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GEB 3213 Exam 3 Questions and
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiallows iiyou iito iiincrease iithe iiaudience's iiknowledge, iiteach iiabout iia iitopic iior iiissue, iiand iishare iiyour iiexpertise? a. iiSpeech iito iidemonstrate b. iiSpeech iito iiinform c. iiSpeech iito iipersuade d. iiSpeech iito iientertain e. iiCeremonial iispeech ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiSpeech iito iiinform
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iione iiof iithe iigoals iiof iia iinegative iinews iimessage? a. iiHelp iithe iireceiver iiunderstand iiand iiaccept iithe iinews. b. iiEnd iithe iirelationship iiwhen iia iiformal iiassociation iiis iibeing iiterminated. c. iiReduce iithe iianxiety iiassociated iiwith iithe iinegative iinews iito iiincrease iicomprehension. d. iiBe iiclear iiand iiconcise iiin iiorder iinot iito iirequire iiadditional iiclarification. e. iiMaintain iitrust iiand iirespect iifor iithe iibusiness iior iiorganization iiand iifor iithe iireceiver. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiend iithe iirelationship iiwhen iia iiformal iiassociation iiis iibeing iiterminated
- ii_____ iiare iinonverbal iirepresentations iiof iicommunication. a. iiBeliefs b. iiArtifacts c. iiTraditions d. iiAttitudes e. iiValues ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiartifacts
- ii_____ iimay iibe iidefined iias iithe iiexchange iiof iiinformation iiwith iithose iiwho iiare iialike iiculturally, iilinguistically, iiand/or iigeographically. a. iiGroup iicommunication b. iiIntrapersonal iicommunication c. iiInterpersonal iicommunication d. iiPublic iicommunication e. iiMass iicommunication ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iigroup iicommunication
- ii_____ iimay iiinclude iiself-talk, iiacts iiof iiimagination iiand iivisualization, iiand iieven iirecall iiand iimemory. a. iiConcentration b. iiIntrapersonal iicommunication c. iiJargon d. iiIncubation
e. iiNonverbal iicommunication ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiintrapersonal iicommunication
- iiSuppose iiyou iihave iiwritten iian iiarticle iiabout iia iinew iiproduct. iiYour iicompany iihas iideveloped iian iiadvertising iicampaign iiintroducing iithe iiproduct iito iithe iimarket iiand iihas iiadded iiit iito iitheir iionline iisales iimenu. iiOnce iiyour iiarticle iihas iibeen iireviewed iiand iiposted, iiit iiis iiaccessed iionline iiby iia iireader iiin iianother iicountry iiwho iiis iicurrently iiresearching iiproducts iithat iifall iiwithin iiyour iiproduct iirange. iiThat iireader iisees iia iibanner iiad iidisplayed iiacross iithe iiheader iiof iithe iiWeb iipage, iiwith iithe iiname iiof iiyour iicompany iiprominently iidisplayed iiin iithe iireader's iinative iilanguage. iiAds iiof iithis iinature iiare iicalled ii_____ iiads. a. iipsychologically iiirrelevant b. iicontextually iirelevant c. iibehaviorally iinonrelevant d. iichannel iinonrelevant e. iiinterference iiawareness ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iicontextually iirelevant
- iiFrom iiplanning iito iiproblem iisolving, iiinternal iiconflict iiresolution, iiand iievaluations iiand iijudgments iiof iiself iiand iiothers, iiwe iicommunicate iiwith iiourselves: a. iiovertly. b. iiunconsciously. c. iithrough iiintrapersonal iicommunication. d. iithrough iian iiinternal iimonologue. e. iiwith iiexternalization. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iithrough iiintrapersonal iicommunication
- iiMark, iia iimanager, iiapproaches iian iiemployee iiin iihis iicubicle iito iispeak iito iihim iidirectly iiabout iihis iipoor iiperformance. iiHe iisays, ii"You iihad iibetter iibuck iiup iior iiI'll iibe iiforced iito iiput iiyou iion iia iiperformance iiimprovement iiprogram." iiA iipossible iidisadvantage iiof iithis iiapproach iiis iithat: a. iithe iijuxtaposition iibetween iithe iienvironment iiand iithe iiverbal iimessage iimay iicause iitension iiand iiconfusion. b. iithe iilack iiof iitact iiapparent iiin iithe iiapproach iimay iireflect iinegatively iion iiMark. c. iiit iimay iibe iiconsidered iibeyond iithe iiscope iiof iisupervision. d. iithe iistatement iimay iielicit iimore iiresponses iiand iiopen iithe iiconversation iiup iiinto iia iidialogue. e. iiit iiwill iistill iikeep iia iipositive iiattitude iieven iias iiMark iigives iithe iiemployee iia iiverbal iiwarning. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iithe iilack iiof iitact iiapparent iiin iithe iiapproach iimay iireflect iinegatively iion iiMark
- iiMike iiand iiSara iiare iiboth iifrom iithe iisame iicountry iiand iishare iithe iisame iiculture. iiThe iicommunication iithat iitakes iiplace iibetween iithem iiwould iibe iiclassified iias: a. iiintracultural iicommunication. b. iiintrapersonal iicommunication. c. iiethnocentric iicommunication. d. iiinternational iicommunication. e. iiindividual iicommunication. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiintracultural iicommunication
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iinot iitrue iiabout iigroups? a. iiGroup iimembers iimay iibe iiknown iiby iitheir iisymbols. b. iiGroups iimay iibe iiknown iiby iitheir iiuse iiof iispecialized iilanguage iior iijargon. c. iiHumans iinaturally iimake iigroups iia iipart iiof iitheir iicontext iior iienvironment. d. iiGroup iimembers iimay iibe iiknown iiby iitheir iiproximity. e. iiA iigroup iidoes iinot iirecognize iiitself iias iia iigroup. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iia iigroup iidoes iinot iirecognize iiitself iias iia iigroup
- iiCommunication iiwith iiyourself iiis iicalled: a. iiinternal iicommunication. b. iiindividual iicommunication. c. iiinterpersonal iicommunication. d. iiintrapersonal iicommunication. e. iiinner iicommunication. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiintrapersonal iicommunication
- ii_____ iiinvolve iia iicommon iiset iiof iitheories iithat iiexplain iithe iiworld iiaround iius, iiterms iito iiexplain iithose iitheories, iiand iihave iigrown iito iireflect iithe iiadvance iiof iihuman iiknowledge. a. iiAnalyses b. iiViewpoints c. iiResearch iistudies d. iiDisciplines e. iiHypotheses ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iidisciplines
- ii_____ iiis iidefined iias iione's iiown iisense iiof iiindividuality, iipersonal iicharacteristics, iimotivations, iiand iiactions. a. iiConsciousness b. iiPersonality c. iiSelf d. iiEgo e. iiId ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiself
- iiThe iifirst iipart iiof iia iinegative iinews iimessage, iiverbal iior iiwritten, iiinvolves: a. iineutral iior iipositive iiinformation. b. iian iiexplanation iidiscussing iiwhy iithere iiis iian iiissue iiin iithe iifirst iiplace. c. iithe iibad iinews iiitself. d. iithe iibad iinews iiand iia iisolution iistrategy. e. iiboth iipositive iiand iinegative iiinformation ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iineutral iior iipositive iiinformation
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iinot iitrue iiabout iitexting? a. iiIt iihas iibecome iia iicommon iiway iito iiconnect. b. iiIt iiis iiuseful iifor iilong iiand iicomplicated iimessages. c. iiIt iiis iia iiconvenient iiway iito iistay iiconnected iiwith iiothers iiwhen iitalking iion iithe iiphone iiwould iibe iicumbersome. d. iiIt iiis iiuseful iifor iishort iiexchanges.
e. iiIt iiis iia iiform iiof iiwritten iicommunication iiusing iia iidigital iidevice. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiIt iiis iiuseful iifor iilong iiand iicomplicated iimessages.
