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Solutions to Circuit Analysis Problems in Chapter 8, Assignments of Engineering

Detailed solutions to various circuit analysis problems based on rlc circuits, covering steady state and transient responses, critical damping, and under-damped and overdamped responses.

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Download Solutions to Circuit Analysis Problems in Chapter 8 and more Assignments Engineering in PDF only on Docsity! Chapter 8, Solution 1. (a) At t = 0-, the circuit has reached steady state so that the equivalent circuit is shown in Figure (a). + vL − 6 Ω 10 H + v − (a) 6 Ω + − 6 Ω VS 10 µF (b) i(0-) = 12/6 = 2A, v(0-) = 12V At t = 0+, i(0+) = i(0-) = 2A, v(0+) = v(0-) = 12V (b) For t > 0, we have the equivalent circuit shown in Figure (b). vL = Ldi/dt or di/dt = vL/L Applying KVL at t = 0+, we obtain, vL(0+) – v(0+) + 10i(0+) = 0 vL(0+) – 12 + 20 = 0, or vL(0+) = -8 Hence, di(0+)/dt = -8/2 = -4 A/s Similarly, iC = Cdv/dt, or dv/dt = iC/C iC(0+) = -i(0+) = -2 dv(0+)/dt = -2/0.4 = -5 V/s (c) As t approaches infinity, the circuit reaches steady state. i(∞) = 0 A, v(∞) = 0 V Chapter 8, Solution 2. (a) At t = 0-, the equivalent circuit is shown in Figure (a). 25 kΩ 20 kΩ iR + − + v − iL 60 kΩ 80V (a) 25 kΩ 20 kΩ iR + − iL 80V (b) 60||20 = 15 kohms, iR(0-) = 80/(25 + 15) = 2mA. By the current division principle, iL(0-) = 60(2mA)/(60 + 20) = 1.5 mA vC(0-) = 0 At t = 0+, vC(0+) = vC(0-) = 0 iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 1.5 mA 80 = iR(0+)(25 + 20) + vC(0-) iR(0+) = 80/45k = 1.778 mA But, iR = iC + iL 1.778 = iC(0+) + 1.5 or iC(0+) = 0.278 mA Chapter 8, Solution 16. At t = 0, i(0) = 0, vC(0) = 40x30/50 = 24V For t > 0, we have a source-free RLC circuit. α = R/(2L) = (40 + 60)/5 = 20 and ωo = LC 1 = 5.2x10 1 3− = 20 ωo = α leads to critical damping i(t) = [(A + Bt)e-20t], i(0) = 0 = A di/dt = {[Be-20t] + [-20(Bt)e-20t]}, but di(0)/dt = -(1/L)[Ri(0) + vC(0)] = -(1/2.5)[0 + 24] Hence, B = -9.6 or i(t) = [-9.6te-20t] A Chapter 8, Solution 17. .iswhich,20 4 12 10 L2 R 10 25 1 4 1 1 LC 1 240)600(4)VRI( L 1 dt )0(di 6015x4V)0(v,0I)0(i o o 00 00 ω>===α ===ω −=+−=+−= ===== ( )t268t32.37 21 2121 t32.37 2 t68.2 1 2 o 2 ee928.6)t(i A928.6AtoleadsThis 240A32.37A68.2 dt )0(di,AA0)0(i eAeA)t(i 32.37,68.23102030020s −− −− −= −=−= −=−−=+== += −−=±−=±−=ω−α±α−= getwe,60dt)t(i C 1)t(v,Since t0 +∫= v(t) = (60 + 64.53e-2.68t – 4.6412e-37.32t) V di/dt = -2(6cos2t + Bsin2t)e-2t + (-2x6sin2t + 2Bcos2t)e-αt di(0)/dt = -12 + 2B = -(1/L)[Ri(0) + vC(0)] = -2[12 – 12] = 0 Thus, B = 6 and i(t) = (6cos2t + 6sin2t)e-2t A Chapter 8, Solution 21. By combining some resistors, the circuit is equivalent to that shown below. 60||(15 + 25) = 24 ohms. 12 Ω + − + v − t = 0 i 24 Ω 6 Ω 3 H 24V (1/27)F At t = 0-, i(0) = 0, v(0) = 24x24/36 = 16V For t > 0, we have a series RLC circuit. R = 30 ohms, L = 3 H, C = (1/27) F α = R/(2L) = 30/6 = 5 27/1x3/1LC/1o ==ω = 3, clearly α > ωo (overdamped response) s1,2 = 222o 2 355 −±−=ω−α±α− = -9, -1 v(t) = [Ae-t + Be-9t], v(0) = 16 = A + B (1) i = Cdv/dt = C[-Ae-t - 9Be-9t] i(0) = 0 = C[-A – 9B] or A = -9B (2) From (1) and (2), B = -2 and A = 18. Hence, v(t) = (18e-t – 2e-9t) V ωo = 1/ 310x1.0/1LC −= = 100 ωo = α (critically damped) v(t) = [(A1 + A2t)e-100t] v(0) = 0 = A1 dv(0)/dt = -[v(0) + Ri(0)]/(RC) = -[0 + 5x5]/(5x10-3) = -5000 But, dv/dt = [(A2 + (-100)A2t)e-100t] Therefore, dv(0)/dt = -5000 = A2 – 0 v(t) = -5000te-100t V Chapter 8, Solution 25. In the circuit in Fig. 8.76, calculate io(t) and vo(t) for t>0. (1/4)F + − 8 Ω 2 Ω t=0, note this is a make before break switch so the inductor current is not interrupted. 1 H io(t) + vo(t) − 30V Figure 8.78 For Problem 8.25. At t = 0-, vo(0) = (8/(2 + 8)(30) = 24 For t > 0, we have a source-free parallel RLC circuit. α = 1/(2RC) = ¼ ωo = 1/ 241x1/1LC == Since α is less than ωo, we have an under-damped response. 9843.1)16/1(422od =−=α−ω=ω vo(t) = (A1cosωdt + A2sinωdt)e-αt