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Effective Communication Strategies, Exams of Advanced Education

An in-depth exploration of the key elements of effective communication, including the importance of understanding your objective, target audience, communication tactics, and strategies. It delves into the various components of the communication process, such as the message, medium, filters, and feedback, and how they can impact the successful transmission and interpretation of information. The document also addresses common barriers to effective communication, including verbal and nonverbal challenges, and offers insights on how to overcome them. Additionally, it covers topics related to team communication, ethical considerations, and best practices for various communication channels, such as email, telephone, and presentations. By studying this document, readers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and techniques that underpin effective communication in professional and personal settings.

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Exam 1 GEB-3213 (Ch.1-4) Questions

and Answers

Ch.1 ii- iiAnswers ii-Understanding iiBusiness iiCommunications

  1. iiAccording iito iiDebra iiFair ii(Insider iiPerspective iiin iiChapter ii1), iithinking iiabout ii________ iishould iibe iiperformed iiafter iithinking iiabout iithe iiother iiissues. a. iiyour iiobjective b. iithe iitarget iiaudience c. iithe iitactics d. iiyour iicommunication iistrategies e. iithe iiproduct ii- iiAnswers ii-The iitactics
  2. iiAll iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiabout iicommunication iiare iitrue iiexcept: a. iiCommunication iiis iinecessary iiif iian iiorganization iiis iito iiachieve iiits iigoals. b. iiEstablishing iigoals iiis iia iiprerequisite iito iicommunication iipractices. c. iiCompetent iiwriting iiand iispeaking iiskills iiwill iiget iiyou iihired. d. iiLack iiof iicompetent iiwriting iiand iispeaking iiskills iiis iithe iinumber iione iisource iiof iidissatisfaction iithat iiemployers iihave iiabout iitheir iiemployees. e. iiCompetent iiwriting iiand iispeaking iiskills iiwill iihelp iiyou iiachieve iipersonal iiand iisocial iigoals. ii- iiAnswers ii-Establishing iigoals iiis iia iiprerequisite iito iicommunication iipractices.
  3. iiIdeally iithe iicommunication iiprocess iiends iiwith iithe a. iimedium. b. iimessage. c. iistimulus. d. iifeedback. e. iidestination. ii- iiAnswers ii-feedback
  4. iiAccording iito iithe iitext, iiwe iiinterpret iistimuli iibased iion iiall iiof iithe iifollowing iiexcept a. iione's iiknowledge. b. iione's iiexperience. c. iione's iiage. d. iione's iiculture. e. iione's iiemotions. ii- iiAnswers ii-ones iiage
  5. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iicreates iithe iineed iifor iisomeone iito iiinitiate iicommunication a. iimedium b. iifilter c. iimessage d. iistimulus

e. iidenotation ii- iiAnswers ii-stimulus

  1. iiWhich iiis iian iiexample iiof iian iiinternal iistimulus a. iiYou iiread iia iimemo iifrom iiyour iisupervisor iirequesting iisales iifigures iifor iithe iipast iifive iiyears. b. iiWhile iiphotocopying iireports, iiyou iioverhear iitwo iimanagers iitalking iiabout iiupcoming iilayoffs. c. iiYour iioffice iiis iitoo iihot iibecause iithe iiair iiconditioner iiisn't iiworking iiproperly. d. iiYou iinotice iian iiintern iipocketing iimoney iifrom iithe iipetty iicash iifund. e. iiYou iidream iiabout iian iiidea iifor iia iinew iicommercial iito iipromote iiyour iicompany's iiproduct. ii- iiAnswers ii-you iidream iiabout iian iiidea iifor iia iinew iicommercial iito iipromote iiyour iicompany's iiproduct
  2. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iicould iibe iia iistimulus iiin iibusiness a. iia iiletter iifrom iia iicustomer b. iia iiphone iicall c. iian iiinvoice iifrom iia iisupplier d. iia iipresentation iiin iia iimeeting e. iiall iiof iithese ii- iiAnswers ii-All iiof iithese
  3. iiAn iiexample iiof iia iistimulus iifor iicommunicating iiin iibusiness iimight iibe a. iia iimessage iifrom iia iisupplier. b. iiyour iiawareness iiof iithe iitemperature iiin iithe iioffice. c. iian iiabsence iiof iian iiemployee. d. iia iirumor iiabout iia iipotential iiwage iifreeze. e. iiall iiof iithese iiresponses ii- iiAnswers ii-all iiof iithese
  4. iiAll iiof iithe iifollowing iiare iiexamples iiof iifilters iiexcept a. iipersonality. b. iiculture. c. iirecipient's iimood. d. iicommunication iimedium. e. iiindividual iiexperience. ii- iiAnswers ii-communication iimedium
  5. iiA iiperson's iiunique iiperception iiof iireality iiacts iias iia ii_____ iiwhen iiinterpreting iia iistimulus. a. iinonverbal iimessage b. iimedium c. iifilter d. iifeedback iimechanism e. iicommunication iiprocess ii- iiAnswers ii-filter
  6. iiInterpretation iiof iia iistimulus iitakes iiplace iiin iior iiat iithe a. iifilter. b. iimedium. c. iimessage.

d. iifeedback. e. iidestination. ii- iiAnswers ii-filter

  1. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iian iiexample iiof iithe iimessage iicomponent iiof iicommunication a. iia iitelephone iicall iiis iiplaced b. iiinformation iiis iiinterpreted c. iia iitelephone iicall iiis iireceived d. iia iidecision iiis iimade iito iirelay iispecific iiinformation iito iisomeone e. iiinformation iiis iireceived iifrom iia iireport ii- iiAnswers ii-a iidecision iiis iimade iito iirelay iispecific iiinformation iito iisomeone
  2. iiThe iiextent iito iiwhich iia iicommunication iieffort iireaches iiits iidesired iigoal iidepends iidirectly iion iihow iiwell iiyou iiconstruct a. iithe iimessage. b. iithe iimedium. c. iithe iifilter. d. iithe iistimulus. e. iithe iifeedback. ii- iiAnswers ii-the iimessege
  3. iiThe iiinformation iithat iiis iicommunicated iiis iicalled iithe a. iistimulus. b. iifilter. c. iimessage. d. iimedium. e. iinone iiof iithese ii- iiAnswers ii-messege
  4. iiIdentify iian iiexample iiof iian iioral iimedium. a. iipress iirelease b. iihand iigesture c. iie-mail d. iifacial iiexpression e. iipress iiconference ii- iiAnswers ii-press iiconference
  5. iiIf iiyou iilook iipuzzled iias iia iicoworker iitries iito iiexplain iithe iicompany's iinew iisick- leave iipolicy, iiyou iiare a. iiusing iia iinonverbal iimedium iito iifilter iithe iimessage. b. iiadding iinoise iito iithe iicommunication iienvironment. c. iiproviding iian iiinternal iistimulus iifor iiyour iiaudience. d. iisimultaneously iisending iiand iireceiving iia iimessage. e. iieliminating iithe iifeedback iiportion iiof iithe iiprocess. ii- iiAnswers ii-using iia iinon iiverbal iimedium iito iifilter iithe iimessege
  6. iiWhich iicomponent iiis iinot iirequired iifor iicommunication iito iitake iiplace a. iifeedback b. iimedium