- iiA iispeech iito iipersuade: a. iiincreases iithe iiaudience's iiknowledge. b. iishows iithe iiaudience iihow iito iiuse, iioperate, iior iido iisomething. c. iiinfluences iithe iiaudience iiby iipresenting iiarguments iiintended iito iichange iiattitudes, iibeliefs, iior iivalues. d. iiamuses iithe iiaudience iiby iiengaging iithem iiin iia iirelatively iilight-hearted iispeech iithat iimay iihave iia iiserious iipoint. e. iiinvolves iiperforming iia iiritual iifunction. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiinfluences iithe iiaudience iiby iipresenting iiarguments iiintended iito iichange iiattitudes, iibeliefs, iior iivalues.
- iiOur ii_____ iiis ii"what iiwe iiperceive iiourselves iito iibe," iiand iiinvolves iiaspects iiof iiimage iiand iiesteem. a. iiinternal iimonologue b. iiself-concept c. iipersonality d. iiIQ e. iicharacter ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiself-concept
- iiMohan iiLimaye iimakes iithe iiclear iicase iithat iinot iionly iiis iithis iipart iiof iia iinegative iinews iimessage iinecessary; iiit iiis iialso iian iiethical iiand iimoral iirequirement. a. iiBuffer b. iiNegative iinews c. iiExplanation d. iiRedirect e. iiCushion ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiexplanation
- iiEverett iiRogers iiand iiThomas iiSteinfatt iidefine iiintercultural iicommunication iias iithe iiexchange iiof iiinformation iibetween iiindividuals: a. iiwho iiare iisimultaneously iia iipart iiof iia iicommunity iiand iiits iiculture(s). b. iiwho iiare iiseparated iiby iia iimatter iiof iidegrees iifrom iieach iiother. c. iiwho iibelieve iiin iithe ii"culture iiof iione." d. iiwho iiare ii"unalike iiculturally." e. iiwho iihave iimany iithings iiin iicommon ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiwho iiare ii"unalike iiculturally"
- ii_____ iiare iiformed iithrough iicommunication iiinteraction iiacross iitime, iiand iioften iishare iia iicommon iihistory, iivalues, iiand iibeliefs iiabout iithe iiworld iiaround iius. a. iiNorms b. iiRelationships c. iiRoles d. iiFunctions e. iiProcesses ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iirelationships
- ii_____ iiis iithe iitendency iito iiview iiother iicultures iias iiinferior iito iione's iiown.
a. iiUnilateralism b. iiEgocentrism c. iiEthnocentrism d. iiMonism e. iiSinglism ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiethnocentrism
- iiPrimary iigroups: a. iiby iidefinition iimeet iiall iiof iione's iineeds. b. iimeet iimost, iiif iinot iiall, iiof iione's iineeds. c. iimeet iisome, iibut iinot iiall, iineeds. d. iioften iiinclude iiwork iigroups. e. iimeet iiyour iiintrapersonal iineeds. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iimeet iimost, iiif iinot iiall, iiof iione's iineeds
- iiWhen iiwe iimake ii_____, iiwe iievaluate iiourselves iiin iirelation iito iiour iipeers iiof iisimilar iistatus, iisimilar iicharacteristics, iior iisimilar iiqualities. a. iiamends b. iipersonal iireferences c. iisocial iicomparisons d. iitransitions e. iipropositions ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iisocial iicomparisons
- iiThis iipart iiof iia iinegative iinews iimessage iimay iirefocus iiattention iion iia iisolution iistrategy, iian iialternative, iior iithe iisubsequent iiactions iithat iiwill iitake iiplace. a. iiBuffer b. iiNegative iinews c. iiExplanation d. iiRedirect e. iiCushion ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiredirect
- iiWhat iiis iithe iifinal iistep iiin iithe iicommunication iiprocess? a. iiContext b. iiInterference c. iiFeedback d. iiMessage e. iiChannel ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiFeedback
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iitips iifor iieffective iibusiness iitexting iiis iinot iitrue? a. iiKnow iiyour iirecipient. b. iiContacting iisomeone iitoo iifrequently iican iiborder iion iiharassment. c. iiAnticipate iiintentional iimisinterpretation. d. iiDo iinot iitext iiand iidrive. e. iiUnplug iiyourself iionce iiin iiawhile. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiAnticipate iiintentional iimisinterpretation.
- ii_____ iirefers iito iithe iiself-talk iiof iiintrapersonal iicommunication.
a. iiSoliloquy b. iiInternal iimonologue c. iiElocution d. iiInner iiconflict e. iiInner iivoice ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiinternal iimonologue
- ii"Thank iiyou iifor iiyour iiorder. iiWe iiappreciate iiyour iiinterest iiin iiour iiproduct." iiWhich iipart iiof iithe iinegative iinews iimessage iiis iireflected iiin iithis iistatement? a. iiNegative iinews b. iiBuffer c. iiExplanation d. iiRedirect e. iiRefocus ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iibuffer
- iiEthnocentrism: a. iioften iidecreases iiintolerance iiof iidifference. b. iireduces iione's iisense iiof iipride iiin iione's iiculture. c. iipromotes iiintercultural iicommunication. d. iiaversely iiaffects iiintrapersonal iicommunication. e. iimakes iius iifar iiless iilikely iito iibe iiable iito iibridge iithe iigap iiwith iiother iicultures. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iimakes iius iifar iilikely iito iibe iiable iito iibridge iithe iigap iiwith iiother iicultures
- iiA iisales iiteam iimay iibe iiclassified iias iia: a. iireference iigroup. b. iiprimary iigroup. c. iisecondary iigroup. d. iidyad. e. iipairing. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iia iisecondary iigroup
- ii_____ iiis iioften iicited iias iia iipioneer iiin iithe iifield iiof iiintercultural iicommunication. a. iiDalmas iiTaylor b. iiEdward iiT. iiHall c. iiGordon iiAllport d. iiIrwin iiAltman e. iiBruce iiTuckman ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiEdward iiT. iiHall
- ii_____ iiis iithe iimost iibasic iiform iiof iirelationship iiformation. iiIt iiapplies iito iichildhood iibest iifriends, iicollege iiroommates, iiromantic iicouples, iibusiness iipartners, iiand iimany iiother iirelationships. a. iiTeaming b. iiPairing c. iiPriming d. iiGrouping e. iiAgreement ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iipairing
- iiA(n) ii_____ iiis iia iisubtle, iilow-pressure iimethod iiof iiselling, iicross-selling, iior iiadvertising iia iiproduct iior iiservice. a. iiindirect iiapproach b. iihard iisell iimessage c. iisoft iisell iimessage d. iidirect iiapproach e. iidiplomatic iimessage ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iisoft iisell iimessage
- iiAll iiof iithe iifollowing iiare iiways iiof iibecoming iiconscious iiof iihow iiwe iithink iiand iicommunicate iiwith iiourselves iiin iiorder iito iiachieve iian iiinner iiquietness, iiexcept: a. iilearning iito iibe iiquiet. b. iilistening iito iiothers iiwhen iithey iicommunicate iithrough iithe iiwritten iior iispoken iiword. c. iirefraining iifrom iipreparing iiour iiresponses iibefore iiothers iifinish iispeaking. d. iijumping iito iiconclusions iifrom iionly iipartially iiattending iito iithe iispeaker iimessage. e. ii"turning iioff" iiour iiinternal iimonologue. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iilearning iito iibe iiquiet
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iifalse iiabout iiplanning iia iispeech? a. iiFor iia iipersuasive iispeech, iiin iiaddition iito iiconsidering iithe iiaudience's iiinterests, iiyou iiwill iialso iiwant iito iigauge iitheir iiattitudes iiand iibeliefs. b. iiFor iia iishort iispeech, iiespecially iiif iiit iiis iia iispeech iito iientertain, iiyou iimay iibe iiable iito iirely iicompletely iion iiyour iiknowledge iiand iiideas. c. iiIn iimost iicases iiyou iiwill iineed iito iigather iiinformation iiso iithat iiyou iican iimake iiyour iispeech iiinteresting iiby iitelling iithe iiaudience iithings iithey iido iinot iialready iiknow. d. iiWhen iiyou iihave iidetermined iiyour iigeneral iipurpose, iithe iiamount iiof iimaterial iiappropriate iito iithe iitime iiallowed iifor iiyour iispeech, iiand iithe iiappropriateness iifor iiyour iiaudience, iithen iiyou iican iiidentify iithe iitopic iifor iiyour iispeech. e. iiYou iishould iistate iiyour iispecific iipurpose iiin iimore iithan iione iisentence. ii- iiAnswers ii- e. iiYou iishould iistate iiyour iispecific iipurpose iiin iimore iithan iione iisentence.
