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A wide range of emergency medical terminology and concepts, including anatomy, physiology, patient assessment, and treatment protocols. It provides definitions and explanations for various medical terms, structures, and procedures encountered in emergency medical situations. The content is structured in a question-and-answer format, allowing readers to test their understanding of the material. This document could be useful for emergency medical technicians (emts), paramedics, and healthcare professionals who need to familiarize themselves with the terminology and principles of emergency medical care.
Typology: Exams
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A. "I...... can't..... b-breathe." - ANSWhich of the following statements from the patient would best indicate severe difficulty in breathing? A. "I...... can't..... b-breathe." B. "I am struggling to catch my breath.... real bad." C. "I feel like I'm breathing through a straw." D. "I can't breathe regular cause my chest is hurting." A. "I'm not familiar with that disease. Could you tell me about it?" - ANSWhen a 45-year-old male patient tells you that he has a disease with which you are not familiar, it is best to respond by saying: A. "I'm not familiar with that disease. Could you tell me about it?" B. "That doesn't concern me. My job is to treat emergencies." C. "Interesting disease. I just studied it during EMS training." D. "I'm not a physician. Just tell me what's wrong today." A. 0.5 percent. - ANSYour patient has HIV. You are accidentally stuck with a needle that has some infected blood on it. Your chance of contracting the disease is about: A. 0.5 percent. B. 5 percent. C. 10 percent. D. 15 percent. A. 1 - ANSThe means of providing artificial ventilation are:
A. 20 minutes B. 45 minutes C. 1 hour D. 2 hours A. 200 - ANSBefore the oxygen cylinder's pressure gauge reads a minimum of _____ psi, you must switch to a fresh cylinder. A. 200 B. 400 C. 800 D. 1, A. 200 - ANSThe safe residual for an oxygen cylinder is _____ psi. A. 200 B. 300 C. 500 D. 1, A. 21 - ANSA patient breathing in room air should be receiving _____ percent oxygen. A. 21 B. 5 C. 16 D. 100 A. 3, 1, 2, 4 - ANSThe steps in the focused history and physical exam of the unresponsive medical patient include the following:
A. 80 to 90 percent - ANSA nonrebreather mask at 12 to 15 liters per minute can deliver to the patient what percent of oxygen? A. 80 to 90 percent B. 16 to 21 percent C. 24 to 44 percent D. 90 to 100 percent A. A heart rate of 48/min - ANSA patient experiencing bradycardia would have what finding? A. A heart rate of 48/min B. A pulse rhythm that is irregular C. A respiratory rate that is 6/min D. A pulse pressure less than 20 mmHg A. a persistent erection of the penis. - ANSPriapism is: A. a persistent erection of the penis. B. spasms of the hands and feet. C. apparent only in unconscious patients. D. uncontrolled muscle twitches of the thighs. A. A spinal injury may be aggravated. - ANSWhich of the following is the greatest danger to the patient in an emergency move? A. A spinal injury may be aggravated. B. Bleeding may increase after movement. C. The airway may become obstructed.
D. There is no danger associated with an emergency move. A. A trauma patient with a significant mechanism of injury - ANSOn which type of patient is the secondary assessment most often performed? A. A trauma patient with a significant mechanism of injury B. A trauma patient with no significant mechanism of injury C. A responsive medical patient D. An unresponsive medical patient A. acromion process. - ANSThe highest point in the shoulder is the: A. acromion process. B. humerus. C. metatarsal. D. clavicle. A. administering oxygen by nonrebreather. - ANSA 49-year-old male patient who was installing a new roof on a very hot day complains of severe muscle cramps in his legs and feels faint. You should move the patient to a cool place and begin care by: A. administering oxygen by nonrebreather. B. transporting the patient immediately. C. administering oxygen by nasal cannula. D. giving the patient water. A. administration of intravenous fluids. - ANSThe limited number of interventions an EMT can provide include all of the following except: A. administration of intravenous fluids. B. application of an AED. C. application of oxygen. D. insertion of oral or nasal airways.