c. iistimulus d. iimessage e. iifilter ii- iiAnswers ii-feedback

  1. iiWhich iiof iithese iistatements iiabout iithe iidestination iicomponent iiof iicommunication iiis iinot iicorrect a. iiThe iisender iiloses iicontrol iionce iithe iimessage iienters iithe iireceiver's iisensory iienvironment. b. iiCommunication iimay iinot iioccur iieven iiafter iithe iimessage iienters iithe iisender's iisensory iienvironment. c. iiThe iireceiver iimight iiperceive iithe iimessage iibut iiincorrectly iiinterpret iiits iimeaning. d. iiOnce iithe iimessage iienters iithe iireceiver's iisensory iienvironment, iiit iibecomes iia iifilter iifor iithat iiperson. e. iiThe iimessage iiis iisuccessful iiif iiit iireaches iiits iidestination iiand iithe iireceiver iiinterprets iiit iias iithe iisender iiintended. ii- iiAnswers ii-Once iithe iimessage iienters iithe iireceiver's iisensory iienvironment, iiit iibecomes iia iifilter
  2. iiWhen iia iimessage iiyou iitransmit iireaches iiits iidestination, iiit iibecomes a. iifeedback iifor iithe iireceiver. b. iia iistimulus iifor iithe iireceiver. c. iia iimedium iifor iithe iireceiver. d. iia iifilter iifor iithe iireceiver. e. iia iicommunication iichannel iifor iithe iireceiver. ii- iiAnswers ii-stimulus iifor iithe iireceiver
  3. iiWhat iistatement iiabout iithe iidestination iicomponent iiof iicommunication iiis iinot iicorrect a. iiThe iireader iiis iiin iicontrol iionce iithe iimessage iienters iihis iior iiher iisensory iienvironment. b. iiCommunication iioccurs iionce iithe iimessage iienters iithe iireader's iisensory iienvironment. c. iiEven iiif iithe iireader iiacknowledges iithe iimessage, iithe iireader iimight iinot iicorrectly iiinterpret iithe iimessage. d. iiOnce iithe iimessage iienters iithe iireader's iisensory iienvironment, iiit iiis iiconsidered iia iistimulus iifor iithat iiperson. e. iiThe iimessage iiis iisuccessful iiif iiit iireaches iiits iidestination iiand iithe iireceiver iiinterprets iiit iias iithe iisender iiintended. ii- iiAnswers ii-Communications iioccurs iionce iithe iimessage iienters iithe iireaders iisensory iienvironment
  4. iiWhy iimight iioral iicommunication iibe iimore iiadvantageous iithan iiwritten iicommunication a. iiOral iicommunication iiprovides iimore iiways iito iirelay iiyour iiideas iito iiothers. b. iiYou iican iiuse iinonverbal iicues, iiespecially iiduring iipresentations iiand iistaff iimeetings. c. iiThe iiaudience iican iiask iiquestions iiand iireceive iiimmediate iifeedback. d. iiYou iican iiuse iipauses, iiaccents, iiand iivoice iitone iito iistress iior iisubordinate iiparticular iipoints. e. iiall iiof iithese ii- iiAnswers ii-All iiof iithese
  1. iiBy iidefinition, iian iiorderly iiand iiobjective iipresentation iiof iiinformation iithat iiassists iiin iidecision iimaking iiand iiproblem iisolving iiis a. iia iimemorandum. b. iia iiletter. c. iia iireport. d. iian iie-mail. e. iia iicontract. ii- iiAnswers ii-a iireport
  2. iiWhat iicauses iimost iioral iicommunication iiproblems iiin iibusiness a. iia iicomplaining iitone b. iia iithick iiaccent c. iipoor iilistening d. iithe iispeaker's iiknowledge e. iiindecisiveness ii- iiAnswers ii-poor iilistening iiskills
  3. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iican iioral iicommunication iinot iihelp iiyou iiaccomplish a. iicombine iiverbal iiand iinonverbal iiclues iito iiclarify iithe iimessage b. iiemphasize iikey iipoints iiby iipausing iior iivarying iiyour iivoice iitone c. iiimmediately iirespond iito iia iireceiver's iirequest iifor iimore iiinformation d. iirespond iito iithe iireceiver's iiquestions iiwithout iidelay e. iiprovide iia iipermanent iirecord iiof iithe iimessage iiyou iiare iiconveying ii- iiAnswers ii- Provide iia iipermanent iirecord iiof iithe iimessage iiyou iiare iiconveying
  4. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iithe iifirst iiverbal iibarrier iithat iican iioccur iiin iithe iicommunication iiprocess a. iidifferences iiin iiinterpretation b. iioverabstraction iiand iiambiguity c. iiinappropriate iiuse iiof iiexpressions d. iiinadequate iiknowledge iior iivocabulary e. iipolarization ii- iiAnswers ii-Inadequate iiknowledge iior iivocabulary
  5. iiThe iiliteral iimeaning iiof iia iiword iiis a. iithe iipolarized iimeaning. b. iithe iiconnotative iimeaning. c. iithe iiconcrete iimeaning. d. iithe iiabstract iimeaning. e. iithe iidenotative iimeaning. ii- iiAnswers ii-denotative iimeaning
  6. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iia iiverbal iibarrier iito iicommunication a. iiA iiperson's iibody iilanguage iidoes iinot iicorrespond iito iihis iispoken iimessage. b. iiA iirecipient's iiinterpretation iiof iia iimessage iiis iinot iithe iisame iias iithe iisender's iiinterpretation.

c. iiTwo iiindividuals iihave iidifferent iiperceptions iiof iia iimanager's iicomments iibased iion iitheir iipersonal iiexperiences iiwith iiher iiinappropriate iiuse iiof iiexpressions d. iiPeople iiare iinot iifocusing iion iia iiconvention iispeaker iibecause iithe iiseats iiare iitoo iismall iiand iiare iiplaced iitoo iiclose iitogether. e. iiA iicustomer iiservice iirepresentative iihas iia iiprejudice iiagainst iicustomers iiwho iihave iia iisouthern iiaccent. ii- iiAnswers ii-Two iiindividuals iihave iidifferent iiperceptions iiof iia iimanager's iicomments iibased iion iitheir iipersonal iiexperiences iiwith iiher iiinappropriate iiuse iiof iiexpressions 28.As iiif ii(meaning iiin iiyour iidreams) iiis iian iiexample iiof a. iieuphemism. b. iislang. c. iijargon. d. iiabstraction. e. iiambiguity. ii- iiAnswers ii-slang