- ii_____ iiis iidefined iias iia iireceiver's iiresponse iito iia iisource. a. iiFeedback b. iiContext c. iiInterference d. iiChannel e. iiMessage ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiFeedback
- iiThe iisecond iiquadrant iiof iiLuft iiand iiIngram's iimodel iiof iithe iidimensions iiof iiself: a. iirepresents iithings iiothers iiobserve iiabout iius iithat iiwe iiare iiunaware iiof. b. iirepresents iiinformation iithat iiis iiknown iito iiyou iiand iiothers. c. iiinvolves iiinformation iithat iiyou iiknow, iibut iido iinot iireveal iito iiothers. d. iiinvolves iiinformation iithat iiis iiunknown iito iiyou iiand iiyour iiconversational iipartners. e. iiinvolves iiinformation iithat iiis iiactively iiwithheld iiby iiyou iiand iiothers. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iirepresents iithings iiothers iiobserve iiabout iius iithat iiwe iiare iiunaware iiof
- iiWhen iiconveying iibad iinews, iione iican iilower iithe iirisk iiof iilitigation iiin iiall iiof iithe iifollowing iiways iiexcept:
a. iiby iiavoiding iicontradictions. b. iiby iiavoiding iiconfusion iior iimisinterpretation. c. iiby iiavoiding iiabusive iilanguage iior iibehavior. d. iiby iiproviding iiabsolutes. e. iiby iimaintaining iirespect iiand iiprivacy. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiby iiproviding iiabsolutes
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iitrue iiin iithe iicontext iiof iiHall's iicontribution iito iithe iistudy iiof iiintercultural iicommunication? a. iiYou iihave iito iiknow iieverything iito iiknow iisomething. b. iiCulture iiand iicommunication iiare iidistinct iiacademic iidisciplines. c. iiShift iito iia iiglobal iiperspective d. iiPersonal iiexperience iiadds iilittle iivalue iito iicomprehensive iistudies iiof iiinteraction iiand iiculture. e. iiFocus iion iithe iiinteractions iiversus iigeneral iiobservations iiof iiculture. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iifocus iion iithe iiinteractions iiversus iithe iigeneral iiobservations iiof iiculture
- iiA ii_____ iirefers iito iia iitwo-person iirelationship. a. iiduplex b. iimonad c. iibinary d. iisquad e. iidyad ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iidyad
- ii_____ iican iibe iidefined iias iia iigeneralization iiabout iia iigroup iiof iipeople iithat iioversimplifies iitheir iiculture. a. iiPrejudice b. iiBias c. iiEthnocentrism d. iiStereotypes ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iistereotypes
- iiThe iilarger iithe iigroup iigrows: a. iithe iigreater iiis iithe iiamount iiof iifeedback. b. iithe iilesser iiis iithe iiinfluence iiof iithe iienvironment iion iithe iimessage. c. iithe iimore iilikely iiit iiis iito iisubdivide. d. iithe iigreater iiis iithe iicontribution iiof iieach iimember iito iithe iiwork. e. iithe iimore iiefficient iiit iibecomes. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iithe iimore iilikely iiit iiis iito iisubdivide
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iitrue iiabout iie-mail? a. iiIn iibusiness, iiit iihas iilargely iireplaced iimemos iifor iiexternal iicorrespondence. b. iiIn iibusiness, iiit iihas iitaken iithe iiplace iiof iiprint iihard iicopy iiletters iifor iiinternal iicommunication. c. iiIt iican iibe iivery iiuseful iifor iimessages iithat iihave iislightly iiless iicontent iithan iia iitext iimessage. d. iiIt iiis iibest iiused iifor iifairly iilengthy iimessages.
e. iiMany iibusinesses iiuse iiautomated iie-mails iito iiacknowledge iicommunications iifrom iithe iipublic. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiMany iibusinesses iiuse iiautomated iie-mails iito iiacknowledge iicommunications iifrom iithe iipublic.
- iiSarcasm, iiprofanity, iishouting, iior iiabusive iior iiderogatory iilanguage iican iibe iiinterpreted iias iidefamatory, iior iiharming iithe iireputation iiof iithe iiperson, iipossibly iihaving iia iinegative iiimpact iion iitheir iifuture iiearnings. iiIn iiwritten iiform, iiit iiis iicalled ii_____. a. iivilification b. iiaspersion c. iislander d. iibelittlement e. iilibel ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iilibel
- iiThe iifourth iiquadrant iiof iiLuft iiand iiIngram's iimodel iiof iithe iidimensions iiof iiself: a. iirepresents iithings iiothers iiobserve iiabout iius iithat iiwe iiare iiunaware iiof. b. iirepresents iiinformation iithat iiis iiknown iito iiyou iiand iiothers. c. iiinvolves iiinformation iithat iiyou iiknow, iibut iido iinot iireveal iito iiothers. d. iiinvolves iiinformation iithat iiis iiactively iiwithheld iiby iiyou iiand iiothers. e. iiinvolves iiinformation iithat iiis iiunknown iito iiyou iiand iiyour iiconversational iipartners. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiinvolves iiinformation iithat iiis iiunknown iito iiyou iiand iiyour iiconversational iipartners
- iiWhen iiyou iiare iiready iito iicommit iito iia iitopic, iithe iifirst iistrategy iiis iito: a. iibegin iithe iiprocess iiof iiwriting iiyour iigeneral iipurpose iiand iithesis iistatements. b. iichoose iitopics iithat iihave iibeen iidone iirepeatedly iiover iithe iiyears. c. iiidentify iian iiarea iiof iiknowledge iior iian iiissue iithat iideeply iiinterests iiyou. d. iiconduct iia iithorough, iiobjective iiresearch. e. iiconduct iia iisearch iiin iiyour iisubject iiarea iito iiget iian iioverview iiof iithe iisubject. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiidentify iian iiarea iiof iiknowledge iior iian iiissue iithat iideeply iiinterests iiyou.
