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Observing and Documenting Children's Learning and Development in Early Childhood Settings, Exercises of Nursing

Information on the importance of observing young children in early childhood settings to gather and document their development and learning. It discusses the sources of information about children, including primary and secondary sources, and the role of educators in recognizing children's strengths and capabilities. The document also explores the concept of narrative in capturing the less tangible aspects of learning and development and the importance of recognizing bias. Furthermore, it discusses the legal requirements and regulatory frameworks related to documenting children's development and the educator's role in adhering to privacy and confidentiality.

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Download Observing and Documenting Children's Learning and Development in Early Childhood Settings and more Exercises Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

1 Early Childhood Education and Care.

2 Early Childhood Education and Care.

Version 7 - 2 Date 9.5.

Unit Purpose

The assessment tasks within this unit provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of the knowl- edge and skills required to gather and analyse information about childrenā€™s learning in order to inform prac- tice.


The following elements define the essential outcomes of this unit:

ā’ Element 1 Gather and document information about children

ā’ Element 2 Monitor childrenā€™s learning and development

ā’ Element 3 Use evidence to inform practice

ā’ Element 4 Share information appropriately

Assessment Requirements

Ā· 001: Observation: Gathering Information

Ā· 002: Assessment Methods and Tools

Ā· 003: Documentation

Ā· 004: Reflection

Ā· 005: Planning for Learning

3 Early Childhood Education and Care.

Authenticity Requirements

Copying or passing off someoneā€™s work as your own is a form plagiarism and may result in a participantā€™s ex- clusion from a unit or the entire course. The following activities will be considered plagiarism:

Ā· Presenting any work by another individual as one's own intentionally or unintentionally

Ā· Handing in work copied from another student.

4 Early Childhood Education and Care.

4 Ā· Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work.

Ā· Handing in work without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including work taken totally or in part from the internet.

Student Declaration and Cover Sheet

ā’ Campus ā’ Online ā’ External ā’ Workplace Location ā€“ Suburb

Student Name (^) First Name


Family name

Student Number 901637

Course (^) Code CHC50113 Title Diploma of Early childhood education and care

Unit Code

Trainer Name Fei Yu

Due Date Date Submitted

Assessment declaration

ā’ I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another personā€™s work, except where clearly noted on documents or work submitted. ā’ I declare that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to disciplinary action by my training organisation. Student signature Date 07/12/

Date received Initials:

5 Early Childhood Education and Care.

Assessor Declaration:

I Declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Signature: -- Date: -

6 Early Childhood Education and Care.

7 Early Childhood Education and Care.

Assessment Instructions

Students are required to complete a range of assessment tasks throughout the training period to demon- strate competency in each relevant unit. To facilitate the appropriate learning and practice of developing skills ALL workplace assessment tasks MUST be completed within a regulated children's service. Workplace su- pervisors must authenticate these tasks have been completed, under supervision and to an acceptable work- place standard for organisation policies and procedures.

Attempting assessment tasks

Students are required to provide appropriate responses to the indicated questions for each task.

Assessment Outcomes

The Early Childhood Education and Care training packages are vocational qualifications that are competency based. For each assessment undertaken you will be assessed as Satisfactory , Not Yet Satisfactory or In- complete. Where students are assessed as ā€˜ Not Yet Satisfactoryā€™ or ā€˜ Incompleteā€™ the trainer/assessor will provide the student with feedback and guidance regarding what needs to be completed for resubmission.

Student Appeals

Students have the right to appeal an unfavourable decision or finding during assessment. All student appeals must be made in writing using the Appeals Form and specify the particulars of the decision or finding in dis- pute. Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of the decision or finding.

8 Early Childhood Education and Care.

Required Readings

In order to complete this unit of competency you are required to access the following key resources.