  1. iiYour iisupervisor iirequests iia iireport iirecommending iiwhich iicomputer iito iiinstall iiin iiyour iioffices. iiWhat iibarrier iiarises iiif iiyou iiuse iiabbreviations iilike ii"RAM" iiand ii"GB" iithat iithe iisupervisor iidoes iinot iiunderstand a. iidifferences iiin iiinterpretation b. iiinadequate iiknowledge iior iivocabulary c. iipolarization d. iiinappropriate iiuse iiof iiexpressions e. iioverabstraction iiand iiambiguity ii- iiAnswers ii-inadequate iiknowledge iior iivocabulary
  2. iiYou iiwill iinot iibe iiable iito iicommunicate iieffectively iiif a. iiyou iiconvey iiyour iimessage iithrough iiverbal iiand iinonverbal iimeans. b. iiyou iiavoid iigestures iiwhen iispeaking iito iia iismall iigroup iiof iipeople. c. iiyour iimessage iicontains iiwords iithat iithe iireceiver iicannot iiunderstand. d. iiyour iiorganization iioffers iino iiformal iitraining iiin iiwriting iiskills. e. iiyou iiare iiunaware iiof iiyour iiorganization's iigoals. ii- iiAnswers ii-your iimessage iicontains iiwords iithat iithe iireceiver iicannot iiunderstand
  3. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iibest iidescribes iijargon a. iia iifad iiexpression iithat iiis iishort-lived b. iia iipolite iiexpression iithat iiis iiused iito iisoften iithe iiimpact iiof iian iiunpleasant iisituation c. iia iicultural iitradition d. iiefficient iiterminology iiwhen iicommunicating iiwithin iispecialized iigroups e. iia iidenotative iiphrase iithat iicharacterizes iivertical iicommunication ii- iiAnswers ii- efficient iiterminology iiwhen iicommunicating iiwithin iispecialized iigroups
  4. iiAn iiexample iiof iia iislang iiexpression iiis a. iistoked—happy iior iiexcited b. iiFAQ—frequently iiasked iiquestions c. iidied—croaked

d. iilazy—unmotivated e. iipica—print iimeasurement ii- iiAnswers ii-stoaked

  1. iiWhich iistatement iiabout iijargon iiis iicorrect a. iiAn iiexample iiof iijargon iiis iiusing iicrib iias iia iiplace iiof iiresidence. b. iiAn iiexample iiof iijargon iiis iiusing iidis iifor iidisrespect. c. iiPros' iiprose iiis iianother iiname iifor iijargon. d. iiJargon iiis iia iishort-lived iiexpression iiidentified iiwith iia iispecific iigroup iiof iipeople. e. iinone iiof iithese ii- iiAnswers ii-Pros' iiprose iiis iianother iiname iifor iijargon.
  2. iiWhich iisentence iidoes iinot iicontain iislang iior iijargon a. iiThe iitop iibrass iidecided iito iidiscontinue iithe iiexperimental iitraining iiprogram. b. iiHis iithreads iiare iireally iicool! c. iiMy iiGPA iiis iia ii3.65. d. iiThe iiactor iiread iihis iilines iifrom iiidiot iicards iiduring iithe iiplay. e. iiThe iifinancial iistatements iiconform iito iiGAAP. ii- iiAnswers ii-my iigps iiis ii3.
  3. ii_____ iiis iian iiinoffensive iiexpression iiused iiin iiplace iiof iian iiexpression iithat iimay iioffend iior iisuggest iisomething iiunpleasant. a. iiJargon b. iiSlang c. iiAn iiexpletive d. iiAn iiidiom e. iiA iieuphemism ii- iiAnswers ii-euphemism
  4. iiIdentify iithe iistatement iithat iicontains iia iieuphemism. a. iiThe iiresearch iiassistant iiwas iiasked iito iisubmit iihis iiresignation. b. iiThe iicorporate iipresident iikeeled iiover iiin iihis iichair iiduring iithe iimeeting. c. iiAmber iiis iithe iibreadwinner iiin iiher iifamily. d. iiYour iinew iistereo iisystem iiis iitotally iirad! e. iiHey, iiTeach! iiWhen iiis iiour iihomework iidue ii- iiAnswers ii-the iiresearch iiassistant iiwas iiasked iito iisubmit iihis iiresignation
  5. iiAn iiexample iiof iia iieuphemism iiexpression iiis a. iie-commerce. b. iinonwinner. c. iiflame. d. iisweet. e. iibounce. ii- iiAnswers ii-nonwinner
  6. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iian iiabstract iiword a. iiautomobile b. iiSUV c. iirecreational iivehicle d. iitransportation

e. iigolf iicart ii- iiAnswers ii-transportation

  1. iiWhich iistatement iicontains iiabstract iior iiambiguous iilanguage a. iiTony's iiemail iicontains iifive iimisspelled iiwords. b. iiOver ii 76 iipercent iiof iithe iiemployees iibelong iito iia iiunion. c. iiAt iileast iieight iiassociates iisubmitted iitheir iiexpense iireports iiafter iithe iideadline. d. iiThe iioffice iimanager iipurchased ii 15 iiIBM iicomputers iifrom iiCompUSA. e. iiThe iicustomer iiservice iidepartment iireceived iian iienormous iinumber iiof iicomplaints iitoday. ii- iiAnswers ii-The iicustomer iiservice iidepartment iireceived iian iienormous iinumber iiof iicomplaints iitoday.
  2. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iia iiconcrete iiword a. iimemorandum b. iicommunication c. iithoughts d. iivision e. iiidea ii- iiAnswers ii-memorandum Ch.2 ii- iiAnswers ii-issues iiin iibusiness iicommunications According iito iiresearch, iiwhat iiis iithe iiideal iisize iifor iismall iigroups a. iitwo b. iithree c. iifive d. iiseven e. iiten ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iifive
  3. iiThe iicommunication iibarrier iithat iiresults iifrom iioveremphasizing iiunity iiis iicalled a. iisynergy. b. iigroupthink. c. iiconflict. d. iiconformity. e. iinone iiof iithese ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iigroupthink.
  4. iiWhich iistatement iicorrectly iidescribes iiteams a. iiTeamwork iiusually iiproduces iilower-quality iioutput iithan iiindividual iiwork. b. iiConflict iiabout iiissues iishould iibe iiavoided iiduring iiteam iimeetings iibecause iiit iidestroys iigroup iicohesiveness. c. iiTeams iishould iistrive iifor iigroupthink iito iienhance iicohesiveness. d. iiThe iimost iieffective iiteams iirequire iiunanimity iito iimake iievery iidecision. e. iiPersonality iiconflicts iican iidamage iia iiteam's iieffectiveness. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiPersonality iiconflicts iican iidamage iia iiteam's iieffectiveness.
  5. iiWhich iistatement iiabout iithe iiuse iiof iiteam iifeedback iiis iiaccurate

a. iiOnly iipositive iifeedback iishould iibe iigiven. b. iiUsing iilabels iiin iifeedback iihelps iiothers iiunderstand iiyou. c. iiSecond-person iipronouns iishould iibe iiused iito iioffer iicriticism. d. iiFeedback iiis iivital iito iiimproving iithe iiway iiteams iiwork iitogether. e. iiReceiving iifeedback iiis iimore iiimportant iithan iigiving iiit. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiFeedback iiis iivital iito iiimproving iithe iiway iiteams iiwork iitogether.

