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A wide range of emergency medical topics, including safe parking distance at an accident scene, cleaning and disinfection processes, scope of practice and standard of care, cultural considerations, emergency response systems, objective and subjective patient information, anatomy and physiology, childbirth procedures, cpr guidelines, triage protocols, communication best practices, and the autonomic nervous system. The comprehensive coverage of these critical emergency medical concepts makes this document a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, students, and anyone interested in emergency preparedness.
Typology: Exams
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What is the Parkland formula? - Correct answer Fluids for first 24hrs : 4ml x pt weight in kg x %BSA= 50% over first 8hrs 50% over next 16hrs Hemothorax and S/S - Correct answer A hemothorax is an accumulation of up to 1,500mL of blood within the pleural space S/S: Flat neck veins, decreased lung sounds on the affected side, increased RR, increased HR, hypotension first, hyporresonant, loss of blood, hypoxia Pneumothorax - Correct answer Air in pleural cavity (also known as pleural space) S/S: JVD, decreased lung sounds on affected side, increased RR, increased HR, SOB first, hyperressonant, can lead to tension pneumo and tracheal deviation, hypoxia 4 M's of pregnancy - Correct answer - Multiplicity (multiple babies)
What is filtration? - Correct answer passage through filter or through material prevents passage of certain molecules What is a hypotonic solution - Correct answer solution has less osmotic pressure than body fluids - "hippo" - solvent concentration inside cell higher, larger cell eventually bursts Negligence - Correct answer Failure to provide the same care that a person with similar training would provide in the same or similar situation Gross negligence - Correct answer Conduct that constitutes a willful or reckless disregard for a duty or standard of care Malfeasance - Correct answer Occurs if you perform an act that you are not authorized to do Misfeasance - Correct answer Occurs if you perform an act that you are legally permitted to do but you do so in an improper manner Nonfeasance - Correct answer Occurs if you fail to perform an act that you are required to expected to perform What 4 elements must be present for negligence to apply - Correct answer 1. Duty
Proximate cause - Correct answer Legal term, essentially considers whether the alleged harm to the patient would have occurred "but for" the negligent act Abandonment - Correct answer Form of negligence that involves the termination of emergency medical care without the patients consent Assult - Correct answer Threatening a person or causing a person fear or immediate bodily harm without the persons consent - regardless of whether the threat or harm is actually carried out Battery - Correct answer unlawful touching of another person without consent Kidnapping - Correct answer The seizing, confining, abducting, or carrying away of a person by force, including transporting a competent adult for medical treatment without his or her consent. False Imprisonment - Correct answer unauthorized confinement of a person that lasts for an appreciable period of time Slander - Correct answer false verbal statements about others that harm their reputation Libel - Correct answer false written statement that harms a persons reputation expressed consent - Correct answer Type of consent given when the pt. acknowledges that they want you to provide care or transport Informed consent - Correct answer Consent given after the potential risks, benefits and alternatives to treatment have been explained Implied consent - Correct answer Type of consent in which a patient who is unable to give consent is given treatment under the legal assumption that he or she would want treatment. Minors consent - Correct answer Consent given by the parent or legal guardian for treatment or transport
Ethics - Correct answer the principles of right and wrong that guide an individual in making decisions Morality - Correct answer A code of conduct that can be defined by society, religion, or a person, affecting character, conduct, and conscience. Applied ethics - Correct answer The manner in which principles of ethics are incorporated into professional conduct. breach of confidentiality - Correct answer Disclosure of medical information without proper authorization dependent lividity - Correct answer Blood settling to the lowest point of the body, causing discoloration of the skin Rigor Mortis - Correct answer stiffness of the body that sets in several hours after death (2-12 hours after death) putrefaction - Correct answer Decomposition of body tissues. Safe parking distance at an accident - Correct answer Upwind and uphill, 100ft (30m) from scene on same side of the road Cleaning - Correct answer The process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface or equipment Disinfection - Correct answer The killing of pathogenic agents by directly applying a chemical made for that purpose to a surface or equipment High-level disinfection - Correct answer The killing of pathogenic agents by using potent means of disinfection Sterilization - Correct answer A process such a use of heat, which removes all microbial contamination what is the cushion of safety? - Correct answer the distance you must keep between your vehicle and the vehicles around you (about 4 seconds) Landing zone soze - Correct answer 100x100 feet (30x30m) No less than 60x60 feet (18x18m)
