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Counseling - is a directed task that is led by the senior marine in a relationship (most formal form) Coaching - Generally an informal process of on going observation and encouragement of a Marines personal and professional growth Mentoring - Less formal process than coaching and counseling and provides the marine with a greater depth of knowledge experience or maturity as a result of the guidance of the mentor Counseling and coaching may be formal or informal - True Coaching relationships require: - Collaboration Respect Responsiveness Confidentially Free and honest expression Purpose of counseling - To develop a marine to their Highest potential Lcpls and below should receive initial counseling approximately 30 days after the start of the senior/junior relationship and follow on seasons every 30 days or more frequently if necessary - True 3 types of counseling - Directive, non directive, and collaborative
Typology: Exams
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Counseling - is a directed task that is led by the senior marine in a relationship (most formal form) Coaching - Generally an informal process of on going observation and encouragement of a Marines personal and professional growth Mentoring - Less formal process than coaching and counseling and provides the marine with a greater depth of knowledge experience or maturity as a result of the guidance of the mentor Counseling and coaching may be formal or informal - True Coaching relationships require: - Collaboration Respect Responsiveness Confidentially Free and honest expression Purpose of counseling - To develop a marine to their Highest potential Lcpls and below should receive initial counseling approximately 30 days after the start of the senior/junior relationship and follow on seasons every 30 days or more frequently if necessary - True 3 types of counseling - Directive, non directive, and collaborative Negative counseling - Can cover after a standard is taught, understood, and subsequently ignored Positive counseling - Acknowledges good performance and/or adherence to expected standards Can be formal during 30 day counseling or informal verbal accolade Officer's Oath - I do solemnly swear to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all Enemy, foreign and domestic; that I bear true faith and allegiance in the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter; So help me God. Leadership Principles (KKK BEST MEDS) - -Know your Marines and look out for their welfare -Know yourself and seek self improvement
-Keep your Marines informed -Be Technically and Tactically proficient -Ensure the task is understood, supervised and accomplished -Set the Example -Train your Marines as a team -Make sound and timely decisions -Employ your unit in accordance with it capabilities -Develop a sense of responsibility in your subordinates -Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions Leadership Traits - JJ DID TIE BUCKLE Describe the three levels of war - - Strategic-focus directly on policy objectives.
Describe maneuver warfare - -Taking action to generate and exploit some kind of advantage over the EN as a means of accomplishing our objectives as effectively as possible. -Bypass the enemy's strength IOT to penetrate the EN system and tear it apart -A philosophy for generating the greatest decisive effect against the EN at the least possible cost to ourselves-"fighting Smart" How are speed and focus related to maneuver warfare? - -Speed and Focus maximize combat power -Speed will seize initiative, dictate the terms of action, and keep the EN off balance -Focus is the convergence of effects in time and space on some objective Define Center of Gravity. - -EN's key strength, if defeated, they bend to our will Define Critical Vulnerability. - -EN's key weakness, provides a pathway for destroying the COG What is a surface? - -Enemy Strengths What is a gap? - -Enemy Weaknesses Describe the Art and the Science of Tactics - -The art of tactics is the creation, positioning and maneuver of combat power (MCDP 1-3) -The science of tactics lies in the technical application of combat power—techniques such as marksmanship and navigation (MCDP 1-3) Describe the OODA Loop - -Observe. This includes ourselves, the enemy, the environment, and anticipating the enemy's next move. -Orient to the situation. We use our situational awareness as the foundation of a plan. The better our appreciation of the situation, the better the plan. -Decide upon a course of action. The decision becomes our plan and is communicated through orders. -Act. The plan is executed. Since this action has changed the situation, the cycle begins anew. *What are Reality-Based Unit Obstacles - -Result of internal friction encountered by and attributed to individual units. These obstacles are unit-imposed and can be overcome through good leadership (Ex. *Insufficient Leadership Training, Identification with Peers vice Unit, Leadership Turnover, Operational Tempo, Insufficient discipline). MCRP 6-11D, pg 54- *What are Perception-Based Unit Obstacles - -Result of unit-held perceptions (Ex. Labeling, "Broken" Marines, Cohesion Team Perceptions, Counseling) MCRP 6-11, pg 56
