Download Emergency Medical Procedures and Protocols and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NREMT Practice Questions You arrive to find a 48 year old male complaining that his chest feels heavy. The patient is awake and talking to you. During your assessment, you note that his skin is pale, cool, and clammy. Your first step is to: A. apply your AED B. administer supplemental oxygen C. obtain a past medical history D. assist the patient in taking his neighbor's nitroglycerincorrect answerB (Your first step is to administer supplemental oxygen. When treating chest pain, it is important to get oxygen to the patient as soon as possible to help alleviate damage to the heart muscle.) Which of the following is the correct flow of blood through the heart and lungs? A. inferior/superior vena cavae, lungs, right atrium, right ventricle, left venntricle, aorta B. inferior/superior vena cavae, left atrium, left ventricle, lungs, right atrium, left ventricle, aorta C. inferior/superior vena cavae, lings, aorta, left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, left ventricle D. inferior/superior vena cavae, right atrium, right ventricle, lungs, left ventricle, aortacorrect answerD The mitral or bicuspid valve, A. prevents blood from back flowing into the left atrium B. prevents blood from back flowing into the right atrium C. prevents the blood from back flowing into the lungs D. is located between the left atrium and the right ventriclecorrect answerA (The mitral or bicuspid valve is located between the left atrium and the left atrium and the left ventricle. It prevents the blood from back flowing into the left atrium.) Which of the following is NOT true of the treatment of an impaled object? A. remove if blocking the airway B. stabilize in place C. remove to accommodate transport of the patient D. control the bleedingcorrect answerC (The treatment of a patient with an impaled object includes: securing the object in place, exposing the wound area, controlling bleeding, and using a bulky dressing to help stabilize the object. The only time it is permissible to remove an impaled object is if it is impeding the breathing of a patient.) The electrical impulse generated in the right atrium is called the: A. atrioventricular node B. purkinje fibers C. sinoatriual node D. bundle of hiscorrect answerC You are treating a patient that has been involved in a motor vehicle accident. You can lift a flap of skin on the patient's head. This type of injury would e referred to as a(n): A. avulsion B. laceration C. evisceration D. puncturecorrect answerA (A puncture is created by an object that is typically sharp and pointed. A laceration is defined as a jagged cut. An evisceration is typically referred to as organs protruding.) Ligaments connect: A. muscle to bone B. bones to tendon C. bone to bone D. muscle to tendonscorrect answerC Which of the following heat emergencies is considered a true emergency? A. heat cramps B. heat exhaustion (Respiratory rates greater than 20 breaths per minute are considered tachypnea. Less than 12 breaths per minute is bradypnea and absent breathing is apnea.) You arrive on the scene of a patient who fell from a ladder. You should open the patient's airway by using: A. head-tilt/chin-lift B. jaw thrust maneuver C. neck-lift/head-tilt D. head-tilt/jaw-thrustcorrect answerB You arrive on the scene, finding an unconscious patient. There are no other individuals in the vicinity to give any other information or permission to treat the patient. Even though the patient cannot give you consent to treat him, you begin to do so because of" A. expressed consent B. implied consent C. advanced directives D. emergency consentcorrect answerB The AED is used to treat patients in: A. asystole B. ventricular tachycardia with a pulse C. ventricular fibrillation D. pulseless electrical activitycorrect answerC You arrive on the scene to discover a 65-year-old female lying on the floor of her living room. Your first step in the care of this patient is to" A. begin chest compressions B. apply the AED C. maintain an open airway D. assess level of consciousnesscorrect answerD You arrive on the scene to find an unconscious patient about 14 years of age. Where would you assess for a pulse on this patient? A. carotid artery B. brachial artery C. femoral artery D. radial arterycorrect answerA The appropriate care for a patient with epistaxis is to: A. have the patient lay down and remain calm B. pinch the nostrils and have the patient lean forward C. pinch the nostrils and have the patient lean back D. have the patient lay in a supine position with his head lower than the bodycorrect answerB (Epistaxis is a nose bleed. In these cases you should have the patient pinch their nose and lean forward.) During your assessment of a patient's chest you note that the left side of the chest moves opposite to the right. This is called: A. crepitus B. paradigmal motion C. subcutaneous emphysema D. paradoxical movementcorrect answerD A minute after a baby is born, the heart rate is less than 60 beat per minute. You should: A. blow by oxygen B. attempt to stimulate