- iiAccording iito iiMaslow's iihierarchy iiof iineeds, iionce iiour iibasic iineeds iiare iimet iiwe iimove iito iilevel iitwo: a. iisafety. b. iilove iiand iibelonging. c. iiself-esteem. d. iiknowledge. e. iiself-actualization. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iisafety
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iitrue iiwith iiregard iito iidelivering iia iinegative iimessage? a. iiHave iia iiclear iiunderstanding iiof iithe iimessage b. iiRedirect iiwith iireminders iiof iithe iinegative iinews c. iiProvide iia iiclear iiexplanation iiwith iiadmission iiof iiguilt iior iiculpability d. iiLimit iiadherence iito iiprocedure iiand iiprotocol
e. iiProvide iithe iinegative iiinformation iiin iithe iiopening iistatement ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iihave iia iiclear iiunderstanding iiof iithe iimessage
- iiHall iishows iius iithat iiemphasis iion iia iiculture iias iia iiwhole, iiand iihow iiit iioperates, iimay iilead iius iito: a. iineglect iiindividual iidifferences. b. iihold iibeliefs iior iipractice iicustoms iithat iido iinot iifollow iiour iiown iicultural iinorm. c. iiidentify iithe iiunique iidifferences iithat iiexist iibetween iipeople. d. iilearn iimore iiabout iiother iicultures. e. iibe iimore iiopen iito iinew iiideas iiand iiexperiences. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iineglect iiindividual iidifferences
- iiA ii_____ iiis iia iismall, iiindependent iigroup iithat iihas iia iilink, iiaffiliation, iior iiassociation iiwith iia iilarger iigroup. a. iimicrogroup b. iiclique c. iisecondary iigroup d. iidyad e. iisquad ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iimicrogroup
- ii_____ iiinvolves iihow iithe iigroup iimembers iiinteract iiwith iione iianother iiand iiform iirelationships. a. iiGrouping b. iiGroup iisocialization c. iiNorming d. iiReciprocity e. iiMutuality ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iigroup iisocialization
- ii_____ iiis iia iinegative iipreconceived iijudgment iior iiopinion iithat iiguides iiconduct iior iisocial iibehavior. a. iiPrejudice b. iiEthnocentrism c. iiActivism d. iiTolerance e. iiPhobia ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiprejudice
- ii_____ iiallow(s) iifor iiquick iifeedback iiand iiclarification iiquestions, iiand iiallow iiboth iiparties iian iiopportunity iito iirecycle iiand iirevisit iitopics iifor iielaboration iior iia iibetter iiunderstanding. a. iiWritten iifeedback b. iiTelephone iicalls c. iiE-mails d. iiMemos e. iiCirculars ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iitelephone iicalls
- iiAt iithis iilevel iiin iiMaslow's iihierarchy iiof iineeds iipeople iicome iito iiperceive iia iisense iiof iicontrol iior iiempowerment iiover iitheir iicontext iiand iienvironment. a. iiSelf-esteem b. iiKnowledge c. iiSelf-actualization d. iiSafety e. iiLove iiand iibelonging ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiself-actualization
- iiThe ii_____ iiis iithe iiunofficial, iiinformal iicommunication iinetwork iiwithin iian iiorganization. a. iijargon b. iirhetoric c. iidoublespeak d. iislang e. iigrapevine ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iigrapevine
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iitips iifor iieffective iibusiness iie-mails iiis iitrue? a. iiUse ii"Reply iiAll" iisparingly. b. iiUse iiabbreviations. c. iiBe iibrief iiand iiomit iinecessary iiwords. d. iiA iigood iie-mail iishould iiconclude iiin iifive iismall iiparagraphs iior iiless. e. iiSubject iilines iishould iibe iiclear, iilengthy, iiand iispecific. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiUse ii"Reply iiAll" iisparingly.
- iiBeyond iiself-actualization, iiMaslow iirecognizes iiour iiinnate iineed: a. iifor iilove iiand iibelonging. b. iito iiknow. c. iito iiexperience iibeauty. d. iifor iisafety. e. iito iichange. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iito iiknow
- iiOn iithe iitelephone, iiproximity iiis iia iifunction iiof: a. iithe iitime iizone. b. iiresponse iitime. c. iithe iicontext. d. iiphysical iispace. e. iithe iidegree iito iiwhich iione iiperson iiis iinear iianother. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiresponse iitime
- iiThis iidenies iicultural, iiracial, iiethnic, iisocioeconomic, iiand iimany iiother iivaluable, iiinsightful iidifferences. a. iiReciprocity b. iiGroup iicommunication c. iiAssume iisimilarity d. iiSocial iipenetration iitheory e. iiArtifacts ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiassume iisimilarity
- iiAccording iito iiTuckman's iilinear iimodel iiof iigroup iidevelopment, iithis iistage iiis iialso iicalled iithe iiorientation iistage. a. iiForming b. iiStorming c. iiNorming d. iiPerforming e. iiAdjourning ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiforming
- ii_____ iistates iithat iiwe iichoose iito iiknow iimore iiabout iiothers iiwith iiwhom iiwe iihave iiinteractions iiin iiorder iito iireduce iior iiresolve iithe iianxiety iiassociated iiwith iithe iiunknown. a. iiTheory iiX iiand iitheory iiY b. iiSocial iipenetration iitheory c. iiUncertainty iitheory d. iiMaslow's iihierarchy e. iiTuckman's iilinear iimodel iiof iigroup iidevelopment ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiuncertainty iitheory
- iiThis iimarks iithe iipassage iiof iithe iiindividual iiwithin iithe iicommunity; iisome iiof iithese iimay iibe iiso iiinformal iias iito iibe iihardly iinoticed, iiwhile iiothers iimay iibe iihighly iiformalized. a. iiRites iiof iiinitiation b. iiArtifacts c. iiInterpersonal iicommunication d. iiPrinciples e. iiReciprocity ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iirites iiof iiinitiation
- iiIn iia iitelephone iiconversation, ii_____, iior iithe iisounds iiwe iihear iithat iiare iinot iiverbal, iiincluding iipitch, iitone, iirate, iirhythm, iipace, iiarticulation, iiand iipronunciation iiare iiall iiavailable iito iithe iilistener. a. iibody iilanguage b. iihaptics c. iisemiotics d. iisemantics e. iiparalanguage ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiparalanguage
- iiAccording iito iiSchutz, ii_____ iiare iipeople iiwho iiseek iilimited iiinteraction. a. iiunderpersonals b. iiabdicrats c. iipersonal iiindividuals d. iiloners e. iianti-socials ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiunderpersonals
- ii_____ iiinvolves iithe iiattractive iipower iiof iiarousing iia iisympathetic, iistimulated iiresponse iifrom iithe iiaudience. a. iiAppeal b. iiAppropriateness
c. iiAbility d. iiAptitude e. iiAwareness ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiAppeal
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiabout iithe iigrapevine iiis iinot iitrue? a. iiIt iiinvolves iiinformation iithat iiis iiindirect. b. iiIt iiincludes iiinformation iithat iiis iispeculative. c. iiIt iiinvolves iiinformation iithat iiis iiimmediately iiverifiable. d. iiIt iiis iicharacterized iiby iirumor, iigossip, iiand iiinnuendo. e. iiIt iiis iithe iiunofficial, iiinformal iicommunication iinetwork iiwithin iian iiorganization. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiIt iiinvolves iiinformation iithat iiis iiimmediately iiverifiable.
