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Emergency Medical Trauma Scenarios, Exams of Nursing

A series of emergency medical trauma scenarios, covering a wide range of injuries and situations that first responders may encounter. The scenarios cover topics such as pericardial tamponade, fractures, impaled objects, respiratory distress, shock, burns, and more. Detailed information on the appropriate assessment and management of each case, highlighting the critical decision-making skills required in emergency trauma situations. By analyzing these scenarios, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the principles of trauma care, the importance of rapid and accurate diagnosis, and the appropriate interventions to stabilize and transport patients to definitive medical care. This document could be a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, emergency medical technicians, and students interested in emergency medicine and trauma care.

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Available from 10/16/2024

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An adult was pinned between two vehicles. He is conscious but confused and unable to follow commands. He has bruising on both sides of his anterior chest. He has a weak carotid pulse, no peripheral pulses, clear breath sounds in all fields, and distended neck veins. You should suspect: - ANS Pericardial tamponade An 18 year old male is holding his right shin after a sports-related injury. There is deformity and swelling; pedal pulses are present. You should: - ANS Apply a board splint in the position found A man has a knife impaled at the fourth intercostal space, left sternal border. He is pulseless and not breathing. You should - ANS Remove the knife from the chest A 42 year old male has a piece of metal impaled in his lower right leg. He has an obvious open fracture and no pulse in his right foot. What should you do? - ANS Stabilize with bulky dressings prior to transport A 47 year old male was shot in the back. He is cool and clammy and has arm weakness. Vital signs are bp 130/90, p 76, r 24. You should suspect - ANS Spinal cord injury A 28 year old male was fleeing from the police and sustained a shallow, 1 centimeter laceration to his forearm while climbing a rusted chain link fence. He is refusing transportation. What should your concern be? - ANS Infection A 32 year old male sustained facial trauma after falling from a roof. He has snoring respirations. What should you do? - ANS Perform a modified jaw-thrust A 50 year old male has an obviously deformed right lower leg after falling off a roof. As you approach you notice a tear in the skin over the deformity. What should you do? - ANS Realign and splint the leg

A 53 year old female was hit by a car. She is unresponsive with deformity to the left femur and pelvic instability. She has diminished lung sounds on the left side. You should - ANS Rapidly transport to the nearest emergency room Which of the following trauma patient is suffering from the most severe brain injury? - ANS A semi- conscious 34 year old with decerebrate posturing A snowmobile rider was thrown 15 feet from his vehicle. Finger is deformed and his sternum is tender to palpation. He says, "i think i'll be okay", and refuses transport. What should you do? - ANS Ask him if you can perform a detail assessment A patient has a 4 inch stick lodged in her eye. You should - ANS Stabilize the stick with gauze, place a paper cup over the affected eye, and dress the unaffected eye. A 32 year old male is unconscious after being struck in the head by a baseball bat. His pulse and breathing are slow and you see minor bleeding from a laceration at his left temple. Your partner is maintaining manual c-spine stabilization. You should - ANS Measure and apply a rigid c-collar A four year old male has suffered an arm amputation during a farming accident. How should you manage the amputation limb? - ANS Apply dressing and seal tightly with plastic wrap A patient has diminished breath sounds on one side. Chest rise is unequal. You should suspect - ANS A pneumothorax A 16 year old male complains of extreme pain to his chest. You note his shirt is splashed with battery acid. Vitals are bp 150/100, p 100, r 24. You should - ANS Remove his shirt and flush skin with water What is the most important factor when a person is struck in the chest with a baseball? - ANS The speed of the ball at impact

A pedestrian was struck by an automobile. His skin is pale, cool, and diaphoretic. He is oriented to name only and complaining of difficulty breathing. Vital signs are bp 80/40 (low), p 120, r 28 (bordering high) and shallow, spo2 90% (bordering low) you should - ANS Administer oxygen with bag valve mask A 25 year old assault victim is splitting up light pink sputum. He has bright, red blood spurting from a 2 inch laceration to his left forearm, what should you do? - ANS Apply direct pressure to the wound A 21 year old football player was hit from the side and landed head first onto the ground. He was ambulatory on scene and is now oriented to name only. He refuses care and transport. You should - ANS Ask the team coach for assistance A trauma patient has several wounds oozing blood. After completing the scene size up, you should - ANS Immediately dress and bandage all wounds A patient was stabbed in the chest, and the knife was removed prior to your arrival. You noticed blood and bubbles leaking from the wound. You cannot find an occlusive dressing. You should - ANS Apply a dry, sterile dressing and tape down on three sides A 24 year old male sustained burns to his eyes, nose, and mouth when the radiator cap on his car blew off. You should treat for - ANS Respiratory swelling A patient has a chemical burn on her eye and is wearing contact lenses. You should - ANS Remove her contact lens and administer an irrigating solution A patient present with pain and bruising to the right upper quadrant following a motor vehicle collision. You should suspect injury to which of the following organ? - ANS Liver When treating an abdominal evisceration, you should - ANS Cover with a moist sterile dressing

An 18 year old male fell off his skateboard, struck his head on the concrete, and immediately started screaming. He is alert and oriented to name only. You should - ANS Immobilize and expedited transport A patient is found dead at the scene. What is the glasgow coma score would he receive? - ANS 3 What is the appropriate care for an amputated extremity? - ANS Wrap in dry gauze, seal in a plastic bag and place in cool water A woman was struck in the face with a softball bat. She is unconscious. Vital signs are bp 74/50, p 60, r8. What should you do? - ANS Apply modified jaw thrust and immobilize A 25 year old male is in respiratory distress after being stabbed in the chest. Blood is bubbling from a 2 cm laceration to his left chest wall. Lung sounds are diminished on the left side. You should - ANS Apply an occlusive dressing A 40 year old male fell off a ladder and broke his leg. His left knee now bends the wrong way. You should

