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Electroencephalography (EEG) Fundamentals and Patterns, Exams of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

A comprehensive overview of various electroencephalography (eeg) concepts, including normal and abnormal eeg patterns, artifact recognition, and the clinical significance of different eeg findings. It covers a wide range of topics, such as the interpretation of eeg waveforms, the effects of various physiological and pharmacological factors on the eeg, and the diagnostic value of eeg in various neurological conditions. Likely intended for healthcare professionals, particularly those involved in the field of neurology or clinical neurophysiology, who require a thorough understanding of eeg principles and their clinical applications.

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Available from 09/27/2024

Drlaura 🇺🇸



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Download Electroencephalography (EEG) Fundamentals and Patterns and more Exams Electrical and Electronics Engineering in PDF only on Docsity! 1 | P a g e EEG BOARD PREP EXAM 2024 -2025 WITH ACTUAL CORRECT QUESTIONS AND VERIFIED DETAILED ANSWERS WITH (2 LATEST VERSIONS A&B) |FREQUENTLY TESTED QUESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS |ALREADY GRADED A+|BRAND NEW!!|GUARANTEED PASS |LATEST UPDATE VERSION A whena large amount of paste is used to hold eeg electrodes in place the total recording area would be the total scalp surface of the paste onset of sturge weber syndrome is typically during infancy if distance from the right outer canthus measures 9cm where should electrode t2 be placed 3cm out from the right preauricular point and 1 cm up characterized by dementia, myoclonus, biphasic and triphasic repetitive discharges creutzfeldt jakob disease moy-moya disease is associated with decreased blood flow to cerebral tissue patients with which of the following would have normal tracings? ***multiple sclerosis herpes simplex cjd advanced alzheimers disease typical clinical presentation of cjd progressive dementia, bilateral ridgity, myoclonus, stupor, death 2 | P a g e in which of the following would a normal eeg be expected? jme anoxia benign rolanic epilepsy ***multiple sclerosis the neurotransmitter lacking in the brain of pts with parkinsons disease dopamine seizure often preceded by hallucinations orf disagreeable odors often originate in the uncus todds paralysis post ictal sz followed by brief period of temporary paralysis, transient weakness of hand arm or leg after focal sz activity w/ in the limb and it occurs only on one side todds paralysis todds' paralysis sz followed by brief period of temporary paralysis ataxia impaired balance or coordination disease in the cerebellum olivopontocerebellar atrophy (opca) neurological disorder that cause nerve tissue degeneration of neurons in cerebellum pons and inferior olives empyema pus in pleural space dilantin toxicity dizziness, drowiness, coordination problems, rapid eye mvmts, and extreme fatigue dysarthria weakness in the muscles used for speech, which often causes slowed or slurred speech homonymous hemianopsia hemianopic visual field loss on the same side of both eyes, loss of left and right visual field in both eyes hemiparesis 5 | P a g e a lff setting of 5 hz will attenuate a 5 hz wave by approx 0.3 hv should be done at a rate of 20 breaths per min what should be the first reaction to 60hz artifact to one electrode check impedance increasing the # of secs displayed on the monitor does not change spike amp or duration what feature is the most diagnostic of psychogenic nonepileptic no disruption of pdr a common electrographic correlate of a sz rhythmic activity hypnagogic hypersynchrony can be present during arousal state transitions both prior to sleep and onset following arousal breach rhythm a focal low impedance pathway thru the skull 5yo boy with previously normal development w/ sudden loss of language skills, eeg shows frequent epileptiform discharges during sleep. what diagnosis should be considered? landau-kleffner corticol eeg recordings can be obscured in pt who are tense and anxious due to myogenic artifact what would be of concern in a 65 yo pt 7hz pdr fast fourier transform mathematically converts the time function into a sine wave of different frequencies most useful in determining localization and polarity montage an eeg obtained during sleep is most useful in which condition complex partial sz 6 | P a g e delta should not be seen in a normal awake adult bilateral anterior beta is most