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Emergency Medical Scenarios, Exams of Mechanics

A series of emergency medical scenarios involving patients of various ages and conditions. The scenarios cover a wide range of medical emergencies, including respiratory distress, trauma, cardiac events, and other acute medical issues. Detailed information about the patients' symptoms, vital signs, and other relevant clinical data, allowing for the assessment and management of these complex medical situations. The scenarios are designed to challenge the reader's critical thinking and decision-making skills, as they must quickly identify the underlying problems and determine the appropriate course of treatment. This document could be valuable for healthcare professionals, such as emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and physicians, as well as students in the medical field, as it offers a comprehensive overview of diverse emergency medical cases and the corresponding clinical decision-making processes.

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Paramedic FISDAP Final |Actual Exam|

(200 Questions and Answers) Latest

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  1. A 30 year old climber is experiencing sever shortness of breath after reaching an elevation of 12000feet. The PT is very anxious and has rales noted to all quadrants but is otherwise healthy. He is not accustomed to high altitudes. What should you do? Administer oxygen while descending to a lower altitude.
  2. A 26 year old female does not respond to verbal stimuli but moans in response to pain. A friend states the patient has ingested approx 150 amitriptyline tables. Vital Signs are BP 88/50 R16. You establish IV access and administer a fluid challenge. En route to the hospital her ECG shows a widening QRS. You should administer Sodium Bicarbonate.
  3. You PT experienced trauma yesterday and you are transferring her to a larger facility. She has been experiencing progressive hypoxia. You notice coarse crackles in all lung fields on ventilation. Vital signs are BP 90/50 and SPO2 90%. You should Transport emergency and continue ventilation.
  4. An alert 22 year old male was just disentangled from debris in a house collapse. He denies head or neck pain, but complains of server hip pain. Vital signs are BP 88/40. P120 R 16 you should administer. sodium bicarbonate
  5. Braxton Hicks contractions occur in the second trimester and are false labor.
  1. A 40 year old male crashed his motorcycle. He had a brief loss of consciousness, woke up and walked home. You find him 2 hours later at home unconscious. You should suspect. epidural hematoma
  2. A 47 year old male who was found unconscious on the side of the road respond only to painful stimulus. When you attempt to establish IV access he stiffens his arms and legs. He has minor abrasions all over his body. Vital signs are BO 178/122 P56 R irregular ETCO2 30. What should you do? Assist ventilations at 12 breaths per minHg.
  3. A 28 year old female has a sudden onset of tightness in her chest and server difficulty breathing. Her tongue face and neck appear swollen and she has red itchy hives on her torso. Her signs are BP 80/40 P
  4. You should administer Epinephrine 0.3mg
  5. You are asked to set up a patient treatment area after a box labeled "radio active" was found unattended in a park. Which of the following would be the best location. Building in the park
  6. You are at a house fire with multiple patients. Which patient should be transported First to a burn center? 52 year old with second degree burns to face and right hand
  1. What is the most common cause of status epilepticus in adults. Failure to take prescribed medications
  2. A 58 year old male with history of renal failure complains of dizziness lethargy and difficulty breathing. He says he missed his last dialysis appointment. Vital signs are BP 160/90 P 100 R 28 with rales heard in the basses. SPO2 92% you should suspect. Fluid Overload.
  3. A 12 year old girl is seizing. Her mom tells you that her daughter has been feeling tired for days. Her skin is dry and she has been very thirsty. Vital signs are BP 118/80 P115 R26 you should suspect. Diabetic ketoacidosis
  4. A 42 year old female has fallen down a flight of stairs. She appears anxious her skin is cool and clammy her radial pulses are weak at 112 beats per min and she complains of abdominal pain in the left upper quadrant with radiation to the left scapula. You should suspect. Torn or lacerated spleen.
  5. Emergency medical responders are ventilating an apneic medical patient with a bag valve mask. You note abdominal distention and minimal chest rise. What should you do? Reposition the head.
  1. A 6 month old male was found lying face down in the crib. He is cyanotic and apneic. A weak brachial pulse is present. You are unable to see a chest rise with your second attempt at rescue breathing after repositioning the head. What should you do. Start CPR
  2. You have just been called to a dialysis clinic for a 58 year old male in cardiac arrest. The online physician may order you to administer which of the following medications. Sodium Bicarbonate.
  3. A 27 year old male has been assaulted with a pen in the supraclavicular area. He is anxious and pale and his vital signs are BP 80/42 P 128 R 32 and shallow. First responders have sealed the wound with a bandage. Assessment reveals lung sounds on the right and poor chest rise what should you do. Burp dressing
  4. A 50 pound child is unresponsive pulseless and apneic. The cardiac monitor displays ventricular fibrillations. CPR is in progress. The initial defibrillator should be at. 50 joules. 2 0. An 11 year old male has been skateboarding in 100 degrees temperature and has been drinking caffeinated soft drinks. He complains of palpations. The cardiac monitor displays a narrow QRS tachycardia at a rate of 160 beats. Vitals signs BP 110/60 P160 R 20 What should you do? Transport the patient by ambulance monitor closely and administer fluids en route.