  1. iiGroupthink iiis iicaused iiby a. iipressure iito iishow iiimmediate iiresults. b. iian iioveremphasis iion iiunity iithat iistifles iiinformation iiflow. c. iirequiring iidecisions iito iibe iimade iithrough iiconsensus. d. iinarrowly-defined iiproblems iiand iigoals. e. iiinterpersonal iiconflict iithat iiinterferes iiwith iiproductivity. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iian iioveremphasis iion iiunity iithat iistifles iiinformation iiflow.
  2. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iia iireason iifor iia iiteam iito iimeet iifrequently a. iiPool iiideas. b. iiAssess iiprogress iiand iireassign iitasks iiif iineeded. c. iiKeep iitrack iiof iinew iidevelopments. d. iiEnsure iismooth iicoordination iiof iithe iiproject. e. iiWrite iithe iifirst iidraft iiof iithe iidocument. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiWrite iithe iifirst iidraft iiof iithe iidocument.
  3. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iian iiappropriate iiway iito iimanage iiteam iiwriting a. iiStart iiby iiidentifying iithe iigoals iiand iithe iiaudience. b. iiDivide iitasks iiequitably iiamong iiteam iimembers. c. iiPlan iia iischedule iifor iieach iipart iiof iithe iiwriting iiproject. d. iiBefore iiwriting, iifigure iiout iiwhat iiresearch iiis iineeded. e. iiUse iia iidata-dump iito iicover iiall iiresearch iigathered. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiUse iia iidata- dump iito iicover iiall iiresearch iigathered.
  4. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iipreferred iiwording iifor iicommenting iion iipeer iiwriting a. iiI iiwas iiconfused iiby iithis iiparagraph. b. iiYou iireally iineed iito iimake iithis iipart iiclearer. c. iiI iiliked iithis iisection. d. iiHave iiyou iithought iiabout iiusing iithe iispell-check iifeature? e. iiTake iia iigrammar iiclass iiand iithen iiedit iithis iidocument iiagain. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiI iiwas iiconfused iiby iithis iiparagraph.
  5. iiThe iimost iicommon iiproblem iiof iiteam iiwriting iiis a. iisloppy iiformat. b. iilack iiof iiorganization. c. iimultiple iivoices. d. iilack iiof iidepth. e. iitoo iimuch iiinformality. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iimultiple iivoices.
  1. iiBenefits iiof iiteam iiwriting iiinclude iiall iibut a. iideveloping iiand iipracticing iitechniques iithat iiwill iihelp iiyou iiwith iiyour iiown iiwriting. b. iirealizing iiyou iiare iinot iialone iiwith iiyour iiwriting iiproblems, iiwhich iiis iicomforting. c. iibenefiting iifrom iiviewpoints iiof iidifferent iiaudiences. d. iibenefiting iifrom iia iiteam iienvironment iithat iihelps iifoster iia iisense iiof iicommunity. e. iiseeing iihow iieach iiperson's iisection iifits iiinto iithe iicollection iiof iisections. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiseeing iihow iieach iiperson's iisection iifits iiinto iithe iicollection iiof iisections.
  2. iiEthnocentrism iiis a. iithe iiacceptance iiof iicultural iidiversity. b. iibelief iiin iithe iisuperiority iiof iiyour iiown iiculture. c. iia iitendency iitoward iicentrally-controlled iicommunication. d. iiadherence iito iistrict iiethical iistandards. e. iithe iiuse iiof iiculture-bound iiterminology. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iibelief iiin iithe iisuperiority iiof iiyour iiown iiculture.
  3. iiWhen iicommunicating iiwith iipeople iifrom iidifferent iicultures, iiyou iishould a. iimaintain iiformality, iishow iirespect, iiand iispeak iior iiwrite iiclearly. b. iibe iiextremely iifriendly, iibe iihumorous, iiand iispeak iislowly. c. iimaintain iieye iicontact, iiagree iiwith iithe iiperson iion iia iiregular iibasis, iiand iiavoid iismall iitalk. d. iimake iidecisions iiquickly, iiaccept iiinterruptions iiduring iimeetings, iiand iiuse iijargon. e. iiavoid iisilence iibecause iiit iimakes iithe iiother iiperson iisuspicious iiabout iiyour iimotives. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iimaintain iiformality, iishow iirespect, iiand iispeak iior iiwrite iiclearly.
  4. iiWhich iistatement iiabout iicommunicating iiacross iicultures iiis iicorrect a. iiYou iican iiconvey iidecorum iiby iispeaking iislowly iiand iidistinctly. b. iiYou iican iihelp iiaudiences iifollow iiyour iicomments iiby iiminimizing iiyour iiuse iiof iimedia. c. iiYou iican iiconvey iikey iipoints iimore iieffectively iiby iimentioning iiconcrete iiexamples. d. iiYou iican iiuse iihumor iito iidefuse iitense iimoments iior iiencourage iiparticipation. e. iiYou iican iiadd iian iiair iiof iiinformality iiby iispeaking iiin iilocal iislang. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiYou iican iiconvey iikey iipoints iimore iieffectively iiby iimentioning iiconcrete iiexamples.
  5. iiGuidelines iifor iicommunicating iiwith iipeople iifrom iiother iicultures iiinclude iiall iiexcept: a. iiAvoid iislang iiand iijargon. b. iiUse iia iivariety iiof iimedia. c. iiUse iihumor. d. iiSolicit iifeedback. e. iiUse iiconcrete, iispecific iiexamples. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiUse iihumor.
  6. iiInternational iicommunication iican iibe iidestroyed iiby a. iiaccepting iicultural iidiversity. b. iiethnocentrism. c. iitechnological iiadvances.

d. iiethical iistandards. e. iilearning iimore iiabout iiother iicultures. ii- iiAnswers ii-ethnocentrism