the newborn C. aggressively warm the newborn D. begin chest compressionscorrect answerD You arrive on the scene to find an unresponsive female patient who is in her car in the garage. The car is still running and the door is closed. Looking through an outside window, your next action would be to: A. attempt and immediate rescue B. open the large garage door and any other outside openings C. wait for the car to run out of gas D. shut the car off immediately and remove the patiecorrect answerB When you listen to the lungs of an asthma patient you would expect to hear: A. wheezes B. rales C. stridor D. rhonchicorrect answerA Tidal volume is best defined as the: A. volume of air inhaled on a single breath B. volume of air that remains in the upper airway C. total volume of air that the lungs are capable of holding D. volume of air moved in and out of the lungs each minutecorrect answerA (average is 500 ml) During transport of a patient with a head injury, what assessment factor will provide you with the most information regarding the patient's condition? A. pupil size B. heart rate C. mental status D. blood pressurecorrect answerC Which of the following would findings would be most significant during an assessment of a patient with a severe headache? A. pain in both legs B. chest discomfort After a patient has a seizure, they will have a gradual state of awakening. This phase of a seizure is called: A. the tonic phase B. the postictal phase C. the clonic phase D. an auracorrect answerB The process of losing heat through direct contact is called: A. radiation B. convection C. conduction D. evaporationcorrect answerC You are called to assist s SCUBA diver who is having trouble breathing. The patient states that it started approximately 15 minutes after she surfaced. She complains of chest pain, dizziness, blurred vision and nausea and vomiting. The patient is most likely suffering from: A. pneumothorax B. decompression sickness C. barotrauma D. an air embolismcorrect answerD (Any of these could be associated with dive incidents but these signs and symptoms are indicative of an air embolism. Divers who suffer from decompression sickness, or the bends, typically do not develop signs and symptoms of the bends for 12 to 24 hours after their dive. Barotrauma usually occurs as the diver is ascending or descending.) You are called to the home of a 20-year-old male who is depressed. The patient states he is going to kill himself. Your first step in treating this patient after the scene is safe is to: A. restrain the patient to prevent him from hurting himself B. ask the patient why he wants to do something so stupid C. ask the patient how he plans t kill himself D. turn the scene over to law enforcementcorrect answerC (At this point, the scene is safe and the patient does not appear to be a threat to anyone. Restraining him would not be appropriate. No matter how you feel about what the patient is going to do, it is inappropriate for you to say that the patient is going to do something stupid. You should continue your treatment of the patient and not turn the scene over to law enforcement.) The patient is bleeding severely from the lower leg. You have applied direct pressure and elevated the leg. Your next step is to: A. apply a tourniquet B. apply direct pressure C. apply pressure at the pressure point D. elevate the armcorrect answerC When treating an eye injury involving an impaled object, it is important to: A. cover both eyes and stabilize the object B. cover the affected eye and stabilize the object C. stabilize the object and do not cover either eye D. remove the object and cover both eyescorrect answerA You have successfully converted your cardiac arrest patient out of v-fib with your AED. The patient has a pulse and respirations are 6 per minute. You should: A. continue CPR B. monitor patient C. administer 15 LPM via NRB D. continue to assist the patient with ventilations via a BVM and oxygencorrect answerD Which of the following arryhythmias should be shocked using an AED? A. asystole B. ventricular tachycardia C. pulseless electrial activity D. atrial fibrillationcorrect answerB A soft-tissue injury that results in a flap of torn skin is referred to as: A. an incision B. an avulsion C. an abrasion D. a lacerationcorrect answerB When is it most appropriate to clamp and cut the umbilical cord? A. as soon as the cord stops pulsating B. after the placenta has completely delivered C. before the newborn has taken its first breath D. immediately following delivery of the newborncorrect answerA You are treating a patient with a fractured femur. The most appropriate splint to use for this patient would be: A. a ladder splint B. the other leg C. two board splint D. a traction splintcorrect answerD (A traction splint is used for femur fractures. Ladder splints are used for angulated fractures. Board splints are good to use for extremity fractures.) Albuterol is a medication administered by: A. injection B. inhalation C. absorption D. orallycorrect answerB (Albuterol is a bronchodilator) C. appropriate patient care D. vicarious liabilitycorrect answerA Which artery do