- ii_____ iiare iipeople iiwho iihave iia iistrong iineed iito iibe iiliked iiand iiconstantly iiseek iiattention iifrom iiothers. a. iiAbdicrats b. iiDemocrats c. iiPersonal iiindividuals d. iiSocial iipersons e. iiOverpersonals ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiover iipersonals
- iiIf iiyou iineed iito iishare iithe iimessage iiwith iia iilarger iiaudience iiand iiit iineeds iia iifeedback iiloop, iiwe iioften iicall iiit iia(n): a. iispeech. b. iipresentation. c. iipress iiconference. d. iiformal iiinterface. e. iidynamic iiinteraction. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iipress iiconference
- ii_____ iiform iias iithe iiorganization iigrows iiand iiexpands, iiand iistories iiare iitold iiand iiretold iito iieducate iinew iimembers iion iihow iibusiness iishould iibe iiconducted. a. iiLegal iisystems b. iiArtifacts c. iiTraditions d. iiAnomalies e. iiSyntactic iirules ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiTraditions
- iiSince iithe iipossibility iiof iioverlapping iiand iicompeting iiviewpoints iiand iiperspectives iiexists, iia iigroup iiwill iiexperience iia(n) ii_____ iistage. a. iiforming b. iistorming c. iinorming d. iiperforming e. iiadjourning ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iistorming
- iiWho iispeaks iifirst? iiWho iitakes iinotes? iiWho iiis iicreative, iiwho iiis iivisual, iiand iiwho iiis iidetail-oriented? iiThese iiaspects iiare iiidentified iiduring iithe ii_____ iistage iiof iigroup iidevelopment. a. iiforming b. iistorming c. iiperforming d. iinorming e. iiadjourning ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iinorming
- iiCultures iiall iihold iivalues iiand iiprinciples iithat iiare iicommonly iishared iiand iicommunicated: a. iispecifically iithrough iithe iieducation iisystem. b. iifrom iiolder iimembers iito iiyounger iiones. c. iivia iiintrapersonal iicommunication. d. iibefore iia iiperson iiis iiinitiated iiinto iia iigroup iior iicommunity. e. iionly iiamong iivalued iimembers. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiFrom iiolder iimembers iito iiyounger iiones
- ii_____ iiis iithe iisharing iiand iiunderstanding iiof iimeaning iibetween iiindividuals, iidepartments, iior iirepresentatives iiof iithe iisame iibusiness. a. iiPersonal iicommunication b. iiPrivate iicommunication c. iiGroup iicommunication d. iiLocalized iicommunication e. iiInternal iicommunication ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiinternal iicommunication
- iiA iiperson iiwho iistrikes iia iihealthy iibalance iiin iiterms iiof iithe iineed iifor iiaffection iiis iiknown iias iia(n): a. iidemocrat. b. iiabdicrat. c. iisocial iiperson. d. iipersonal iiindividual. e. iiautocrat. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iipersonal iiindividual
- iiA(n) ii_____ iiis iinormally iiused iifor iicommunicating iipolicies, iiprocedures, iior iirelated iiofficial iibusiness iiwithin iian iiorganization. a. iiletter b. iistatement c. iimemo d. iiarticle e. iiagenda ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iimemo
- iiWhat iiis iithe iipurpose iiof iia iimemo? a. iiTo iiinform b. iiTo iiintroduce iiyou iito iia iipotential iiemployer c. iiTo iiannounce iia iiproduct iior iiservice
d. iiTo iicommunicate iifeelings iiand iiemotions e. iiTo iiintroduce iiyour iiskills iiand iiqualifications iito iiprospective iiemployers ii- iiAnswers ii- a. iiTo iiinform
- iiIndividuals iiwho iiare iiself-directed iiin iiterms iiof iicontrol iiare iicalled: a. iidemocrats. b. iiautocratic. c. iiabdicrats. d. iioverpersonals. e. iioversocials. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiabdicrats
- ii_____ iiis iithe iisharing iiand iiunderstanding iiof iimeaning iibetween iiindividuals, iidepartments, iior iirepresentatives iiof iithe iibusiness iiand iiparties iioutside iithe iiorganization. a. iiGeneralized iicommunication b. iiMass iicommunication c. iiPublic iicommunication d. iiExternal iicommunication e. iiOutward iicommunication ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiexternal iicommunication
- ii"Why iiare iiwe iihere iiand iiwhom iido iiwe iiserve?" iiIn iibusiness, iithe iianswers iito iithese iiquestions iican iibe iifound iiin: a. iia iiSWOT iianalysis. b. iiorganizational iicharts. c. iiemployee iisatisfaction iisurveys. d. iimission iiand iivision iistatements. e. iia iibusiness iiplan. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiMission iiand iivision iistatements
- iiDuring iithe iinorming iistage iiof iigroup iidevelopment: a. iimembers iigenerally iiexpress iidissatisfaction iidue iito iiunclear iiexpectations. b. iigroup iimembers iiare iireluctant iito iiparticipate iiin iigroup iiwork. c. iithere iiis iimore iidivision iiand iiless iicollaboration. d. iithe iiwork iiclimate iiis iinot iiconducive iito iilistening. e. iithe iilevel iiof iianxiety iiassociated iiwith iiinteraction iiis iigenerally iireduced. ii- iiAnswers ii- e. iithe iilevel iiof iianxiety iiassociated iiwith iiinteraction iiis iigenerally iireduced
- iiStatus, iirank, iiand iiroles iiin iithe iigroup iiare iiestablished iiduring iithis iistage. a. iiForming b. iiStorming c. iiNorming d. iiPerforming e. iiAdjourning ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iinorming
- iiIn iimost iiof iithe iiworld's iicultures, iia iiperson iioccupying iisuperior iistatus iiis iientitled iito iia iiphysically iielevated iiposition—a iithrone, iia iidais, iia iipodium iifrom iiwhich iito iiaddress iisubordinates. iiThis iirelates iito iithe iicultural iicharacteristic iiof:
a. iilanguage. b. iivalues. c. iitime. d. iiartifacts. e. iispace. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iispace
- iiA(n) ii_____ iiis iia iistatement iithat iithe iicontributing iifactors iithat iigave iirise iito iithe iisituation iihave iibeen iicorrected iior iiwere iibeyond iithe iicontrol iiof iithe iicompany iiand iiits iirepresentatives. a. iibuffer b. iicouch c. iisurety d. iicredit iinote e. iiassurance ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiassurance
- ii_____ iishift iithe iiburden iiof iiresponsibility iifrom iithemselves iito iiothers, iilooking iito iiothers iifor iia iisense iiof iicontrol. a. iiDemocrats b. iiAutocrats c. iiAbdicrats d. iiUnderpersonals e. iiUndersocials ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iidemocrats
- ii_____ iifeedback iiis iia iiresponse iithat iidoes iinot iidirectly iicome iifrom iithe iireceiver iior iisource. a. iiTactile b. iiIndirect c. iiInternal d. iiDirect e. iiExternal ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiIndirect
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiabout iiappeal iiis iifalse? a. iiYou iimay iifind iithe iiprospect iiof iidiscussing iia iitopic iinot iivery iiinteresting, iiand iiif iiyou iifeel iithis iiway, iiit iiwill iicome iithrough iiin iiyour iispeech. b. iiYou iineed iito iifind iiyour iitopic iiappealing iiin iiorder iito iiconvey iithis iiappeal iito iiyour iiaudience. c. iiFind iisomething iithat iicatches iiyour iiinterest, iiand iithat iisame iispark iiis iiwhat iiyou iiwill iicultivate iito iidevelop iiways iito iistimulate iithe iispark iiof iicuriosity iiin iiyour iiaudience. d. iiIt iifollows iithat iiappeal iiapplies iito iithe iiaudience, iinot iito iithe iispeaker. e. iiYou iishould iiconsider iian iiappealing iiway iito iistart iiyour iispeech, iiand iishould iilook iifor iiways iithroughout iiyour iispeech iito iireaffirm iithat iiappeal iito iithe iiaudience. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiIt iifollows iithat iiappeal iiapplies iito iithe iiaudience, iinot iito iithe iispeaker.