  1. An 80 year old male in server respiratory distress. He has a history of hypertension and breathing problems. He takes inderal daily. Vital signs are BP 170/70 P72 and irregular R40 and extremely labored skin warm and diaphoretic. Lung sounds are diffuse bilateral crackles and wheezing. He coughs up blood tinged sputum. Which of the following is most important. Decreasing preload
  2. A 50 year old patient is found lying outside on the ground. The ambient temperature is 40 degrees F. You thermometer reads 20C 86F. He is in V-fib and pulseless and apneic. You should Defibrillate once perform CPR intubate and transport rapidly.
  3. To successfully accomplish nasotracheal intubation you should advance the endotracheal tube though the glottic opening to coincide with patient Inhalation
  4. An alert 23 year old male presents with a sudden onset of shortness of breath and chest pain after running upstairs. Breath sounds are diminished in the right side. The most likely cause is. Spontaneous pneumothorax
  5. First responders are treating an apneic adult female. You notice that they are applying frequent long ventilations with an oxygen resuscitator. What effects with their actions create. Increased capillary elasticity.
  1. You are called to a nursing home on a hot summer day for a 88 year old male. The nurse tells you he missed his dialysis appointment because he was complaining of nausea vomiting headache and running a fever. Which differential diagnosis should you consider first. Sepsis and hyperkalemia
  2. You have just administered adenosine to a 62 year old patient with narrow complex tach. The ECG shows an irregular rate of 50 then steadily climbs back to a rate of 169. What would should suspect rapid atrial fibrillation.
  3. A 63 year old male is having a diabetic emergency. He is unresponsive R12 glucometer 28. You cannot establish IV access. You should administer glucagon IM
  4. When setting up a night time landing zone for a helicopter what is the recommended area needed. 100x
  5. A 67 year old with hypo-tension and bradycardia has no responded to pacing or atropine. You should administer dopamine infusion
  6. A 19 year old male has suffered blunt trauma on his left chest. He complains of server dyspnea and pain over the affected area. Vital signs are BP 92/60 P 128 R 32. Breath sounds are very diminished over the left chest. You should perform needle thoracostomy
  1. A 44 year old patient has a persistent cough and occasional spits up bloody sputum. He has been living in a a shelter for the past three weeks and he smells like alcohol you should. Put on N95 mask and eye protection.
  2. While treating a patient with suspected TB. What type of personal protective equipment is essential HEPA respirator
  3. A 2 year old male has been sick over the last 48 hours with a low grade fever runny nose and upper respiratory infection. He has a seal bark cough. The patient is using accessory muscles to breath and appears fatigued his upper airway has stridours sounds. His lung sounds appear clear. SPO2 92% how would you treat the patient. Oxygen nebulized racemic epinephrine transport.
  4. 78 year old male lying unresponsive in his bed vital signs are BP unobtainable. R 12 and normal depth radial pulse rate matches ECG below ECG bradycardia Perform transcutaneous pacing.
  5. A 48 year old patient is chocking on a hot dog. He is unresponsive apneic and has a strong pulse. Chest compression are infective at relieving the obstruction. You should. use lagosopy and magill forceps to remove the object.
  1. 87 year male is complaining of dizziness. Physical exam revals pale cool and diaphoretic skin. Pulse matches ECG bradycardia. You should administer atropine
  2. A 14 year old patient was pulled form a indoor pool. She is pulseless and apneic. You should perform CPR endotracheal intubation establish an IV and administer epinephrine
  3. A trauma patient has lost approx 500ml of blood the amount of crystalloid solutions needed to replace this blood loss is 1500 ml of saline ( 3 to 1 rule)
  4. A 43 year old female has been stuck in the chest with a baseball bat. There is a large bruise over her sternum. She is obversely in pain an states her heart feels like it is beating funny Vital signs are BP 109/80 P 124 and irregular R 22 The ECG show sinus tachycardia with ST elevation and frequent PVC's. You should suspect myocardial contusion
  5. A 28 year female is speaking very quickly and stating that she is going see the president of the united states after she buys all her family members a new car. She has not slept in four days because she does not need sleep. She usually takes lithium but ran out of her prescription about a week ago. vitals 144/ P 128 R 28 you should suspect. manic phase of bipolar disorder
  1. A restrained 23 year old pregnant female is her third trimester was involved in a head on motor vehicle collision. She complains of abdominal pain. initial vital signs are BP 110/70 P 90 R 20. After rapid extrication and spinal immobilization via long spine board her vital signs are BP 90/40 P 110 R 28 what is the most likely explanation for her change in vitals. Supine hypotensive syndrome
  2. A 3 month old infant who weighs 6kg has a history of congenital heart disease. Vital signs are R the ECG hows a narrow complex tachycardia at a rate or 240 cyandic nail beds and spo2 at 88% what should you administer. 0.6 or adenosine IV
  3. A 44 year old male fell from a ladder and is now complaining of pain in the middle of his back at the level of his shoulders blades. He responds to verbal stimulus and vitals signs are BP 70/50 P64 R 20. The patient is most likely suffering from neurogenic shock
  4. A 63 year old female chocked on a piece of steak and is apneic. You partner has visualized a partial obstruction in the trachea. He has been trying to grab it with forceps for more than 2 minutes. What should you advise him to do? Remove the blade and attempt to ventilate.
  5. An unconscious 13 year old patient has minor abrasion on his torso after being struck by a vehicle. The child's parents are not on scene law enforcement and an EMS supervisor are on scene You should? transport the patent to hospital