  1. iiWomen iiand iipeople iiof iicolor iiaccounted iifor iiwhat iipercent iiof iithe iiwork iiforce iiin ii 2000 a. ii 30 b. ii 40 c. ii 50 d. ii 60 e. ii 70 ii- iiAnswers ii-e. ii 70
  2. iiWhich iistatement iiabout iigender iicommunication iiis iicorrect a. iiWomen iiare iimore iicompetitive iithan iicooperative. b. iiMen iitend iito iicompliment; iiwomen iitend iito iicriticize iicoworkers' iiwork. c. iiWomen iiare iimore iidomineering iithan iimen iiduring iimeeting iidiscussions. d. iiWomen iitend iito iibuild iibetter iirapport iithan iimen iido iiin iicommunication. e. iiMen iitypically iiinterrupt iia iispeaker iito iisupport iiwhat iithat iiperson iiis iisaying. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiWomen iitend iito iibuild iibetter iirapport iithan iimen iido iiin iicommunication.
  3. iiWhat iiis iithe iibest iiway iito iicommunicate iiwith iia iidisabled iiperson a. iiPatronize iithe iiperson iito iimake iihim iior iiher iifeel iibetter. b. iiProvide iireasonable iiaccommodations iiwithout iidrawing iimore iiattention iito iithe iidisability. c. iiTalk iilouder, iiregardless iiof iithe iidisability. d. iiShow iimore iiattention iito iia iidisabled iiperson iithan iito iia iinon-disabled iiperson. e. iiall iiof iithese ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiProvide iireasonable iiaccommodations iiwithout iidrawing iimore iiattention iito iithe iidisability.
  4. iiWhich iistatement iiabout iigender iiissues iiin iicommunication iiis iicorrect a. iiWomen iiare iimore iicompetitive iithan iicooperative. b. iiMen iitend iito iicompliment; iiwomen iitend iito iicriticize iicoworkers' iiwork. c. iiWomen iiare iimore iidomineering iithan iimen iiduring iimeeting iidiscussions. d. iiWomen iitend iito iiemphasize iipoliteness, iiwhereas iimen iitend iito iibe iidirective iiin iiconversation. e. iiMen iitypically iiinterrupt iia iispeaker iito iisupport iiwhat iithat iiperson iiis iisaying. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiWomen iitend iito iiemphasize iipoliteness, iiwhereas iimen iitend iito iibe iidirective iiin iiconversation.
  5. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiabout iifemale iigender iidifferences iiis iinot iitrue a. iiwomen iiinternalize iisuccesses b. iiwomen iicommunicate iito iibuild iirapport c. iiwomen iitend iito iiemphasize iipoliteness d. iiwomen iiare iimore iilikely iito iicompliment iia iicoworker e. iiwomen iitend iito iiinterrupt iito iiagree iiwith iianother iiperson ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiwomen iiinternalize iisuccesses
  1. iiAll iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiabout iicommunicating iiwith iipeople iiwith iidisabilities iiare iicorrect iiexcept a. iiaccommodating iiworkers iiwith iidisabilities iiis iia iinormal iipart iiof iithe iiworkplace. b. iipeople iiwith iidisabilities iiare iiprotected iiby iithe iiFederal iiDisabilities iiAct. c. iishake iihands iiwith iiindividuals iiwho iiare iiable iito iido iiso. d. iiavoid iileaning iion iithe iiwheelchair iiof iian iiindividual. e. iiavoid iipatronizing iian iiindividual iiwith iia iidisability. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iipeople iiwith iidisabilities iiare iiprotected iiby iithe iiFederal iiDisabilities iiAct.
  2. iiWhen iicommunicating iiwith iia iiperson iiwho iiis iidisabled, iiyou iishould a. iinot iibe iipatronizing. b. iispeak iimore iislowly iithan iiusual iiand iiraise iiyour iivoice iifor iiemphasis. c. iimake iionly iithe iichanges iineeded iito iicomply iiwith iilegal iirequirements. d. iibe iiattentive iito iiaddressing iithe iiindividual's iineeds iibefore iiyou iiare iiasked. e. iiclarify iithe iinature iiof iithe iidisability iiso iiyou iican iirespond iiappropriately. ii- iiAnswers ii- a. iinot iibe iipatronizing.
  3. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiabout iiethics iiis iinot iitrue a. iiEthics iiis iia iisystem iiof iimoral iiprinciples. b. iiEthics iitells iius iihow iito iiact iiwhen iithe iilaw iiis iisilent. c. iiThere iiare iifour iitypes iiof iiethics. d. iiEthics iirepresent iiour iibeliefs iiabout iiright iiand iiwrong. e. iiEthics iibegin iito iiform iias iichildren. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiThere iiare iifour iitypes iiof iiethics.
  4. iiAccording iito iiMaxwell, iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iione iiof iithe iireasons iiwhy iipeople iimake iiunethical iidecisions a. iiWe iitake iithe iieasy iiroute. b. iiWe iipractice iisituational iiethics. c. iiWe iido iiwhat iiwe iimust iido iito iiwin. d. iiWe iibelieve iiwe iiare iiright. e. iiCorporate iiculture iiaffects iiethics. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiWe iibelieve iiwe iiare iiright.
  5. iiThe iipractice iiof iiwhether iito iiaccept iigifts iifrom iisuppliers iiis iian iiexample iiof a. iiprofessional iiethics. b. iisocial iiethics. c. iiindividual iiethics. d. iicorporate iiethics. e. iigroup iiethics. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iisocial iiethics.
  6. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatements iiabout iiethics iiis iinot iitrue a. iiEthics iirepresents iiour iipersonal iibelief iiabout iiright iiand iiwrong. b. iiWe iibegin iito iiform iiour iiethical iistandards iias iichildren. c. iiCorporate iiculture iiaffects iiethics. d. iiCompetent iicommunicators iimake iisure iitheir iimessages iiare iiethical. e. iiSocial iiethics iiare iidefined iiby iian iiorganization. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiSocial iiethics iiare iidefined iiby iian iiorganization.
  1. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iia iifactor iiin iimaking iian iiethical iidecision a. iiGet iithe iifacts. b. iiEvaluate iithe iioptions. c. iiMake iithe iidecision. d. iiAct iion iithe iidecision. e. iiDetermine iihow iimuch iiit iiwill iicost. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiDetermine iihow iimuch iiit iiwill iicost.
  2. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iia iitrue iistatement iiabout iie-mail a. iiYour iie-mail iiis iiassured iiprivacy iibecause iiit iiis iian iiindividual iie-mail iiaddress. b. iiE-mail iiis iithe iimost iicommon iiform iiof iicommunication iitoday. c. iiIt iirequires iiabout ii 2 iihours iito iirespond iito ii 25 iie-mails. d. iiAn iiAMA iistudy iidetermined ii36% iiof iimanagement iiprefer iie-mail iito iiphone iicalls. e. iiA iiresponse iito iian iie-mail iiaverages iifive iiminutes. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiYour iie-mail iiis iiassured iiprivacy iibecause iiit iiis iian iiindividual iie-mail iiaddress.
  3. iiUse iian iie-mail iiif a. iia iimessage iiwill iibenefit iifrom iivisual, iiverbal, iiand iinonverbal iicues. b. iiit iiwill iibenefit iifrom iia iiless-formal iienvironment. c. iia iimessage iiconsists iiof iishort, iisimple iicontent. d. iiit iirequires iidocumentation iior iilater iireference. e. iia iimessage iirequires iiinteractive iior iiimmediate iifeedback. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iia iimessage iiconsists iiof iishort, iisimple iicontent.
  4. iiIf iian iie-mail iimessage iiis iityped iiin iiall iicapitals, iiit iiis iiconsidered a. iiimportant. b. iipolite. c. iiemphatic. d. iirude. e. iinone iiof iithese ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iirude.
  5. iiUse iia iiwritten iicommunication iimedium iiif a. iiit iirequires iian iiaudience iiof iione. b. iiit iicontains iicomplex, iidetailed, iior iilengthy iicontent. c. iiit iiinvolves iifact-based iiinformation iiwhere iivisual iiand iinonverbal iicues iiare iinot iirequired. d. iiit iicontains iishort, iisimple iicontent. e. iiit iirequires iidiscussion iiwith iiimmediate iifeedback. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiit iicontains iicomplex, iidetailed, iior iilengthy iicontent.
  6. iiThe iiformat iiof iian iie-mail iishould iiadhere iito iiall iiof iithe iifollowing iiexcept a. iiusing iishort iilines. b. iicareful iiproofreading. c. iifollowing iibasic iiwriting iipractices. d. iiusing iiall iicaps.

e. iiusing iishort iiparagraphs. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiusing iiall iicaps.

