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DOJ FSC PRACTICE TEST 100% VERIFIED ANSWERS 2024/2025 CORRECT STUDY SET, Exams of Organization and Business Administration


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Available from 12/02/2024




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Download DOJ FSC PRACTICE TEST 100% VERIFIED ANSWERS 2024/2025 CORRECT STUDY SET and more Exams Organization and Business Administration in PDF only on Docsity!





What is not a part of a cartridge or a shotgun shell? A. Wad B. Bullet C. Choke D. Slug Choke A sale or transfer of a firearm between two private parties (non-dealers) must be completed through a licensed firearms dealer only if the buyer and seller do not personally know each other. True or False? False The first cartridge loaded into a magazine presses against the: Follower Is it legal to store a loaded firearm in the premises where children have access to? True or False? False Generally, it is legal to carry a concealed firearm in public under which of the following circumstances? A. You were honorably discharged from the military B. You are in an unsafe area

C. You are an experienced gun handler and know all of the safety rules D. None of the above None of the above Smokeless powder and black powder are easily substitutable. True or False? False Rule #4 from the Rules for Kids is: Tell an adult You need a valid FSC to legally purchase firearms. True or False? True You must treat any firearm as if it is loaded. True or False? True What types of sight do the handgun shooters use? A. Telescopic B. Red-dot C. Open-sight D. All of the above All of the above Smokeless powder can be safely used in muzzle-loading firearms. True or False? False It is a good practice to always use safety, but never rely on it. True or False? True

Rifle cartridges loaded with incendiary bullets are legal in California. True or False? False Shotgun shells loaded with flechettes are legal in California. True or False? False To shoot safely you must know: A. Your target's surrounding B. What is beyond the target C. Your target D. All of the above All of the above An illegal firearm purchase (straw purchase) is a federal crime. True or False? True You can safely assume your semiautomatic firearm is unloaded when its magazine has been removed. True or False? False You should always wear hearing protection when high-power firearms are being shot. True or False? True Trigger locks and cable locks are designed to prevent unauthorized people from firing you gun. True or False? True

Flame throwers are legal in California. True or False? False Ignorance and carelessness are major causes of firearm accidents. True or False? True The safest direction is: A. the one, where accidental discharge will not cause injury or damage. B. always muzzle up C. the one, where accidental discharge can cause injury or damage. D. always muzzle down the one where accidental discharge will not cause injury or damage You can use rimfire cartridges in the centre-fire firearms. True or False? False Wallet guns are generally prohibited. True or False? True The part of the gun which strikes the primer is called: A. Percussion Pin B. Firing Rod C. Firing Pin D. Percussion Cap Firing Pin As a safety measure, your firearm should always be pointed: in the safest possible direction

When shooting, you must consider that if the bullet misses the target or if it goes through the target completely, it can hit a person or an object. True or False? True Rule #1 from the Rules for Kids is: Stop! Which of the following is a legal and safe way of transporting your firearm in a motor vehicle? Unloaded, in the trunk My firearm is my responsibility. True or False? True A semi-automatic centre-fire rifle may legally have this many cartridges in its magazine: A. unlimited B. 20 C. 5 D. 10 10 The safety on a firearm should be used: A. As an additional safety measure B. Only when cleaning a firearm C. As a primary safety measure D. Only when the firearm is in storage As an additional safety measure Shotgun shells are generally measured by: A. Calibre B. Grains

C. Gauge D. None of the above Gauge Light alcohol is okay before shooting. True or False? False Your trigger finger must be kept off the trigger until you are actually ready to shoot. True or False? True The use of lethal force may be lawful when defending yourself from which of the following attempted crimes: A. Disturbing the peace B. Trespassing C. Assault with a deadly weapon D. None of the above Assault with a deadly weapon Buying a gun and giving it to someone who is prohibited from owning one is a state and federal crime. True or False? True To start cleaning your firearm, your first step should be: A. Oil the hammer B. Remove the slide C. Examine the bore D. Make sure it is unloaded Make sure it is unloaded Rule #2 from the Rules for Kids is:

Don't touch All generations of Glock 17 are legal in California. False What is the most widespread material to make shotgun shots of? A. Lead B. Brass C. Silver D. None of the above Lead What action type cannot have a magazine? A. Hinge B. Pump C. Semi-automatic D. Lever Hinge You have a very old firearm with no data stamp. Before using it, what should you do? A. Ask at gun forums B. You must get it examined by a gunsmith C. Try and see which ammunition fits the chamber of the firearm D. None of the above You must get it examined by a gunsmith Zip guns are NOT generally prohibited in California. True or False? False A basic safety rule when handling a firearm is to know your: A. Muzzle velocity B. Target and its surroundings

C. Barrel length D. Magazine capacity Target and its surroundings Easy access to loaded firearms at home is a major cause of accidental shootings involving children. True or False? True At shooting ranges, who can call a cease-fire? Anyone Rule #3 from the Rules for Kids is: Leave the area You should never use old or corroded ammunition. True or False? True If there is any chance that your shot will be unsafe, you should refrain from firing. True or False? True According to The Sporting Arms And Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute, what is the maximum dangerous range of handgun ammunition? A. 2500 yards B. 1500 yards C. 2000 yards D. 500 yards 2,500 yards Full-automatic rifles are prohibited in California. True or False? True

You should never eat, drink or smoke when shooting, especially at indoor ranges. True or False? True 30 - round magazine for AR-15 rifle is prohibited. True or False? True Pointing a firearm at someone can result in criminal charges. True or False? True Shooting firearms in the air is very safe and absolutely legal way to celebrate a holiday. True or False? False What should your children know if they discover a gun: A. Rules for Kids B. What is beyond the target C. How to handle firearms safely D. the Penal Code section 26840 Rules for Kids You must never assume that simply because a toddler may lack finger strength, they cannot pull the trigger. True or False? True An illegal firearm purchase can result in an imprisonment and a fine. True or False? True

Having a gun may end up with significant legal problems if the distance to the nearest public school is less than: A. 1 mile B. 1,000 feet C. 0.5 mile D. 1,000 yards 1,000 feet A firearm is considered to be concealed if any part of it is hidden True or False? True Carrying a loaded firearm in public is prohibited. True or False? True If another person is present, it is illegal for any person, except in self defense, to draw or exhibit a loaded or unloaded firearm in a rude, angry or threatening manner or in any manner use a firearm in a fight or quarrel. True or False? True It is illegal to discharge your gun in: A. unoccupied motor vehicle B. unoccupied building C. unoccupied dwelling. D. All of the above All of the above Is a Firearm Safety Certificate required when a firearm is being loaned? A. Yes, always B. No, never C. It depends on the specific circumstances D. None of the above

It depends on the specific circumstances How long is a Firearm Safety Certificate valid? 5 years You cannot face any charges for criminal storage of your firearm if the firearm is kept in a locked container or locked with a locking device that has rendered the firearm inoperable. True or False? True