Analytical v. intuitive Decision-Making - -Intuitive—based on experience and situational awareness with little time to do it. -Analytical—based on comparing several options and having the time to do it. We obtain our values through the influence of our ________, ________, and ________ with earlier experiences having more of an effect than later experiences. - Parents, teachers, and peers Attitudes are not as deeply held as values. - True CATEGORIES - Values are organized into the following five categories: •Political values •Social values •Personal values •Economic values •Religious values CHARACTER - Our character is defined by "...the commitment to an admirable set of values, and the courage to manifest those values in one's life, no matter the cost in terms of personal success or popularity." (Sorely, 1989) VALUES AND LEADERSHIP - If a Marine is left without any guidance or supervision, then personal values will determine what that Marine will or will not do. Leaders must provide guidance and supervision to inspire and reinforce organizational values to have an effect on the behavior of our Marines. IDENTIFYING WITH PEERS VICE UNIT - When there is a breakdown in vertical cohesion within the parent command, Marines only identify with their peers and not with their unit. Marines in a group or section are only loyal to those Marines within the immediate group. IMPACT ON UNIT SUCCESS - Some Marines fail to make the connection between group objectives and command mission. Failing to understand the impact they have on the operation of the unit causes a disassociation from the unit and the Marine Corps. INSUFFICIENT CHALLENGES - Many Marines joined the Corps to be challenged to the fullest extent of their capabilities. Disillusionment occurs if their units have low individual expectations. INEFFECTIVE MENTORS - When new Marines check into a unit, they are looking to others to confirm accepted behaviors. Without a proper mentor, a Marine may choose a negative role model simply because of a dominant personality. LACK OF MARINE CORPS STANDARDS - A witnessed deviation from, and a lack of adherence to, required standards leaves a negative opinion of both the command
and the leadership. If Marines are continually exposed to such an environment, their standards will begin to suffer as their expectations and sense of accomplishment dwindle. INSUFFICIENT DISCIPLINE - Discipline is degraded when commands relax standards, whether traditional customs or published regulations. All Marines are responsible for and capable of enforcing good discipline. CONFLICT RESOLUTION - The best and most important way to resolve conflicting values is through leadership by example. A Marine's sense of pride in who they are stems from a dedication to our ________. - Organizational values As a leader, it is your job to sustain organizational values, set the example, and guide the way for new Marines. - true As much as anything, our ________ set us apart. - Core values Marine Corps core values increase our readiness by providing a ________. - Foundation for teams to function more effectively Honor includes personal qualities of ________. - Dedication, trust, and dependability MENTAL COURAGE - Just before the Battle of Thermoplyae, a Spartan warrior named Dienekes was told that the Persian archers could blank out the sun with their arrows. He replied "Good, then we shall have our battle in the shade." Spartans were mentally prepared for war from a young age. MORAL COURAGE - In 1968, CWO Hugh Thompson was flying a support mission over My Lai when he realized something was terribly wrong. U.S. soldiers were slaughtering hundreds of unarmed civilians. With great moral courage Thompson landed his helicopter between the U.S. soldiers and the villagers and ordered his crew to train their weapons on the U.S. troops. He rescued 16 civilians calling in additional helicopter support to evacuate them. He would later report the incident to his chain of command. PHYSICAL COURAGE - In early 2004 while serving on the Iraqi border with Syria, Jason Dunham's platoon was checking vehicles in conjunction with an attack on their PSD element. One of the drivers became combative, and Jason was engaged in hand- to-hand combat when the driver dropped an armed grenade in the midst of the Marines. Jason covered the grenade with his own helmet and used himself to shield his platoon members. This great physical courage saved the lives of those closest to him.
TRAINING AND COURAGE - Courage is not a chance gift of nature. It is developed through hard realistic training and unit cohesion that brings about a special bond amongst its members. Courage is the uncompromising code of integrity to respect human dignity and value others. - false What is the importance of our core values of honor, courage, and commitment? - They give strength, influence attitudes, and regulate behaviors. The bedrock of a Marine's character is _______. - Honor The Marine Corps philosophy of leadership is characterized by ________. - The belief that leadership qualities can be developed within the individual Marine Which of the following are desired leadership qualities established by the Marine Corps philosophy of leadership? Select all that apply - Inspirational example Technical proficiency Moral responsibility The objective of Marine Corps leadership is to develop ________. - Leadership qualities of Marines, enabling them to assume progressively greater responsibilities in the Marine Corps and in society The four most common styles of leadership are ________. - Telling, selling, participating, and delegating In the ________ style of leadership, the leader may discuss alternate solutions, but ultimately makes the decision themselves. - Participating The one common thread among great leaders is the ability to read people and select the leadership style that best communicates orders. - True Which leadership trait is achieved by weighing the pros and cons accordingly to arrive at an appropriate decision? - Judgment ________ permits a senior to assign a task with the understanding that it will be accomplished with minimum supervision. - Dependability The leadership trait ________ involves impeccable personal appearance. - bearing KNOW YOURSELF AND SEEK SELF-IMPROVEMENT - Evaluate yourself by using the leadership traits to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Then simply utilize your strengths and improve your weaknesses.