  1. A 38 year old female is crowing. You note the amniotic fluid contains a substance resembling pea soup. An apneic blue limp infant with a heart rate of 80 beats is delivers. How should you treat the infant. Suction with a bulb syringe and ventilate.
  2. A 56 year old female has a sudden onset of substernal chest pressure. She denies any shortness of breath or nausea. She has a history of arthrosporic heart disease and is talking verapamil. Vital signs are BP 160/90 pulse matches the ECG rhythm below R 16 skin warm and dry. and lungs clear bilateral. What should you do. Nitroglycerin
  3. A 64 year old is sitting in his living room in moderate distress. He is able to speak to you in full sentences but claims he is not feeling right. Vitals signs are BP 1110/64 R 16. Pulse matches monitor (super vertical tachycardia) what should you do. vagal fluids adenosine.
  4. Which I V will be able to administer the most fluid in the least amount of time. 14 gauge 1/2 inch IV catheter.
  5. A 30 year old man is breathing fast and deep. He works at a preschool and believes that the children plan to harm him. Which of the following statement is most helpful when treating the patient. I understand that you are concerned. Can you tell me more about why you fell this way.
  1. A 67 year old man has collapsed and is on the floor. He is pale clammy and moaning with vomit around his mouth. Vital signs are BP 180/30 P110 and weak R28 and shallow. Oropharynx is clear and lungs are clear bilaterally. His ECG shows ventricular tachycardia. That should you do? Synchronized cardio100J
  2. You arrive at the scene of a single vehicle crash. A woman walks up to a your ambulance with a cut on her forehead. You should determine if she is the only victim
  3. A 73 year old male has several fractured ribs on his right side with unequal chest wall movement. He has dyspnea and diminished breath sounds on the right. Vital signs are BP 124/76 P124 R 26 and shallow. His trachea is mid line and neck veins are flat. Most likely has a flail chest segment
  4. You have just converted a 318 lb cardiac arrest patient into a normal sinus rhythm. She is hypotensive and you have been ordered to start the an epinephrine drip at 3mcg/min using a 60 drip set. You have mixed a 4:1 concentration of epinephrine and should set the drip rate at 45 drops/min (clock)
  5. You are assisting with a deliver and the infants head has been deviled. You notice the umbilical cord is wrapped around the infants neck. You should gently slip the cord over the infants head or clamp the cord in two places and cut between the clamps to release the cord.
  1. A 50 year old male is complaining of a chronic cough. He has lost his appetite and has had hot flashes and periods of sweating during the night. He has noticed some red specks in his sputum when he coughs. You should suspect Tuberculosis
  2. A patient has surfaced rapidly from a deep dive and is now complaining of difficultly breathing and extreme muscle and joint pain. You should Transport rapidly to the nearest hyperbaric chamber.
  3. It is mid-December and a 13 month old child is awakened in the middle of the night with barking cough and inspiratory stridor. The child has been ill for a few days with chills and congestion. You should suspect croup
  4. An 80 year old male has just collapsed. Vital signs are BP 90/40 pulse matches ECG 3 degree block R 20 What should you do? Apply transcutaneous pacing.
  5. A patient involved in a motor vehicle crash has an obvious open femur fracture and an angulated right forarm. He is bleeding servery from a scalp laceration. His left arm is guarding his chest and he gasps "i cant breath". You should be MOST concerned by the respiratory difficulty
  1. A 37 year male is chocking and has become unconscious. Attempts to ventilate are unsuccessful. you should perform chest compressions
  2. An unconscious 78 year old male post cardiac arrest is being actively ventilated with a bag valve mask. Initial vitals are BP 98/40 P 82 and irregular. After several minutes reassessment of vital signs are etco2 22 BP 68/28 and irregular spo2 92 you should decrease the rate of respirations
  3. An 86 year old female presents with a rhythm in the ECG she is immobile due to server arthritis and has a history or atherosclerosis and hypertension. What should you suspect Left ventricular hypertrophy LVH
  4. A 37 year old suicidal male is bing violent. Police has pinned him in a prone position but he continues to struggle and fight. You should sedate the patient and place him supine on the stretcher in soft restraints
  5. The termination of pregnancy for maternal health reasons is called a therapeutic abortion
  1. While using the START system at a major incident you encounter a patient not breathing. After positioning the airway the patient breaths 16 a min. You should catagorize him as? Immediate
  2. You are transporting the victim of a major trauma which occurred yesterday to a larger facility. This patient has been experiencing progressive hypoxemia. You hear coarse crackles blatantly during auscultation of the lungs and the pulse oximetry reading is falling in spite of the patent being intubated. You should suspect that acute respiratory distress syndrome has developed
  3. A 19 year old female is 25 weeks pregnant. She has server headache blurred vision and edema she has not regularly seen a doctor during her pregnancy. What other symptom should you expect. hypertension
  4. Which of the following is a cause of multifocal atrial tachycardia Electrolyte imbalance
  5. After receiving Narcan. A patient is waking up quickly and pulling at the airway you have placed. Before removing it you should prepare to begin suctioning
  6. A 66 year old male complains of server dyspnea. His has breath sounds on the right and diminished on the left. He has a long history of cigarette smoking. Vital signs are BP 80/30 P124 R 26 and shallow SPO2 88% on 4 lpm What should you suspect?