likely to occur w/ diazepam sz w/ visual hallucinations such as a flashing lights are most likely to arise from the occipital lobe writing is a stimuli most likely to be a trigger for reflex seizure w/ high frequency filter muscle artifact may become disorted and look like beta activity eeg of children with hx of untreated febrile sz is usually normal sz commonly result from withdrawal of alcohol it is common for firda to react to stim according to the guidelines, how many bits of resolution is required 16 buts sleep eeg is the most useful in the evaluation of temporal lobe sz by which age should eeg differentiation of the four stages of non rem sleep be identifiable in a child born at term 6 mos photoparoxysmal response eeg response to light w/ spikes, spike wave, spike and wave discharges and/or intermittent slow waves what is a subharmonic response to photic stim photic driving at half the speed of flash rate hypothalmic hamartoma gelastic sz 7 | P a g e sharply contoured, surface positivity, and seen in clusters over the occipital lobe during drowsiness, describes: posts non-physiological artifact electrode what is the value of rec a pts maximal awake state to distinguish slowing from drowsiness photic induced epileptic discharges are most likely associated with: barbiturate withdrawal benign rolandic epilepsy central-temporal spikes doubling the inter-electrode distance will have what affect on the waveforms increase amplitude what setting should be made in order to enhance corticol slowing change lff from 1 hz to .1 hz benzodiazepines exhibit the most observable effect on the eeg bandwidth for routine eeg activity 1-70hz what effects might be seen on an eeg performed on a pt w/ chronic alcoholism low amp and decreased alpha digital eeg montage are reformatted by using system reference clipping of the waveform occurs when the signal is outside the range of digitizer signals common to both inputs of a differential amplifier w/ like freq, amp, and phase are cancelled in an eeg displayed at 30 mm/sec a high voltage transient w/ a duration of 2mm would be spike 10 | P a g e lff of .1 hz photoparoxysmal responses are characterized by generalized irregular spike and wave discharges or polyspike and wave sz activity in which anatomical region may produce strong deja vu and chewing automatisms temporal sleep stages in a term newborn infant are characterized by rapid onset active sleep ratio of an amplifier output to input signal system gain asynchrony of sleep spindle is abnormal after 2 yrs what percentage of actual amplitude will be visible of 15hz wave when a hff setting of 15 hz 0.7 the interictal eeg of children with a history of untreated febrile seizures usually is: normal aplha coma cardiopulmonary arrest an electrographic sz is characterized by episodic rythmic activity sphenoidal electrodes are used to record activity from anterior temporal lobe what happens when a 60hz sine wave is sampled at 100 hz aliasing which of the following would be considered abnormal eeg presentation to photic stim photoparoxysmal the 60 hz notch filter will have the greatest effect on a waveform having a duration of 16msec which of the following converts an analog signal into a series of digital binary numbers a/d converter 11 | P a g e if a sensitivity is 7 uv and voltage is 20 uv what is the measurement of delflection 29mm immediately following an absence sz the eeg is most likely to show normal activity which of the following time constant best display delta activity 1.0 second to enhance the background alpha + beta asymmetry in an eeg record showing moderately high voltage delta activity the tech should use a shorter time constant + increase sensitivity atypical photic response delta driving in a premature baby, eeg flattening period lasting longer than _____ seconds is generally considered abnormal. 30 ieds may be found in the normal adult population in: < 1 % which of the following seizures is not classified as "generalized"? a absence b jme c bects d progressive myoclonic epilepsies bects the usual interictal eeg finding in gtc sz is a polyspike and wave burst b 3 hz spike and wave c firda d generalized slowing polyspike and wave bursts in a neonate, active sleep is defined as having all of the following characteristics except: a facial or body twitches b sucking movements c rapid eye movements d high-amp delta activity high amplitude delta activity 12 | P a g e temporal theta bursts or temporal sharp transients can be seen in a baby with a ca of _________. 