Ā· Kearns, K. (2017). Birth to Big School: Working in Early Childhood Education and Care Series. (4thed.). Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia. Ā· Kearns, K. (2014). Frameworks for Learning and Development: Working in Early Childhood Educa-tion and Care Series. (4th^ ed.). Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia. Core Documents

Ā· Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. (2009). Aus- tralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Can- berra: DEEWR. longing_being_and_becoming_the_early_years_learning_framework_for_australia.pdf (Ac- cessed April 2017) Ā· Education and Care Services National Regulations. (Dec 2016). Ministerial Council for Education,Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs. Retrieved from: http://www.legislation.nsw.- (Accessed April 2017) Ā· Educatorsā€™ Guide to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. (2010). Canberra: Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Kit/educators_guide_to_the_early_years_learning_framework_for_australia.pdf (Accessed April 2017) Ā· Guide to the National Quality Framework. (2017). Australian Childrenā€™s Education and Care Quality Authority (Accessed January 2018)

Additional Readings for this Unit

Ā· Kearns Education. (2011). Documentation: Serving many masters. Newcastle, NSW: ICCC.

Ā· Kearns Education. (2013). Guidelines for Planning. Newcastle, NSW: ICCC

Ā· Kearns Education. (2016). Blue Bay Early Learning Centre Philosophy Statement. Newcastle,NSW: ICCC.

9 Early Childhood Education and Care.

Observing the children in your care can help you to better understand the strengthsand

weakness of each individual child. Your observations can then guide your pro- gramming

and help you make adjustments to your care environment to improve

a child's behavior and facilitate learning.

According to the ā€œ Frameworks for Learning and Developmentā€:

1, the ability to recognize the subtle signs and multiple ways in which children let us know what they al- ready know and what they are learning about 2, a positive attitude towards the ways in which children and parents can contribute to curriculum deci- sions 3, a strong belief in children as capable and resourceful constructors of their own learning

4, the ability to interact effectively with young children to enhance, facilitate and challenge learning

01 Observation: Gathering Information

CHCECE023 Analyse information to inform learning

Element 1 Gather and document information about children Element 2 Monitor childrenā€™s learning and development Performance Evidence

Knowledge Evidence

Question 1

To complete this task refer to (pp. 424-427) of your textbook ā€˜Frameworks for Learning and Developmentā€™.

a) Explain the primary purpose for observing young children in early childhood settings?


b) List five aspects of professional knowledge and skills that an educator will use to documentand interpret

10 Early Childhood Education and Care.

information about children.


1 Early Childhood Education and Care. 1

Human nature will lead us to make assumptions about others ā€“ we draw on our accumulated knowledge and personal experiences, our bias, our cultural values and even our political views. Sometimes our as- sumptions may be based on nothing more than hearsay. All educators must be aware of these infuences and try to counter such assumptions through critical self-relection and professional conversations. Per- sonal attributes that can impact on our perceptions of children include: -Personality



-Cultural influences

Focus on childrenā€™s action and analysis what and why the child wants to express. do not make own as- sumptions.

  • Primary sources: information gathered by directly observing and talking to the child and the family
  • Second sources: information gathered about the child from formal assessments such as a speech pathology report or a psychologistā€™s report, or from other professionals who have ongoing contact with the child and the family, such as a child health nurse or a welfare agency. Secondary sources can contribute important information about a childā€™s health and development, as well as issues re- lated to their social and cultural context.

c) In relation to gathering, documenting and interpreting evidence about childrenā€™s developmentexplain in your own words (word limit 100) what is meant by the following statement: ā€˜The essence of the child cannot be separated from the actions of the child.ā€™

Question 2

To complete this task refer to (pp. 353) of your textbook ā€˜Birth to Big Schoolā€™ andyour reading:

Ā· Guide to the National Quality Framework

a) List and describe two sources of information about children that can be accessed by educa- tors.


1 Early Childhood Education and Care. 2

a) With reference to Element 1.1.2 what sources of documentation may an assessor sight?

