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Early Childhood Education 40 Questions with Answers
Idea of the "whole child" - CORRECT ANSWER
- physical
- intellectual
- emotional
- social intentional teaching - CORRECT ANSWER using every situation that comes up as a teaching method; always have a purpose for decisions multiple intelligences - CORRECT ANSWER 1. musical
- logical
- bodily kinesthetic
- linguistic
- spatial
- interpersonal
- intrapersonal
- naturalist stages of professional development - CORRECT ANSWER 1. survival
- consolidation
- renewal
- maturity purposes of ECE programs - CORRECT ANSWER 1. support children's learning and development
- provide care for children sponsorship - CORRECT ANSWER can be public (federal, state or country), or private Head Start - CORRECT ANSWER -a federally funded program designed to ameliorate the effects of poverty on young children -for low income families
-leads to positive effects on IQ, college attendance, delayed parenthood & employment quality care - CORRECT ANSWER 1. high ratio of adults:children
- professional development programs for teachers
- good salaries
- individualized curriculum Alliance for Childhood - CORRECT ANSWER -an early childhood advocacy organization -concerned standards will lead to unrealistic expectations "Trilemma of child care" - CORRECT ANSWER 1. the need for QUALITY programs to support development
- The need for adequate COMPENSATION for staff
- The need for AFFORDABLE child care programs for families paideia - CORRECT ANSWER the idea of a well-rounded education ideas of Plato, Aristotle, Quintillian - CORRECT ANSWER -education should begin with the young child -human beings are essentially good -both boys & girls should be educated -development of mind & body are important
- play is valuable Martin Luther - CORRECT ANSWER -education should be for all children -literacy is important' -all aspects of development are important Comenius - CORRECT ANSWER -birth to age 6 is of high importance -language is the foundation for later learning -education begins with nurture -learning should be meaningful/relevant -picture books (Orbis Pictus) -toys in education
Locke - CORRECT ANSWER -child as a blank slate ("tabula rasa") -knowledge is received through the senses -nurture > nature -prolonged swaddling is not good for children -respectful loving relationships -playful teaching -focus on the child Rousseau - CORRECT ANSWER -child is inherently good -education should begin at birth and continue to adulthood -children learn best from direct experiences and exploration -children learn through undirected play (free play) Pestalozzi - CORRECT ANSWER -all children have a right to education -education can awaken the potential of each child -the first year of life is most important in a child's development -instruction should be adapted to each child's interests, abilities and stage of development -focus on sensory learning -self paced learning Owen - CORRECT ANSWER -education of young people can transform the nature of people and society -natural consequences will teach children right from wrong -don't pressure children to learn -sensory learning, stories, singing, dancing, physical exercise -play is valued -caring teachers Froebel - CORRECT ANSWER -father of the kindergarten -Germany in 1837 -play is essential to education -forms of life, mathematics and beauty -"gifts and occupations" ~ use manipulative's ("gifts" ie. blocks, balls) and hand working activities ("occupations" ie. cutting, folding)
Bertha Meyer Ronge - CORRECT ANSWER established the first kindergarten in England Margarethe Meyer Shurz - CORRECT ANSWER founded the first American kindergarten in Wisconsin John Dewey - CORRECT ANSWER 1. improve society through schooling
- help people develop their full potential
- prepare citizens to live in a democratic society The Montessori Method - CORRECT ANSWER -Maria Montessori -believed children went through periods during which they have interest & capacity for the development of particular skills -grouped in mixed ages Reggio Emilia - CORRECT ANSWER -free to families (uses tax $$) -all children have potential -parents are an active part in the child's learning -physical space of the school encourages encounters, communication & relationships -see into other rooms; very open space -children stay with the same teacher for 3 years (0-3,3-6) -teachers/children explore through projects -curriculum emerges from children's interests -teachers work in pairs -lots of documentation through the school Atelierista - CORRECT ANSWER teacher trained in the visual arts Atelier - CORRECT ANSWER a studio for children and teacher to use as a resource center
- children are not told what to do, only how to use tools Developmentally Appropriate Practice - CORRECT ANSWER DAP - learning about the characteristics of children at different ages
Principals of Child Development - CORRECT ANSWER 1. The child develops as a whole
- Development follows predictable patterns
- Rates of development vary
- Development is influenced by maturation and experiences
- Development proceeds from top down and center outward
- Culture affects development Maturational Theory - CORRECT ANSWER -Arnold Gesell -genetic inheritance & maturity determine a major portion of development -concept of readiness ~ a period of development in which a specific skill/response is likely to occur Construtivist Theory - CORRECT ANSWER -Jean Piaget -children construct their own understanding of the world -changes as they grow -children must be actively engaged with people and objects Piaget's 3 kinds of knowledge - CORRECT ANSWER 1. physical
- social
- logical schema - CORRECT ANSWER informational categories children break things into due to experiences they have assimilation - CORRECT ANSWER including new info or objects into current schemas accommodation - CORRECT ANSWER creating a new schema for something that doesn't fit a current schema Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Sensorimotor (0-
- ~ develops object permenance
- Preoperational (2-7) ~ develops conservation; is egocentric
- Concrete operational (7-11) ~ develops transitive inference; logical thought
- Formal operational (11+) ~ develops deductive reasoning; abstract thought
Stages of Moral Development - CORRECT ANSWER -Laurence Kohlberg
- Preconventional (2-7) ~ decisions are based on self interest
- Conventional (7-12) ~ choose to uphold rules because they exist; concerned with approval
- Postconventional (12+) ~ makes decisions based on conscience Sociocultural Theory - CORRECT ANSWER -Vygotsky -helps understand children's social life
- learn through interactions with adults and more able peers -use of scaffolding Ecological Theory - CORRECT ANSWER -Uri Bronfenbrenner -not just who the child's parents are, but everyone around them in their environment -Child -->Microsystem -->Mesosystem --> Exosystem -->Macrosytem Stages of Social and Emotional Development - CORRECT ANSWER -Erik Erikson -psychosocial theory
- Trust v. Mistrust (infant)
- Autonomy v. Shame (toddler)
- Initiative v. Guilt (preschool)
- Industry v. Inferiority (school age) Self-Actualization Theory - CORRECT ANSWER -Abraham Maslow -Hierarchy of Needs
- Physiological (basic need) - air, food, water, etc.
- Safety (basic need) - security of relationships & emotions
- Love (growth need) - family, friends, sense of belonging, etc.
- Esteem (growth need) - respect
- Self-Actualization (growth need) - justice, creativity, truth, playfulness