BE TECHNICALLY AND TACTICALLY PROFICIENT - As a Marine, you must demonstrate your ability to accomplish the mission, and to do this you must be capable of answering questions and demonstrating competence in your MOS as well as in the profession of arms. DEVELOP A SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY AMONG SUBORDINATES - Assigning tasks and delegating the authority to accomplish tasks promotes mutual confidence and respect between the leader and subordinates. It also encourages initiative and cooperation in the accomplishment of unit tasks. MAKE SOUND AND TIMELY DECISIONS - Hesitation or a reluctance to make a decision leads subordinates to lose confidence in your abilities as a leader. SET THE EXAMPLE - As a leader of Marines, your duty is to set the standard by personal example. KNOW YOUR MARINES AND LOOK OUT FOR THEIR WELFARE - Knowledge of your Marines' personalities will enable you, as the leader, to decide how to best handle each Marine and determine when more supervision is needed. KEEP YOUR MARINES INFORMED - Informing your Marines of the situation makes them feel that they are a part of the team and not just a cog in the wheel. SEEK AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS - Seeking responsibilities also means that you take responsibility for your actions. ENSURE ASSIGNED TASKS ARE UNDERSTOOD, SUPERVISED, AND ACCOMPLISHED - Supervision is essential! Without supervision you cannot know if the assigned task is being properly accomplished. TRAIN YOUR MARINES AS A TEAM - EMPLOY YOUR COMMAND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS CAPABILITIES - Leadership traits develop ________, and leadership principles develop ________. - Personal qualities, leadership abilities Which leadership principle promotes efficiency and morale by making Marines feel that they are part of the team? - Keep your Marines informed. Which leadership principle can be developed by service schools, preparing yourself for the job requirements of the next higher rank, and independent research? - Be technically and tactically proficient. Which of the following are methods to develop the Marine Corps leadership principle to know your Marines and look out for their welfare? - Be visible and
approachable.,Enforce good hygiene and sanitation.,Correct grievances and remove discontent. The leadership trait ________ is the essence of leadership. - Unselfishness The ability to read people and select the leadership style that best communicates orders is the ________. - Common thread among great leaders The belief that leadership qualities can be developed within the individual Marine by Marine leaders characterizes ________. - The Marine Corps leadership philosophy Which of the following documents contain the basis for our professional ethics? Select all that apply. - ucmj code of conduct oath A member of the profession of arms who protects the value of life, at great physical and emotional risk to themselves, is a/an ________. - Ethical warrior Which term associated with ethical leadership is concerned with the principles of right and wrong in relation to human action and character? - Morals Which term is associated with ethical leadership and includes clarifying misunderstandings? - Honesty Documents that are the basis for our professional ethics include ________. - Code of conduct,UCMJ Identify the traditional Marine Corps ethics from the list below. Select all that apply. - Correct answer: Marines take care of their own.,Marines refrain from public displays of affection while in uniform. Which small unit leader guidelines set the leader and subordinate up for success in ethical behavior? Select all that apply. - Correct answer: Inform subordinates of expected standards.,Enforce institutional and organizational standards.,Issue clear orders. During which stage of team development is there a high dependence on the leader for guidance and direction as there will be little agreement on team goals outside of those established by the leader? - Forming Characteristics of a high performance team include which of the following? - Correct answer: Constructive criticism and mutual trust Which dimension of cohesion is also known as peer bonding? - Correct answer: Horizontal cohesion
A good reputation among other units and care of equipment and weapons is an indicator of ________. - Correct answer: Esprit de corps To foster and maintain esprit de corps and unit cohesion, the small unit leader should ________. Select all that apply. - Correct answer: Properly indoctrinate Marines.,Embody the spirit you wish to see.,Develop a winning attitude toward mission accomplishment. The Marine Corps is a task-organized, multi-capable military organization. It is a middleweight force that lies between our ______________ and our nation's heavier forces in the _____ with a force that _________ both. - Special Operations forces, Army, compliments Current number of active component Marines? - 202, What is MAGTF and what is it's purpose? - Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Is the Marine Corps' principal organization for conducting missions across the range of military operations. What to MAGTFs provide? - MAGTFs provide combatant commanders with scalable, versatile expeditionary forces able to respond to a broad range of contingency, crises and conflict situations. MAGTFs are balanced, combined-arms force packages containing what elements? - Organic command, ground, aviation, and logistics elements. How many commanders lead and coordinate this combined-arms team from pre- deployment training though all phases of deployment and employment? - One TRUE or FALSE: MAGTF teams live AND train together? - TRUE What element of MAGTF is comprised of Infantry (battalion, regiment, or division) augmented with tank, artillery, LAV, AAV, combat engineers and reconnaissance assets? - Ground Combat Element (GCE) What element of MAGTF is comprised of aricraft to support the tactical situation...tactical helicopters, with fixed wing assets for close air support? - Aviation combat Element (ACE) Do the chickens have large talons? - Yes What does the Logistics Combat Element (LCE) of MAGTF provide? - What is: Provides all necessary logistical support to the MAGTF including: Transportation, Engineering, Embarkation, Medical/Dental, and Headquarters and Service. TEEMHS (THEMES)