A. Altered mental status - ANSIn a trauma patient, what is typically the first finding that is consistent with a brain injury? A. Altered mental status B. Systolic hypertension C. Neuromuscular deficit D. Slowing of the pulse rate A. An 86-year-old unresponsive diabetic patient - ANSWhich of the following medical patients will the EMT perform a rapid physical exam on? A. An 86-year-old unresponsive diabetic patient B. A 9-year-old boy with asthma who is scared C. A 32-year-old male with respiratory distress D. A 60-year-old psych patient threatening to kill himself A. an audible alarm when ventilation is activated. - ANSA flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device should have all of the following features except: A. an audible alarm when ventilation is activated. B. a trigger that enables the rescuer to use both hands. C. a peak flow rate of up to 40 liters per minute. D. a rugged design and construction. A. an EMT's clinical judgement. - ANSThe term "sixth sense" is used to describe: A. an EMT's clinical judgement. B. the six steps in a primary assessment. C. a patient's sensory functions. D. the ability to hear. A. apply cricoid pressure. - ANSYou are ventilating an adult patient with a bag-valve mask when you notice that his abdomen is getting bigger. You should: A. apply cricoid pressure.
B. decrease the flow of oxygen. C. apply pressure to the abdomen. D. suction the airway. A. Apply oxygen - ANSEMTs are treating a patient suspected of experiencing a myocardial infarction. Of the following options, which one should the EMT perform first (assuming all could be done immediately)? A. Apply oxygen B. Administer nitroglycerin C. Administer baby aspirin D. Attach the AED and hit "analyze" A. ask the OPQRST questions. - ANSTo obtain a history of a patient's present illness: A. ask the OPQRST questions. B. conduct the subjective interview. C. ask the SAMPLE questions. D. use the look, listen, feel, and smell method. A. assess distal circulation and sensory and motor function. - ANSBefore immobilizing a fractured knee: A. assess distal circulation and sensory and motor function. B. straighten the angulation. C. apply firm traction. D. flex the leg at the knee. A. At the groin - ANSIn which of the following locations is the femoral pulse palpated? A. At the groin B. Behind the knee C. On the medial side of the ankle, posterior to the tibia D. On the medial side of the upper arm
A. autonomic - ANSA division of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary motor functions is called the _____ nervous system. A. autonomic B. central C. sensory D. motor A. blotchy and grayish yellow. - ANSAs frostbite progresses and expsure continues, the skin turns from white and waxy toL A. blotchy and grayish yellow. B. pale and pinkish red. C. deep blue at the nose and cheeks. D. cherry red, except for the extremities. A. blow-by - ANSFlowing ozygen over the face of a small child so it will be inhaled is referred to as the _____ technique. A. blow-bye B. rebreather C. supplemental D. flow-by A. Bradycardia - ANSWhich term applies to a pulse slower than 60 beats per minute? A. Bradycardia B. Ventricular fibrillation C. Tachycardia D. Atrial fibrillation A. Bronchi - ANSWhich of the following structures is found in the lower airway? A. Bronchi
B. Uvula C. Pharynx D. Tonsils A. carina. - ANSThe point at which the trachea divides into the two mainstem bronchi is called the: A. carina. B. sternal notch. C. xiphoid process. D. hypopharynx. A. cerebrospinal fluid. - ANSThe brain and spinal cord are bathed in: A. cerebrospinal fluid. B. lymphatic fluid. C. synovial fluid. D. mucous secretion. A. Check for a radial pulse. - ANSYou have arrived at the scene of a call for a "man down." As you enter the residence you note that your patient is a male in his mid-60s who is awake but does not seem to acknowledge your presence. He is perspiring profusely, has cyanosis of his ears and lips, and has rapid, shallow respirations. Which of the following should you do first? A. Check for a radial pulse. B. Obtain the patient's medical history. C. Listen to his lung sounds. D. Assist ventilations with a bag-valve mask and supplemental oxygen. A. Check your rate of ventilation. - ANSYour patient is a 4-year-old male who was struck by a vehicle and is now unresponsive with an obvious head injury. As you are ventilating him with a bag-valve mask device, you detect increasing resistance to ventilation. Which of the following should you do? A. Check your rate of ventilation. B. Stop ventilations for 1 to 2 minutes to allow trapped air to escape from the lungs.