The proper positions to approach a helicopter - Correct answer 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock as the pilot faces forward How to approach helicopter on a hill - Correct answer From the downhill side Acute stress reaction - Correct answer Reaction to stress that occurs during a stressful situation. Delayed stress reaction - Correct answer Reaction to stress that occurs after a stressful situation. cumulative stress reactions - Correct answer Prolonged or excessive stress General Adaptation Syndrome - Correct answer Body's response to stress that begins with an alarm response, followed be a stage of reaction and resistance, then recovery or if the stress is prolonged the exhaustion stages of stress response - Correct answer 1. Alarm response
Scope of practice - Correct answer outlines the boundaries of care you are able to provide for the patient Standard of care - Correct answer The manner in which an individual must act or behave when giving care Ethnocentrism - Correct answer When you consider your own cultural values more important than others Cultural imposition - Correct answer When one person imposes or forces his or her beliefs, values, and practices on another because he or she believe his or her ideals are superior Enhanced 9-1-1 - Correct answer An emergency response system in which much of the call information, such as the phone number and location of the caller, is recorded automatically and viewed by the dispatcher on a computer screen Objective - Correct answer Signs that you observe and record such as blood pressure Subjective - Correct answer Information that is told to you but can't be seen (symptoms, degree of pain) Oamosis - Correct answer Passive movement of a solvent from an area of low solute concentration to and area of higher solute concentration through permeable membrane Tendon - Correct answer Connects muscle to bone Ligament - Correct answer Connects bone to bone Cartilage - Correct answer Cushion between bones Joint - Correct answer Where ever 2 long bones come in contact ball and socket joint - Correct answer shoulder and hip (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, circumduction)
hinge joint - Correct answer Joint between bones (as at the elbow or knee) that permits motion in only one plane axial skeleton - Correct answer skull, rib cage, and vertebral column appendicular skeleton - Correct answer Arms, legs, pelvis, shoulder How many bones are in the body? - Correct answer 206 Spinal column has how many vertebrae? - Correct answer 33 How many vertebrae are in the cervical spine - Correct answer 7 (C1-C7) How many vertebrae are in the thoracic spine - Correct answer 12 (T1- T12) How many vertebrae are in the lumbar spine - Correct answer 5 (L1-L5) How many vertebrae are in the sacrum - Correct answer 5 fused vertebrae How many vertebrae are in the coccyx - Correct answer 4 fused vertebrae Smooth muscle - Correct answer Involuntary muscle found inside many internal organs of the body Cardiac muscle - Correct answer Muscle of the heart skeletal muscle - Correct answer A muscle that is attached to the bones of the skeleton and provides the force that moves the bones. voluntary muscle - Correct answer A muscle that is under conscious control Upper airway - Correct answer nose, mouth, nasopharynx, oropharynx, pharynx, larynx, epiglottis Lower airway - Correct answer trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
Ventilation - Correct answer Process of moving of air in and out of the lungs Respiration - Correct answer exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide Acidosis - Correct answer pH below 7. Low pH means high H+ ion concentration Alkalosis - Correct answer pH above 7. High pH mean low H+ ion concentration tidal volume - Correct answer Amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during a single breath (approx. 500ml) inspiratory reserve volume - Correct answer The deepest breath you can take after a normal breath (3,000ml) expiratory reserve volume - Correct answer Max amount of air that you can forcibly breathe out after a normal breath (1,200ml) residual volume - Correct answer Amount of air remaining in the lungs after a forced exhalation (1,200ml) dead space - Correct answer Portion of the respiratory system that has no alveoli therefore little or no exchange of gas between air and blood occurs Minute volume calculation - Correct answer Resp rate X tidal volume Chronotropic - Correct answer Rate of contraction Dromotropic - Correct answer rate of electrical conduction Inotropic - Correct answer strength of contraction Cardiac output equation - Correct answer CO = HR x SV Normal stroke volume - Correct answer 70 mL What is the largest part of the braun - Correct answer Cerebrum