  1. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iitrue iiabout iie-mail iimessages a. iiWrite iiin iidirect iistyle. b. iiMatch iitone iito iisituation. c. iiUse iia iisubject iiline. d. iiUse iia iifriendly iiclosing. e. iiSkip iithe iisalutation. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiSkip iithe iisalutation.
  2. iiWhat iiquestions iishould iiyou iiask iiabout iie-mails iiif iiyou iiare iinew iito iian iioffice a. iiWhat iikinds iiof iimessages iiare iisent iiby iie-mail? b. iiAre iimessages iigenerally iiformal iior iiinformal? c. iiWhen iido iiemployees iitypically iicheck iimessages? d. iiDoes iithe iicompany iimonitor iiall iie-mails iisent iiover iithe iicompany's iiserver? e. iiall iiof iithese ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiall iiof iithese
  3. iiReceiving iiand iisending iitext iimessages iiin iireal iitime iiis a. iie-mailing. b. iiinstant iimessaging. c. iiblogging. d. iiusing iiAlphBet iimessages. e. iinotebooking. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiinstant iimessaging. Ch.3 ii- iiAnswers ii-Interpersonal iiCommunication iiSkills
  4. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iicorrectly iidescribes iian iiaspect iiof iibody iimovement iias iinonverbal iicommunication a. iiYou iishould iiavoid iigestures iibecause iithey iidistract iifrom iiyour iimessage. b. iiMost iicultures iistress iithe iiimportance iiof iimaintaining iieye iicontact. c. iiYou'll iiappear iinervous iiif iiyou iilean iiforward iiduring iia iibusiness iiconversation. d. iiReceivers iitend iito iimisinterpret iisubtle iiupper-body iimovements. e. iiFacial iiexpressions iigenerally iihave iithe iisame iimeaning iiacross iicultures. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiFacial iiexpressions iigenerally iihave iithe iisame iimeaning iiacross iicultures.
  5. iiAccording iito iimanagement iiguru iiPeter iiDrucker, ii"the iimost iiimportant iithing iiin iicommunication iiis iito iihear ii. ii. ii." a. iiwhat iiis iisaid. b. iiwhat iiyou iiwant iito iihear. c. iiwhat iithe iiperson iithought iiwas iisaid. d. iiwhat iiis iinot iisaid. e. iiwhat iithe iispeaker iimeant iito iisay. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiwhat iiis iinot iisaid.
  6. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iicorrectly iidescribes iian iiaspect iiof iibody iimovement iias iinonverbal iicommunication

a. iiGestures iishould iibe iiavoided iibecause iithey iidistract iifrom iia iiperson's iicommunication. b. iiCultures iigenerally iiassign iihigh iiimportance iito iimaintaining iieye iicontact. c. iiLeaning iislightly iiforward iitoward iithe iiperson iiyou iiare iicommunicating iiwith iimakes iia iiperson iiappear iinervous. d. iiYour iiphysical iiappearance iiby iiitself iireflects iibody iimovements. e. iiFacial iiexpressions iitend iito iiconvey iia iiperson's iifeelings iivery iiaccurately iiand iiconsistently. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiFacial iiexpressions iitend iito iiconvey iia iiperson's iifeelings iivery iiaccurately iiand iiconsistently.

  1. iiA iiclassic iistudy iiby iiMehrabian iifound iithat ii_____ iipercent iiof iithe iimeaning iicommunicated iiby iimost iimessages iicomes iifrom iithe iiverbal iiportion. a. ii 7 b. ii 23 c. ii 45 d. ii 62 e. ii 98 ii- iiAnswers ii-a. ii 7
  2. iiThe iimost iiexpressive iipart iiof iithe iibody iiis iithe a. iilips. b. iieyes. c. iihands. d. iihips. e. iiears. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iieyes.
  3. iiWhat iinonverbal iimessage iiwould iione iitend iito iicommunicate iiby iileaning iislightly iitoward iithe iiperson iiwith iiwhom iihe iior iishe iiis iicommunicating a. iiboredom b. iidefiance c. iiinterest d. iiconfusion e. iiintolerance ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiinterest
  4. iiAll iistatements iiabout iinonverbal iimessages iiare iitrue iiexcept: a. iiA iinonverbal iimessage iiand iiverbal iimessage iimay iinot iioccur iisimultaneously. b. iiA iinonverbal iimessage iiis iinot iiwritten iior iispoken. c. iiA iismile iiat iia iicolleague iiis iian iiexample iiof iia iinonverbal iimessage. d. iiNonverbal iimessages iiare iigenerally iimore iispontaneous iithan iiverbal iimessages. e. iiNonverbal iimessages iiare iinot iinecessarily iiless iiimportant iithat iiverbal iimessages. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiA iinonverbal iimessage iiand iiverbal iimessage iimay iinot iioccur iisimultaneously.
  5. iiAll iiof iithe iifollowing iiare iiexamples iiof iinonverbal iimessages iiexcept a. iiposture. b. iifacial iiexpression. c. iia iione-word iiresponse.

d. iigrooming. e. iiselecting iia iiseat iiat iithe iiback iiof iia iiconference iiroom. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iia iione-word iiresponse.

  1. iiWhich iistatement iidoes iinot iiaccurately iidescribe iivoice iiqualities a. iiNervous iipeople iiusually iitalk iislowly. b. iiPeople iiwho iispeak iitoo iiloudly iiappear iipushy iior iiinsecure. c. iiPeople iiin iivarious iicultures iiusually iiuse iia iirising iiintonation iiwhen iiposing iiquestions. d. iiEmphasizing iia iiparticular iiword iiin iia iisentence iican iicreate iia iinegative iifeeling. e. iiThe iitone iiof iia iiverbal iimessage iican iireinforce iior iicontradict iithe iiactual iimessage. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiNervous iipeople iiusually iitalk iislowly.
  2. iiIf iiyour iisupervisor iipats iiyou iion iithe iiback, iihe iior iishe iiis iientering iiyour ii_____ iizone. a. iipersonal b. iiintimate c. iipublic d. iisocial e. iiethic ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiintimate
  3. iiTouching iibehavior iiis a. iinot iiconsistent iifrom iiculture iito iiculture. b. iiexpected iiin iithe iisocial iizone. c. iicommon iiamong iiAsian iibusinesspeople. d. iiinappropriate iifor iiethical iireasons. e. iiimportant iifor iiestablishing iirapport. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iinot iiconsistent iifrom iiculture iito iiculture
  4. iiThe iimeaning iiyou iiattach iito iitime iidepends iion iiyour a. iiculture, iiexperience, iiand iicommunication iiskills. b. iilocation, iicontext iisensitivity, iiand iipower iidistance. c. iistatus, iiculture, iiand iispecific iisituation. d. iifamiliarity iiwith iinonverbal iinuances. e. iistatus iias iia iisender, iireceiver, iior iiteam iimember. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iistatus, iiculture, iiand iispecific iisituation.
  5. iiIf iiyou iiand iia iiclose iicolleague iiare iivisiting iiduring iia iicoffee iibreak, iiyou iiare iiprobably iiin iieach iiother's ii_____ iizone. a. iipersonal b. iiintimate c. iipublic d. iisocial e. iiethic ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iipersonal
  1. iiIf iiyou iiare iipart iiof iia iilarge iiaudience, iithe iispeaker iion iistage iiis iiconsidered iiin iithe ii_____ iizone. a. iipersonal b. iiintimate c. iipublic d. iisocial e. iiethic ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iipublic
  2. iiAn iiexample iiof iiinteraction iiin iithe iipersonal iizone iiis a. iistaff iimeetings. b. iiconversation iiwith iiclose iifriends. c. iipresentation iito iia iilarge iiaudience. d. iishaking iihands. e. iiattending iia iibanquet. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiconversation iiwith iiclose iifriends.
  3. iiWhich iione iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iitrue iiabout iithe iipersonal iizone a. iiPolice iiinterrogators iiare iitaught iito iimove iiinto iithe iipersonal iizones. b. iiInformal iibusiness iiconferences iioccur iiin iithe iisocial iizone. c. iiMost iibusiness iiinteraction iitakes iiplace iiin iithe iipersonal iizone. d. iiMost iione-way iicommunication iito iilarge iiaudiences iiis iiin iithe iipublic iizone. e. iiNormal iispeaking iilevels iiare iiused iiin iithe iipersonal iizone. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiMost iibusiness iiinteraction iitakes iiplace iiin iithe iipersonal iizone.
  4. iiInterviewing iia iijob iicandidate iiis iian iiexample iiof iian iiinteraction iiin iithe a. iisocial iizone. b. iipersonal iizone. c. iiintimate iizone. d. iipublic iizone. e. iibusiness iizone. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iisocial iizone.
  5. iiListening iiis a. iia iipassive iiprocess iiof iiperceiving iia iisound. b. iia iiculturally-sensitive iiprocess iiof iiinterpretation. c. iisound iiwaves iistriking iithe iieardrum. d. iian iiactive iiprocess iiof iiassigning iimeaning iito iisounds. e. iian iiaccommodation iito iithe iitransmission iiand iireception iiof iimessages. ii- iiAnswers ii- d. iian iiactive iiprocess iiof iiassigning iimeaning iito iisounds.
  6. iiThe iileast iideveloped iiof iithe iifour iiverbal iicommunications iiskills iiis a. iireading. b. iilistening. c. iispeaking. d. iiwriting. e. iitelephoning. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iilistening.
  7. iiA iiway iito iigive iithe iispeaker iiyour iiundivided iiattention iiis iito