Command Element (CE) - Yes What are the three basic types of MAGTFs and what are their acronyms? - MEU: Marine Expeditionary Unit MEB: Marine Expeditionary Brigade MEF: Marine Expeditionary Force What do MEUs complete prior to going afloat? - Special Operations Capable (SOC) Qualifications TRUE or FALSE: Talons on chickens, are they large? - TRUE TRUE or FALSE: There is a special purpose MAGTF for any unit size, including up to...the whole Marine Corps - TRUE The ___ is the principal war fighting element in the active force structrue of the Marine Corps and is usually commanded by a _________. - MEF, Lieutenant General TRUE or FALSE: The size and composition of a deployed MEF never changes regardless of the needs of the mission - FALSE Each MEF has ___ to ___ MEUs assigned to it that deploy throughout the GLOBE - one, three Define Marine Division - There are three Marine divisions in the active force and one in the reserve and is the largest Marine ground combat organization of a MEF. Usually commanded by a major-general What is the largest Marine aviation organization of the MEF? - Marine Air Wing (MAW) What rank commands a MAW? - Brigadier General MLGs provide responsive, quality logistics support to a MEF, other Marine _____ and _______ forces and _____ agencies as directed through __________, ______ _______, and ______________. - joint, combined, federal, expeditionary means, forward basing, global sourcing What rank usually leads a MEB? - Brigadier General What is a MEB built around? - A reinforced infantry regiment, aircraft group, and a service support group. TRUE or FALSE: A MEB is the last echelon of a Marine Expeditionary Force - FALSE, it is the first echelon
How many personnel are in a MEU and what is it built around? - 2200. A MEU is built around a reinforced infantry battalion, a composite aricraft squadron, and a support group. What rank commands a MEU? - Colonel The ground element of a MEU is a ____________(BLT), comprised of a reinforced infantry battalion of approximately ______ Marines, including ______ Rifle companies. The aviation unit of a MEU is a reinforced medium ______ squadron. - Battalion Landing Team, 1200, three, helicopter Study Table, pg. 44 - Study it Location of I MEF - Camp Pendleton, CA Location of II MEF - Camp Lejeune, NC Location of III MEF - Marine Corps Bases, Okinawa, Japan Location of 1st MAW - Marine Corps Bases, Okinawa, Japan (same as III MEF) Location of 2nd MAW - Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Cherry Point, NC Location of 3rd Marine Air wing - Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Miramar, CA Location of my left combat boot - In my room. In the closet. Under my socks. Location of 1st Marine Division - Camp Pendleton, CA (same as I MEF) Location of 2nd Marine Division - Camp Lejeune, NC (Same as II MEF) Location of 3rd Marine Division - Marine Corps Bases, Okinawa, Japan (Same as III MEF and 1st MAW) Location of 1st MLG - Camp Pendleton, CA (same as 1st Marine Division, and I MEF) Location of 2nd MLG - Camp Lejeune, NC (same as 2nd Marine Division, and II MEF) Location of 3rd MLG - Marine Corps Bases, Okinawa, Japan (same as 3rd Marine Division, 1st MAW, and III MEF) Where do the West Coast/1st Marine Division: 11th, 13th, 15th, MEUs deploy? - Pacific and Persian Gulf
Where do the East Coast/2nd Marine Division: 22nd, 24th, 26th MEUs deploy? - Mediterranean Sea and Persian Gulf Where does the Overseas/3rd Marine Division: 31st MEU deploy? - Western Pacific MEUs are not standing units. The ______ element of a MEU is a ________ command. - command, standing Units that comprise the GCE, ACE, and LCE rotate after each scheduled deployment. Each particular unit is "chopped" or attached to a MEU for a period of approximately ___ months - 18 What does MARFORRES stand for? - Marine Forces Reserve Where is MARFORRES located? - New Orleans, Louisiana serving as the headquarters for all Marine Reservists and Reserve units. Marine Forces Reserve provides _____, _____, ______, and _____ Reserve Marines throughout the U.S. - policy, guidance, direction, and support What are the 4th Marine division, 4th MAW, 4th MLG, and Marine Corps Mobilization Command subordinate commands of? - MARFORRES What are core competencies? - They are a set of specific capabilities or activities fundamental to a Service or agency role. What are the core competencies ARTICULATED by? - The commandant of the Marine Corps in Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare What are the five unique Marine Corps core competencies? - Warfighting culture and Dynamic decision making, Expeditionary Forward Operations, Sustainable and Interoperable Littoral Power Projection, Combined Arms Integration, Forcible Entry from the Sea Like, memorize the core competency definitions yo. Pages 45-46 - Hands on the stove please What provides a means of directing and influencing your unit to SYNCHRONIZE actions toward accomplishing a mission? - Operations Order What does an Orientation Order consist of and what is it's purpose? I know, sort of like the previous question but hey, repetition. - An orientation and five paragraphs working together to coordinate your resources into a plan on how you will reach the goal of mission accomplishment.
