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ECG Practice Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A series of practice questions and answers related to electrocardiogram (ecg) procedures and interpretation. It covers topics such as infection control, electrode placement, ecg waveform analysis, and patient care during ecg procedures. The questions are designed to test knowledge of ecg principles and techniques, making it a valuable resource for students and professionals in the medical field.

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ECG PRACTICE EXAM Questions with

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how can the ecg technician maintain infection control during the performance of an ecg procedure? a. using universal precautions b. washing hands prior to the procedure c. wearing gloves if there is a risk of exposure to patients blood or other bodily functions d. all of the above - correct answer a your patient has a cast on his lower left leg. The location of the limb electrodes is a. right leg electrode at the lower leg and left leg electrode at the inner thigh b. right leg electrode at the lower leg and left leg electrode on the top of the chest c. at equal level on the thigh d. the same place as if the patient did not have a cast - correct answer c

analyzing the shape of the p waves to see if they are all the same shape is to determine if a. the atrial impulse cased the ventricle contraction b. atrial contraction occurred c. the atrial current is moving in the same pathway d. none of the above - correct answer c during the procedure, you notice the patient to have pale color skin, shortness of breath, and heavy amount of perspiration. You know that the patient is experiencing a. a normal response to activity b. no difficulties c. a heart attack d. a possible problem that needs to be reported to the physician - correct answer d the p wave represents a. atrial contraction b. atrial relaxation c. ventricular contraction d. ventricular relaxation - correct answer a

certain rules need to be followed while the procedure is being conducted. these include: a. a physician should always be present b. emergency equipment should be in the room or nearby c. the patient should be monitored at all times. d. all of the above - correct answer d the time frame that an exercise electrocardiography takes is a. 15-20 minutes b. 45-60 minutes c. 1-1 1/2 hours d. 20 - 45 minutes - correct answer b Your patient asks you to explain the results of the exercise electrocardiography. Your response is to a. Explain the procedure b. tell hum/her to ask the nurse c. ignore the question d. refer him/ her to the physician - correct answer d which procedure does not require an informed consent with the patient signing a consent form? a. treadmill stress test b. echocardiogram

c. holter monitor d. 12-lead ecg - correct answer d ways to reduce or prevent heart disease or stroke include: a. avoiding tobacao b. being more active c. choose good nutrition d. all of the above - correct answer d asystole or a flat line occurs on the ecg tracing but your patient is talking to you after the procedure. What is the potential problem with the ecg setup? a. electrodes are dried out without any gel b. a lead wire is loose c. a lead wire has been switched d. any of the above - correct answer d what is the most commonly used standard speed rate for the ecg machines? a. 15 mm/sec b. 100mm/sec c. 25 mm/sec d. 50 mm/sec - correct answer c

each little box on. the ecg paper horizontally represents a. 0.04 seconds b. 0.20 seconds c. 1 mv d. 1 second - correct answer a what components are essential to perform an ecg? a. being familiar with ecg machine b. knowledge of basic principles of safety and infection control c. good communication d. all of the above - correct answer d what do you need to teach the patient about the diary entries? a. record all activities b. record times of physical and emotional stress c. record all unusual and usual events such as urination , bowel movement, sexual activity, ect d. all of the above - correct answer d using a transtelephonic monitor, what is important to teach the patient about his/her equipment? a. when to use equiptment

b. how to record c. how to send a transmission d. all of the above - correct answer d during the test, the goal is to achieve the target heart rate without symptoms or complications. the target heart rate is: a. two hundred twenty minus the patients age times a percentage between 60 and 85 b. 150% of the patients resting heart rate c. 20 beats. greater than the patients resting heart rate d. none of the above - correct answer b who should always be present during an exercise electrocardiography? a. registered nurse b. physician c. ecg technician d. cardiac technician - correct answer b the following chest leads are placed on the chest with definite locations specified: a. v1, v3, v4 and v b. v1, v4, v5 and v c. v1, v2, v3 v4 and v