C. Perform a head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver to ensure that the airway is open. D. Switch to a flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device. A. circulation to the extremity. - ANSA splint properly applied to an extremity should prevent all of the following except: A. circulation to the extremity. B. an open bone injury. C. motion of bone fragments. D. damage to muscle and blood vessels. A. clamp the cord again. - ANSIf bleeding continues from the umbilical cord after clamping and cutting, the EMT should: A. clamp the cord again. B. unclamp the cord and tie. C. apply a sterile dressing. D. transport the baby immediately. A. Congestive heart failure - ANSWhich of the following is the name for a condition caused by excessive fluid build-up in the lungs because of the inadequate pumping of the heart? A. Congestive heart failure B. Acute heart failure C. Acute myocardial infarction D. Chronic myocardial infarction A. Coronary arteries that branch off the aorta - ANSThe cardiac muscle receives its supply of oxygenated blood by which of the following mechanisms? A. Coronary arteries that branch off the aorta B. Coronary veins that branch off the pulmonary vein as it returns oxygenated blood to the heart C. Absorption of oxygen from the blood returning from the lungs D. None of the above
A. Decisiveness - ANSWhich is not generally considered a sign or symptom of stress? A. Decisiveness B. Guilt C. Loss of interest in work D. Difficulty sleeping A. decreased energy and tolerance of heat or cold. - ANSDiminished function of the thyroid gland is one of the effects of aging. This results in: A. thin, dry, wrinkled skin. B. decreased energy and tolerance of heat and cold. C. depression and loss of social support. D. decreased strength. A. deep lacerations or severe bruises to the scalp or forehead. - ANSConsider the possibility of a cranial fracture whenever you note: A. deep lacerations or severe bruises to the scalp or forehead. B. a deformed femur. C. facial deformity. D. blood or other fluids in the airway. A. destruction of the pancreas. - ANSThe complications of sickle cell disease can include each of the following except: A. destruction of the pancreas, B. acute chest syndrome. C. priapism. D. stroke. A. different poisons act on the body at different rates. - ANSIt is important for the EMT to determine when the ingestion of a poison occurred because:
A. different poisons act on the body at different rates. B. those who ingest poison in the evening tend to vomit frequently. C. dilution of the poison is never effective after 10 minutes. D. the antidote is more effective once the poison reaches the stomach. A. direct pressure or pinching. - ANSThe initial effort to control bleeding from a severed neck artery should include: A. direct pressure or pinching. B. applying tape. C. pressure points. D. occlusive dressing. A. do not protect the patient's neck and spine. - ANSDrags are used only in emergencies because they: A. do not protect the patient's neck and spine. B. require excessive energy from the EMT. C. may injure the EMT's back. D. provide full immobilization. A. document with a refusal-of-care form. - ANSIf the patient does not wish to go to the hospital, the EMT should: A. document with a refusal-of-care form. B. take the patient to the hospital anyway. C. end the assessment immediately. D. call for another crew to subdue him. A. ears and nose for blood or clear fluids. - ANSDuring the secondary assessment of the head of a trauma patient, inspect the: A. ears and nose for blood or clear fluids. B. inner surface of the eyelids. C. skin color of the cheeks.
D. mouth for blood and clear fluids. A. edema. - ANSWhen the body's water moves from the bloodstream into the interstitial space, it is called: A. edema. B. hydrostatic. C. dehydration. D. hypovolemia. A. Emergency - ANSWhat type of patient move would the EMT employ if the patient was in a building in danger of collapse that would certainly kill the patient? A. Emergency B. Non-urgent C. Delayed D. Urgent A. Emergency Medical Technician - ANSWhat is the minimum level of certification required of ambulance personnel in most areas? A. Emergency Medical Technician B. Emergency Medical Responder C. Advanced EMT D. Emergency Ambulance Driver A. ensure an open airway. - ANSThe next step in the primary assessment after establishing unresponsiveness is to: A. ensure an open airway. B. check for adequate breathing. C. check for circulation. D. look for profuse bleeding.