What is a Warning Order? - A PRELIMINARY notice OF an ORDER or ACTION which is TO follow. It USUALLY describes the SITUATION, ALLOCATES FORCES and RESOURCES, ESTABLISHES COMMAND RELATIONSHIPS, PROVIDES OTHER INITIAL PLANNING GUIDANCE, and INITIATES subordinate unit mission planning. (SAEPI) Sleep affects every plebe individually (like the lack of it affects my Mnemonic device making skills.) What are the six Operation Orders? - Orientation, Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration and Logistics, Command and Signal (OSMEAC) Oh s*&# my elephants ate the cats Describe Orientation - What is giving a brief description of the terrain you will be operating in to understand the impact the terrain has on movement and mission that helps come up with a feasible solution Describe Situation - Paragraph providing details on friendly and enemy personnel operating in your area of operations Mission - Short statement containing when is who, doing what, to whom, and why. useful for determining COA (course of action) Execution - Where "we" communicate the plan (solution) for our problem (mission) we are tasked to accomplish. we provide enough detail to direct how to accomplish the mission without being too detailed where we lose initiative from subordinates. Administration and Logistics - Paragraph that focuses on food, water, ammunition, medical issues, and Enemy Prisoners of War handling. Four b's: beans, bullets, band- aids, and bad guys. Command and Signal - Concludes the order by discussing how events will be communicated throughout the operation. Also discusses where key personnel are going to be located and order for succession of command is in the event of a unit leader casualty What is a Fragmentary Order? - Leggo my Frag-O, a Fragmentary Order is an order. Usually issued on a day-to-day basis. It is meant to eliminate the need for restating information contained in a basic operations order. Frag orders usually contain the mission (paragraph II) and execution (paragraph III), along with any other parts changed since the original order was issued. What are the major points in the Orders Process? - BAMCIS: A guide to the six steps of troop leading procedures. You Begin Planning, Arrange for Reconnaissance, Make Reconnaissance, Complete Plan, Issue Order, and Supervise. BAMCIS Describe Begin Planning - The part of BAMCIS where you plan the use of time, the Marine Corps uses reverse planning. Start with the last action for which time is
given(time of attack) and work backward. A warning Order is often issued at the start of the planning process to allow unit members time to prepare for the upcoming operation. Tight. Describe Arrange for Reconnaissance. - Before the unit leader can complete the plan, assumptions about the enemy must be confirmed. A leader's reconnaissance is arranged to confirm the unit leader's estimate of the situation. Describe Make Reconnaissance - This is the actual conduct, or execution, of the unit leader's reconnaissance of the enemy Describe for me Complete Plan - After the unit leader's estimate of the situation on the enemy has been either confirmed or denied (based off the actual reconnaissance (takes forever to type that word, and it comes up so often, can you do a parenthesis in a parenthesis?) made), the unit leader completes the plan. Say out loud the answer to this question: Describe the Issue Order - This will be the final order issued for the mission. The operation order (OSMEAC) can be written, BUT is issued ORALLY Supervise. Describe it. - Supervision is continuous and occurs throughout the entire combat orders process for a mission. The unit leader for that mission is ultimately responsible and accountable for mission accomplishment. "INSPECT what you EXPECT." In MCDP-1, Warfighting, war is defined as which of the following? - A violent clash of interests between or among organized groups characterized by the use of military force The __________ of war is to impose our will on our enemy. Your answer: - Objective Which of the following is a characteristic of the nature of war? - The human dimension Which of the following are characteristics of the nature of war? Select all that apply. - Uncertainty,Fluidity,Disorder,Physical, moral, and mental forces Which acronym helps us remember the Marine Corps troop leading steps? - BAMCIS Which of the following is the most important of the troop leading steps? - Supervise Which paragraph of the five paragraph order contains the leader's description of his or her plan for accomplishing the unit's mission? - Execution
During which of the troop leading steps does the leader conduct an estimate of the situation? - Occurs at every step as new information becomes available What is the primary objective of operational risk management? - To avoid unnecessary risks Which of the following terms is defined as the shared world view and social structures of a group of people that influence their actions and choices? - Culture Which of the following is the definition of operational culture? - Those aspects of culture that influence the outcome of a military operation and, conversely, the military actions that influence the culture of an area of operations Which of the following are dimensions of operational culture? Select all that apply - Economy,Social structure,Political structure,Belief system Which of the following are the key factors of culture? - Culture is varied, over time, over space, and among individuals.,Culture is fluid and dynamic.,Culture is shared. The Marine Corps Small Wars Manual, published in the 1940s, specifically states that Marines