28 - 32 weeks recording eeg directly on the surface of a brain tumor will show: no electrical activity focal depression of beta activity may be seen in focal cortical damage subdural hematoma focal scalp edema which of the following eeg patterns represents favorable prognosis in a post-anoxic state? a burst suppression pattern b alpha coma c theta coma d cont. low voltage delta activity. continuous low voltage delta activity trace alternant is a pattern associated with all of the following except a premature infant less than 32 weeks ca b quiet sleep c intermittent suppression period d normal infant premature infant less than 32 weeks ca all of the following are seen in quiet sleep in neonate regular and quiet respirations trace discontinue trace alternant the incidence of finding interictal epileptiform discharges during the first eeg in an adult patient is 30-50% which of the following medications causes the most significant effect on the eeg? a clozapine b lithium c valproic acid d phenytoin clozapine acute brain abscess is most often associated with focal slow delta activity 15 | P a g e when recording for eci, interelectrode impedances should be at least____ ohms, but less than _____ ohms. 100----10,000 when recording for eci, it is recommended that the sensitivity be _____ uv/mm and the low filter should not be higher than ____hz. for at least____mins of recording. 2uv, 1.0hz, 30 mins the tracts connecting the right and left hemispheres are called what? corpus callosum the central sulcus (fissure of rolando) demarcates what? frontal and parietal lobes the trigeminal nerve does? is the major sensory nerve of the face a subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs where? between two layers of the meninges the cardiovascular and resp centers for automatic control of heart rate and respiration are found in? medulla thrombosis of the anterior cerebral artery is most likely due to cause: a. nystagmus b. contralateral lower extremity weakness c. contralateral facial weakness d. aphasia contralateral lower extremity weakness thrombosis of the right middle cerebral artery would most likely cause left sided paralysis, primarily of the face and arm inflammation of the coverings of the brain or spinal cord is called ? meningitis a malignant tumor primarily seen in children may be? medulloblastoma the most common symptoms of which type of head injury are temporary loss of consciousness, followed by confusion, severe headache, and possibly amnesia for the accident? concussion 16 | P a g e which infection is most likely to produce headache, fever, nuchal rigidity, coma and death? meningitis the "dance-like" movements of the head and extremities may be exhibited in a patient with which hereditary degenerative disease? a. parkinson's disease b. multiple sclerosis c. pick's disease d. huntingon's chorea huntington chorea a megabyte of memory is approximately equal to what one million bytes which of the following conditions is characterized by rigidity, tremors, and festination? parkinsons disease a patient complaining of right hemiplegia will have what? difficulty moving the right half of the body a patient with sensory aphasia will have difficulty..? comprehending the meaning of words or phases what term is used to describe brainstem injury in a patient who is completely paralyzed except for vertical eye movements? locked-in syndrome what test is useful in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, pontine angle tumors, coma and brain death? brainstem auditory evoked potential qrs complex refers to: a. ventricular excitation in the myocardium b. spinal cord reflex c. herniation of the first 3 cranial nerves d. the tetrad of narcolepsy a ventricular excitation in the myocardium when performing an eeg for evaluation of central nervous system disease that may have infectious etiology, the technologist should...? observe universal precautions the ratio of chest compressions to breaths in one-person cpr is: a. 5:1 17 | P a g e b. 5:2 c. 10:1 d. 30:2 30:2 normal alpha, in an adult, should not be seen: a. in the central and temporal head regions b. with the eyes closed c. in the frontal head regions d. in the occipital head regions in the frontal head regions symmetry of sleep spindles, when present, is important in the evaluation of: a. the physiological maturation of an infant b. seizures which occur during sleep c. rem sleep d. spindle coma the physiological maturation of an infant the presence of sleep spindles and v waves in the eeg signals what stage of sleep? stage ii photic driving may or may not be present in a normal eeg recording activation of an absence seizure is