A. entering hazmat scenes with SCBA. - ANSEach of the following is the responsiblity of an EMT at a hazardous-materials (hazmat) incident except: A. entering hazmat scenes with SCBA. B. protecting yourself and others. C. recognizing potential problems. D. notifying the hazardous-materials response team. A. Fibrinolytic - ANSExpedient transport of a patient experiencing an MI to the hospital is recommended so the hospital can administer what kind of medication in the hopes of stopping the MI progression? A. Fibrinolytic B. Beta(2) specific C. Antidysrhythmic D. Antihypertensive A. First Responder Awareness - ANSWhat would be the recommended training level for EMS responders as it relates to responding to hazardous materials incidents? A. First Responder Awareness B. First Responder Operations C. Hazardous Materials Specialist D. Hazardous Materials Technician A. flowmeter. - ANSA device that allows the control of oxygen in liters per minute is called a: A. flowmeter. B. G tank. C. humidifier. D. reservoir. A. Focus only on the injury site - ANSA patient has injured the index finger of her left hand while trying to drive a nail with a hammer, accidentally hitting her finger instead. Other than the soft-tissue trauma and skeletal deformity, no other signs of trauma are present. How should the secondary assessment proceed on this patient?
A. Focus only on the injury site B. Complete a full head-to-toe assessment C. There is no need to perform a secondary assessment D. Assess both arms and hands, but not the torso or lower extremities. A. forward. - ANSIn the anatomical position, the person's palms will be facing: A. forward. B. backward. C. upward. D. downward. A. give breaths with a pocket mask. - ANSYour patient was attempting to slide down a railing on a skateboard. He struck a concrete step with his face and is unconscious. You note a clear viscous fluid coming from his nose. He is breathing inadequately and requires ventilation. You should: A. give breaths with a pocket mask. B. suction the fluid to clear the airway. C. insert a nasopharyngeal airway. D. put the victim in the recovery position. A. glucose. - ANSThe basic nutrient of the cell and the building block for energy is: A. glucose. B. protein. C. oxygen. D. water. A. has a medical problem or a trauma problem. - ANSThe primary assessment takes different forms, which depend on the age of the patient and whether he or she: A. has a medical problem or a trauma problem. B. is alert or conscious. C. has a history of diabetes.
D. has a history of head injury. A. Headache - ANSWhich of the following conditions is least likely to be present in a patient suffering a myocardial infarction? A. Headache B. Diaphoresis C. Tachycardia D. Respiratory distress A. high - ANSA patient who gives a poor general impression should be considered a _____ priority. A. high B. low C. delayed D. stable A. How many persons are injured - ANSThe Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD) has told you the exact location of a collision, how many and what kinds of vehicles are involved, and any known hazards. What other information would you like the EMD to provide concerning this collision? A. How many persons are injured B. The direction designator C. How to contact the person who reported the collision D. The nature of the emergency A. Human failure in proper use - ANSWhat is the most common reason that an AED may shock a patient inappropriately? A. Human failure in proper use B. Inappropriate sensing of electrodes on the chest C. Inability of the machine to charge quick enough to defibrillate V-fib D. Failure on the AED processor to determine V-fib is either present or absent
A. hypersensitivity. - ANSWhen a person has an exaggerated response to a body invader, the person is said to have: A. hypersensitivity. B. antibody reaction. C. histamine dump. D. hyposensitivity. A. hypoglycemia. - ANSA diabetic found with a weak, rapid pulse and cold, clammy skin who complains of hunger pangs suffers from: A. hypoglycemia. B. cardiogenic shock. C. hyperglycemia. D. ulcers. A. In loco parentis - ANSYou respond to a middle school for a 12-year-old male patient who has been hit by a car. You get consent to treat the patient from the school principal. What concept allows the principal to speak for the parents? A. In loco parentis B. Informed consent C. Res ipsa loquitar D. Healthcare proxy A. Inability to carry oxygen - ANSDuring the management of a patient known to have sickle cell anemia, the patient is complaining of shortness of breath. This could be due to what change in her red blood cells? A. Inability to carry oxygen B. Inability for the heart to pump the sickle-shaped cells C. Inability for the lungs to take in oxygen and produce carbon dioxide D. Inability of the red blood cells to use oxygen for energy production A. Inadequate perfusion - ANSShock occurs as a result of what?
