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Various instructional strategies and principles that teachers can employ to create responsive and engaging learning environments for diverse students. It covers topics such as understanding student development, supporting english language learners, designing effective instructional activities, and integrating technology to enhance learning. Insights into creating organized and productive classroom management, promoting active student engagement, and making real-world connections to content area knowledge. By examining these evidence-based practices, teachers can develop the competencies needed to meet the diverse needs of all learners and foster their academic success.
Typology: Exams
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Which THREE of the following understandings about student development would enable a teacher to create appropriate, responsive instruction that meets all learners' needs? A. Understanding that some negative classroom behaviors may reflect situations at home B. Expecting students in the class to have supportive home environments C. Knowing that integrating play into instruction can boost students' social engagement and cognitive abilities D. Recognizing that students with special needs are not likely to reach the same level of achievement as the other students E. Recognizing that young children's cognitive levels show emerging abilities in abstract thinking - ANSWER-(A,C,E) Responses A, C, and E focus understanding learners' variable ranges in developmental levels and learning readiness.
Response A shows the teacher's awareness that home situations may impact class behavior. Response C demonstrates the understanding that play promotes learning development in a variety of ways. Response E shows the teacher's understanding of learners' transitioning from concrete operational to higher levels of cognitive abilities. Response B is incorrect because an important understanding about learners is that home environments are variable and that parents may not always be able to sustain a supportive learning environment. Response D is incorrect because the culture of high expectations should apply to all learners. COMPETENCY 001 A high school history teacher has several ELL students in each class throughout the day. Which THREE of the following activities would provide instruction that enhances the ELL students' content area competence?
A. Beginning each lesson with a clear presentation of learning outcomes for that day B. Writing key vocabulary and definitions or explanations on the board at the beginning of the lesson C. Ending the lesson with a short quiz to test the learners' understanding of the day's content D. Integrating think-pair-share activities at pivotal points during the lesson to allow learners to reflect on key points E. Providing ELL students with textbooks at a lower grade level to ensure they understand the history content - ANSWER-(A, B, D) Responses A, B, and D correctly reflect teaching activities designed to bolster ELL students' comprehension of content knowledge. Response A—articulating expected outcomes—creates scaffolding for ELL students as the lesson progresses. Response B supports ELL learners' need to recognize content-area terms and concepts. Response D creates opportunities for ELL learners to reinforce and reflect on new content area knowledge.
Response C is incorrect because a quiz does not provide targeted instructional support for ELL students. Response E is incorrect because a lower level textbook would not reflect the class expectations for content area knowledge. COMPETENCY 008 Ms. Avery, a grade three teacher, wants to integrate non-fiction books into literacy lessons. She plans a unit in which students will work in groups on reports based on short, non-fiction books that cover important historical events or provide biographical information about noteworthy individuals. The culminating activity in this unit will be Readers Theater, where students present their interpretation of the book in a short play or skit based on the book. Readers Theater primarily reflects which of the following principles of designing effective instruction? A. Creating classroom activities appropriate to the students' developmental characteristics B. Creating a challenging assignment that pushes students into the zone of proximal development C. Creating assignments that provide cross-curricular integration of subjects
D. Creating assignments that integrate play into classwork - ANSWER-(A)The correct response is (A). Readers Theater is a comprehensive activity that pulls together academic (literary), social, cognitive, and kinesthetic skills. (B) and (C) do not accurately reflect the pedagogical focus of Readers Theater. (D) reflects some aspects of Readers Theater but it is primarily an academic activity not a play activity. COMPETENCY 001 A high school science teacher plans an experiment. He gives each student an empty plastic 1.5-liter bottle. Using principles of aerodynamics presented in their current chapter, students are to construct a rocket. He organizes the students into groups and gives them several days to work on their rockets. On the last day of the unit, he takes them to the school football field and they launch their rockets and talk about why the rockets were able to stay airborne or did not make it into the air. Which of the principles of effective instructional design is not represented by this activity?
A. Hands-on learning B. integration of play into instructional activities C. Behaviorist teaching D. Creating a culture of high academic expectations - ANSWER-(C) is the correct response because this activity does not represent a behaviorist approach since the teacher is providing an opportunity for the learners to be highly active in the development of knowledge of the science behind the rocket launch. The teacher is not directly informing the learners of the principles they are expected to take away from this activity. (A), (B), and (D) describe the approaches that are integrated into this academic task. COMPETENCY 001 As students come in to class each period in a middle school social studies class, the teacher sets a timer for 10 minutes during which students are to take out their class spirals, stash away their backpacks, sharpen their pencils, and then read a book of their choice until the timer sounds. During that time, the teacher takes attendance, deals with absence excuses, discusses make-up work, addresses other problems, and drinks a bit of
coffee. This teacher's 10-minute beginning-of-the-class session primarily reflects which of the following means of creating an organized, productive learning environment? A. Creating effective procedures for transitioning into a new class period B. Allowing "down time" C. Ensuring that students know expectations regarding absence-related missed assignments D. Giving students "down time" to prepare for the new class period. - ANSWER-(A)The correct response is (A). The activities that are supposed to be completed in this beginning segment of the class provide effective transition time for both the students and the teacher, and are likely to promote learning readiness. (B) is incorrect because the teacher is actively working with students and completing non-instructional tasks. (C) is not supported by the scenario. (D) is incorrect because the students are performing class-readiness tasks.