you typically assess on an infant? A. brachial artery B. carotid artery C. femoral artery D. radial arterycorrect answerA You are treating a patient suffering from anaphylactic shock. Which of the signs and symptoms would you likely see in this patient? A. urticaria, bradycardia, tachypnea, and stridor B. subcutaneous emphysema, bradycardia, dyspnea, and wheezing C. urticaria, hypertension, tachypnea, and tachycardia D. urticaria, tachycardia, tachypnea, and hypotensioncorrect answerD When you grab a backboard, you realize that blood remains from an earlier call. With your hand covered in blood, your first step towards decontamination should be: A. contacting your Infection Control Officer B. washing your hands with soap and water C. completing exposure control forms D. going to the emergency department for admissioncorrect answerB Which of the following is the most common cause of suicide? A. alcohol B. drugs C. depression D. the holidayscorrect answerC You are called to the scene of a possible drowning at a local pool. When you arrive on the scene, a bystander is holding the patient at the surface of the water. The patient is unconscious. Your next step is to: A. being rescue breathing B. remove the patient from the pool C. start CPR D. apply cervical and spinal immobilizationcorrect answerD You arrive on the scene of a patient who says that she was bitten by fire ants. She has bites all over her legs. Your first step in treating this patient would be to: A. apply high flow oxygen and remove any jewelry B. cleanse the bites with alcohol to remove the sting C. transport the patient to the hospital D. use her epi-injectorcorrect answer You are treating a patient with frostbite. Which of the following actions should be taken? A. break any blisters on the wound B. apply direct heat to the affected area C. rub or massage the affected area D. remove any jewelry from the afflicted limbcorrect answerD You are suctioning your patient's airway. One of the biggest side effects of suctioning is: A. hypoxia B. aspiration C. suction power D. suction catheter cloggingcorrect answerA Which of the following are the signs and symptoms of shock in the early stages? A. tachycardia, anxious, restless, skin pale, cool, clammy B. bradycardia, anxious, restless, skin pale, cool, and clammy C. tachycardia, hypotension, increased breathing D, bradycardia, hypotension, skin pale, cool, clammycorrect answerA Which of the following pressures is considered narrowed? A. 30 B. 20 C. 20 D. 35correct answerA You are treating a patient with shortness of breath. You want to deliver 6 liters per minute of oxygen. You would deliver this flow rate with a: A. nasal cannula B. simple face mask C. partial re-breather D. non-rebreathercorrect answerA Which of the following is the first line of defense in fighting against infectious diseases? A. vaccinations B. hand washing C. using BSI D. using 100% bleachcorrect answerB The production of insulin occurs in the A. pancreas B. liver C. gallbladder D. kidneycorrect answerA jojcorrect answer You are at the scene of a mass casualty incident. Who is in charge of the overall scene? A. the EMT-B B. the incident commander C. the paramedic D. the medical directorcorrect answerB You arrive at the scene of a possible unconscious patient located in a lab setting. On the exterior of the room there is a NFPA diamond with a 4 in the blue portion of the diamond. This is an: A. extreme health hazard B. extreme fire hazard C. extreme reactivity hazard D. extreme water reactivitycorrect answerA You have just intubated a patient in cardiac arrest. Your partner tells you he hears breath sounds on the right side but not on the left. You would suspect: A. intubated the right stem bronchus B. intubated the left stem bronchus C. are in the proper position D. are in the esophaguscorrect answerA You are attempting to intubate a patient. The vocal cords appear anterior and you are having a difficult time visualizing them. You could A. have your partner try B. ask your partner to perform the Sellick maneuver C. insert the laryngoscope further D. wait until you get to the hospitalcorrect answer Which of the following medications is an EMT-B not allowed to assist the patient in taking? A. the neighbor's nitroglycerin for chest pain B. an albuterol inhaler for shortness of breath C. the patient's nitroglycerin of chest pain D. the patient's epipen for an allergic reactioncorrect answer Which of the following is not part of the history or secondary exam? A. form a general impression of the patient B. take the patient's history C. conduct a physical exam D. take baseline vitalscorrect answerA In which age is capillary refill most useful? A. infants only B. patients less than six years of age C. patients greater than six years of age D. all agescorrect answerB You are assessing a conscious patient complaining of chest pain. Which mnemonic will assist you in assessing the patient's current chief complaint? A. DCAP-BTLS B. SAMPLE C. OPQRST D. ABCcorrect answerC The patient you are treating has white, waxy skin on both hands. The patient's hands feel as if they're frozen. They