A. Inadequate perfusion B. C/Q match C. V/Q match D. Adequate perfusion A. increase the concentration of oxygen. - ANSYou are aggressively ventilating an adult patient with a bag-valve mask when you notice that his previously strong pulse is getting weaker. You should: A. increase the concentration of oxygen. B. reduce the concentration of oxygen. C. reduce the volume of the ventilations. D. begin chest compressions. A. Inhalation - ANSThe mechanical process of respiration (ventilation) occurs in two phases. Which phase sees a negative pressure inside the thorax in order to make the ventilation process work? A. Inhalation B. Exhalation C. Pause before inhalation D. Pause before exhalation A. Inhalation - ANSWhich of the following respiratory processes requires the active use of muscles? A. Inhalation B. Bifurcation C. Exhalation D. Gas exchange A. insert a nasopharyngeal airway. - ANSYour patient is breathing 4 shallow breaths a minute due to overdosing on his pain medication but he has a palpable radial pulse. The patient gagged while you suctioned his airway. Now that the airway is clear, you should: A. insert a nasopharyngeal airway. B. insert an oropharyngeal airway.
C. ventilate the victim in the recovery position. D. compress the chest to clear the lungs. A. Insulin - ANSThe patient with diabetes has a pathophysiologic problem with what hormone? A. Insulin B. Glucose C. Dopamine D. Norepinephrine A. internal bleeding. - ANSA 45-year-old female patient who is vomiting coffee-ground-like material and complaining of abdominal pain probably has: A. internal bleeding. B. a seizure history. C. gallbladder problems. D. ingested a strong acid. A. It may give a false reading. - ANSWhy should the stethoscope not be placed under the cuff and then inflated when evaluating the blood pressure? A. It may give a false reading. B. It can dent the stethoscope. C. The patient will not like the feeling. D. It will prevent pumping the cuff to the proper pressure. A. Keep the weight as close to your body as possible when lifting - ANSWhich of the following lifting techniques is best for maintaining good body mechanics to avoid potential injury? A. Keep the weight as close to your body as possible when lifting B. Use a backboard for moving patients down stairs whenever possible C. When given the choice, pull a wheeled cot rather than push it D. Carry, rather than use a wheeled device, for moving patients a distance
A. Lack of humidity can dry out the patient's mucous membranes. - ANSWhy do some EMS systems use humidified oxygen? A. Lack of humidity can dry out the patient's mucous membranes. B. It provides a reservoir for the oxygen. C. It limits the risk of infection. D. It is helpful when transporting patients short distances. A. legs bound together with wide cravats. - ANSA 40-year-old female patient with a fractured pelvis should be immobilized on an orthopedic stretcher or long spine board with: A. legs bound together with wide cravats. B. long padded boards secured down each side of the body. C. stabilizing sandbags placed between the legs. D. straps securing the torso and pelvis. A. life threatening. - ANSAll open wounds to the chest should be considered: A. life threatening. B. potentially infectious. C. a low priority. D. an indication for PASG. A. Low oxygen and high carbon dioxide - ANSWhat do chemoreceptors found in the body and vascular system measure? A. Low oxygen and high carbon dioxide B. High oxygen and low carbon dioxide C. Low oxygen and low carbon dioxide D. High oxygen and high carbon dioxide A. Mandible - ANSWhich of the following is the only movable bone of the face? A. Mandible B. Maxilla
C. Zygomatic D. Manubrium A. Manual airway technique - ANSYou are caring for a diabetic patient with low blood sugar. The patient is unresponsive with sonorous airway sounds. He has a rapid pulse and peripheral perfusion is intact. Which of the following interventions is of utmost concern for this patient? A. Manual airway technique B. Suctioning out the airway C. Providing high-flow oxygen D. Administration of oral glucose A. manual stabilization of the head for a trauma patient. - ANSThe difference between the general impression steps for a medical patient and those for a trauma patient is: A. manual stabilization of the head for a trauma patient. B. no SAMPLE is taken for a trauma patient. C. the medical patient is treated faster. D. the AVPU is not used for a medical patient. A. missing out on the secondary diagnosis. - ANSYou are treating a patient who was found on the floor in the basement of his son's house. It seems evident that he has a fractured hip as he lies on the floor in pain. If you stop the search for a diagnosis as soon as you come up with the cause of today's problem, this can lead to: A. missing out on the secondary diagnosis. B. overconfidence and misdiagnosis. C. overestimating the frequency of the problem. D. all of these. A. narrowing down a long list. - ANSThe traditional approach to diagnosis involves: A. narrowing down a long list. B. jumping to conclusions. C. taking lots of shortcuts.