d. v1 v2 v4 v5 and v6 - correct answer d all of the following rhythms usually find the patient in situations requiring immediate emergency interventions except: a. asystole b. ventricular fibrillation c. ventricular tachycardia d. premature ventricular contractions - correct answer d Your Responsibility to care for a patient with complete heart block include a. observing the patient for symptoms of low cardiac output b. reporting any signs and symptoms to the licensed personnel c.initiating emergency procedures if needed. d. all of the above - correct answer d blood returns to the heart via viens. The largest vein is the a. vena cava b. cava vena c. aorta d. subclavian vein - correct answer a

before applying the electrodes on the chest, the best way to clean the electrode sites is by a. shaving the small areas if the chest b. removing any lotion of oil from the skin with alcohol c. avoiding body area d. clipping the hair at the small areas of the chest - correct answer b Measuring the PR interval requires the ECG technician to measure the period of time represented by the: a. beginning of the q wave to the j point b. beginning of the q wave to the beginning to the t wave c. beginning of the p wave to the beginning of the qrs complex d. beginning of the p wave to the end of the r wave - correct answer c You are recording an ECG tracing on a female patient who has had a mastectomy. Your responsibilities include? a. documenting this information on the ecg tracing b. trying to adjust the lead placement similar to where the leads would be prior to the mastectomy c. move the limb leads to the patient shoulders and thighs d. place the electrodes on the patients back - correct answer a

sinus bradycardia has the same criteria as sinus rhythm with the only difference being that the a. heart rate is faster b. heart rate is slower c. pr interval measurement is greater than .12 seconds d. qrs duration is within normal limits - correct answer b the qrs complex represents a. atrial contraction b. atrial relaxation c. ventricular contraction d. ventricular relaxation - correct answer c Which type of ambulatory monitoring is performed in a medical facility? a. telemetry b. transtelephonic c. 12 lead ekg d. all of the above - correct answer a For the proper placement of V3, you must have placed which other two leads on the patient's chest? a. v2 and v

b. v2 and v c. v5 and v d. v4 and v6 - correct answer a preparing the patient for an exercise electrocardiography is an essential responsibility of the ecg technician. It is important that the patient be properly prepared by doing all the following except: a. brining all of their medication and their containers in with them b. stopping medication, especially beta blockers prior to testing c. understanding that the test may take up to 45 minutes to an hour d. dressing appropriately for exercise - correct answer a the signal processing occurs inside the ecg machine, and it a. amplifies the electrical impulse b. converts the impulse into mechanical actions on the display c. prepares the signals for. trasnfer to the output display or printed report d. all of the above - correct answer d your patient collapses during the cardiac stress testing. Your response should be to a. call your doctor b. call your supervisor

c. check the respiration and pulse and begin emergency procedures as appropriate d. check to see if the patients family members are with the patients to be able to help you - correct answer c the gain control is normally set at a. 10 mm/mv b. 20 mm/mv c. 5 mm/mv d. 25 mm/mv - correct answer a blood that leaves the right ventricle is considered a. oxygenated blood b. oxygen rich blood c. deoxygenated blood d. peripheral venous return - correct answer c the einthoven traingle is formed by the following three limbs a.right arem, left arm, right leg b. right leg, left arm, left leg c. right arm, left arm, left leg d. none of the above - correct answer c

telemetry monitoring is what kind of usage for ecg a. continuous b. holter c. transtelephonic d. venous - correct answer b general day to day care and maintance of the ecg machine includes a. cleaning the ecg machine b. stocking the supplies c. checking the paper supplies d. all of the above - correct answer d you are preparing to conduct a 12 lead ecg on a patient. As you are gathering your supplies, you notice that 5 electrodes are made by one company and another 5 electrodes are made by another company. Whats is your next step? a. conduct the 12 lead ecg with the electrode present b. find a complete set of 10 electrode that are the same c. tell your immediate supervisor that you couldn't conduct the 12 lead ecg procedure d. tell your patient to come back at another time when you have all the equipm - correct answer b