1 Early Childhood Education and Care. 3


Knowledge of individual childrenā€™s strengths and capabilities guides educatorsā€™ and coor- dinatorsā€™ professional judgment in engaging children in a range of experiences across learning outcomes and in ways that optimise their learning. Viewing children as active participants and decision makers opens up possibilities for ed- ucators to move beyond preconceived expectations about what children can do and learn. This requires educators to respect and work with each child's unique qualities and abilities. The diversity in family life means that children experience ā€˜belonging, being and becom- ingā€™ in many different ways. They bring their diverse experiences, perspectives, expecta- tions, knowledge and skills to their learning. When school age care educators respect the diversity of families and communities, and the focus on the aspirations they hold for children, they are able to nurture childrenā€™s well- being and foster childrenā€™s development. They make program decisions that uphold all childrenā€™s rights to have their cultures, identities, abilities and strengths acknowledged and valued, and respond to the complexity of childrenā€™s and familiesā€™ lives

14 Early Childhood Education and Care.

Portfolios are for individual children and contain a collection of various assessments and docu- mentation that reflects a child's progress of development and learning. It provides evidence and samples of a child's achievement throughout the year.

1 A legislative requirement

2 Must provide a record of development that informs planning for learning 3 Evidence of learning and development over the year.

4 Not usually made available to the child

5 Must demonstrate authenticity and reflect the EYLF

Question 3

To complete this task refer to (p. 434 and 446) of your textbook ā€˜Frameworks for Learning and Developmentā€™.

a) Explain the purpose of a portfolio in relation to assessment for learning.


b) List the five key documents that can be used in a childā€™s portfolio to support learning out-comes and

assessment for learning.


Question 4

To complete this task refer to (p. 97) of your reading:

Ā· Guide to the National Quality Framework.

15 Early Childhood Education and Care.

1.2.1 Intentional teaching: Educators are deliberate, purposeful, and thoughtful in their decisions and actions 1.2.2 Responsive teaching and scaffolding: Educators respond to childrenā€™s ideas and play and extend childrenā€™s learning through open-ended questions, interactions and feedback. 1.2.3 child directed learning: Each childā€™s agency is promoted, enabling them to make choice and

In relation to Quality Area 1 Educational Program and Practice, list and describe the three elements that contribute to Standard 1.2 being achieved?

16 Early Childhood Education and Care.

Narratives can capture the less tangible aspects of learning and development such as thinking, dispositions, interactions and relationships.

Narratives include the following features:

  • they combine what is observed, how the child interacts with the environment and how this is interpreted by the educator.
  • they tell a story about the child, the setting, the interactions and the process of learning
  • they use educator reflection to interpret the observations and make them mean- ingful
  • thy can be used by children to reflect on their own learningl

Question 5

To complete this task refer to (p. 440) of your textbook ā€˜Frameworks for Learning and Developmentā€™.

a) Narrative can capture the less ā€˜tangibleā€™ aspects of learning and development. What are the four aspects?


b) List three key features of a narrative or learning story.


decisions that influence events and their world,

17 Early Childhood Education and Care.

02 Assessment Methods and Tools

CHCECE023 Analyse information to inform learning

Element 1 Gather and document information about children Element 2 Monitor childrenā€™s learning and development Performance Evidence

Knowledge Evidence

Question 1

To complete this task refer to (pp. 431-432) of your textbook ā€˜Frameworks for Learning and Developmentā€™.

Assessment involves interpreting evidence and making informed judgements based on sound professional knowledge. a) Define the three types of assessment; how it occurs, what is involved in the process and whois involved in the process.

Type of Assessment Assessment Descriptor

1. Assessment for learning.

This occurs when educators ā€˜use inferences about student progress to inform their teaching. It involves gaining an understanding of chil- drenā€™s existing knowledge through carefully planned learning experi- ences, which allow the educator to focus on how children learn and how to scaffold learning. Both the educator and the child are engaged in assessing performance.

18 Early Childhood Education and Care.

2. Assessment as learning.

This occurs when children ā€˜reflect on and monitor their progress to in - form their future learning goalsā€™ It involves children actively construct - ing their knowledge and using their acquired skills and knowledge to construct new knowledge and skills. This process enhances the childā€™s self-esteem and self-confidence as a capable learner. This model of as- sessment in early childhood settings is often referred to as the voice of the child. An example of how it can be used is when educators work on collaborative projects with children. The educator supports children to share their existing knowledge as the basis for exploring and research- ing a topic of interest to the children,

3. Assessment of learning.

This occurs when educators ā€˜use evidence of student learning to make judgements on student achievement against goals and standards. This

19 Early Childhood Education and Care.

To be considered reliable, assessment must be accurate and consistent. This can only be achieved by drawing on a range of information collected over time and in different situation.

