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EMT FEMA EXAM 100C: Incident Command System (ICS) Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive overview of the incident command system (ics) used in emergency management. It covers key concepts, principles, and applications of ics, including its structure, organization, and management. A series of questions and answers related to ics, providing valuable insights for emts preparing for the fema 100c exam.

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Incident Command system

  • applicable to both small and large complex incidents
  • establishes common processes for incident-level planning and resource management
  • allows integration of resources When is Incident Command system used?
  • provide organizational structure for incident management
  • guides process for planning, building, and adapting the structure The ICS and NIMS are the same, and these terms are used interchangeably False ICS could be used to manage a large sporting event or a visit from a foreign dignitary true ICS is a standardized, on-scene, widely applicable approach to incident management true What system uses standardized management approach to ensure that incidents are properly managed and communications are effectively coordinated? ICS Modular organization
  • responsibility for establishment of expansion rests with Incident Commander Management by Objectives
  • establish specific, measurable incident objectives
  • identify tactics, strategies, tasks and activities to achieve objectives
  • develops and issues assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols
  • document results for incident objectives Incident action planning
  • concise, coherent means of capturing and communicating overall incident priorities, objectives, strategies, tactics, and assignments in both operational and support activities
  • cover a specified timeframe
  • identify needed resources and specify communication protocols Which of these is NOT a characteristic of an IAP? D. it focuses on previous operational periods in order to provide lessons learned Manageable Span of Control refers to the number of individuals or resources that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident Incident Facilities and locations
  • established by Incident Command
  • include command post, base, staging areas, camps, triage areas, point-of-distribution, emergency shelters Comprehensive Resource Management
  • standard mechanisms to identify requirements, order and acquire, mobilize, track and report, demobilize, and reimburse and restock resources
  • including resource identification; qualification, certification and credentialing personnel; planning for resources; acquiring, storing, and inventorying resources Integrated Communications development and use of a common communications plan and interoperable communication processes and systems that include voice and data links
  • necessary to maintain connectivity, achieve situational awareness, and facilitate information sharing Span of control refers to the fact that a supervisor can effectively manage an unlimited amount of resources false In part, comprehensive resource management describes standard mechanisms used to identify requirements and acquire, mobilize, track, and demobilize resources true Integrated communications are necessary for situational awareness true Establishment and Transfer of Command the jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident designates the Incident Commander and the process for transferring command Unified Command
  • there is no single "Commander"
  • manages an incident only through jointly approved objectives
  • allows agencies with different legal, geographic, and functional responsibilities to work together effectively
  • this command is established when no single jurisdiction, agency or organization hast the authority or resources to manage the incident on its own Chain of Command
  • allows an incident commander to direct and control the actions of all personnel on the incident
  • avoids confusion by requiring that orders flow from supervisors Unity of Command while chain of command relates to the overall hierarchy of the organization, unity of command deals with the fact that all individuals have a single designated supervisor to report to Incident command Sets the incident objectives, strategies, and priorities and has overall responsibility for the incident. Operations conducts operations to reach incident objectives and establishes tactics and directs all operational resources Planning supports the incident action planning process by tracking resources, collecting/analyzing information, and maintaining documentation Logistics arranges for resources and needed services to support achievement of the incident objectives Finance/Administration monitors costs related to the incident; provides accounting, procurement, time recording, and cost analyses

Intelligence/Investigations collect, analyze, and disseminate incident-related information Public Information Officer interfaces with the public and media and/or with other agencies with incident related information requirements Safety Officer monitors incident operations and advises Incident Commander on all matters relating to safety Liaison Officer Incident Commander's point of contact for representatives of governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private-sector organizations Incident Coordination ensures the onsite ICS organization receives the information, resources, and support needed to achieve those incident objectives