the purpose of ambulatory monitoring is to document the electrical activity in the heart and identify any abnormal heart behaviors when a. performing a treadmill exercise test in the doctors office b. the patient is lying on a bed or observational table c. the patient assumes normal activities of living d. none of the above. - correct answer c which of the following is not considered a bipolar lead a. lead I b. lead II c. lead III d. lead avr - correct answer d identify some of the topics necessary to teach the patient prior to starting the ambulatory monitoring procedure a. why the patient is having the test b. length of time the monitor will be on the patient c. the patient should take a sponge bath only d. all of the above - correct answer d the SA node will send an electrical impulse at a rate of a. 72-100 beats/ minutes b. 40-60 beats/ minutes

c. 20-40 beats/ minutes d. 60-100 beats/minutes - correct answer d what is another name for exercise electrocardiography a. cardiac stress test b. cardio echocardiogram c. cardiac electrocardiogram d. none of the above - correct answer a an electrocardiogram or ecg is a study of a. electrical activity traveling through the body b. ability of the heart muscle to contract c. electrical activity traveling through the heart d. ability of the heart to pump blood to the body - correct answer c the steps in evaluating a pacemaker ecg tracing includes all of the following except a. what are the regularity and rate of the paced rhythm b. is atrial capture present c. is there appropriate ventricular sensing occurring d. what is the ration of how many paced beats compared to own beats within 1 minute - correct answer d

the normal pacemaker of the heart, where the electrical impulse for the heart beat originates, is the a. SA node b. AV node c. bundle branches d. ventricles - correct answer a the normal range of the pr interval is a. 0.12 to 0.20 seconds b. 0.06 to 0.10 second c. 0.10 to 0.20 seconds d. less than 0.12 seconds - correct answer a you are asked to perform a v3r lead on an adult patient. This lead is located a. halfway between v2 and v b. on the right side of the chest, 5th intercostal space, mid clavicle c. on the right side, 5th intercostal space, sternal border d. on the right side in the same location as it normally would be on the left - correct answer d qrs duration measurement is essential to determine the time it takes for

a. atrial contraction b. ventricular contraction c. ventricular relaxation d. atrial relaxation - correct answer b reasons for performing an ecg include all of the following except to a. diagnose changes in the heart rhythm b. determine amount of muscle damage to the heart c. monitor and evaluate individuals with heart conditions d. check the problem with the flow of electricity through the heart - correct answer b the 12 lead machines will record a strip 3 to 6 feet long showing all 12 leads individually. This type of ecg machine is known as a. multichannel b. three channel c. single channel d. none of the above - correct answer c the ecg technicians responsibility during an exercise electrocardiography includes all of the following except a. providing for safety b. educating and preparing the patient prior to the procedure

c. weighing the patient prior to the testing d. instructing the patient to report symptoms - correct answer c identify the health condition(s) that prevent patients from participating in exercise electrocardiography a. heart aneurysm b. uncontrolled disturbance of the heartbeat c. unstable angina d. all of the above. - correct answer d the ecg tracing has a wandering baseline through lead 1, 2, 3 , avr, avf, and avl. What leads need to be assessed for proper application, tension on leads, and possible electrodes replacement? a. limb leads b. chest leads c. arm limb leads only d. all of the above - correct answer a To obtain a 12 lead ecg tracing, you must apply how many electrodes to the patient? a. 8 b. 12 c. 10

d. 3 - correct answer c the ambulatory monitor. results were sent to an outside lab for interpretation. How long does it take. to get a final report? a. 1-3 days b. 5 working days c. 7-10 days d. 1 week - correct answer c exercise electrocardiography consist of a. an ecg recording b. exercise being performed on an exercise treadmill c. a patient being asked to increase the level of exertion of exercise as the test progress until symptoms or end result is achieved. d. all of the above - correct answer d the electrocardiogram is a study of a. coronary artery blood supply b. ejection fraction of the heart c. electrical activity within the heart d. muscle movement of the heart - correct answer c the proper location to the place the v1 lead is the