Emphysema exacerbation

  1. A patient is complains of left calf pain. The left leg is cool to the touch and paler than the right leg. You should suspect Arterial occlusion
  2. After placing a combitube bilateral breath sounds are present and chest rise is equal. You notice quiet gurgling in the stomach with each ventilation. You should. add air to the distal cuff
  3. A seven month old is breathing at a rate of 60 per min. He has nasal flaring and intercostal retractions. You hear stridorous noises on inspiration. This is most likely caused by a foreign body obstruction the upper airway
  4. A 28 year old suffered a head injury. Vital signs a BP 140/120 P 55 R 30 and irregular. Which of the following signs would you expect to see in this patient. Decerebrate posturing
  5. During transportation you PT becomes very upset complaining about her medical expenses. How should you respond? You seem angry is there any way hat i can help
  1. Which of the following pharmacological agents are most likely to cause premature arterial contractions. stimulants
  2. You are dispatched to a house early on the morning for a family complaining of headaches and nausea. You should evacuate the house.
  3. A patient is threatening suicide because his wife left him. Which of the following statements or questions would be appropriate? What method had you intended to use to kill yourself
  4. A 44 year old male complains of extreme fatigue headache and fever with pain in this right upper quadrant and joints. He admits to a history of alcoholism and smoking two pack per day for the past 20 years his skin and sclera are yellow in color. You should suspect hepatitis
  5. A patient was just pulled from a burning building. You have started oxygen and initiated transport. While en route to the hospital you notice singed hairs around his face and a spot around his nose and mouth.. He is coughing up black sputum mixed with blood and shows signs of increasing hypoxia. Which developing condition is your biggest concern. Laryngeal edema
  1. A 65 year old female complain of sudden onset of server migraine headache. Vitals signs are BP 140/90 P 120 R 22. She has been non complaint with her prescribed imitrex. You should administer morphine
  2. Which of the following will cause a patient with a tension pneumothorax to become hypotensive an increase in intrathoracic pressure
  3. A 23 year old male complains of chills and headache. He was sleeping outside before waking up with these symptoms. He has a reddish ring with a small fluid filed vesicle in the center on his arm. What should you suspect Spider bite.
  4. Which of the following is most important when document a patient refusal The patient's mental status
  5. You have orally intubated an adult pt and are evaluating the tube placement. You hear auscultation sounds over the epigastrium and an absence of breath sounds over the right and left chest. You should remove the ET and ventilate the patent with a bag valve mask
  6. Your elderly patent is supine. She complains of labored respirations. She is cyanotic and has a history of CHF vitals signs are BP 230/100 P120 R 36 What lung sounds would you expect to hear.


