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Early Childhood Education and Teaching Methods, Thesis of Accounting

The requirements and qualifications for becoming a Head Teacher in early childhood education, the importance of instilling universal and family values in the classroom, key issues and trends in early childhood growth, the high scope teaching model, and Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development. It emphasizes the need for incorporating technology in the classroom, developing classroom policies, and adjusting to new policies and expectations. The document also highlights the four stages of cognitive development in children.

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Available from 01/10/2024

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ECE 101

Early Childhood and You ECE 101: Early Childhood Education If you want to be the Head Teacher, you have to have at least an associate's degree and several years of teaching experience.During the interview, it appeared that even those who recognized what it takes to teach children did the best job of teaching them. You must have at least an associate's degree and several years of teaching experience if you want to be the Head Teacher. Those who knew what it took to teach children appeared to do the best job of educating them during the interview. Being a nanny has instilled in me a strong desire to educate young children every week. My conversation with Sophie has increased my appreciation for the importance of instilling universal and family values in the classroom. As a nanny, I plan to teach all children, regardless of disability, and any child who wishes to learn should be given the opportunity. Being a childhood teacher can be very demanding and stressful, which is why it's important to create a stress relief plan and activities so that you don't burn out or develop health issues as a result of being overly stressed. Key issues and Trends Lowering the achievement gap, using technology in the classroom, and classroom policies are the three most common patterns in early childhood growth.TThe three trends have such an influence on a child's potential to succeed in the classroom, which is why incorporating technology throughout early childhood education is crucial. Innovation integration in the classroom is a relatively recent resource that teachers are continuing to rely on heavily to help in the teaching process.In order to advance the Emotional Cognitive Social Early Learning, it is also recommended that classroom policies and rules be developed. The Every Student Succeeds

Act, which took effect for the 2017-2018 academic year, modifies the No Child Left Behind policy of 2002 by restoring oversight of the educational system to the states rather than the federal government. One of the most important qualities of an educational leader is the ability to adjust to new policies and expectations, regardless of how much they change. An educator would have much more success in teaching their students if they use these three patterns (Jones, 2017). Approach/model that matches The most effective teaching model that would be used in my classroom is the high scope model which is a free structure geared for student and teacher activities. The high scope learning approach is focused on multiple cores that include both individual and group projects to encourage critical learning in children through educational games and activities. To ensure this approach works there need to be multiple learning facilities with different size groups and each led by a teacher to ensure the activities help cover all the curriculum (Estes,2012). Instructional Theory Jean Piaget was one of the first to introduce the high scope teaching methods, as well as one of the most theoretical approaches, the Theory of Cognitive Development, which is critical when teaching the four stages. The Sensorimotor level, which lasts until the age of two and is marked by the importance of memorizing and the use of thoughts, jeopardizes the theory's four aspects.The Preoperational stage, which occurs between the ages of two and seven, consists of speech production and symbolism comprehensionThe third phase is the concrete operational period, which occurs between the ages of seven and eleven, when the child is able to solve problems with their hands.Finally, between the ages of eleven and fifteen, the fourth level, Formal operational, occurs when the child can answer abstract questions using logicEach stage

can be learned at a different time depending on a child's learning progression, which is why it is important for educators to recognize when children are ready to move on to the next stage at their own rate. To ensure a teacher implements the steps effectively it is wise to include activities that appeal to all children, have visual aids, and give directions in an easy to understand manner (Funderstanding, 2017). Piaget's theory is an excellent tool I use in my classroom by allowing the students to learn through many different forms. Developmental Domains Gross motor, fine motor, language, cognitive, social/emotional, adaptive, and moral development are the seven primary aspects of early childhood education. Parents and educators at learning centers both teach these seven realms of growth to their children.It is important for the educator to successfully teach all seven areas because they will have a long-term impact on the child. Every aspect has its different purpose; therefore, both educators and parents need to try to implement them daily to set a strong foundation for the child in their future (Miller, 2014). Families/Early childhood It is essential for the family to be actively involved in a child's growth during the early childhood process to ensure that their progress is steady and successful. Teachers will want to incorporate the same model in their classrooms to ensure success, so parents must realize the value of nurturing their child at home. The clinic where I volunteer begins each day with a brief meeting with each parent to learn about their child's unique needs. This time is also important for communicating information to parents, so they can learn about their child's day and any adjustments that need to be made to their schedule. The benefits of using this method of teaching are that the child learns what to expect in class, that they are loved and nurtured, which is

essential for early childhood growth, and that social communication is accomplished, ensuring that the child develops outstanding communication skills. Future in Early Childhood Development Since I am new to the Early Childhood Education process, I still have a lot to learn in order to be a successful educator. I want to pursue a bachelor's degree in order to improve my volunteer teaching skills and expand my volunteer opportunities. My long term plan is to get my master’s once I finish my Bachelor’s and continue to volunteer at local schools and learning centers. Meanwhile, I plan to finish my bachelor's degree in business. Either close to or after retiring, I plan to involve myself more in the educational process of young children and teach in my local elementary school as my passion for teaching will always remain strong. References Annie Jones, (2017, February 28), 3 Trends in Early Childhood Education that You Should Known About., Rasmussen College, Inc. Retrieved From: /degrees/education/blog/3-ongoing-trends-early-childhood-education-impact-you/ Estes, L. S., & Krogh, S. L. (2012) Ch. 4.5. Pathways to Teaching Young Children: An Introduction to Early Childhood Education [Electronic Source]. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Funderstanding, (2017), (2011, April 26)., Jean Piaget: Cognitive Development in the Classroom. Retrieved From:

J. Miller, (2014, November 9) The 7 Domains of Early-Childhood Development. Retrieved From: childhood-development/