- iiThese iipeople iishare iithe iineed iifor iicontrol iibetween iithe iiindividual iiand iithe iigroup. a. iiDemocrats b. iiAbdicrats
c. iiPersonal iiindividuals d. iiSocial iipersons e. iiAutocrats ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iidemocrats
- iiThe iiindirect iiapproach iiplaces iithe iinegative iinews: a. iiat iithe iibeginning iiof iithe iimessage. b. iibetween iia iipositive iiintroduction iiand iia iiconclusion. c. iibetween iia ii"buffer" iiand iia ii"cushion." d. iiat iithe iiend iiof iithe iimessage e. iiwithin iithe iiresidual iimessage. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iibetween iia iipositive iiintroduction iiand iia iiconclusion
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iinot iitrue iiregarding iithe iisymbols, iiboundaries, iistatus, iilanguage, iiand iirituals iithat iiexist iiacross iicultures? a. iiCommunities iihave iitheir iiown iivocabulary iiand iiway iiin iiwhich iithey iicommunicate. b. iiRituals iimay iibe iilimited iito iismall iigroups iior iicelebrated iiacross iithe iientire iicompany. c. iiRituals iican iiserve iito iibind iia iigroup iitogether, iior iito iiconstrain iiit. d. iiInstitutions iitend iito iiformalize iiprocesses iibut iioften iieasily iiadapt iito iinew iicircumstances. e. iiSymbols iican iibe iiused iito iicommunicate iirank iiand iistatus iiwithin iithe iigroup. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiinstitutions iitend iito iiformalize iiprocesses iibut iioften iieasily iiadapt iito iinew iicircumstances
- iiDuring iithe iiperforming iistage iiof iigroup iidevelopment, iiif iiyou iiwant iia iigroup iito iisolve iia iiproblem iior iiaddress iia iichallenge iias iia iigroup, iiyou iihave iito: a. iifocus iion iiindividual iicontributions. b. iicelebrate iiindividual iigroup iimembers' iisuccesses. c. iiset iidifferent iiperformance iibenchmarks iifor iigroup iimembers. d. iisupport iiskill iidevelopment. e. iipromote iigroup iicohesion. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iipromote iigroup iicohesion
- iiDuring iithis iistage iiof iigroup iidevelopment iithe iigroup iimay iicease iito iiexist iior iiit iimay iibe iitransformed iiwith iinew iimembers iiand iia iinew iiset iiof iigoals. a. iiForming b. iiStorming c. iiNorming d. iiPerforming e. iiAdjourning ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiadjourning
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iitrue iiregarding iiindividualistic iicultures? a. iiThey iifocus iion iithe iineeds iiof iithe iifamily iior iigroup iiof iiworkers. b. iiIn iisuch iicultures, iithe iiindividual iiexploitation iiof iipublic iilands iiis iirestricted. c. iiResources iiare iiutilized iito iibenefit iithe iicommunity iias iia iiwhole. d. iiIndividuals iiperceive iithemselves iias iiempowered. e. iiSouth iiAmerica iiis iia iiprime iiexample iiof iian iiindividualistic iiculture. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiindividuals iiperceive iithemselves iias iiempowered
- ii"Your iirequest iifor iileave iihas iibeen iidenied. iiPlease iicontact iiyour iisupervisor iiif iiyou iineed iimore iiinformation." iiThis iiis iian iiexample iiof: a. iithe iidirect iiapproach iito iidelivering iinegative iinews. b. iithe iiindirect iiapproach iito iidelivering iinegative iinews. c. iiassurance. d. iislander. e. iiprivate iicommunication. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iithe iidirect iiapproach iito iidelivering iinegative iinews
- iiAccording iito iiSchutz, ii_____ iimay iibe iiless iilikely iito iiseek iiinteraction, iimay iiprefer iismaller iigroups, iiand iiwill iigenerally iinot iibe iifound iion iicenter iistage, iiwhereas ii_____ iicrave iithe iispotlight iiof iiattention iiand iiare iihighly iimotivated iito iiseek iibelonging. a. iiabdicrats; iidemocrats b. iiautocrats; iidemocrats c. iioverpersonals; iiunderpersonals d. iioverpersonals; iioversocials e. iiundersocials; iioversocials ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiunder iisocials; iioversocials
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiabout iia iimemo iiis iifalse? a. iiIt iioccasionally iiincludes iian iielement iiof iipersuasion iior iia iicall iito iiaction. b. iiIt iimay iibe iiused iito iiupdate iia iiteam iion iiactivities iifor iia iigiven iiproject. c. iiIt iimay iibe iiused iito iiinform iia iispecific iigroup iiwithin iia iicompany iiof iian iievent, iiaction, iior iiobservance. d. iiIt iiis iimore iioften iiwritten iifrom iia iione-to-one, iiinterpersonal iiperspective. e. iiIt iiincludes iistatements iithat iialign iibusiness iiand iiemployee iiinterest. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiIt iiis iimore iioften iiwritten iifrom iia iione-to-one, iiinterpersonal iiperspective.
- ii_____ iiinvolves iia iitopic iithat iiis iiespecially iicompatible iiwith iiyour iiaudience's iiinterest, iiexpectations, iinorms, iior iicustoms. a. iiAn iiattention iistatement b. iiAptitude c. iiAbility d. iiAppeal e. iiAppropriateness ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiAppropriateness
- iiA(n) ii_____ iiis iione iiwho iistrikes iia iihealthy iibalance iibetween iibeing iiwithdrawn iiand iibeing iithe iiconstant iicenter iiof iiattention. a. iiabdicrat b. iidemocrat c. iisocial iiperson d. iiautocrat e. iiunderpersonal ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iisocial iiperson
- ii_____ iiis iithe iirelationship iibetween iithe iiorganization ii(sometimes iirepresented iiby iithe iiproduct iior iiservice iiitself) iiand iithe iicustomer.
a. iiCustomer iirelationship iimanagement b. iiQuality iicontrol c. iiPublic iirelations d. iiExternal iicommunication e. iiCorporate iicommunications ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iicustomer iirelationship iimanagement
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iitrue iiregarding iicollectivist iicultures? a. iiPeople iiperceive iitheir iiworld iiprimarily iifrom iitheir iiown iiviewpoint. b. iiPeople iivalue iiindividual iifreedom iiand iipersonal iiindependence. c. iiThey iifocus iion iithe iineeds iiof iithe iination, iicommunity, iifamily, iior iigroup iiof iiworkers. d. iiIndividuals iibelieve iithey iiare iicapable iiof iimaking iian iiimpact iion iitheir iiown iilives. e. iiThe iiUnited iiStates iiis iia iihighly iicollectivist iiculture. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iithey iifocus iion iithe iineeds iiof iithe iination, iicommunity, iifamily, iior iigroup iiof iiworkers
- iiAs iia ii_____ iimember, iiyour iilevel iiof iiacceptance iiwill iiincrease iias iiyou iibegin iilearning iithe iigroups' iirules, iispoken iiand iiunspoken. a. iinew iigroup b. iidivergent iigroup c. iimarginal iigroup d. iifull e. iipotential ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iinew iigroup
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iinot iitrue iiregarding iifull iimembers iiof iia iigroup? a. iiFull iimembers iican iicreate iinew iirules. b. iiFull iimembers iiare iilooked iiup iito iifor iiguidance iiand iileadership. c. iiFull iimembers iihave iiconsiderable iiinfluence iion iithe iiagenda iiand iiactivities iiof iithe iigroup. d. iiFull iimembers iido iinot iienter iiinto iiconflict iiwith iiother iigroup iimembers. e. iiFull iimembers iienjoy iiknowing iithe iirules iiand iithe iicustoms. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iifull iimembers iido iinot iienter iiinto iiconflict iiwith iiother iigroup iimembers
- iiLearning iithe iirules iiof iia iibusiness iior iiorganization iiby iiobserving iithe iiconduct iiof iiothers iiis iiindicative iiof iia(n): a. iiimplicit-rule iiculture. b. iiexplicit-rule iiculture. c. iiuncertainty-accepting iiculture. d. iiuncertainty-rejecting iiculture. e. iishort-term iiorientation. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiimplicit-rule iiculture
- iiAccording iito iiKuhn, iithis iiis iithe iinecessary iiingredient iifor iia iiparadigm iishift, iior iia iichange iiin iioverall iiview. a. iiAssurance b. iiAn iianomaly c. iiQualitative iiresearch d. iiA iiconfounding iifactor
e. iiA iired iiherring ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iian iianomaly
- iiThe iisocial iipenetration iitheory iiwas iipropounded iiby: a. iiIrwin iiAltman iiand iiDalmas iiTaylor. b. iiAbraham iiMaslow. c. iiGordon iiAllport. d. iiBruce iiTuckman. e. iiSteven iiBeebe iiand iiSusan iiBeebe. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiIrwin iiAltman iiand iiDalmas iiTaylor
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiabout iiindirect iifeedback iiis iifalse? a. iiThe iifact iithat iithe iiinformation iiis iinot iicommunicated iidirectly iiimplies iithat iiit iidoes iinot iihave iivalue. b. iiComments, iie-mails, iiand iiinformation iifrom iiindividuals iiwithin iithe iiorganization iiabout iiwhat iicustomers iihave iitold iithem iiare iiall iisources iiof iiindirect iifeedback. c. iiThe iifact iithat iithe iiinformation iiis iinot iicommunicated iidirectly iimay iilimit iiits iiuse iior iireliability. d. iiIt iicomes iiindirectly iifrom iithe iireceiver iior iisource. e. iiThe iireceiver iimay iireceive iithe iimessage iiand iibecome iithe iisource iiof iithe iiresponse, iibut iithey iimay iinot iicommunicate iithat iiresponse iidirectly iito iithe iiauthor. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiThe iifact iithat iithe iiinformation iiis iinot iicommunicated iidirectly iiimplies iithat iiit iidoes iinot iihave iivalue.