a. iikeep iiemotions iiin iicheck. b. iiplan iiwhat iiyou iiwill iisay iinext. c. iiinternally iiparaphrase. d. iieliminate iiphysical iiand iimental iidistractions. e. iibe iiconcerned iiwith iihow iithe iimessage iiis iibeing iidelivered. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iieliminate iiphysical iiand iimental iidistractions.

  1. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iia iigood iiway iito iiinvolve iiyourself iiin iithe iipresentation a. iisummarize iior iiparaphrase iiinternally b. iiplan iiwhat iiyou iiwill iisay iinext c. iijot iidown iipoints d. iipersonalize iiinformation e. iievaluate iithe iioverall iiargument ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiplan iiwhat iiyou iiwill iisay iinext
  2. iiThe iifollowing iiare iiall iiways iito iiimprove iilistening iiskills iiexcept a. iigiving iithe iispeaker iiyour iiundivided iiattention. b. iistaying iiopen iiminded. c. iiinterrupting iiwhen iithe iispeaker iipauses iito iiclarify. d. iiinvolving iiyourself. e. iitaking iibrief iinotes iiof iithe iikey iipoints. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiinterrupting iiwhen iithe iispeaker iipauses iito iiclarify.
  3. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iia iigood iiway iito iiimprove iiyour iilistening iiskills a. iiFocus iion iithe iispeaker's iicontent iirather iithan iion iihow iithe iitalk iiis iidelivered. b. iiKeep iian iiopen iimind iito iiaccept iinew iiinformation iiand iipoints iiof iiview. c. iiInterrupt iithe iispeaker iiwhen iiyou iihave iia iiquestion iior iian iiidea iito iishare. d. iiInvolve iiyourself iiby iimentally iisummarizing iiwhat iithe iispeaker iiis iisaying iior iiby iitaking iinotes. e. iiMaintain iieye iicontact iiwith iithe iispeaker iito iishow iiinterest. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiInterrupt iithe iispeaker iiwhen iiyou iihave iia iiquestion iior iian iiidea iito iishare.
  4. iiWhen iiyou iilisten iiwith iian iiopen iimind, iiyou a. iithink iiyou iilose iiif iiyou iiagree iiwith iithe iispeaker's iiposition. b. iiseek iito iianalyze iiwhy iithe iispeaker iiis iitaking iia iicertain iiviewpoint. c. iicontrast iithe iispeaker's iifacts iiwith iiyour iiexperience. d. iiapply iia iisubjective iiframe iiof iireference. e. iiconsider iihow iithe iispeaker iilooks, iisounds, iiand iiacts. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiseek iito iianalyze iiwhy iithe iispeaker iiis iitaking iia iicertain iiviewpoint.
  5. iiAllowing iia iifew iimoments iiof iisilence iiin iia iiconversation a. iiconveys iidisrespect iifor iithe iispeaker. b. iireduces iiconflict iiand iipromotes iiconsensus. c. iiputs iipressure iion iiyou iito iirebut iithe iispeaker's iiideas. d. iishows iithat iiyou iihave iidoubts iiabout iithe iispeaker's iiviews.

e. iiallows iithe iispeaker iitime iito iielaborate. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiallows iithe iispeaker iitime iito iielaborate.

  1. iiThe iimain iireason iito iimake iiyour iitelephone iivoice iisound iipleasant iiis iithat a. iiyou iican iiavoid iistraining iiyour iithroat iias iiyou iispeak. b. iithe iiother iiperson iimay iibe iiangry, iidepressed, iior iibored. c. iiyou iiare iiapplying iigood iilistening iitechnique. d. iithe iiother iiperson iihas iino iivisual iicues iito iisupplement iiyour iivoice. e. iiyou iiwill iiremind iithe iiother iiperson iithat iithe iiboss iimay iibe iicalling. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iithe iiother iiperson iihas iino iivisual iicues iito iisupplement iiyour iivoice.
  2. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iian iiexample iiof iigood iitelephone iitechnique a. iiAnswer iiall iicalls iiby iithe iisecond iior iithird iiring. b. iiIf iia iicaller iiasks iia iiquestion iiyou iican't iianswer, iiend iithe iicall iipolitely. c. iiGive iithe iicaller iiyour iifull iiattention. d. iiAsk iibefore iiyou iiput iisomeone iion iihold, iiallowing iitime iifor iia iiresponse. e. iiUse iithe iiother iiperson's iiname iito iipersonalize iithe iiconversation. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiIf iia iicaller iiasks iia iiquestion iiyou iican't iianswer, iiend iithe iicall iipolitely.
  3. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iistatistics iiis iinot iitrue a. iiAmericans iimake iiover ii6.3 iibillion iiinternational iicalls iievery iiyear. b. iiThe iiaverage iilength iiof iia iilong iidistance iicall iiis ii 10 iiminutes. c. iiNearly iihalf iiof iiAmericans iiown iia iicell iiphone. d. iiThe iiaverage iicost iiof iian iiinternational iicall iiis ii 34 iicents iiper iiminute. e. iiAmericans iimake iimore iithan ii 75 iimillion iicalls iievery iiday. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiNearly iihalf iiof iiAmericans iiown iia iicell iiphone.
  4. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iinot iitrue iiabout iiyour iitelephone iivoice a. iianswer iiby iithe iisecond iiring b. iiproject iia iifriendly iiimage c. iiavoid iichewing d. iisit iitall, iiand iikeep iineck/throat iiarea iiunstrained e. iiavoid iitalking iitoo iifast ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iianswer iiby iithe iisecond iiring
  5. iiWhich iiis iinot iian iieffective iiapproach iiin iithe iiuse iiof iivoice iimail a. iiPlan iithe iimessage iifor iithe iivoice iimail iiin iiadvance. b. iiBriefly iiexplain iithe iipurpose iiof iithe iicall. c. iiGive iiyour iiname iiand iinumber iiand iithe iibest iitime iito iireturn iithe iicall. d. iiHave iiyour iisecretary iileave iia iimessage. e. iiAnnounce iithat iiyou iiare iireturning iia iicall. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiHave iiyour iisecretary iileave iia iimessage.
  6. iiWhen iiyou iihave iito iileave iia iivoice-mail iimessage, iiyou iishould a. iigive iiyour iiname, iiphone iinumber, iiand iithe iireason iifor iiyour iicall. b. iivary iithe iiwording iito iimaintain iiinterest iiif iiyou iicall iiback iiagain. c. iiexplain iiin iidetail iithe iibackground iibehind iiyour iithoughts.

d. iirequest iithe iiother iiperson's iicell iior iihome iiphone iinumber. e. iispeak iiimpersonally iito iipreserve iia iiprofessional iidemeanor. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iigive iiyour iiname, iiphone iinumber, iiand iithe iireason iifor iiyour iicall.