must be mindful of three fundamental considerations. These consideration include which of the following - Political affiliations or the appearance of political favoritism should be encouraged; while a thorough knowledge of the political situation is essential, strict cronyism in such matters should be observed.,One should always have respect for religious customs. Which term is defined as the authority that a commander in the Armed Forces lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment? - Command is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state. It supports mission command, provides focus to the staff, and helps subordinate and supporting commanders act to achieve the commander's desired results without further orders, even when the operation does not unfold as planned. - Commander's intent Which of the following is the definition of chain of command? - The succession of commanding officers from a superior to a subordinate through which command is exercised MCO 1700.23F communicates the Marine Corps policy and procedures for - Request mast Which of the following best describes the responsibilities of the S-3? - The primary staff officer for all matters on training, plans, operations, and organization
Which element of the MAGTF is composed of the commander, general or executive and special staff sections, headquarters section, and requisite communications support, intelligence, and reconnaissance forces necessary to accomplish the mission? - Command element Which of the following is the correct location of I MEF? - Camp Pendleton, California Which of the following is the typical ground combat element for a MEB? - Regiment The four core elements of the MAGTF are command element, __________, aviation combat element, and __________. - Ground combat element; logistics combat element Which of the following is the largest MAGTF? - Marine expeditionary force (MEF) Who establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for personnel readiness? - Secretary of Defense Which of the following are members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Select all that apply. - Chief of Staff U.S. Air Force,Chief of the National Guard Bureau Which of the following are primary civilian leaders within the DOD - Secretary of the Air Force,Secretary of the Army,Secretary of the Navy Which military Services comprise the United States' principal maritime force? - The Navy and Marine Corps `Which military Service is the United States' principal air and space force? - The Air Force counseling - directed task led by senior marine in a relationship. performed formally and informally. requires 2 way communication. What is the purpose of counseling - -establishes goals and expectations of performance -focuses on past performance of junior marine and how to maintain or improve it in the future -transmits guidance and direction -communicates established standards -helps junior marine achieve highest level of performance. When is counseling conducted? - monthly purpose of monthly counseling - -regularly scheduled and conducted -occur with each marine leader is responsible for -support communication and understanding between senior and junior
-establish standards of performance expected to improve unit readiness and individual development coaching - generally informal process by which the coach provides the coached with assistance in completing a task purpose of coaching - -designed to improve a marine's ability to accomplish a task -part of daily ops -most common form of leadership for it happens at every level where one marine helps another mentoring - less formal process than coaching and counseling and provides great experience and maturity from guidance of mentor purpose of mentoring? - -voluntary, developmental relationship between someone more experiences and someone less -characterized by mutual trust and respect -occurs outside command -can be initiated by junior or senior -endures beyond a single tour of duty -cornerstone of general lejuenes teacher/scholar model between junior and senior coaching, counseling, and mentoring formalities - -counseling is typically most formal -coaching is less structured and occurs daily -mentoring is voluntary and less formal directed counseling - -develops solution for a plan to improvement -approach is senior centerd -LCpls and below counseled every 30 days -other marines counseled a second time within 90 days\ and subsequently every 6 months non- directive counseling - -open ended questions to draw junior out -junior is encouraged to talk collaborative counseling - -uses both directive and non-directive techniques -junior and senior work as team to solve problem
positive counseling - -acknowledges good performance -can be formal or informal
Ad Hoc counseling - -unplanned by supervisor coaching Ad Hoc or Directed - can be either counseling, coaching, and mentoring make difference in? - -strengthen unit cohesion -cultivating each marines potential -instilling core values -establishing mutual understanding, implicit communications, and climates of trust ways to accomplish marines to acquire greater responsibility? - -counseling, ensures marines are on track for success and to be technically & professionally competent -coaching, ensures marines continue toward increasing their personal development and that of their subordinate marines -mentoring, important source of encouragement and perspective, providing depth to the experiences of being a marine benefits of coaching - -integral to daily ops -feedback is continuously provided informally -developmental goals are set, documented, and