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EMSIC – Michigan Test Study Guide 185 Questions with 100% Correct Answers., Exams of Community Corrections

EMSIC – Michigan Test Study Guide 185 Questions with 100% Correct Answers.EMSIC – Michigan Test Study Guide 185 Questions with 100% Correct Answers.EMSIC – Michigan Test Study Guide 185 Questions with 100% Correct Answers.

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EMSIC – Michigan Test Study Guide 185 Questions with

100% Correct Answers.

The term used to describe the art and science of helping adults learn through facilitation is called? - Correct Answer Andragogy What document clearly articulates a vision for an education system? - Correct Answer EMS Education Agenda for the Future Whose mission is to promote EMS education, develop and deliver education resources, and advocate research and life long learning for the professional EMS educator? - Correct Answer National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE) An individual who possess the appropriate academic and/or allied health credentials, an understanding in education principles and theories, and the required teaching experience to provide quality instruction to an EMS cohort is known as? - Correct Answer Primary Instructor An individual who assists the primary instructor to instruct and evaluate any domain of learning in the classroom and laboratory is known as? - Correct Answer Secondary instructor A defined group of students who are attending a class together is called? - Correct Answer Cohort How many profession attributes and skill sets are there for EMS Instructors? - Correct Answer 10 A single block of instruction provided at a single point in time is called? - Correct Answer Class Duty to Act, Breach of Duty, Injury, Causation are all elements needed to prove? - Correct Answer Negligence Something for which one is legally obligated is called? - Correct Answer Liability The actions of a reasonable and prudent individual who possesses the similar training and experience is known as? - Correct Answer Standard of Instruction Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Student Injury, Patient Injury, and ADA are what? - Correct Answer Potential Areas of Liability for the Instructor What Law allows for the procedure for access to educational records, including the reasonableness of time for such access? - Correct Answer Buckley Amendment

The Buckley Amendment is also know as? - Correct Answer The Family Education Rights Act of 1974 (FERPA) What Law has the same principles as HIPPA? - Correct Answer Buckley Amendment What law allows for certain reasonable accommodations must be made to students with documented disabilities? - Correct Answer Americans with Disabilities Act What year was the original Copyright Act enacted? - Correct Answer 1907 Where would one go to get permission to use copyrighted materials? - Correct Answer Copyright Clearance Center This Law was enacted to cover copyright issues regarding digital transmission of information? - Correct Answer Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 Actual ownership of educational materials you design and produce while employed for an educational setting is known as? - Correct Answer Intellectual property rights What ethical theory is God's will and word? - Correct Answer Divine Law What ethical theory is based on Greek Philosophy? - Correct Answer Virtue Ethics This ethical theory states that what I think is best for me is good? - Correct Answer Egoism Only whatever the individual/group/culture decides is right is right is which ethical theory? - Correct Answer Ethical Relativism Promoting the greatest good for the greatest number is which ethical theory? - Correct Answer Utilitarianism Doing your moral duty and acting as a model for others to follow is known as? - Correct Answer Duty Ethics Those principles and values that actually guide, for better or worse, an individuals personal conduct - Correct Answer What Guy says about Morals A specific set of principles, values, and guidelines for a particular group or organization - Correct Answer What Guy says about Ethics Instructor is centered in front of the students but the students desks are arced in a half- circle around the instructor and may be arranged on terraces or levels is known as which classroom arrangement? - Correct Answer Theater Style

Instructor is positioned in front of the students with desks lined up in rows is known as which classroom arrangement? - Correct Answer Lecture style Chairs or desk arranged in in a circle, square or rectangle with an open space in the middle is known as which classroom arrangement? - Correct Answer Circle, square, or rectangle with open center The instructor should sit with the group and participate or stand off to the side after providing any instruction is an example of which classroom arrangement? - Correct Answer Circle, square, or rectangle with closed center Partial circle, square or rectangle with an open area is known as which classroom arrangement? - Correct Answer Chevron or U Shape Which classroom arrangement is an ideal environment for individual instruction or for groups of 2-3 students to work relatively uninterrupted? - Correct Answer Individual Workstations Tables or workstations oriented within a large open space is known as which classroom arrangement? - Correct Answer Group Workstations Classroom arrangements that provide a teacher centered approach? - Correct Answer Lecture/Theater Style Classroom arrangements that provide a student centered approach? - Correct Answer Closed Circle, Individual/Group Workstations This classroom arrangement allows for a combined teacher and student centered approach? - Correct Answer Open Circle, Chevron A student who benefits from oral presentation of information: discussion, listening, and verbalizing is known as what type of learner? - Correct Answer Auditory A student who benefits from visual presentation of information, looking things up, writing things down, and seeing the words is known as what type of learner? - Correct Answer Visual A student who learns best by manipulation is known to be what kind of learner? - Correct Answer Kinesthetic A global learner is know to be? - Correct Answer Right Brained What type of person is an analytic learner? - Correct Answer Left Brained

This person who needs to process the big picture view first, then can concentrate on the individual parts that make up the big picture is known to be? - Correct Answer Global Learner What type of learner needs to process information logically, sequentially, in small parts?