are swollen and you notice that blisters are forming. Which of the following would you not want to do in caring for the patient. A. rub the hands B. remove any jewelry C. cover the hands with dry sterile dressings D. leave blisters intactcorrect answerA The kidneys are located in the A. upper abdominal quadrant B. peritoneum C. lower abdominal quadrant D. pelvic regioncorrect answer The right side of the heart has a three-flap valve called the A. tri-valve B. semilunar valve C. mitral valve D. tricuspid valvecorrect answer Which of the following is a late sign of shock? A. hypotension B. tachycardia C. cyanosis D. anxietycorrect answerA You should never approach a helicopter from the: A. front B. rear C. left D. rightcorrect answerB EMTs should wear high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) respirators when they are in contact with patients who would have which of the following? A. HIV C. 1:1000 ratio of bleach to water solution D. straight bleach solutioncorrect answerA In which of the following situations may an EMT-B place their hands in a patient's vagina? A. there is never an incident that allows this B. a breech birth C. to examine the vagina D. to relieve pressure on a prolapsed cordcorrect answerD Which of the following is NOT a risk for a stroke? A. previous TIA B. diabetes C. hypervolemia D. hypertensioncorrect answerC During your assessment you find a possible fractured leg and hear the bones grinding together. This is called: A. crepitus B. complete fracture C. subcutaneous fracture D. multi-linear fracturecorrect answerA You are the first on the scene of a mass casualty incident. Your responsibility is to A. treat the first patient with life-threatening injury B. begin removing the patients from the scene C. establish treatment D. begin triaging the patientscorrect answerD To assess the motor function in the lower extremities of a responsive patient you want to: A. ask the patient to wiggle his toes B. ask the patient to bend his knees C. carefully move the patient's leg D. touch the skin of the patient's footcorrect answerA Which patient can safely receive only a focused physical examination rather than a rapid trauma assessment? A. 10 year old male with deformed right lower leg who is responsive after falling off his bicycle B. 20 year old female who complains of severe pain in her ankle after stepping off a curb C. 70 year old male who complains of neck pain after a medium speed car collision D. 30 year old male who is unresponsive but only has minor cuts on the extremitiescorrect answerB Immediately after delivering a shock with an AED t a patient in cardiac arrest, you should: A. check for a pulse B. check breathing and provide rescue breaths as necessary C. analyze with the AED and shock again if indicated D. do CPRcorrect answerD In which of the following situations should you call for immediate assistance? A. you must care for two critical patients with gunshot wounds B. your patient is a 26 year old female in active labor C. your patient is a child with fever who has had a brief seizure D. your partner is needed to stabilize the cervical spinecorrect answerA The air sacs in the lung where oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange occurs are the A. bronchioles B. bronchi C. epiglottis D. alveolicorrect answerD Which of the following is a sign of inadequate breathing? A. warm, dry skin B. no audible sounds C. equal chest expansion D. accessory muscle usecorrect answerD Pink or bloody sputum is often seen in patients with A. pulmonary edema B. anaphylaxis C. allergic reaction D. flucorrect answerD A patient complaining of facial paralysis on one side of his face with tearing, localized pain, and sensitivity may be suffering from the most common form of facial paralysis called: A. dystonia B. muscular dystrophy C. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis D. bell's palsycorrect answerD A gurgling sound heard with artificial ventilation is a sign that A. the patient must be suctioned immediately B. supplemental oxygen should be added to the gas-valve mask C. the airway is most likely open, patent, and clear D. the patient is trying to communicate with youcorrect answer If a person was hit by an object described in the following, which would have the potential to cause the most damage? A. one-pound object traveling at 10 mph A. primary blast injury B. secondary blast injury C. tertiary blast injury D. none of the abovecorrect answerC When splinting an injured limb, you should assess pulse, motor function, and sensation distal to the injury A. after applying the splint B. before applying the splint C. while applying the splint D. before and after applying the splintcorrect answerD The golden hour in emergency medicine refers to the first 60 minutes after the A. arrival of EMS B. occurrence of multisystem trauma C. arrival at the emergency room D. start of surgerycorrect answerB Your patient is a 25-year-old female who is severely hypothermic after having plunged into an icy river. Although she was rescued after only a few minutes in the water, she is showing a diminished level of responsiveness. Your