communicated -with focus on development vice performance, coaching is not part of marine's evaluation role modeling - coaching on-the-job performance prepares and equips leaders to perform leadership tasks associated with developing subordinates -marines learn significantly by observing a technically proficient leader purpose of feedback - -corrects errors on the spot -provides help when needed -focuses on critical details -prevents negative learning -improves speed of comprehension -provides immediate feedback when used as an evaluation tool, coaching accomplishes which of the following? - - prevents negative learning -provides immediate feedback purpose of realtionships - -occur at every level -occur in any circumstance -benefit all parties involved -augment the transformation of followers into leaders what is a one-on-one relationship - coaching factors of a coaching relationship - collaboration-both members are partners in junior marine's development
-respect-mutual appreciation of the coach's knowledge and the marines investment of time and energy is required responsiveness-be sensitive and responsive to the goals, need, and perspectives of each member -confidentiality-support ability to be forthcoming in difficult conversations -free and honest expression-share your strengths and weaknesss, dreams and goals, and your past, present, anticipated experiences. builds on competencies and strengthens areas of weakness MCDP 1 2 fundamentals - -confidence, which is demonstrated through a leaders professional skill, reliability, knowledge level and judgment. -familiarity, which is gained through shared experience and a common professional philosophy training as a team, keeping marines informed, and developing a sense of responsibility to one another active listening - -conveys message clearer questioning helps - -elicit details, classifications, or examples -challenge assumptions -stimulate individuals to think in new ways -build clear and direct communication -reinforce information presented -hold the listener's attention coaching process - -enhances individual performance -utilizes hard skills (setting standards and reviewing performance) -and soft skills (recognizing talent and developing potential) questioning is used - gain insinsight's into their individual developmental needs purpose of counseling - -establishes seniors expectations -establishes the billets within the unit assigned to the marine -establishes goals to be met before scheduled counseling -prevents against surprises on performance evaluations how counseling cultivates potential - -used to develop marines to highest potential -involves two-way communication -merges personal and organizational values -supports and reinforces good performance -identifies and corrects deficiencies when does counseling occur - -occurs when needed -conducted by senior marine -considers past to direct attention at improvements performance evauluation - -always formal
-conducted at set periodic timeline by chain of command to document performace and uncorrected deficiencies -focuses on observed past performance The Constitution is - -Supreme law of the land -Rule book that governs our nation Constitution guarantee a - Republican form of government (representative democracy) Basic Structure of the Constitution - Preamble, 7 Articles, Amendments Changes to the Constitution - Amendments Bill of Rights - -First 10 Amendments -Protect individual rights 3 branches of government - Legislative, Executive, Judicial Legislative Branch - -Makes laws -Senate and House of Representatives -Surveys, formulates, discusses, and debates laws. -Collectively called Congress Executive Branch - -Enforces laws -Carries out the laws passed by the legislative branch
Conduct Factors - -conformance to customs -positive contributions -general bearing -attitude -interest -reliability -courtesy -cooperation -obedience -adaptability -influence on others -moral fitness -physical fitness as affected by clean and temperate habits -participation in unit activities not related directly to mission Conduct Marks - 0 to 1.9: Unacceptable 2.0 to 2.9: Unsatisfactory 3.0 to 3.9: Below Average 4.0 to 4.4: Average 4.5 to 4.8: Excellent 4.9 to 5.0: Outstanding Proficiency marks should - -indicate how well a marine performed their primary duty -reflect their technical skills and specialized knowledge -consider when a marine is filling a billet inconsistent with their grade Proficient Attributes - -mission accomplishment -leadership -intellect and wisdom -individual character -physical fitness -personal appearance -completion of: Professional Military Education, MarineNet courses, Marine Corps Institute courses, and off duty education Proficiency Marks - 0 to 1.9: Unacceptable 2.0 to 2.9: Unsatisfactory 3.0 to 3.9: Below Average 4.0 to 4.4: Average 4.5 to 4.8: Excellent 4.9 to 5.0: Outstanding Objective or promotion system - -maintain needed strength in each grade and MOS -endure all eligible marines receive an equitable opportunity to compete for promotion