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiabout iiappropriateness iiis iifalse? a. iiIf iithere iiis iia iipossibility iithat iiyour iitopic iimight iioffend iimembers iiof iithe iiaudience, iiyou iishould iifind iia iiway iito iipresent iithe iitopic iithat iiwill iiminimize iioffense b. iiAppropriateness iiis iiimportant iibecause iisome iitopics iido iinot iiwork iias iiwell iiin iia iiclassroom iisetting iias iiothers. c. iiIf iiyour iitopic iiis iicontroversial iiand iiyou iiknow iithat iiyour iiaudience iihas iistrong iifeelings iiabout iiit, iiconsider iihow iiyou iican iiconvey iiyour iimessage iiwithout iiantagonizing iiyour iilisteners. d. iiRegardless iiwhere iiyou iigive iia iispeech, iiyou iishould iialways iichoose iitopics iithat iiwill iinot iipromote iiharmful iiactions. e. iiIt iiis iiusually iiwise iito iispeak iion iitopics iithat iithe iiaudience iialready iiknows iia iilot iiabout. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiIt iiis iiusually iiwise iito iispeak iion iitopics iithat iithe iiaudience iialready iiknows iia iilot iiabout.
- iiAccording iito iithe iisocial iipenetration iitheory, iipeople iigo iifrom: a. iiintrapersonal iito iiinterpersonal iicommunication. b. iisuperficial iito iiintimate iilevels iiof iicommunication. c. iiinterpersonal iito iigroup iicommunication. d. iibeing iiundersocials iito iisocial iiindividuals. e. iibeing iiunderpersonals iito iipersonal iiindividuals. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iisuperficial iito iiintimate iilevels iiof iicommunication
- ii_____ iiinvolves iiinteractions, iiwhich iiby iitheir iivery iinature iiare iisubject iito iiinterpretation iiand, iias iia iiresult, iiare iiless iireliable iiand iistatistically iivalid. a. iiQuantitative iiresearch b. iiResearch iimethodologies c. iiQualitative iiresearch d. iiOpen-ended iiquestions e. iiConfounding iifactors ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiqualitative iiresearch
- iiIn iia(n) ii_____ iiculture, iirules iiare iiclearly iicommunicated iiso iithat iieveryone iiis iiaware iiof iithem. a. iiuncertainty-accepting b. iiexplicit-rule c. iicollectivist d. iishort-term iiorientation e. iifeminine ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiexplicit-rule
- ii_____ iimembers iipull iiback, iicontribute iiless, iiand iistart iito iisee iithemselves iias iiseparate iifrom iithe iigroup. a. iiNew iigroup b. iiDivergent iigroup c. iiMarginal iigroup d. iiFull e. iiPotential ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iidivergent iigroup
- iiThe iirole iiof iithe ii_____ iiinvolves iisuggesting iinew iiideas iior iinew iiways iiof iilooking iiat iithe iiproblem. a. iirecognition iiseeker b. iicoordinator c. iiinitiator-coordinator d. iispecial-interest iipleader e. iielaborator ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiintitiator-coordinator
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iitrue iiregarding iiimplicit-rule iicultures? a. iiExpectations iiare iiclearly iistated. b. iiA iiperson iifrom iioutside iithe iiculture iican iieasily iiunderstand iithe iirules iiof iithe iicontext. c. iiSuch iicultures iiare iioften iimore iiintolerant iiof iideviation iifrom iithe iirules. d. iiThe iiguidelines iiand iiagenda iifor iia iimeeting iiare iiannounced iiprior iito iithe iigathering iias iipeople iiare iigenerally iiunaware iiof iithe iirole iieach iimember iiplays. e. iiRules iiare iioften iiunderstood iiand iicommunicated iinonverbally. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iirules iiare iioften iiunderstood iiand iicommunicated iinonverbally
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iia iiweakness iiof iiqualitative iiresearch? a. iiThe iiproximity iito iithe iisource b. iiThe iipossibility iiof iiunexpected iiresults c. iiRaw iidata
d. iiThe iiinability iito iireplicate iiresults e. iiOver iitime, iipatterns iimay iiemerge ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iithe iiinability iito iireplicate iiresults
- iiThis iitheory iiis iioften iicalled iithe iiOnion iiTheory iibecause iithe iimodel iilooks iilike iian iionion iiand iiinvolves iilayers iithat iiare iipeeled iiaway. a. iiTheory iiZ b. iiPredicted iioutcome iivalue iitheory c. iiSocial iipenetration iitheory d. iiMaslow's iihierarchy iiof iineeds e. iiThe iidevelopmental iiview iiof iiinterpersonal iicommunication ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iisocial iipenetration iitheory
- ii_____ iifeedback iiis iia iiresponse iithat iicomes iifrom iithe iireceiver. a. iiIndirect b. iiTactile c. iiDirect d. iiExternal e. iiInternal ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiDirect
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iia iitip iito iibe iifollowed iifor iiwriting iieffective iibusiness iimemos? a. iiAlways iiconsider iithe iiaudience iiand iitheir iineeds iiwhen iipreparing iia iimemo. b. iiMemos iiare iioften iiannouncements iiwhich iiare iilinear, iifrom iithe iiorganization iito iithe iiemployees. c. iiThe iisubject iiis iinormally iideclared iiin iithe iisubject iiline iiand iishould iibe iiclear iiand iiconcise. d. iiMemos iiare iialways iidirect. e. iiMemos iishould iihave iia iisubjective iitone. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiMemos iishould iihave iia iisubjective iitone.