care should include A. encouraging the patient to walk in order to improve her circulation B. covering the patient in blankets and turning up the heat in the ambulance C. giving her hot coffee or tea to drink and massaging her extremities D. beginning active rewarming measures under direct medical directioncorrect answerB Your unconscious patient has blood in his airway. You should: A. use a suction unit to immediately clear the airway B. apply oxygen using a nonrebreather mask at 15L/min C. use a bag-valve mask to clear the airway D. perform a finger sweep to remove the blockagecorrect answerA Your patient is behaving abnormally but refuses treatment after falling down a flight of stairs. Before transporting the patient without consent, you should: A. document the presence of any injury B. ask bystanders to serve as witnesses C. have bystanders help talk him into care D. contact medical direction for advicecorrect answerB You should not suction a patient's airway for more than 15 seconds because: A. the patient's tongue may be injured B. the suction unit's batter may drain too quickly C. the patient will become hypoxic during this time D. you may cause the patient to vomitcorrect answerC Which of the following is true regarding using a pocket mask to ventilate a nonbreathing patient? A. there is direct contact between the rescuer and the patient's mouth B. oxygen cannot be connected to the mask C. a one-way valve prevents exhaled air from contacting the rescuer D. oxygen levels of 100% may be achievedcorrect answerC To which patient should you administer oral glucose? A. 60-year-old female behaving as if she is intoxicated, and whose daughter informs you that she takes insulin by injection B. 45-year-old male with a history of diabetes behaving erratically after falling and hitting his head in the bathtub C. 70-year-old male with a long history of diabetes who is unconscious and cannot swallow D. 52-year-old female who tells you that she is feeling dizzy and has low blood sugarcorrect answerA The focused history for patients with altered mental status should include questions about a history of trauma, diabetes, seizures and which of the following? A. heart disease B. pregnancy C. fever D. stresscorrect answerC All of the following may be signs of an allergic reaction except: A. headache and dizziness B. rapid, labored breathing C. decreased blood pressure D. decreased heart ratecorrect answerD Under medical direction, the EMT-Basic may administer epinephrine to a patient with respiratory distress or hypoperfusion resulting from an allergic reaction if the: A. patient has no history of heart disease B. patient is in severe respiratory distress or arrest C. medication has been prescribed for this patient D. medication has been stored in the refrigeratorcorrect answerC Ethics is best described as: A. the principles of conduct, concerns for what is right or wrong, good or bad B. a code of conduct put forward by a society or some other group such as religion C. the principle of doing good for the patient D. the obligation to treat all patients fairlycorrect answerA A sign of generalized cold emergency, or hypothermia, is cool skin on the A. feet or hands B. ears A. altered mental status and breathing rate of 68 per minute B. limp muscle tone and weak or absent distal pulses C. nasal flaring and mottled skin color D. breathing rate of 6 per minute and heart rate of 50 per minutecorrect answerA A sign or symptom of a predelivery emergency is: A. the mother's skin is dry B. profuse vaginal bleeding C. the presence of a bloody show D. a contraction every 20 minutescorrect answerB Select the correct-sized oral airway for a small child by measuring from the corner of the patient's mouth to what structure: A. pinnea of the ear B. angle of the jaw C. corner of the mouth D. mastoid processcorrect answerB Vitreous humor is found: A. behind the lens of the eye B. in the bone marrow of the upper arm C. in front of the lens of the eye D. in the joint lubrication of the upper armcorrect answerA You are assisting with childbirth in the field. As the infant's head is delivered, you discover that the umbilical cord is wrapped tightly around the neck. You should immediately: A. place the mother on her side and transport B. deliver the infant with the cord wrapped around its neck C. clamp the cord in two places and cut it between clamps D. suction the infant's mouth and nose to clear secretionscorrect answerC You have just assisted in delivering an infant with a pink body, a pulse rate of 106 per minute, and a good muscle tone. The infant is crying lustily. How should you care for this newborn? A. wrap the newborn in clean towels and give her to the mother to hold during transport B. provide positive pressure ventilations at the rate of 60 per minute with a bag valve mask C. monitor the infant for one minute and reassess vital signs to see if the heart rate increases D. administer free-flow oxygen by holding an oxygen mask or tubing over the newborn's facecorrect answer` The presence of a bloody show during the first stage of labor is a sign that A. the delivery