  • Correct Answer Analytic Learner Howard Gardner is known as the father of? - Correct Answer The theory of multiple intelligences How many multiple intelligences are there? - Correct Answer 7 This person enjoys working with the spoken word and languages? - Correct Answer Linguistic This person enjoys visual , artistic imagery, has the ability to construct visual pictures in their mind? - Correct Answer Spatial This person enjoys puzzles and problem-solving requiring thought? - Correct Answer Logical-mathematical This person enjoys music and understands the language of music? - Correct Answer Musical This person has aptitude for sports and recreational activities involving bodily movements? - Correct Answer Body kinesthetic This person works well with others and is tuned into those around them? - Correct Answer Interpersonal This person enjoys self-reflection and introspection, is aware of their own body? - Correct Answer Intra-personal The art and science of teaching is known as? - Correct Answer Pedagogy Whose research described the major areas of learning and thinking and classified them into three large groups called domains of learning? - Correct Answer Benjamin Bloom What are Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor? - Correct Answer Domains of Learning Knowledge, Application, Problem solving are known as? - Correct Answer 3 Level system What is the highest Level of the Cognitive Domain? - Correct Answer Evaluation What is the lowest Level of the Psychomotor Domain? - Correct Answer Imitation

Which domain is the hardest domain to evaluate? - Correct Answer Affective What is the highest level of the Affective Domain? - Correct Answer Characterization What is the lowest level of the Affective Domain? - Correct Answer Receiving What is the lowest level of the Cognitive Domain? - Correct Answer Knowledge What is the highest level of the Psychomotor Domain? - Correct Answer Naturalization What percent do we remember about what we say and do? - Correct Answer 90% What percent do we remember about what we hear? - Correct Answer 20% About how much do we remember of what we can describe and talk about? - Correct Answer 70% About how much do we remember of what we read? - Correct Answer 10% About how much do we remember of what we see? - Correct Answer 30% About how much do we remember of what we see and hear? - Correct Answer 40% Written examinations, static presentations, and oral examinations are examples of? - Correct Answer Cognitive Evaluation Skill competency exam, scenario based exam, evaluation in clinical or field setting, on- the-job performance are examples of? - Correct Answer Psychomotor Evaluation Class participation, leadership, peer supervision, role modeling, adherence to policy are examples of? - Correct Answer Affective Evaluation An overarching, global statement of expected learning outcome is known as? - Correct Answer Goal A statement of expected learning in terms of behaviors students will exhibit is known as? - Correct Answer Objective Compares objectives and goals determine if the content to be delivered will meet the goals established for the course is known as? - Correct Answer Performance Agreement Audience, behavior, condition, and degree are all what? - Correct Answer Parts of an objective

What part of an objective describes the receiver of the instructional activity? - Correct Answer Audience What part of an objective describes learner capability? - Correct Answer Behavior What part of an objective describes any circumstance that will impact upon the behavior the student will exhibit? - Correct Answer Condition What part of an objective states the standard for acceptable performance (time, accuracy, proportion, quality, etc.? - Correct Answer Degree The anticipated training is evaluated to determine who, what, where and when are all part of? - Correct Answer Needs Assesment A document that serves as a framework or guide to the instructor while the lesson is being presented is known as? - Correct Answer Lesson Plan What type of instructional style is also called face to face? - Correct Answer Traditional Lecture Referred to the "sage on the stage" because the instructor is the expert who is the center of the learning experience is known as? - Correct Answer Behaviorist Approach Scenarios, case studies, rehearsals, and practice drills are know as? - Correct Answer Role Playing Student makes meaning by experiencing things for themselves is known as what type of instructional style? - Correct Answer Constructivism The instructor uses constructivist principles to guide, coach and mentor the students known as what type of instructional style? - Correct Answer Collaborative/Informal Learning is taking place where students and instructor are separated either by time or place is which instructional style? - Correct Answer Progressive Ongoing evaluation of the students and instruction conducted throughout the course is know as what type of evaluation? - Correct Answer Formative Evaluation Performed at the completion of the delivery of a larger section of material, a module or program is known as what type of evaluation? - Correct Answer Summative Evlauation A structured instrument to assess student's attainment of interim and/or terminal course objectives is known as what type of evaluation? - Correct Answer Formal Evaluation