most consistently obtained during: a. sleep b. photic stimulation c. hyperventilation d. eye opening and closing hyperventilation interictal discharges in patients with complex partial seizures are most likely to be recorded in the eeg: a. during the waking record b. during photic stimulation c. during stage-1 sleep d. during rem sleep during stager 1 sleep when recorded from over or near a burr hole, the eeg may show: a. no asymmetries b. lower amplitude activity over the affected area c. higher amplitude activity over the affected area d. slower frequencies over the affected area 20 | P a g e time constant is expressed in: a. mm per second b. seconds c. cycles per second d. uv per mm seconds a short time constant results in: a. increase in fast frequencies b. decrease in fast frequencies c. increase in slow activity d. decrease in slow activity decrease in slow activity the smallest structure that maintains its chemical character is what? atom electromotive force is measured in what? volts patient is an adult alert with eyes open/eyes closed in the middle of the sample (note eye movement artifacts on opening and closing 3 seconds later) what would you notice in the eeg sample? slow alpha variant rapid, involuntary, jerky, arrhythmic movements of muscle groups, that can be generalized, symmetric, assymetric or unilateral describes what disorder? chorea clinical syndrome characterized by loss of function in multiple cognitive abilities in an individual with previously normal or at least higher intellectual level is called what? dementia an autosomal recessive (chromosome 13) disorder of copper metabolism also called hepatolenticular degeneration, with symptoms of behavioral changes, ataxia, dysarthria and abnormal movements as well as hepatic dysfunction is what? wilsons disease a patient with symptoms of stroke which include, contralateral hemiparesis (face and arm greater than leg) horizontal gaze palsy, hemisensory deficits, homonymous hemoanopsia, language and cognitive deficits (aphasia, agnosia, neglect) is likey to have had what? middle cerebral artery (mca) infarction 21 | P a g e a biphasic horizontal, vertical, diagonal or rotation ocular oscillation in which at least one phase is slow is what? nystagmus spinocerebeller degeneration: friedrick's ataxia syringomyelia abnormal cavity or cyst in the spinal cord sign of increased intracranial pressure papilledema eeg pattern of hypsarrythmia west's syndrome a genetic epilepsy syndrome whos gene has been mapped to chromosome 6 and becomes evident in normal teenagers with early mornings myoclonic jerks and generally clonic tonic seizures juvenile myoclonic epilepsy of janz characterized by multiple seizure types that are difficult to control especially atonic seizures and atypical absences, in addition to generalized convulsions, and an abnormal interictal eeg with generalized 2 to 2.5hz. slow spike and wave discharges lennox gastaut syndrome _____ is a white matter disease with long tract signs including spasticity, hyperreflexia, and babinski's sign, optic atrophy, cortical blindness or deafness and seizures occuring late in the course leukoencephalopathies is a rare progressive cerebrovascular disorder primarily in children but also adults, caused by blocked arteries in the basal ganglia. the name means "puff of smoke" names for the appearance of a tangle of tiny blood vessels that develop to compensate for the blockage and appear on xray. symptoms include stroke and tia's with associated weakness and paralysis. moyamoya disease a brief period of transient paralysis following a seizure: todd's paralysis a rare chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease usually affecting only one hemisphere of the brain characterized by frequent and severe seizures, loss of motor and speech as well as hemiparesis and mental deterioration. onset is common in childhood and rare in adolescents and adults: rasmussen's encephalitis 22 | P a g e a disease of unknown cause, usually following a viral infection in children who have taken aspirin and resulting in vomiting, listlessness, personality changes, disorientation, seizures, and loss of consciousness: reyes syndrome a neurological disorder indicated at birth by seizures accompanied by large port-wine stain birthmark on the forehead, and cerebral cortex atrophy and increased pressure within the eye on the affected side: sturge-weber-syndrome if a 10 uv, 1 hz wave was recorded using a 1 hz low frequency filter, what would the voltage measure in the printout? 