of the patient is imminent B. the newborn is in danger of respiratory distress C. labor is progressing normally D. the second stage of labor has beguncorrect answer Your patient has experienced a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. You should A. remove any tissues from the vagina B. discard any expelled tissues C. place a sanitary napkin in the vagina D. treat the patient for shockcorrect answerD What is the first treatment when a mother bleeds excessively from her vagina after delivery? A. massage her abdomen gently B. administer oxygen C. transport her immediately D. treat her for shockcorrect answer Emergency care for an infant when meconium is present in the amniotic fluid includes A. stimulating the infant to cough to expel the meconium B. performing bag-valve-mask ventilation to improve lung compliance C. performing back blows and chest thrusts to remove the meconium D. suctioning and notifying the hospital that meconium was presentcorrect answerD In addition to caring for injuries, emergency care for a rape victim should focus on which of the following? A. performing a pelvic or rectal exam on the patient B. collecting evidence of the rape and bagging it in plastic C. allowing the patient to shower and change clothes D. preserving evidence in a paper bag and reassuring the victimcorrect answerD The reason to position a pregnant woman on her left side is to A. reduce the pressure of the fetus on maternal circulation B. make labor proceed more slowly by slowing down contractions C. help turn a breech fetus in the birth canal to the vertex position D. ensure that there is sufficient blood flow to the placentacorrect answerA The patient is a 29-year-old female pregnant with her second child. She is 39-weeks pregnant and a saw a bloody show approximately 4 hours ago. Her contractions are 2 minutes apart and lasting 60 seconds. Transport time is approximately 45 minutes. You should A. protect the airway and monitor vital signs while transporting B. prepare for an imminent on-scene delivery C. position the mother on her left side and begin transport D. notify dispatch of the need for ALS assistancecorrect answerB When arriving at the scene of a possible hazardous materials incident, you would identify hazards by A. thoroughly investigating the scene yourself B. interviewing victims and bystanders C. scanning binoculars from a safe distance C. the right side of her abdomen D. the left side of her abdomencorrect answerB The purpose of incident management system is to provide a(n) A. clear chain of command in case of legal liability B. means of evaluating the EMS system's response to an event C. orderly method for communications and decision making D. training program for first responderscorrect answer A 23-year-old pregnant female is bleeding profusely from her vagina. All of the following actions are appropriate EXCEPT: A. providing high-concentration oxygen B. placing a sanitary napkin in the vagina C. replacing pads as they become soaked D. rapid transport to the hospitalcorrect answerB In a multiple casualty situation, which patient should be assigned the highest priority? A. adequate breathing, responsive, venous bleeding B. adequate breathing, responsive, suspected spine injury C. inadequate breathing, responsive, suspected broken tibia D. inadequate breathing, unresponsive, suspected internal bleedingcorrect answerD Your patient is an 84-year-old female having difficulty breathing. Her daughter, age 45, is with her. When communicating with this patient, you should assume that she is A. incompetent; speak directly with the daughter B. hard of hearing; speaking extremely slowly and loudly C. competent and able to understand; speak respectfully D. confused explain your treatment clearly to the daughtercorrect answerC Which statement about patient confidentiality is correct? A. patients who are cared for in a public place lose their right to confidentiality B. the right to confidentiality does not apply to minors or to wards of the state C. the patient who signs a statement releasing confidential information relinquishes all rights to privacy D. a patient must sign a written release before an confidential information can be disclosedcorrect answerD Your patient, a 69-year-old male, is in cardiac arrest. His wife informs you that their physician has written a DNR order for the patient, but she does not have the written order. You should: A. provide all necessary care to save the patient's life B. obey the DNR order and leave immediatelycorrect answerA Your patient is a 6-year-old female who fell off her bicycle. She has a suspected broken ankle, no respiratory compromise, and no suspected internal injuries. After providing necessary care at the scene, you are transporting the child and her father to the hospital. The father loudly insists that you use your siren and lights en route. You should A. request medical direction in dealing with the father B. request permission from dispatch to use lights and sirens C. refuse, because it may cause an unnecessary hazard D. comply, it will relax the father and comfort the patientcorrect answerC