  1. iiYou iineed iinot iiturn iioff iiyour iicell iiphone iior iiswitch iiit iito iisilent-alert iimode iiwhen iiyou iiare a. iiin iia iirestaurant. b. iiparticipating iiin iia iiformal iimeeting. c. iiat iithe iimovies iior iithe iitheater. d. iiat iia iisocial iievent. e. iiin iian iiairline iiterminal. ii- iiAnswers ii-e. iiin iian iiairline iiterminal.
  2. iiThe iifirst iithing iiyou iishould iido iibefore iicalling iia iimeeting iiis a. iiformulate iian iiagenda. b. iidetermine iiwho iishould iiattend. c. iidecide iiwhat iiyou iiwant iito iiachieve. d. iiplan iithe iischedule iiand iilocation. e. iidesignate iisomeone iito iitake iiminutes. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iidecide iiwhat iiyou iiwant iito iiachieve.
  3. iiWhich iiof iithese iifactors iiis iinot iinecessary iiin iiplanning iia iimeeting a. iiIdentifying iithe iipurpose. b. iiPreparing iian iiagenda. c. iiKeeping iithe iiagenda iiprivate iiuntil iithe iimeeting iibegins. d. iiDeciding iiwho iishould iiattend. e. iiDetermining iiwhether iithe iimeeting iiis iireally iinecessary. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiKeeping iithe iiagenda iiprivate iiuntil iithe iimeeting iibegins.
  4. iiWhich iiof iithese iipoints iiis iinot iitrue iiwith iirespect iito iian iiagenda iifor iia iimeeting a. iiProvides iiin iidetail iiwhat iitopics iiwill iibe iidiscussed. b. iiHelps iithe iimanager iirun iithe iimeeting. c. iiHelps iithe iiinvited iiindividuals iigather iineeded iibackground iiinformation. d. iiProvides iithe iiorder iiin iiwhich iitopics iiwill iibe iidiscussed. e. iiPrevents iiother iitopics iifrom iibeing iidiscussed. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiProvides iiin iidetail iiwhat iitopics iiwill iibe iidiscussed.
  5. iiWhy iishould iiyou iiprepare iian iiagenda iieven iifor iiinformal iimeetings a. iiYou iiwill iihave iia iirecord iiof iiwhat iihas iibeen iidiscussed. b. iiIt iiwill iihelp iifocus iithe iiattention iiof iiall iiparticipants. c. iiYou iican iiinform iiparticipants iiof iithe iiday, iitime, iiand iiplace. d. iiIt iiwill iicover iireports iiof iiprevious iimeetings. e. iiIt iiwill iiconvince iiparticipants iiof iithe iineed iifor iia iimeeting. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiIt iiwill iihelp iifocus iithe iiattention iiof iiall iiparticipants.
  6. iiWhen iiplanning iithe iilogistics iiof iia iiformal iimeeting, iiyou iishould iiconsider a. iiusing iia iicircular iiarrangement iito iifacilitate iiconsensus.

b. iiarranging iithe iichairs iiin iiclassroom iistyle iito iiencourage iiinteraction. c. iiseparating iiparticipants iiin iisatellite iiformat iito iikeep iithe iifacilitator iifar iifrom iithe iidoor. d. iiusing iia iiU-shaped iisetup iiso iiall iiparticipants iican iisee iieach iiother. e. iihaving iiparticipants iichange iitables iifrom iitime iito iitime iito iistimulate iinew iithinking. ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiusing iia iiU-shaped iisetup iiso iiall iiparticipants iican iisee iieach iiother.

  1. iiMinutes iiof iia iimeeting iiinclude iiall iithese iiitems iiexcept a. iithe iitype iiof iimeeting. b. iiwho iimade iiand iiseconded iia iimotion. c. iiapproval iiof iiprevious iiminutes. d. iitime iiof iiadjournment. e. iiprecise iiwording iiof iimotions. ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiwho iimade iiand iiseconded iia iimotion.
  2. iiWhich iiis iinot iia iifunction iiof iithe iileader iiof iia iimeeting a. iiencouraging iiquieter iimembers iito iiparticipate b. iisummarizing iithe iiaccomplishments iiat iithe iiend iiof iithe iimeeting c. iiensuring iithat iiparticipants iisupport iitheir iiideas iiwith iievidence d. iistating iithe iipurpose iiand iipreviewing iithe iiagenda iiat iithe iistart e. iikeeping iiparticipants iifocused iion iiagenda iiitems ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iiensuring iithat iiparticipants iisupport iitheir iiideas iiwith iievidence
  3. iiWhen iiyou iiprepare iiminutes iiof iia iimeeting, iiyou iishould a. iiaccurately iisummarize iithe iidiscussions iiand iidecisions iimade. b. iiask iiparticipants iito iireview iia iidraft iibefore iisending iithe iifinal iiversion iito iithe iileader. c. iiwrite iiconcisely iito iisave iispace iiand iiavoid iinumerous iisubheadings. d. iiindicate iiwho iimade iiand iiseconded iieach iimotion. e. iifollow iiparliamentary iiprocedure iito iigive iithe iiminority iia iivoice. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iiaccurately iisummarize iithe iidiscussions iiand iidecisions iimade.
  4. iiOne iiway iito iiavoid iitelephone iitag iiis iito a. iiput iia iismile iiin iiyour iivoice iias iiyou iiplace iiyour iicall. b. iiturn iiyour iicell iiphone iioff iiwhen iiyou iiare iiin iia iipublic iiarea. c. iischedule iiyour iicalls iiwhen iithe iiperson iiis iilikely iito iibe iiavailable. d. iicheck iiyour iimessages iievery iiday iiand iireturn iicalls iipromptly. e. iiuse iivoice iimail iias iia iisubstitute iifor iianswering iiyour iiphone. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iischedule iiyour iicalls iiwhen iithe iiperson iiis iilikely iito iibe iiavailable.
  5. iiThe iimost iicommonly iiused iiroom iiarrangement iifor iiformal iimeetings iiis a. iisatellite. b. iicircular. c. iirectangular d. iiU-shaped. e. iiclassroom. ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iirectangular
  6. iiWhen iiyou iiare iiinvolved iiin iilistening iito iia iispeaker, iiyou

a. iithink iiabout iihow iithe iiinformation iirelates iito iiyour iigoals. b. iiprevent iiany iiuncomfortable iisilences. c. iiplan iiyour iiresponse iito iithe iimain iipoints. d. iiidentify iithe iiweakest iiarguments iiand iisupporting iidetails. e. iiparaphrase iiyour iireception iiof iithe iievidence. ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iithink iiabout iihow iithe iiinformation iirelates iito iiyour iigoals.