- iiThis iiis iian iiimportant iicomponent iiof iithe iisocial iipenetration iitheory iiand iiis iideveloped iithrough iirepeated, iipositive iiinteractions. a. iiComplexity b. iiHomogeneity c. iiPredicted iioutcomes d. iiTrust e. iiFrequency ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iitrust
- ii_____ iican iialter iithe iiresults. iiThey iimust iibe iianticipated iiand iicontrolled. a. iiIndependent iifactors b. iiInternal iifactors c. iiExternal iifactors d. iiImplicit iifactors e. iiConfounding iifactors ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiconfounding iifactors
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iitrue iiregarding iiuncertainty?
a. iiAs iiuncertainty iidecreases, iinonverbal iidisplays iiof iiaffiliation iialso iibegin iito iidecrease. b. iiHigher iilevels iiof iiuncertainty iiare iiassociated iiwith iian iiincrease iiin iithe iiindication iiof iiliking iithe iiother iiperson. c. iiWhen iiexperiencing iihigh iilevels iiof iiuncertainty, iiwe iitend iito iiask iifewer iiquestions. d. iiWhen iiexperiencing iihigh iilevels iiof iiuncertainty, iithe iicommunication iiinteraction iiis iinot iias iipersonal iior iiintimate. e. iiWhen iiexperiencing iihigh iilevels iiof iiuncertainty, iicommunication iiwill iifeature iilower iilevels iiof iireciprocity. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiwhen iiexperiencing iihigh iilevels iiof iiuncertainty, iithe iicommunication iiinteraction iiis iinot iias iipersonal iior iiintimate
- iiA(n) ii_____ iiobstructs iithe iigroup's iiattempts iiat iiconsensus iiconsistently. a. iidominator b. iispecial-interest iipleader c. iijoker iior iiclown d. iiblocker e. iievaluator-critic ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiblocker
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iitrue iiregarding iimonochromatic iitime? a. iiInterruptions iiare iinot iilooked iidown iiupon. b. iiEverything iihas iiits iiown iispecific iitime. c. iiIt iican iibe iiobserved iiin iiGreece, iiItaly, iiChile, iiand iiSaudi iiArabia. d. iiPeople iitend iito iimix iibusiness iiand iifamily iiactivities. e. iiMany iithings iiare iischeduled iiat iithe iisame iitime. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iieverything iihas iiits iiown iispecific iitime
- iiA iispecial iiinterest iipleader: a. iirelates iidiscussions iito iia iipersonal iiagenda. b. iisuggests iinew iiideas iior iinew iiways iiof iilooking iiat iia iiproblem. c. iibrings iiideas, iiinformation, iiand iisuggestions iitogether. d. iievaluates iiideas iiand iiprovides iiconstructive iicriticism. e. iiblocks iiattempts iiat iiconsensus iiconsistently. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iirelates iidiscussions iito iia iipersonal iiagenda
- ii_____ iiinvolves iiinvestigation iiand iianalysis iiof iidata iiand iirelationships iibetween iidata iithat iican iibe iirepresented iiby iinumbers. a. iiQuantitative iiresearch b. iiResearch iimethodologies c. iiQualitative iiresearch d. iiOpen-ended iiquestions e. iiConfounding iifactors ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiquantitative iiresearch
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiis iinot iitrue iiregarding iiself-disclosure? a. iiSelf-disclosure iiusually iimoves iiin iismall iisteps b. iiSelf-disclosure iiis iireciprocal c. iiSelf-disclosure iiinvolves iirisk
d. iiSelf-disclosure iiis iinever iiunintentional e. iiSelf-disclosure iiinvolves iitrust ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiself-disclosure iiis iinever iiunintentional
- ii_____ iiinvolves iithe iinatural iiaptitude iior iiacquired iiproficiency iito iibe iiable iito iiperform. a. iiAppeal b. iiAppropriateness c. iiAbility d. iiApplication e. iiAwareness ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiAbility
- ii_____ iiare iioften iiprinted iion iiletterhead iipaper, iiand iirepresent iithe iibusiness iior iiorganization iiin iione iior iitwo iipages. a. iiMemos b. iiArticles c. iiAgendas d. iiStatements e. iiLetters ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiLetters
- iiThe iiexpectation iithat iiwhen iiwe iireveal iisomething iiabout iiourselves, iiothers iiwill iireciprocate iiis iiknown iias: a. iimutuality. b. iithe iidyadic iieffect. c. iipredicted iioutcome iivalue iitheory. d. iisocial iiexchange iitheory. e. iiequity iitheory. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iithe iidyadic iieffect
- iiWhich iiamong iithe iifollowing iiis iian iiexample iiof iian iiopen-ended iiquestion? a. iiHave iiyou iipurchased iiour iiproduct iipreviously? b. iiHow iidoes iithe iiproduct iimake iiyou iifeel? c. iiPlease iiindicate iithe iiyear iiyou iiwere iiborn. d. iiHow iimany iitimes iihave iiyou iishopped iiat iiour iistores? e. iiWere iithe iiservice iirepresentatives iihelpful? ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iihow iidoes iithe iiproduct iimake iiyou iifeel?
- iiTime iiis iiconsidered iiin iia iimore iifluid iisense iiin: a. iishort-term iiorientation iicultures. b. iiuncertainty-accepting iicultures. c. iimonochromatic iitime. d. iipolychromatic iitime. e. iimasculine iicultures. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iipolychromatic iitime
- iiThe iifirst iistep iiin iigroup iiproblem iisolving iiis: a. iigathering iiinformation. b. iiconsidering iipossible iisolutions. c. iidefining iithe iiproblem.
d. iianalyzing iithe iiproblem. e. iiestablishing iicriteria ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iidefining iithe iiproblem
- iiThis iistep iiin iigroup iiproblem iisolving iiallows iithe iigroup iito iiformalize iia iidescription iiof iithe iiscope, iisize, iior iiextent iiof iithe iichallenge iithe iigroup iiwill iiaddress. a. iiEstablishing iicriteria b. iiGathering iiinformation c. iiConsidering iipossible iisolutions d. iiDefining iithe iiproblem e. iiAnalyzing iithe iiproblem ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iidefining iithe iiproblem
- iiShort-term iiorientation: a. iiis iifound iiamong iiNative iiAmerican iicultures. b. iiis iimarked iiby iia iisense iiof iishame iifor iithe iifamily iiand iicommunity. c. iivalues iipersonal iistability iiand iiconsistency. d. iifocuses iion iirelationships iibased iion iiage iiand iistatus. e. iidownplays iifamiliarity iiand iipredictability. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iivalues iipersonal iistability iiand iiconsistency
- ii_____ iilimit iithe iiresponses iito iia iipreselected iirange iiof iioptions iior iichoices. a. iiClosed-ended iiquestions b. iiOpen-ended iiquestions c. iiUnstructured iiquestions d. iiQualitative iiresearch iistudies e. iiConfounding iifactors ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiclosed-ended iiquestions
- iiAll iiof iithe iifollowing iiabout iidirect iifeedback iiis iitrue iiexcept ii_____. a. iiit iican iibe iiboth iiverbal iiand iinonverbal b. iiit iimay iiinvolve iisigns, iisymbols, iiwords, iior iisounds iithat iiare iidifficult iito iiunderstand c. iithe iiability iito iiidentify iidirect iifeedback iican iibe iia iisignificant iichallenge d. iidirect iifeedback iifor iithe iiwriter iiis iioften iiless iiobvious e. iiit iiis iia iirare iimoment iiwhen iidirect iifeedback iiis iinot iiimmediately iiavailable ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiit iiis iia iirare iimoment iiwhen iidirect iifeedback iiis iinot iiimmediately iiavailable
- ii_____ iican iibe iidefined iias iicommunication iibetween iitwo iipeople. a. iiInterpersonal iicommunication b. iiGroup iicommunication c. iiIntrapersonal iicommunication d. iiReciprocity e. iiThe iidyadic iieffect ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiinterpersonal iicommunication
- iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iitrue iiregarding iichoosing iia iitopic? a. iiIt iishould iibe iifamiliar. b. iiIt iishould iibe iisupported iiby iiinformation iiyou iican iifind iiin iioutside iisources. c. iiIt iishould iibe iiambiguous.