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District of Columbia Physical Therapy Jurisprudence Exam Questions with Complete Verified Solutions 2024
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Applicant A person applying for a license to practice physical therapy Board The Board of Physical Therapy Physical therapist A person licensed to practice physical therapy Physical therapist's aide A person trained by a physical therapist to perform designated routine tasks related to the operation of a physical therapy service under the DIRECT SUPERVISION of a physical therapist Physical therapist's assistant A graduate of a PTA program who performs selected physical therapy procedures and related tasks under the DIRECT SUPERVISION of a physical therapist Who provides prescriptions or referrals for PT? Physician, osteopath, dentist, podiatrist, or advanced registered nurse Powers and duties of the board Evaluate qualifications of licensees Adopt passing scores for examinations Issue licenses, permits, or certificates Regulate, practice, adopt, and revise rules Report and publish disciplinary action Issue subpoenas, examine witnesses, and administer oaths Issue advisories Where do fees and fines go? Deposited to the General Fund of the District The continuing education section does not apply to? Applicants for the first renewal of a license granted by examination Applicant for renewal of a license needs to have how much continuing education? 4 units / 40 hours of continuing education credit in a 2-year period
Inactive status applying for reactivation of license needs to have how much continuing education? 2 units / 20 hours of continuing education credit for each license year Applicant for reinstatement of a license that has EXPIRED needs to have how much continuing education? 2 units / 20 hours of continuing education credit for each license year that was in expired status UP TO a maximum of 10 units / 100 hours Proof of completion of CEU needs to include: Name/address of program sponsor Name/location of program Subject matter covered Names of instructors Hours of credit claimed Verification of completion with signature/stamp If an applicant for renewal of a license fails to submit proof of CE by the date the license expires, how long does the applicant have to renew the license? Can't practice until renewal May renew license up to 60 days after expiration by SUBMITTING PROOF and PAYING THE LATE FEE. If an applicant for renewal fails to submit proof of CEs and pay late fees within 60 days after expiration, what happens? License deemed to have LAPSED Applicant has to apply for REINSTATEMENT Can the Board grant an extension of the 60-day period to renew after expiration? YES, if there's "good cause"
Who has the burden of verifying whether a program is approved by the Board? The applicant The Board may approve the following CE activities by an applicant Being an instructor/speaker Publishing an article or book Participating in research Can continuing education credit be given for partial hours? NOPE. Whole hours only. What is the minimum number of minutes that can constitute 1 credit hour? 50 minutes For undergrad/graduate courses, each semester hour of credit constitutes how many hours of CE credit? 1 semester hour = 15 hours CE For undergrad/graduate courses, each quarter-hour of semester credit constitutes how many hours of CE credit? 1/4 semester hour = 10 hours CE What is the maximum number of CE credit hours you can get per year from in-services? 10 hours max / year for in-services Can an applicant who serves as an instructor or speaker at a program get credit? YES for both preparation and presentation time An applicant who is an instructor/speaker can get how much credit for the associated presentation time? Can get max 2x the amount of presentation time Can an applicant who is an instructor/speaker get all of their hours for CE from presenting? NOPE. The maximum amount of credit you can get for being an instructor/speaker is 50% of your CE requirement. Can an applicant who is an instructor/speaker get credit each time they give the same presentation? NOPE. You can't get credit more than once for the same presentation UNLESS it involves either a different subject or substantial additional research for the same subject. Can an applicant who was an instructor/speaker last year get credit for CE this year? NOPE. The presentation shall have been completed during the period for which the credit is claimed. For an applicant who authors/edits a published book, how much CE credit can they get? 4 units / 40 hours for book For an applicant who authors/co-authors a published original paper, journal article, or poster presentation, how much CE credit can they get? 2 units / 20 hours for article/poster
For an applicant who is the sole author of a published book review, review paper, or abstract, how much CE credit can they get? 1 unit / 10 hours for review paper/abstract Continuing education unit 10 hours of continuing education credit hours 1 unit = 10 hours 1 hour ≥ 50 min Need a license to practice a "health occupation" EXCEPT in these circumstances
Must have pre-approval from the Board (then you get your ATT, etc) What exams does a PT applicant need? The national examination and the District examination What order do you have to take the exams in? The applicant may take the national and District examinations in any order What happens if you do not pass either examination on the first attempt? Have to get approval from the Board for subsequent attempts to retake the examination. What has to happen before the Board may approve for subsequent testing beyond 3 attempts? The applicant has to submit proof demonstrating having successfully completed any remediation as determined by the Board. How do you get licensed by reciprocity or endorsement?
How should you display the license? Conspicuously If you change address/ place of residence/ place of business/ place of employment, how long do you have to notify the Board? Notify the Board within 30 days If a health professional fails to renew their license, then it is considered Expired If a license is expired (bc the professional failed to renew the license), what does the professional have to do to get reinstatement?