  • ANS Check for pulse, motor and sensation in lower leg A patient presents with jugular vein distention (jvd), muffled heart sounds, and clear breath sounds. You should suspect - ANS Pericardial tamponade What is the most likely cause of bilateral periorbital ecchymosis? - ANS Basilar skull fracture Your patient is bleeding profusely from the scalp. You should - ANS Apply direct pressure with a sterile gauze A 62 year old male is found unresponsive next to a ladder. Vital signs are bp 80/48, p 60, r 24. What should you suspect? - ANS Neurogenic shock

In chest wounds, the crackling sensation produced by air flowing into the surrounding tissues is called subcutaneous... - ANS Emphysema A 28 year old patient was a driver of a motorcycle that was traveling at 45 mph. He was not wearing a helmet. The patient is lying supine with copious amounts of blood around his face. He is making gurgling sounds and is breathing 4 times a minute. Which of the following maneuvers would be most appropriate? - ANS Jaw thrust without head tilt An early indicator of shock includes - ANS Tachycardia A 22 year old male was ejected from his vehicle. He complains of numbness and tingling in his extremities. What should you do? - ANS Stabilize the cervical spine After securing your trauma patient onto a long backboard, you should immediately assess.. - ANS Sensory, pulse, motor function Which of the following is considered an open wound? - ANS Abrasion A patient received a severe steam burn to his hand and wrist. You should - ANS Remove his watch Proper management for an avulsion of the ear includes - ANS Banding in the correct anatomical position A patient has a stab wound to the upper left quadrant. Which organ would most likely be injured? - ANS Spleen Your patient has been stabbed in the right upper quadrant. Which organ is the most likely to be injured?

  • ANS Liver

A 75 year old female was in a motor vehicle collision and says she cant feel her legs. Vital signs are BP 80/40 , P 60, R 24. You should suspect - ANS Neurogenic shock A 45 year old male fell asleep outside while doing yard work. His face and lower legs are bright red, with small blisters and painful on examination. You should suspect - ANS Both Superficial and partial thickness burns An unresponsive 18 year old female was found in the supine position with bleeding in the mouth and from the nose. Respirations are 20 per minute. What should you do? - ANS Suction the oropharynx An altered 24 year old male has been stabbed in the abdomen. The patient is sitting, holding abdominal contents and complaining of dizziness. He does not want to be touched. Vital signs are BP 70/40, P 120,R

  1. You should - ANS Lay him down and apply a moist dressing An 81 year old female fell out of bed last night and was placed back into bed. This morning the nurse is suspecting a hip fracture. Which of the medications should concern you? - ANS Coumadin A man fell while water skiing. He is unconscious. You should suspect - ANS Head and spine injury You arrive at a motor vehicle collision and find that your patient has extricated herself from the vehicle and is walking around. She complains of neck pain. You should - ANS apply a c-collar A 23 year old soccer player was kicked in the chest. He is alert with rapid, shallow respirations and complains of chest pain. Skin is pale, cool, and wet. You should - ANS oxygenate via a non-rebreather mask A 22 year old woman has been in an accident on her moped. She is laying on the ground breathing well and still wearing her helmet. You should - ANS leave her helmet in pace until you begin stabilization

A patient has a 3 cm laceration above his left eye. It is bleeding profusely. You should - ANS Apply several 4x4 dressings to the wound using pressure to hold A 30 year old was involved in a minor motor vehicle accident. Upon your arrival she is standing outside of her vehicle complaining of lower back pain. You should immobilize her using a - ANS long spine board Which injury is most likely to require routine assessment and transport? - ANS Deformed wrist injury Your first concern with a conscious patient who has partial thickness burns to his face is treating - ANS Airway problems A 23 year old male received burns to his feet while stomping out a campfire. He is still wearing his shoes and the rubber soles and shoelaces have melted together. What should you do? - ANS Place his feet in a bucket of cold sterile water A 45 year old male crashed his snowmobile. His skin is cool and pale. His vital signs are BP 198/96 P 48 R slow and irregular. What should you suspect? - ANS Neurogenic shock A 24 year old pedestrian is unconscious after being struck by a car. She has ineffective breathing and bloody secretions in her mouth. You should - ANS Immediately suction her oropharynx Decompensated shock can be recognized by - ANS Decreased blood pressure You are treating a patient with agonal respirations and a gunshot wound to the chest. You notice an open skull fracture leaking brain matter. There is no radial pulse. You should - ANS Assess a carotid pulse and assist ventilations A 28 year old male suffered Blunt trauma to the right anterior chest. He is pale,cool,diaphoretic,and responsive to verbal stimuli. Respirations are 38 and shallow with paradoxical movement. What should you do? - ANS Oxygenate with positive pressure ventilations

A 28 year old patient was a driver of a motorcycle that was traveling at 45 mph. He was not wearing a helmet. The patient is lying supine with copious amounts of blood around his face. He is making gurgling sounds and is breathing 4 times a minute. You should - ANS Suction the airway A baseball player was hit by a baseball in the left eye and complains of double vision. What should you do? - ANS Assess pupillary response A 59 year old male is trapped in his car by a broken gas pedal through his foot. He has gone into cardiac arrest. You should - ANS Attach AED and follow prompts