Less structured method of assessing students achievement used primarily to provide corrective feedback to both the student and the instructor is known as which type of evaluation? - Correct Answer Informal Evaluation Term used for all of the components of a written examination question including the question, correct (or best) answer and incorrect answers is known as? - Correct Answer Item Part of the Item first offered refers to the? - Correct Answer Stem The correct or best answer is known as? - Correct Answer Key An answer to a question that is a false or incorrect answer designed to to a plausible alternative to the correct answer is known as? - Correct Answer Distractor How much time should be allowed per item of a standard multiple choice test? - Correct Answer 1 Minute per item The extent to which an exam is consistent in measuring student performance is known as? - Correct Answer Reliability The extent to which an exam is representative of a defined body of knowledge is known as? - Correct Answer Content Validity Does the instrument measure similar performances consistently is referred to as? - Correct Answer Replicability A variety of techniques involving coaching, mentoring, and positive reinforcement is known as? - Correct Answer Facilitation Ability to use the information learned in a new setting is known as? - Correct Answer Transference Open ended questions are often used to evaluate what? - Correct Answer Critical Thinking Of all the circumstances that can drain an instructor's motivation what is the top cause?

  • Correct Answer Abusive or rude students Wishing to perform a community service is what type of motivation? - Correct Answer Intrinsic motivation Comes from outside of the individual is what type of motivation? - Correct Answer Extrinsic Motivation

Setting high standards for your class and students will rise to meet them is an example of? - Correct Answer Motivating Students Setting new personal goals will help combat? - Correct Answer Boredom Transferring concepts to other contexts to further learning is known as? - Correct Answer Metacognition An instructor showing the students a skill then asking them to imitate exactly what the instructor did is an example of? - Correct Answer See one do one Naturalization is sometimes called? - Correct Answer Muscle Memory The instructor demonstrates the entire skill, then demonstrates the skill again step-by- step, then demonstrates the entire skill again is known as? - Correct Answer Whole- Part-Whole Technique Affective domain helps to develop what? - Correct Answer Professional Judgement Violence, Threats of Violence, Sexual Harassment, Hazing, Discrimination, and Destruction of Property are all examples of? - Correct Answer Illegal Behaviors Foul Language, Loud Voices, Angry Voices, Sleeping, and Non-participation are all examples of? - Correct Answer Uncomfortable Behaviors A student who asks irrelevant questions is exhibiting what type of behavior? - Correct Answer Seeking Attention A student who refuses to follow directions is exhibiting what type of behavior? - Correct Answer Seeking Power A student who is cruel to others is exhibiting what type of behavior? - Correct Answer Seeking revenge A student who does not answer when called upon is exhibiting what type of behavior? - Correct Answer Feeling Inadequate Identifying the problem is the first part of what process? - Correct Answer Remediation In which religion/s is Saturday is the Sabbath? - Correct Answer Seventh Day Adventist and Jews Which religion/s forbids celebrations? - Correct Answer Jehovah's Witnesses Which religion/s may not administer blood or blood products? - Correct Answer Christian Scientists and Jehovah's Witnesses

Which religion/s prays five times a day? - Correct Answer Muslims Which religion/s fasts for 24 hours once a month - Correct Answer Mormons Which gender interacts to form relationships? - Correct Answer Women Which gender establishes hierarchy of order? - Correct Answer Men What profession is considered a nontraditional gender role? - Correct Answer Female paramedic Approximately how many Americans have a physical disability? - Correct Answer 43 million What percentage of all communication that is non-verbal? - Correct Answer 50-90% In 1940 what was the percentage of immigrants that came from Europe? - Correct Answer 70% What agency provides accreditation for EMS in programs throughout the country? - Correct Answer CoAEMPS The Highway Safety Act of 1996 established which Federal Agency that oversees EMS? - Correct Answer NHTSA In the State of Michigan how many credits does an EMT need to renew their license? - Correct Answer 30 In the State of Michigan how many credits does an Paramedic need to renew their license? - Correct Answer 45 You want to become an initial program sponsor, prior to teaching your first class how many days prior do you need to submit paperwork to the State of Michigan? - Correct Answer 60 days A student who processes information best when multi-tasking in a busy environment with other people has what type of learning style? - Correct Answer Social Lack of time, lack of money and lack of confidence are all barriers to what? - Correct Answer Motivation Paraphrasing and repeating back what was said is an example of? - Correct Answer Checking for understanding

What would make a simulation feel more realistic for the students? - Correct Answer Using moulage Where would an instructor find information for Pediatric curricula? - Correct Answer Emergency Medical Services for Children Who is the private organization that is a national licensing body for EMS that many states participate in? - Correct Answer NREMT Research that relies on statistical results represented as numbers? - Correct Answer Quantitative Primary purpose is the solution of an immediate response? - Correct Answer Applied research Which of the following is the best example of why teachers should be a life-long learner.