Physical therapy Physical therapist Physiotherapist Physical therapy technician Can a PT purchase/ store/ administer topical and aerosol medications? Yes How does a PT denote licensure under the Act? A physical therapist shall use the letters "PT" in connection with the therapist's name or place of business. Have to be authorized to practice physical therapy the terms, or any other words, abbreviations, or insignia indicating or implying directly or indirectly that physical therapy is provided or supplied. Physical therapy Physical therapist PT DPT LPT RPT A PT shall protect the patient's right to privacy by not divulging confidential information without consent of the patient or guardian UNLESS
Professional Duty Social Responsibility Principle #1: "Physical therapists shall respect the inherent dignity and rights of all individuals" Core values: Compassion Integrity Principle #2: "Physical therapists shall be trustworthy and compassionate in addressing the rights and needs of patients/clients." Core values: Altruism Compassion Professional Duty Principle #3: "Physical therapists shall be accountable for making sound professional judgments." Core values: Excellence Integrity Principle #4: "Physical therapists shall demonstrate integrity in their relationships with patients and clients, families, colleagues, students, research participants, other health care providers, employers, payers, and the public." Core values: Integrity Principle #5: "Physical therapists shall fulfill their legal and professional obligations." Core values: Professional Duty Accountability Principle #6: "Physical therapists shall enhance their expertise through the lifelong acquisition and refinement of knowledge, skills, abilities, and professional behaviors." Core values: Excellence Principle #7: "Physical therapists shall promote organizational behaviors and business practices that benefit patients/clients and society." Core values: Integrity Accountability Principle #8: "Physical therapists shall participate in efforts to meet the health needs of people locally, nationally, or globally."
Core values: Social Responsibility Scope of Practice of PT Examining individuals Alleviating impairment and functional limitation Preventing injury, impairment, functional limitation, and disability Engaging in consultation, education, and research Scope of practice: examining individuals Examining individuals with impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities or other heal-related conditions in order to determine a diagnosis, prognosis, and course of intervention while utilizing tests and measurements consistent with the practice of physical therapy Scope of practice: alleviating impairment and functional limitation Alleviating impairment and functional limitation by designing, implementing, and modifying therapeutic interventions consistent with the practice of physical therapy Scope of practice: preventing injury, impairment, functional limitation, and disability Preventing injury, impairment, functional limitation, and disability, including the promotion and maintenance of health, wellness, fitness, and quality of life in all age populations A physical therapist shall provide Initial evaluation Periodic reevaluation Documented discharge including the response to therapeutic intervention A PT shall assure the qualifications of supervisees, including PT students PTAs PT aides First-time applicants practicing How many supervisees can a PT have under direct supervision at any one time? No more than THREE at any given time PT should do what with supervisee's documentation? Review and co-sign While the initial license is pending, a first-time applicant for a PT license may practice PT under DIRECT SUPERVISION of a PT licensed in DC A first-time applicant practicing PT under direct supervision who fails the NPTE or the DC exam on the FIRST ATTEMPT has to STOP PRACTICING until a PT license is duly issued to that individual A student or applicant may practice PT under DIRECT SUPERVISION of a licensed PT
A student or applicant shall identify him/herself Identify yourself a student or applicant at all times when performing actions of a physical therapist How responsible is a licensed PT for a student/applicant? FULLY RESPONSIBLE And is subject to disciplinary action for any violation of the Act or this chapter by the person supervised If the Board finds that a student/applicant has violated the Act or this chapter The Board may (in addition to other disciplinary actions) revoke/ suspend/ restrict the privilege of the student/applicant to practice What can a PTA do? Under the DIRECT SUPERVISION of a PT:
Suspend or restrict the license without a hearing At the time of suspension/restriction of a license, the Mayor shall provide The licensee with written notice stating
In case of contumacy by or refusal to obey a subpoena issued by the Board, the Board may refer the matter to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia If, after due notice, the individual against whom the action is contemplated FAILS OR REFUSES TO APPEAR A board may nevertheless hear and determine the matter A board shall issue its final decision within 90 days after conducting a hearing A board may reinstate the license of an individual whose license/privilege has been suspended/revoked by the board only in accordance with
Imprisonment not to exceed 1 year A fine not to exceed $25, or both Any health professional who is the subject of an investigation into, or a pending proceeding involving, allegations misconduct may voluntarily Voluntarily surrender his/her license or privilege to practice in DC MUST deliver an affidavit that they are surrendering the license/privilege VOLUNTARILY The voluntary surrender of a license shall not preclude/ prevent the imposition of civil/criminal penalties If it is determined that the violation has caused or may cause immediate and irreparable harm to the public, the board or Mayor may issue a cease and desist order shall be served by certified mail or delivery in person The alleged violator may submit a written request to hold a hearing on the alleged violation within 15 days of the service of the cease and desist order upon receipt of a timely request, Mayor shall conduct a hearing and render a decision per the 72 hour rules The alleged violator who was issued a cease and desist order may submit a request for an expedited hearing within 10 days (thereby waiving the right to 15-day notice required of hearing) Upon receiving a timely request of the expedited hearing, the board or Mayor shall conduct a hearing within 10 days of receiving the request the board/Mayor shall issue a decision within 30 days after an expedited hearing If a request for a hearing is not made (regarding cease and desist) the order to cease and desist is final If, after a hearing, the board determines that the alleged violator is not in violation of the chapter the board/Mayor shall REVOKE the order to cease and desist If an individual fails to comply with a lawful order to cease/desist the board/Mayor may petition the COURT TO ISSUE an order compelling compliance or take any other action authorized in this chapter Any person aggrieved by a final decision of a board/Mayor may appeal the decision to the DC Court of Appeals
Substance abuse Any license issued under this chapter may be voluntarily limited by the licensee either
All records, communications, and proceedings of the board related to the voluntary limitation or surrender of a license under this section shall be CONFIDENTIAL