7 uv how much deflection will occur if a 150uv spike is recorded at a sensitivity of 10 uv/mm 15mm the indentation between the forehead and the nose is called what? nasion if the measurement from fp2 to 02 is 24cm, where should f4 be marked if the zero remains on fp2? 6 cm the onset of stage 2 sleep is indicated by the appearance of what? sleep spindles lambda can be elicited by: scanning a complex image which filter would most effectively reduce bitemporal 40hz muscle artifact? hff- 35 hertz input 1 = +100uv and input 2 = +100uv. the waveform will ________. remain at a flat and neutral position and have no deflection input 1 = -100uv and input 2 = -50uv. the waveform will ________. deflect upward in a referential montage, what is the most valuable localizing feature? highest voltage discharge in a chain linked bipolar montage, what is the most valuable localizing feature? phase reversal 25 | P a g e two or more independent foci: multifocal the importance of knowing the gestational age and the chronological age in particularr neonate is because? it helps to determine what eeg rhythms are normal for a particular age group 1 to 2.5hertz generalized spike and wave is the characteristic pattern of? lennox-gastaut syndrome the patient is able to recall events about the seizure itself after a/an? (what seizure) simple partial seizure a seizure characterized by a stare with no post-ictal confusion is an absence seizure the eeg pattern most often seen with infantile spasms is what? hypsarrhythmia temporal spikes and/or sharp waves occuring at a rate of one every 1 to 3 seconds are seen with what/ herpes simplex encephalitis if a child has an episode of staring accompanied by 3 hertz generalized spike and wave activity, the technoligist should___? test the childs responsiveness a facial port-wine is seen in sturge-weber syndrome the middle cerebral artery supplies blood to the? brains lateral surface the vestibular system is responsible for the function of what? maintaining equilibrium the circle of willis provides what? collateral blood circulation what term is used to describe an interruption in blood to the brain causing neurological symptoms, but with full recovery within 24 hours? tia when inpit 1 = -60 uv and input 2 = -uv then___? 26 | P a g e cancellation occurs breach rhythm is produced by a skull defect sleep spindles are produced when? c. the onset of stage 2 sleep posts are seen during stage i sleep during quiet sleep, a normal 44 week ca has a. regular respirations and no eye movements dilantin is what kind of medication? antiepileptic epilepsy is: collection of diseases and syndromes united by the occurance of seizures rhythmical mid-temporal discharges are ? a normal finding which eeg pattern is often seen with liver disease? triphasic waves which medication is most likely to produce a paroxysmal discharge on the eeg? tegretol 3 hertz generalized spike and wave absence seizure generalized tonic clonic seizures which continue for 30 minutes or more are what? a medical emergency focl facial clonic movements without loss of consciousness are called ? focal motor seizures lambda differs from posts in that lambda is seen during? eye opening posts differ from lambda in that posts are? seen in light sleep 27 | P a g e glossokinetic artifact is caused by movement of the? tongue rem sleep characterized by? characterized by loss of muscle tone parkinsonism is caused by unknown mechanisms leading to cell death in the? substania nigra information carried toward the brain s relayed in what pathways? afferent characteristics of a head injury when the injury to the brain is opposite the blow to the head? contra coupe what is the circle of willis apart of? blood supply to the brain crowding of brain tissue will happen after a what? subdural hematoma what serves to insulate the axon and increase the speed of impulses conducted? myelin what is the relationship between voltage, sensitivity, and deflection? deflection is equal to voltage divided by sensitivity sensitivity is equal to voltage divided by deflection voltage is equal to sensitivty multiplied by deflection each channel of the eeg instrument has what? 2 inputs and a ground or common the function of a differential amplifier is to b. amplify the difference in electrical potential between 2 inputs the desirable characteristics of a differential amplifier in which like signals are cancelled is called what? common mode rejection we are able to record eeg signals that are very low in amplitude in the midst of 60hz noise in the environment because of of the characteristics of common mode rejection in the differential amplifier