-to ensure that only the best and fully qualified marines are promoted Types of promotion - -regular -meritorious Regular Promotion to PFC - -Pvt who ya served 6 months TIS Regular Promotion to LCpl - -PFC served 8 months TIG and 9 months TIS Regular Promotion to Cpl - -LCpl served 8 months TIG and 12 months TIS -composite score meets or exceeds current cutting score for their MOS -PME complete Regular Promotion to Sgt - -Cpl served 12 months TIG and 24 months TIS -composite score meets or exceeds current cutting score The Marine Corps Manual states the objective of Marine Corps leadership - To develop the leadership qualities of Marines to enable them to assume progressively greater responsibilities in the Marine Corps and society. It further states an individual's responsibility for leadership is not dependent upon authority and Marines are expected to exert proper influence upon their comrades. Marine Corps Manual - •Set the example •Seek responsibility, take responsibility for your action •Be technically and tactically proficient •Know your self and seek self-improvement •Know your Marines and look out for their welfare •Ensure tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished •Keep your Marines informed •Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities COUNSELING - a directed task that IS led by the senior Marine in a relationship. Effective counseling is performed both formally and informally and requires two- way communication. Whether formal or informal COUNSELLING - •Establishes goals and expectations of performance
•Focuses on the past performance of the junior Marine and how to maintain or improve it in the future •Transmits guidance and direction •Communicates established standards •Helps the junior Marine achieve the highest possible level of performance COUNSELING EXAMPLE: MONTHLY PERFORMANCE - means to establish and reiterate the standards of performance expected of each Marine and to provide feedback directed toward continued development.
•Are regularly scheduled and conducted. •Occur with each Marine for which the leader is directly responsible. •Support communication and understanding between senior and junior. •Establish standards of performance expected to improve unit readiness and individual development. COACHING - Generally an informal process by which the coach (someone with more experience) provides the coached (someone with less experience) with assistance in learning how to better accomplish a task •Designed to improve a Marine's ability to accomplish a task or complete an event •Part of daily operations •The most common form of leadership interaction as it occurs at every level and in every condition where an individual Marine provides another, or group of others, with the benefit of his or her experience. -Enhances an individual's potential, which improves their performance -utilizes hard skills (setting standards and reviewing performance) and soft skills (recognizing talent and developing potential). MENTORING - Less formal process than coaching and counseling and provides the Marine with a greater depth of knowledge, experience, or maturity as a result of the guidance of the mentor
•Is a voluntary, developmental relationship between an experienced person and one of lesser experience
•Is characterized by mutual trust and respect •Often occurs outside the chain of command •Can be Initiated by either the senior or the junior •Typically endures beyond a single tour of duty
when a SNCO has a professional relationship with a subordinate, where he or she provides advice based on experience, training, and military education. This relationship often begins within the chain of command, but continues after either Marine is reassigned
•Helps or guides in developing a subordinate Marine's maturity and can be viewed as a career advisor •Provides shared experiences to help younger Marines frame their perception of their chosen profession •Provides Marines with insight from experiences beyond their own FORMAL AND INFORMAL - Counseling and coaching may be formal or informal; furthermore, they may be directed or as needed. The level of formality relates to the context of the event and the type of interaction.
•Counseling is typically the most formal. •Coaching is less structured and occurs daily. •Mentoring is voluntary and less formal.
•Is a voluntary and informal relationship •Often occurs outside the chain of command •May be initiated by either senior or subordinate •Endures beyond a tour of duty •Is an important source of encouragement and perspective DIRECTED (PLANNED) AND AD HOC (UNPLANNED) - The Marine Corps directs when specific counseling events occur. Following a first counseling within (30 days) of joining a unit
•Lance corporals and below are to be counseled every 30 days. •All other Marines are to be counseled a second time within 90 days and subsequently counseled every 6 months following. COACHING - -occurs daily in our place of duty whether in garrison or the field when transferring a knowledge or skill to enhance or strengthen an individual and unit. METORING - occur on an informal basis whether planned or unplanned. This enables a Marine with trusted relationship that can clarify perspectives, and provide direction in setting and accomplishing performance goals. Which type of leadership interaction is considered the most formal? - Counselling
•Strengthening unit cohesion •Cultivating each Marines potential •Instilling the core values •Establishing mutual understanding, implicit communications, and climates of trust METHODS - •Counseling which ensures Marines are on track for success to be both technically and professionally competent. •Coaching which ensures Marines continue toward increasing their personal development and that of their subordinate Marines. •Mentoring which is an important source of encouragement and perspective, providing depth to the experiences of being a Marine. The trio of leadership interactions (counseling, coaching, and mentoring) serve to perpetuate the values and ethos of the Marine Corps? - True All Marines are ____________ to seek out a mentor, as mentors are sources of encouragement and ___________. - -Encouraged