - They carry greater gram- negative organisms, and are implicated in fungal and bacterial infections.
What does primary PPE include? - - gloves
- surgical masks
- protective eyewear
- protective clothing (gowns or jackets)
- face shields When should patient protective eyewear be cleaned? - between every patient How often should DHCP change protective clothing? - When it becomes visibly soiled and as feasible if penetrated by blood or other potential infectious fluids. When should PPE be removed? - before leaving the work area When should a torn glove be changed? - Immediately Critical items - - used to penetrate soft tissue or bone
- has the greatest risk of transmitting injection and should be sterilized by heat Semi-critical items - - contact mucous membranes or non-intact skin
- high level disinfection is recommended Non-critical patient care items - - pose lease risk of transmission of infection
- contact only skin
- visibly contaminated with blood or OPIM
- must use disinfectant with a tuberculocidal claim (intermediate-level disinfectant) How should instrument processing area be divided? - In sections
- receiving and cleaning and decontamination
- preparation and packaging
- sterilization
- storage What are the mechanical techniques of sterilization monitoring? - Assessing the cycle time, temperature, and pressure gauges What are chemical indicators? - A chemical indicator tape is an example to show that the machine is reaching the appropriate measure of sterilization. does not always prove sterile What are biological indicators? - Methods to assess by killing highly resistant microorganisms
- spore testing is the most accepted
- must be performed weekly What does it mean when a POSITIVE spore test comes back? - Indicates that the sterilizer is NOT working and item are not sterilized What should be done if a positive spore test comes back? - 1. take the sterilizer out of service
- review the sterilization procedure
- If repeat positive test - bring to service Do dental technicians need to have a written work order from a licensed DDS or DT for constructing, altering, or repairing any denture, partial denture, crown, bridge, etc.? - YES What if a patient stops by the dental technician’s lab and asks for a denture adjustment? - The dental technician CANNOT make do anything ... they could be charged for practicing dentistry without license. The dental technician can only do what is in a written work order from the DDS. T or F - True How long must a dental technician keep the written work order? - 2 years Can a dental technician and a dentist practice in the same facility and have their own business? - Yes
Is the DDS responsible for the dental technician? - ONLY if the dental technician is employed by the DDS What duties can a NON licensed dental assistant perform? - - retract cheek
- suction
- transfer instruments
- mix cements
- help in sterilization
- turn rooms around
- set up and tear down
- seat patients and walk them out What is a limited licensed dental assistant? - they are non-licensed DAs that have taken a course in taking radiographs What is PERSONAL SUPERVISION? - The DDS is PERSONALLY OPERATING on a patient and AUTHORIZES AUXILIARY TO AID in treatment by concurrently performing supportive procedures. What is DIRECT SUPERVISION? - The DDS IS IN THE OFFICE and PERSONALLY DIAGNOSES the condition to be treated, personally authorizes the procedure, and EVALUATES the performance BEFORE the patient DISMISSAL. What is INDIRECT SUPERVISION? - The DDS IS IN THE OFFICE, authorizes procedures, and REMAINS IN OFFICE while procedures are being performed. What is GENERAL SUPERVISION? - The DDS HAS AUTHORIZED procedures and they are being carried out in accordance with the dentist's diagnosis and treatment plan. THE DDS DOES NOT NEED TO BE IN OFFICE OR ON PREMISES. What are the 10 procedures that a DH or LDA must have training by a school accredited by CODA or BOD approved course? - 1. Placement and adjustment of dental sealants
- Administering LA
- Administering and monitoring N2O
- Using a rotary instrument to remove orthodontic bond material from teeth
- Restorative Functions; placing and contouring restorations in cavity preparations by the DDS
- Managing and removing IV lines for moderate or general sedation
- Initiating and placing IV lines for moderate or general sedation
- Administering medication through an IV for moderate or general sedation
- Placing nonsurgical retraction material for gingival displacement DH or LDA shall NOT take impressions and bite registrations for FINAL construction of fixed and removable prostheses. T or F - True What is anxiolysis? - A reduction in anxiety...drug-induced states in which patients respond appropriately to verbal commands. What is minimal sedation? - - The lightest form of sedation.
- Relaxed but awake and can respond. Conscious sedation Ex: N2O or oral sedation like valium. What is moderate sedation? - - Relaxed but awake and can respond.
- Can be achieved by N2O, oral meds, or IV sedation. Conscious sedation What is deep sedation? - - Can only be performed by an anesthesiologist or an oral surgeon. Unconscious sedation What is general anesthesia? - - Reserved for extreme cases in dental care.
- Oral and maxillofacial surgeons