A middle school language arts teacher sets up a box for students to place homework in and an assignment chart for students to check off the assignment when they submit it. The chart is on a small but brightly colored poster board above the assignment box. There is an "absent" box with assignment information for students who have been absent. The homework and absent boxes promote student learning in which of the following ways? A. By establishing class procedures that promote an organized, productive learning environment B. By holding students responsible for consequences of submitting or failing to submit their assignments C. By reducing the amount of class time spent on gathering assignments so that the teacher can move on to important class business D. By using behavior modification strategies to teach students how to submit assignments efficiently - ANSWER-(A)The correct response is (A). This homework submission procedure streamlines a daily task and promotes students' ability to monitor their behavior regarding homework submission.
One day, Haley Martinez, one of the students, starts the state-of-the-class discussion on the project by telling the teacher that her mother works for the city utilities department and frequently talks about the area's drought issue. The students ask Haley all sorts of questions. The teacher asks the students if they would like to ask Mrs. Martinez these questions. The students say "yes!" Before Mrs. Martinez comes to talk to the class, the teacher has students take out their water logs. She has them think about other ways they consume water besides drinking it and she writes students' suggestions on the board. Then, she works with the students to generate questions they might ask Mrs. Martinez after her talk. This activity primarily demonstrates which of the following strategies of effective instruction? A. Making sure that students are prepared for a guest speaker B. Promoting students' intellectual involvement th - ANSWER-(B)The correct response is (B). This response demonstrates the teacher's attempt to move students to a higher level of thinking about their projects and to encourage them to reflect on questions raised by their participation thus far. (A) does not reflect the inquiry elements of this stage of the project. (C) and (D) do not accurately reflect the teacher's objectives in this stage of the activity.
Mr. Martinez, a middle school math teacher, has just explained a new procedure for solving distance-calculation word problems. After he solves several demonstration problems on the board, quite a few students raise their hands to ask questions. To answer the questions, Mr. Martinez realizes he has to go back to the original demo problems and do the demonstrations again. Which of the following explanations most likely explains the need for a lengthy answer to the students' questions? A. The original explanation did not adequately present the new information. B. The students were not paying attention very likely because the teacher's presentation was not stimulating. C. The teacher needs to provide activities to help students develop active listening skills. D. The teacher was presenting information significantly above the students' cognitive levels. - ANSWER-A)The correct response is (A). If the teacher has to redo a teaching presentation, this is a strong indication that he/she did not
effectively present the information the first time. The scenario suggests the problem is instructional effectiveness rather than student engagement. (B) and (D) cannot be inferred from the scenario. (C) is not directly suggested by the scenario. COMPETENCY 008 At the beginning of the year, a high school history teacher set Homework is mandatory not optional as a class rule. Her class grades show that 30% of the students are not submitting their homework. She discusses the situation with the students and explains several options: (1) Missed homework can be submitted the following day with a 10-point penalty. (2) Two consecutive missed homework assignments will result in a call to parents. (3) Three or more cumulative missed homework assignments will result in a parent conference. In which of the following ways does the teacher's action promote an organized, productive learning environment? A. The teacher is partnering with parents to promote higher levels of achievement.
B. The teacher set up consequences that allow students to monitor their own behavior. C. The teacher is giving students the opportunity to adjust an existing rule. D. The teacher is providing positive rein - ANSWER-(B)The correct response is (B). The teacher is setting up consequences that will allow students to make informed choices about their behavior. (A) is not represented by the scenario although contacting parents is one of the consequences mentioned. (C) is not correct because the teacher adjusted the rule. (D) is not supported by the scenario; the consequences are actually negative reinforcement. COMPETENCY 006 (B) is not addressed by the scenario.
While (C) is a result of the homework box set-up, it is not the primary motivation behind it. (D) does not correctly reflect the scenario. COMPETENCY 006 A high school teacher posts cards with names and pictures of scientists, inventors, adventurers, business people, athletes, politicians, and a variety of well-known professional people. She has students do a short research project and prepare a three-minute intro to the individual they picked. Then, she leads the class in a discussion about what they would like to be doing 10 years from now. She also asks students to talk about individuals whom they admire and would like to emulate. This teaching activity primarily reflects which of the following aspects of effective instructional design? A. The assignment is developmentally appropriate for these students because they are in Erikson's identity vs. identity confusion stage. B. The assignment reflects the state's initiative to prepare all students for college entrance. C. The assignment provides a realistic approach to research.