Assessments are valid only when they are based on observations that contain enough information about what we are looking for.

type of assessment is most typically seen in formal school settings. This model of assessment is used when educators assess childrenā€™s knowledge and skills, and compare them with expected milestones of development. For example, this includes assessment of self-help skills, language and communications skills, and social skills. In early child- hood settings, the primary strategy used is assessment for learning. This model of assessment most closely aligns with the social-con- structivist method of planning reflected in the EYLF.


b) Explain the term reliable as it relates to assessment.


c) Explain the term valid as it relates to assessment.


d) Explain the term bias-free as it relates to assessment.

20 Early Childhood Education and Care.

Assessments should be free of bias. As noted earlier in the chapter, educators must consider how per- sonal bias or ā€˜mental filtersā€™ might impact on assessment. Educators must strive to recognize bias such as stereotyping, racism or sexism, and reflect on how much bias colours the way we see children.

21 Early Childhood Education and Care.


Question 2

To complete this task refer to (p. 356-357) of your textbook ā€˜Birth to Big Schoolā€™.

A childā€™s development can be observed over time and in a number of situations. For each develop- ment area give an example of where and when you could do observations to build a picture of the childā€™s development.

Development Area Observation of where and when

i. Emotional wellbe- ing.

Ā· Arrival / departure ā€“ separation rituals.

Ā· Interacting with educator.

Ā· Interacting with peers.

Ā· When happy, upset, angry or sad.

ii. Gross motor skills.

Indoor gym, large balls, beanbagys Outdoor climbing equipment

iii. Self-help skills. During routine tasks- dressing, toileting, meals, rest

iv. Communication / language.

  • During routine tasks ā€“ following directions
    • Interacting with peers during play
  • Ono-on - one with an educator

v. Cognitive. When^ trasitioning^ from^ one^ part^ of^ the^ day^ to^ the^ next Using resources and equipment

Dramatic play Games with rules

Small group interactions

Recalling songs and rhymes

22 Early Childhood Education and Care.

vi. Social. Interacting with educator. Sharing an educator

Interacting with peers, sharing equipment and space- blocks, dra- matic play Sharing ideas during play-engaging in cooperative play Sharing information about self

Shaowing interest in others and empathy towards others

23 Early Childhood Education and Care.

Rogoff believes that attaching a specific age range to developmental outcomes is a particularly Western concept, which she terms ā€˜the American questionā€™. She argues that the view of develop- ment as linear has led to references to children being ā€˜aheadā€™, ā€˜behindā€™ or ā€˜advancedā€™ in their de - velopment, and also has led to parents attempting to teach preschool children skills such as counting, reading or learning the alphabet so that they will be ā€˜aheadā€™ of their peers.

Sharing fun

vii. Fine motor skills. Self^ help^ tasks-^ dressing,^ feeding

Manipulating/ grasping objects Using equipment such as construction, puzzles, book, play dough, drawing ,painting

Question 3

To complete this task refer to (pp.430 and 433) of your textbook ā€˜Frameworks for Learning and Develop-mentā€™.

a) Explain what Rogoff (2003, cited in your text) means when she refers to ā€œthe American ques-tionā€ in relation to the documentation of child development within a social and cultural con- text?


The Early Years Learning Framework (ELYF) includes ā€˜Assessment for Learningā€™ as one of its key practices. b) What are the four key aspects of assessment in the context of EYLF?

24 Early Childhood Education and Care.

In the context of the EYLF, assessment ensure that:

1, there is effective planning for childrenā€™s current and future learning

2, childrenā€™s learning and progress are communicated

3, children who need support to achieve stated learning outcomes are identified

4, the effectiveness of learning opportunities and experiences, environments and pedagogical

practices b) is evaluated.

25 Early Childhood Education and Care.