  • Correct Answer EMS education is continually changing and IC's need to stay current. You have a student who is having difficulty passing the section exams. Based on adult learning principles you decide to take the following actions to help the student during remediation. - Correct Answer Have the student practice more of the skills that support the lecture potions of class so they are an active participant. What is the difference between training and education? - Correct Answer Training is teaching a specific skill set and education is changing a behavior and thoughts. Which of the following skills is required by the State of Michigan to be taught and assessed as part of an initial Emergency Medical Technician program but IS NOT required by the National Curriculum? (so in other words, National Registry would not test EMT's on this skill) - Correct Answer Supraglottic Airway Device (Combitube and King Tube) Which of the following levels of licensure must complete a portfolio as part of the course completion requirements? - Correct Answer Paramedic An EMT course has just finished at the Local EMS Academy. How many days does the college have to submit the course completion roster? - Correct Answer 30 days In Michigan, EMS providers licensure is valid for how many years before renewal? - Correct Answer 3 In an EMS program, which of the following roles would be the primary responsibility to collaborate with the program manager to ensure medical accuracy of the course content? - Correct Answer Medical Director

Which of the following documents set forth the current four level of EMS licensure that designates the skills for each level? - Correct Answer National EMS Scope of Practice Model When submitting paperwork for approval of a continuing education credit, how many days in advance does the State need to receive the paperwork? - Correct Answer 30 days An EMT student approaches you and states that they have 24 CE credits completed. They want to know how many more they need to complete to renew their license in Michigan? - Correct Answer 6 The term liability can be best described as? - Correct Answer Legal obligation A student is physically injured in class during an argument by another student. This is an example of? - Correct Answer Battery An instructor is sued for failure to supervise students using the ambulance cot during a skill practice session and a student gets hurt. Which are of the law would this fall under?

  • Correct Answer Tort Law During a practical exam a group of students state they are not familiar with a trac"on splint and unable to complete the skill. The lab instructor did not teach the traction splint to this group of students. This is an example of: - Correct Answer Errors and omission A paramedic program guarantees that every student who attends their program will pass the National Registry test. A student does not pass the national test and sues the school. Which of the following areas of law would this lawsuit be considered? - Correct Answer Civil What is the core motivator for behaviors, the guiding principles of conduct? - Correct Answer Values It is important to understand your own learning style because? - Correct Answer You tend to teach the way you learn If a student can choose the appropriate splint for a fractured arm and applies it appropriately this would be consider which level of learning? - Correct Answer Application Identify the "condition" of this objective: Provided and objective, the IC Student will determine if an objective is missing any of the ABCD parts 8 out of 10 times. - Correct Answer Provided an objective This is an example of qualitative criteria when writing the degree of an objective: - Correct Answer Adopt a new behavior

This is a characteristic of an objective: - Correct Answer Unambiguous What is the behavior of the following objective? "Given the patient's history, the medical first responder will be able to explain the steps in providing emergency medical care to a patient with a behavioral change." - Correct Answer Explain the steps Using the A,B,C,D model of writing an objective, what is missing from the following objective? "The Basic EMT will identify the patient who presents with a general medical complaint, 9 out of 10 times." - Correct Answer Condition Read the following statement: "The students will understand what a medical emergency is." Which word makes this a learning goal? - Correct Answer Understand What assessment is performed while writing a lesson plan - Correct Answer Formative Limited war stories can be beneficial especially during which part of the lesson plan? - Correct Answer Motivational activity When designing you lesson plan it is important to introduce your subject matter for the lesson: - Correct Answer Early in the presentation An instructor that delivers instruction using the constructivism theory would most likely: - Correct Answer Create simulations that reflect the content that was just taught for the week. You are assessing students inserting an oral airway. The students are expected to select an airway an insert it into the manikin. This is an example of which type of exam?

  • Correct Answer Rote practical exam What would be a low stakes test? - Correct Answer Quiz The National Registry EMT exam is an example of which of the following type of test. - Correct Answer Criterion - Referenced Exam An example of an informal, formative assessment would be? - Correct Answer Homework Assignment The exchange of information, thoughts, ideas, and feelings is: - Correct Answer Communication Using good judgment in what you say and do and making sure you communicate your point directly without offense is called: - Correct Answer Discretion An example of a psychological barrier to communication is? - Correct Answer A feeling of confusion about conversation

During class you engage students with questions while lecturing. Students seem to be struggling with the answers. Which technique could assist in this process to help students answer questions? - Correct Answer Pause, allow time to process the question How many levels are listed in the psychomotor domain, as in the blooms taxonomy? - Correct Answer 5 Deliberate education activity designed to correct deficits identified during formal and informal evaluation is called? - Correct Answer Remediation Conferences and workshops are useful because? - Correct Answer Observing other teach helps you identify other teaching ideas Which of the following resources would provide you with the most appropriate information on work place safety standards? - Correct Answer OSHA