Download Electrolyte Imbalances Galen College of Nursing 40 complete solutions anc and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Electrolyte Imbalances Galen College of Nursing 40 complete solutions Electrolyte Imbalances Galen College of Nursing 40 complete solutions S/S Dehydration - ANSWER-- low grade fever - tachycardia - weak thready pulse - hypotension - orthostatic hypotension - decreased CVP - tachypnea - dizziness - sunken eyeballs S/S Fluid Overload - ANSWER--Changes in pulse rate and respiratory rate -Lung sounds-crackles -Edema -Weight gain -Neck and hand vein distention -Confusion -Decreased Hgb, Hct, and Protein Sodium (Na) - ANSWER-135-145 mEq/L Causes of Hyponatremia - ANSWER-Diuretics GI fluid loss/ suction Diet S/S Hyponatremia - ANSWER-S tupor/coma A norexia, N&V L ethargy T endon reflexes decreased L imp muscles (weakness) O rthostatic hypotension S eizures/headache S tomach cramping Tx of Hyponatremia - ANSWER-- give Na - pt does not need water - if having neuro problems: needs hypertonic saline (3% or 5% NS) Causes of Hypernatremia - ANSWER-MODEL: Electrolyte Imbalances Galen College of Nursing 40 complete solutions Medications, meals Osmotic diuretics Diabetes insipidus Excessive water loss Low water intake S/S of Hypernatremia - ANSWER-FRIED or SALTIER -- Fever (low grade), flushed Restless (irritable) Increased fluid retention and increased BP Edema (peripheral and pitting) Decreased urinary output, dry mouth SALTIER -- Skin flushed, dry, flaky / Seizures Agitation / Attention span decreased Lethargy; Low grade fever Thirst / twitching Increased urine specific gravity Edema (pulmonary) Reduce cardiac contractility, urine output Tx of Hypernatremia - ANSWER-- restrict sodium - dilute pt with fluids - daily weights, I&Os, labs Potassium (K) - ANSWER-3.5-5.0 mEq/L Causes of Hypokalemia - ANSWER-Actual total body potassium loss ~excessive use of meds such as diuretics and corticosteroids ~increased secretion of aldosterone (Cushing's Syndrome) ~Vomiting, diarrhea ~Wound drainage (gastrointestinal) ~Prolonged nasogastric suction ~Excessive diaphoresis ~Renal disease impairing reabsorption of potassium Inadequate intake of potassium: NPO Movement of potassium from the extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid ~alkalosis ~hyperinsulinism Electrolyte Imbalances Galen College of Nursing 40 complete solutions Causes of Hypermagnesemia - ANSWER-Increased magnesium intake ~Magnesium-containing antacids and laxatives ~Excessive admin of magnesium by IV Decreased renal excretion of magnesium as a result of renal insufficiency S/S of Hypermagnesemia - ANSWER-Decreased Energy Hypotension Bradycardia Decreased Respirations Decreased Reflexes Vasodilation Diaphoresis Skeletal Muscle Weakness Tx of Hypermagnesemia - ANSWER-Loop or Thiazide Diuretic Causes of Respiratory Acidosis - ANSWER-hypoventilation anasthesia intubation S/S of respiratory acidosis - ANSWER-Headache *Restlessness* Mental status changes, such as drowsiness and confusion *Visual disturbances* *Diaphoresis* *Cyanosis* as the hypoxia becomes more acute Hyperkalemia *Rapid, irregular pulse* *Dysrhythmias leading to ventricular fibrillation* Nursing Interventions for Respiratory Acidosis - ANSWER--Treatment to improve ventilation -Meds (bronchodilators/antibiotics, supplemental O2) -Pulmonary therapy (percussion, postural drainage) -Monitor I &O, VS, & ABGs -Maintain adequate hydration (2-3L fluid/day) -Monitor mechanical ventilation if necessary -Elevate HOB -Turn, Cough, Deep Breath Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis - ANSWER-hyperventilation (anxiety, PE, fear), mechanical ventilation Electrolyte Imbalances Galen College of Nursing 40 complete solutions S/S of Respiratory Alkalosis - ANSWER-*Tachypnea* (in response to hyperventilation or resp. stimulation) *pH >7.45 AND PCO2 <35 mm Hg* Headache *Lightheadedness, vertigo* Mental status changes *Paresthesia, such as tingling of the fingers and toes* Hypokalemia, hypocalcemia *Tetany*, *convulsions* Tx of Respiratory Alkalosis - ANSWER-treatment of underlying cause rebreathe CO2 paper bag Head between knees Cardiac Monitoring Emotional Support *Could lead to seizures; put on fall precautions Causes of Metabolic Acidosis - ANSWER-DKA severe diarrhea renal failure shock Aspirin Overdose S/S of Metabolic Acidosis - ANSWER-*Kussmaul respirations (deep & fast)* to attempt to exhale the excess CO2. *pH <7.35 AND HCO3- < 22 mEq/L* Headache Nausea, vomiting, *diarrhea* *Fruity-smelling breath* resulting from improper fat metabolism CNS depression: mental dullness, drowsiness, stupor, coma *Hypotension* Hyperkalemia Tx of Metabolic Acidosis - ANSWER--dialysis -insulin/fluids - D5 - antidiarrheal/antibiotics -Respiratory Assessment -Fall precautions Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis - ANSWER-severe vomiting excessive GI suctioning Electrolyte Imbalances Galen College of Nursing 40 complete solutions diuretics S/S of Metabolic Alkalosis - ANSWER-Decreased respiratory rate and depth (to conserve CO2) Nausea, vomiting *Dizziness* *Numbness* and tingling in the extremities Twitching in the extremities Hypokalemia, hypocalcemia Dysrhythmia: *tachycardia* Tx of Metabolic Alkalosis - ANSWER-Tx underlying. Monitor Respirations Cardiac Monitoring Fall & Seizure precautions K+ Supplement