  1. You are treating an unresponsive elderly male from a nursing home. He has a surgical incision on his right hip that is is red and warm to the touch. You notice widespread deep purple bruising on his body. Vitals sings are BP 80/40 P116 R 10 spo2 89%. You should suspect disseminated intravascular coagulation
  2. When arriving on a potential HAZMAT incident on the highway you should stage the emergency apparatus. Uphill and upwind
  3. After delivery of a newborn she cries weakly with stimulation and moves all extremities P140 R 18 and irregular her body is pink but the extremities are blue. What is her APGAR. 7 - 8
  4. A 21 year old male is intoxicated he was struck in the head with a bat 3 hours prior to arrival. He has suddenly began acting aggressive towards his friends. A police officer on scene states " i want to arrest him" you should suspect hypoxia and head injury and transport the patient to a hospital
  5. A 5 year old has a sudden onset of high fever score throat and pain on swallowing. His voice is muffled and he is drooling. You should suspect epiglottis
  1. A 19 year old intoxicated female is distraught after being involved in a MVC she is complaining of pain in her head and multiple superficial facial lacerations. Vitals 88/40 P 128 R 28 you should suspect neurogenic shock or Hypovolemia do to bleeding from other injury's
  2. You are working during inclement weather in a remote location. The nearest hospital is more than two hours away. Your patient just delivers a healthy baby boy but has inverted her uterus. What orders you expect from an online physician Replace the inverted uterus with a gloved hand
  3. A 67 year old female with a history of diabetes complainants of nausea and began vomiting an hour ago. She denies any pain her blood glucoses is 208 her skin is cool and pale vital signs are BP 146/88 R 24 P 126 and irregular. What should you suspect Myocardial infarction
  4. A 34 year old female crashed her motorcycle while wearing an open face helmet. She is unconsciousness her facial bones and soft tissue are missing from the nose to the upper part of her neck. You are having difficulty ventilating her and you can see bubbles coming from the center of a large mass of tissues when she exhales. You should insert an ET at the site of the bubbles
  5. A 14 year old female is crying and complain of knee pain after a soccer injury. The knee is deformed and obviously angulated. Distal pulses are intact. You should

apply ice split in position found and transport

  1. A 53 year old man fell from a ladder. he has multiple abrasions and localized swelling on his head. You have oratorically intubated him. His ETOC2 is 30 his pupils are midpoint and reactive how many times per minute should you ventilate 10
  2. A patient involved in a fist fight. He complains of point tenderness in the right upper abdominal quadrant. You should suspect injury to the liver
  3. Successful intubation of a newborn is more successful by placing padding under the shoulders
  4. For the past 5 min you have been providing ventilations to an intubated patient and performing CPR it is becoming progressively more difficult to ventilate and the chest is moving less during inspiration. What should you suspect tension pneumothorax
  5. An elderly pt is complaining of dyspnea that woke her from sleep about an hour ago. She denies chest pain. Auscultation reveals wheezing and crackles in both lower lobes of her lungs. Vitals signs are 158/108 P 128 and irregular R 32 and slightly labored what should you administer albuterol
  1. A 59 year old pt is lethargic with shallow respiration he has a valid DNR order during transport his respiratory rate diminishes to 8 breaths a min you should begin assisting with a bvm
  2. a 89 year old nursing home pt is in respiratory distress. She is on 3 lpm of oxygen by nasal cannula. She has a history of COPD asthma and diabetic and you note wheezing in all lung fields. Vitals BP 146/84 P 114 R 24 you should place her on 15 lpm or oxygen via nonrebreather mask
  3. you are performing Orotracheal intubation with a mac blade. You can see the cords when you notice the top of the blade is in the vellicula you should pass an ET through the cords
  4. A confused 34 year old male is ambulatory ofter crashing his car. Airbags were deployed he complains of extreme wrist pain and double vision. You note deformity and superficial burns on his writs what should you do cspine 110 A patient with server closed head injury vitals 180/112 P 48 R 8 and irregular immediate treatment should include intubate and ventilate at 20 breaths per min

