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easily explain to presentation its is helpful to explain this presentation and some information of power subject, Slides of Power Electronics

easily explain to presentation its is helpful to explain this presentation and some information of power subject

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zainab-ather 🇵🇰

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Download easily explain to presentation its is helpful to explain this presentation and some information of power subject and more Slides Power Electronics in PDF only on Docsity! Dratt-tube Prepared By: ZAINAB ATHER Definitio n  The draft-tube is a pipe of gradually increasing area which connects the outlet of the runner to the tail race.  One end of the draft tube is connected to the outlet of the runner while the other end is submerged below the level of water in the tail race. Functio n  The primary purpose of the draft tube is to monitor the influx of water.  The turbine has something called a "tail race," which is the lowest portion of a dam or construction project where water pools. The tube connects the turbine to this tail race, permitting the turbine to be outside of the water but still have access to the water.  Reduce the velocity of the discharged water to minimize the loss of kinetic energy at the outlet. Functio n  It permits negative head to be established at the outlet of the runner and thereby increase the net head on the turbine .  The turbine may be placed above the tail race without any loss of net head and hence turbine may be inspected properly. Efficienc y  The efficiency of a draft tube is defined as the ratio of actual conversion of kinetic head into pressure head in the draft tube to the kinetic head at the inlet of the draft tube Types of Draft tube LU) Moody spreading tube igi t. cml re Types of Draft tube  Elbow draft tube with circular inlet and rectangular outlet ~~ Thank YOU