Spontaneous - 4 To verbal stimuli - 3 To painful stimuli - 2 No response - 1 Verbal: Coos, Babbles - 5 Irritable cry - 4 Cries in pain- 3 Moans in pain - 2 No response - 1 Motor: Obeys commands - 6 Localizes pain - 5 Withdrawals from pain - 4 Abnormal flexion (decorticate) - 3 Abnormal extension (decerebrate) - 2 No response - 1 What is HCTZ used for? - Correct answer Used to treat HTN, is under the class of diuretics/water pills O2 tank calculation - Correct answer (Tank PSI - Safe Residual Pressure) x Cylinder Factor / Flow Rate (L/Min) = Tank Life (min) What are the O2 tank PSI? - Correct answer D tank: 350L E tank: 625L M tank: 3000L G tank: 5300L H,A,K tanks: 6900L What are the O2 cylinder factors? - Correct answer D tank: 0. Jumbo D tank: 0. E tank: 0. M tank: 1. What is the safe residual pressure? - Correct answer 200 PSI Trauma triad of death - Correct answer hypothermia, acidosis, coagulopathy
Beck's triad - Correct answer hypotension, JVD, muffled heart sounds Cushing's triad - Correct answer bradycardia, hypertension, and bradypnea, (cheyne-stokes) Parkland formula - Correct answer 4ml x kg x BSA = amount of fluid in 24hrs. Give 1/2 of amt over the first 8hrs and 1/2 amount next 16hrs Opioid overdose triad - Correct answer 1. Consciousness decreased
Spinal injury (C6) - Correct answer - Nerves affect wrist extension
Adult CPR - Correct answer 1 or 2 rescuer - 30: Children and infant CPR - Correct answer 1 rescuer - 30: 2 rescuer - 15: Child CPR chest compression depth - Correct answer 2 inches (5cm) Infant CPR chest compression depth - Correct answer 1.5 inches (4cm) Rate of ventilation during CPR with an advanced airway - Correct answer 1 breath every 6 seconds (10/min) with continuous chest compressions Stages of labour - Correct answer 1: Onset of contractions to effacement and/or complete dilation of cervix 2: Crowning to delivery of newborn 3: Delivery of newborn to delivery of placenta Normal vital signs for a child - Correct answer HR: 60- RR: 12- BP: low: 2xage + 70, high 2xage + 90 Normal vital signs for an adult - Correct answer HR: 60- RR: 12- BP: 90-140 systolic Normal vital signs for an infant - Correct answer HR: 100- RR: 25- BP:70-95 systolic Normal vital signs for a newborn - Correct answer HR: 100- RR: 30- BP: 50- APGAR - Correct answer Appearance 2: Pink 1: Pink body, blue extremities 0: Blue Pulse 2: Over 100
1: Under 100 0: Absent Grimace 2: Prompt response to stimulus 1: Slow response to stimulus 0: Floppy Activity 2: Active 1: Flexed arms/legs 0: Absent/limp Respirations 2: Strong cry 1: Weak cry 0: Absent Rule of nines for infants - Correct answer Head: 18 Whole Torso: 18 Whole Back: 18 Arms: 9 Legs: 13. Genitalia: 1 Rule of nines for a child - Correct answer Head: 12 Whole Torso: 18 Whole Back: 18 Arms: 9 Legs: 16. Genitalia: 1 Rule of nines for adults - Correct answer Head: 9 Whole Torso: 18 Whole Back: 18 Arms: 9 Legs: 18 Genitalia: 1 4 levels of HAZMAT gear - Correct answer Level A: highest level, reps&splash protection for unknown substanceLevel B: full resp protection, chemically resistantLevel C: air purifying respirator, eye and hand protectionLevel D: firefighter gear, not suitable for HAZMAT
4 Levels of Decontamination - Correct answer ... 3 stages of shock - Correct answer -Compensated -Decompensated -Irreversible compensated shock - Correct answer ... What are the lateral leads? - Correct answer I, aVL, V5, V What are the anterior leads? - Correct answer V3, V What are the inferior leads? - Correct answer II, III, aVF What are the septal leads? - Correct answer V1, V King Tube Sizes - Correct answer Size 3: Under 5ft (Yellow) Size 4: 5ft-6ft (Red) Size 5: Over 6ft (Purple) LMA and Igel sizes - Correct answer Size 3: 30-60kg (Yellow) Size 4: 50-90kg (Green) Size 5: 90+kg (Orange) What are the 3 breaches of duty? - Correct answer - Malfeasance
What is the ductus arteriosus? - Correct answer A vessel a growing fetus has that connects the pulmonary artery with the aorta, it carries blood away from the lungs and sends it directly to the body 6 components of the inverted pyramid of taking care of a neonate - Correct answer 1 : (Do What Probably Seems Simple) Dry, Warm, Position, Suctioning, Stimulation 2: oxygen 3: ventilation 4: Chest compressions 5: Intubation 6: medications 3 types of hemorrhage - Correct answer - capillary: oozes from wound, steady bright red blood, clots quick
What is the function of lymphocytes? - Correct answer Plays several different roles in immune response Which leukocytes are considered granulocytes? - Correct answer neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils Which leukocytes are considered agranulocytes? - Correct answer monocytes and lymphocytes Anticoagulant Action Med examples - Correct answer Action: Substance that prevents blood clot formation (commonly referred to as blood thinners) Ex: Heparin, Warfarin, Xarelto Antiplatelet agents Action Med Examples - Correct answer Action:
What is the pathopysiology of Anterior and Lateral ACS? - Correct answer .... TX for Anterior and Lateral ACS - Correct answer - O
START Triage Red (immediate) requirements - Correct answer - Resps
30 or <
Adolescent age range - Correct answer 12-18 years 12-18 year old characteristics - Correct answer - Can think abstractly and participate in decision making
Decerebrate posturing - Correct answer - Associated with a lesion in the brainstem