D. eliminating similar conditions. A. Nasal cannula at 6 lpm - ANSA child was running with a broken stick in her hand when she suddenly fell, and the stick she was carrying became impaled through her mouth and into her hard palate. Including proper positioning and stabilization of the object, how should the EMT apply oxygen? A. Nasal cannula at 6 lpm B. Simple face mask at 10 lpm C. Pediatric face mask at 12 lpm D. Nonrebreather mask at 15 lpm A. NHTSA - ANSWhat agency has established national EMS standards as well as an assessment program to achieve these recommended standards? A. NHTSA B. NREMT C. NAEMT D. NAEMSE A. nonrebreather mask. - ANSThe best way to deliver high-concentration oxygen to a breathing patient is to use a: A. nonrebreather mask. B. partial rebreather mask. C. bag-valve mask. D. nasal cannula. A. not as accurate as the auscultation method. - ANSDetermining blood pressure by palpation is: A. not as accurate as the auscultation method. B. used when there is no noise around a patient. C. documented as the "palp/diastolic." D. used whenever the patient is hypertensive.
A. not relevant. - ANSWriting a statement such as "The patient's daughter was rude to us" on a prehospital care report (PCR) is: A. not relevant. B. objective information. C. run data information. D. an example of what should be included in quotes. A. notify the police immediately. - ANSIf anyone at the scene is in possession of a weapon, the EMT should: A. notify the police immediately. B. ask the person to give it to you. C. ignore the person with the weapon. D. advise the person to leave the scene. A. objective information. - ANSThe EMT writes "The patient is alert and oriented" on the prehospital care report (PCR). This is an example of: A. objective information. B. a statement beyond his or her training. C. subjective information. D. nonfactual information. A. opening the trunk and cutting the battery cable. - ANSThe three-step process of disentanglement described in the text includes all of the following except: A. opening the trunk and cutting the battery cable. B. creating exits by displacing the doors and roof posts. C. disentangling occupants by displacing the front end. D. gaining access by disposing of the roof. A. opposite sides - ANSTo load the wheeled ambulance stretcher into the ambulance, the two EMTs should position themselves on _____ of the stretcher.
A. opposite sides B. opposide ends C. the same side D. one end and one side A. oral glucose. - ANSA conscious hypoglycemic patient who is able to swallow is frequently administered: A. oral glucose. B. insulin. C. nitroglycerin. D. epinephrine. A. oral glucose. - ANSMedications that are carried on the ambulance and that EMTs can administer include activated charcoal, oxygen, and: A. oral glucose. B. nitroglycerin. C. epinephrine. D. all of these. A. OSHA 1910.1030. - ANSEach emergency response employer must develop a plan that identifies and documents job classifications and tasks in which there is the possibility for expoure to potentially infectious body fluids. This is required by: A. OSHA 1910.1030. B. the Ryan White CARE Act. C. the AIDS Protection Act. D. OSHA 1910.120. A. Painful - ANSWhile orienting a new EMT hire to your EMS system, you quiz him over general knowledge and ask him to define what the mnemonic "DCAP-BTLS" stands for. Which of the new EMT's answers below is incorrect? A. Painful