a. fourth intercostal space, left sternal border b. fifth intercostal space at the mid clavicular line c. fifth intercostal space, midaxillary line d. fourth intercostal space, right sternal border - correct answer d which of the following is the most common stress test protocol? a. bruce b. modified bruce c. naughton d. all of the above - correct answer a oxygenated blood travels through the heart via the a. pulmonary arteries b. peripheal venous system c. aorta d. cornary arteries - correct answer d the heart consist of three layers. Identify the layers from the outer most layer to the inner most layer. a. epicardium, myocardium, endocardium b. epicardium, endocardium, myocardium c. endocardium, myocardium, epicardium

d. epicardium, heart, purkiniji fibers - correct answer a unipolar leads includes all the leads types except a. standard b. augmented c. chest d. precordial - correct answer a the valves located in the heart are important because a. act like door b. prevents blood flow from flowing backwards c. form electrical conduction through the heart d. allow for good blood flow to the body - correct answer b what does the ST segment in the figure below indicate? Note the ST depression a. a normal at segment if during an exercise electrocardiography b. that the heart medications are working c. myocardial infarction d. angina - correct answer c the normal qrs duration is

a. 0.10-0.20 seconds b. 0.12-0.20 seconds c. 0.06-0.10 seconds d. greater than 0.12 seconds - correct answer c diastole is the _________ phase of the heart a. ventricle squeezing b. contraction' c. relaxation d. blood moving through the heart - correct answer c when estimating the heart rate with the 6- second method, you must locate 6 seconds on the rhythm strip, count the number of complexes, and multiply by a. 10 b. 60 c. 5 d. 15 - correct answer a depolarization of the cells causes the heart muscle to a. relax b. refill the chambers of the heart c. conduct electrical impulses

d. contract - correct answer d the ecg waveform is indicative of a. electrical impulses through the heart b. abnormal heart valve condition c. contraction of the heart muscle d. hearts pumping capacity - correct answer a what is the single most important procedure you can perform to prevent spread of infection? a. wearing gloves b. using universal precautions c. hand washing d. explaining the procedure to the patient - correct answer c the patient has parkinson's disease. What measures can the ecg technician take to prevent somatic tremors from being recorded on the ecg recording? a. have the patient put his or her hands, palms down, under there buttocks b. remove tension from the lead wire c. apply electrodes securely

d. remind the patient not to make any movement during the procedure

  • correct answer a a 12 lead ecg is performed in the hospital environment for all the following reasons except: a. routine procedures b. during and after a code blue c. prior to surgery d. student practice - correct answer d all of the following are uses for exercise electrocardiography except to: a. help diagnose the cause of chest pain b. screen for heart disease when no symptoms are present, especially in men over age 35 c. help set limitations for an exercise program d. determine the functions of the heart valves - correct answer d an informed consent is required for an exercise electrocardiography. The informed consent implies that the patient understands a. the treatment and risks b. why the procedure is being performed c. what the alternative treatments and risks are d. all of the above - correct answer d

which of the follwoing is an abnormal symptom that should be recored during ambulatory monitoring? a. chest pain b. indigestion c. hospital d. all of the above - correct answer d the reason ambulatory monitoring is used compared the 12 lead ecg monitoring is a. the patient may not experience any symptoms during the 12 lead testing b. no abnormalities were observed during the 12 lead ecg to correlate with the patients symptoms of syncope c. the patieint was complaing of palpitation but did not have any symptoms during the 12 lead ecg monitoring d. all of the above - correct answer d your patient asks question about the reason for his ecg after you explain the procedure to him. Your next step would be to a. repeat the instructions and clarify his concerns b. perform the procedure anyway c. ask someone else to answer his question d. ask the doctor to explain the procedure - correct answer a

the normal pr interval is a. 0.10-0.16 seconds b. 0.12-0.20 seconds c. 0.06-0.10 seconds d. greater than 0.12 seconds - correct answer b when preparing the patient for ambulatory monitoring, it is important to a. prepare the patient emotionally b. prepare the patient physically c. neither of the above d. both of the above - correct answer b the valve between the right atrium and right ventricle is the a. tricuspid valve b. biscupid valve c. pulmonic semilunar valve d. aortic semilunar valve - correct answer a variations of the exercise electrocardiography include a. thallium stress test