110 A 22 year old pregnant patient is experiencing a significant amount of painless bleeding shorty after sexual intercourse. The most likely cause is placenta previa

  1. An elderly patient has been ill for last few days and has been vomiting. He reports chest discomfort and is now pale and diaphoretic. Vitals BP 130/70 R24. ECG shows (afib RVR) You administer oxygen and now have an IV you should. Fluid bolus
  2. Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia may mimic which of the following conditions CVA
  3. A patient complains of server right upper quadrant pain. Right scapula pain and nausea after eating a cheeseburger you should suspect cholecystitis
  4. Your patent is suffering from exacerbated emphysema which of the following medications is least likely to be a part of his standard therapy nitrates
  1. A 7 year old has a suspected broken arm and numerous bruises what finding would lead you to suspect that a mothers account of the injures may not be true. You note purple yellow and green bruises ( indicates different stages of healing)
  2. A 19 year old female collapsed in the top bleaches during a concert. She is unresponsive and does not appear to be breathing. how should you asses her respiratory status? place a hand on the chest
  3. Followng a cardioversion of a 72 year old female she coverts to the rhythm bellow ( 3 degree) you identity this as third degree heart block
  4. A 13 year old has been found unresponsive. Her mother proves you with a prescription bottle of Oxycontin. What should you give? narcan 119 A man was involved in a lateral impact auto accident that deformed the vehicle. The patient could have sustained a? traumatic aortic dissection 120 You are assisting with vaginal delivery. The infant head has been delivered and the mouth and nose suction. To deliver the anterior shoulder you should gently guide the infants head downward
  1. A 22 year old female 22 weeks pregnant is experiencing abdominal discomfort during evaluation you notice the umbilical cord is pressing the vaginal canal. How should the patient be positioned supine with legs open
  2. Which of the following situations constitutes abandonment? A patient is unattended in the ambulance while loading a second patient
  3. A patient is arching his back and rolling his eyes upward. He was recently prescribed compazine. How should you teat this patient? 25 mg benadryl IVP
  4. A 38 year old male has been sick for a few days he is now complaining of sharp mid chest pain vitals 118/69 pulse 124 and regular and R 24 and slight laberod temp 102. You should suspect? pericarditis 125 46 year old male is alert oriented and complains of a headache. He has tremors in his hands he has been in the detox unit for 32 hours. Vitals signs are BP 210/100 P100 R 25. He has a history of alcoholism and seizures. He takes tegretol you should administer 20mg diazepam
  1. You are reliving a crew form a 24 hour shift before you compete the ambulance check you are dispatched to a cardiac arrest with CPR in progress. what should you do before leaving for the call? ensure essential equipment is present and the ECG monitor is functional
  2. A pregnant patient is experiencing contractions upon examination you notice that the infantst head is bulging from the premium and the patent has the urge to push what stage of labor is this? two
  3. you are dispatched to a playground for a patent with difficulty breathing. Upon arrival you find a five year old male who appears anxious with noted cyanosis and intercostal retraction BP 85/pb P112 R24 with swelling of the upper airway. You should suspect anaphylaxis
  4. A 28 year old female is 34 weeks pregnant and experiences sudden sharp tearing pain in her abdomen and developers a rigid abdomen what should you suspect abruptio placenta
  5. After a prehospital delivery the mother should be allowed to breastfeed her newborn because breast feeding helps constrict the uterus and reduce bleeding
  6. A two year old male has been ill for several days with a respirator tract infection. Yesterday he developed server headache high fever and extreme lethargy. You should suspect. meningitis