D. The assignment promotes diversity as - ANSWER-(A)The correct response is (A). This activity is well suited to the high school students' developmental levels; according to Erikson, such students would be in the identity vs. identity confusion stage. (B) is not reflected by the activity. (C) is partially applicable but the activity is not focused on the research process; instead, research is the means used to meet the objectives. (D) is also partially applicable but recognizing each other's diversity is a side effect rather than the focus. COMPETENCY 001 Ms. Venegas, a fifth grade teacher, is introducing a unit on Native American cultures in Texas. On the first day, she presents a movie on today's Texas Native Americans. The film sparks a lively discussion with almost all the students participating, and most students describe a Native American with whom they or their families are acquainted. Additionally, they ask numerous questions about ancestors, historical events, and logistics of life in early
tribal eras. Ms. Venegas follows up with more questions and helps students create a list of things they want to explore about Native American cultures in Texas. The next day, Ms. Venegas takes the students to the library where they work in groups to find answers to some of the questions raised in the first class. Each group self-selects the topics they want to research. Which of the following aspects of the teacher's instructional design is primarily aimed at promoting stu - ANSWER-(A)The correct response is (A). By starting the unit with an inquiry-based discussion, the teacher has stimulated the students' prior knowledge and has generated genuine interest in the research project. (B) is relevant to the original discussion but not to the research project. (C) and (D) do not address the focus of the scenario. COMPETENCY 008 Ms. Venegas, a fifth grade teacher, is introducing a unit on Native American cultures in Texas. On the first day, she presents a movie on today's Texas Native Americans. The film sparks a lively discussion with almost all the students participating, and most students describe a Native American with
whom they or their families are acquainted. Additionally, they ask numerous questions about ancestors, historical events, and logistics of life in early tribal eras. Ms. Venegas follows up with more questions and helps students create a list of things they want to explore about Native American cultures in Texas.On days 3 and 4, the groups prepare to showcase and present their research. Each group will write a short script to synthesize the results of their research. Additionally, they will create a poster collage that depicts information they compiled from their research. And they need to create a model of an artifact that - ANSWER-(D)The correct response is (D). The culminating project described in the scenario provides multiple ways in which students can connect their interests and abilities to learning content area knowledge. (A) does not address the specifics of the scenario. (B) suggests that the project is a simplification of content area knowledge. (C) does not reflect the teacher's intentions in making the culminating project assignment. COMPETENCY 008
Ms. Venegas, a fifth grade teacher, is introducing a unit on Native American cultures in Texas. On the first day, she presents a movie on today's Texas Native Americans. The film sparks a lively discussion with almost all the students participating, and most students describe a Native American with whom they or their families are acquainted. Additionally, they ask numerous questions about ancestors, historical events, and logistics of life in early tribal eras. Ms. Venegas follows up with more questions and helps students create a list of things they want to explore about Native American cultures in Texas. There are several Native American heritage sites within several hundred miles of the school. Ms. Venegas secures funding and approval to take the students on a field trip to several sites. She gives each student a small spiral and a mechanical pencil and tells them to take notes and sketch illustrations of what the - ANSWER-(A)The correct response is (A). A field trip to a historical site is a developmentally appropriate activity for helping students make real-world connections to classroom activities. (B) does not reflect the intent of the activity. (C) misrepresents the value of field trips.
(D) is not the focus of the scenario. COMPETENCY 001 A middle school teacher wants to integrate technology into her teaching of history. Which THREE of the following actions should the teacher take in order to incorporate technology effectively? A. Consult the Technology Application TEKS for middle school technology expectations B. Demonstrate to students how to use software that will be integrated into class activities C. Assign homework activities that must be completed using specific programs D. Integrate at least one technology-related activity every day E. Create lessons that use technology to enhance student achievement - ANSWER-(A, B, E) Responses A, B, E show responsible, learner-centered integration of technology to enhance learning instead of integration of technology simply for the sake of using technology. Response A shows the teacher's awareness of TEKS Technology Applications which clearly articulate expectations and possibilities for effective use of technology at every grade
level. Response B shows that the teacher recognizes students' need to be guided in using software and applications integrated in the class. Response E shows that the teacher recognizes that technology should clearly enhance learning and not serve as a superficial addition to traditional learning. Response C would create inequity if students do not have access to appropriate technology in out-of-classroom settings. Response D creates a superficial use of technology; technology should be meaningfully integrated to enhance learning. COMPETENCY 009