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A patient has a burn that appears charred, dry and leathery. The patient complains of little or no pain at the site. This urn would be classified as: A. Epidermal B. Superficial C. Full-thickness D. Partial-thickness - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Full-thickness An unstable, traumatized patient is breathing at a rate of 15 breaths per minute. To deliver oxygen, you should use a: A. Nasal canula B. Venturi mask C. Simple face mask D. Nonrebreathing face mask - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Nonrebreathing face mask
What type of bleeding is difficult to control because of the high pressure? A. venous B. arterial C. capillary D. Lymphatic - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Arterial The primary method of controlling bleeding is by A. Elevation B. Direct pressure C. Pressure points D. packing the wound - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Direct pressure A man who has fallen from the roof of a two story house has obvious bone injuries to his lower extremities and is bleeding freely from a wound to his left side. He has a blood pressure of 104/54 mm Hg, a thready pulse of 128/min. After securing his airway and giving oxygen by mask at 15 LPM, you should next: A. Control the bleeding from the wound B. Splint the bone injuries C. Record his vital signs again
D. Apply and inflate a pneumatic counterpressure device - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔control the bleeding from the wound Hypoperfusion is another name for A. shock B. cyanosis C. Hypoxia D. hypertension - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔shock The parameters and limitations of a given medical provider refers to: A. EMT-B competency B. The scope of practice C. Good Samaritan Laws D. personal knowledge to provide care - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔the scope of practice How a person should act or carry out a procedure is called the: A. Duty to act B. Standard of care C. community conduct
D. good samaritan act - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔standard of care Which of the following components are needed to prove negligence? A. duty to act, abandonment, breach of duty, and causation B. duty to act, breach of duty, injury/damages, and causation C. abandonment, breach of duty, damages and causation D. breach of duty, injury/damages, abandonment and causation - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔B. Duty to act, breach of duty, injury/damages, and causation A patient has granted you permission to start treatment. This is called: A. Consent B. Duty to Act C. Standard of Care D. Res Ipsa Loquitur - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔consent Which of the following patients has the right to refuse treatment? A. Minor B. Unconscious patient
C. Mentally competent adult D. Mentally incompetent adult - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Mentally competent adult Diabetic patients with an altered LOC are in need of prompt care because: A. Hypertension can lead to unconsciousness B. Hypoglycemia can lead to unconsciousness C. Insulin overdose can lead to heat exhaustion D. Cold skin temperatures can lead to hypothermia - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Hypoglycemia can lead to unconsciousness Oral glucose works in the body by A. decreasing blood sugar levels B. decreasing insulin production C. increasing blood sugar levels D. increasing insulin production - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔increasing blood sugar levels Oral glucose should not be given to diabetic patients who: A. are found unconscious
B. have low blood pressure C. are complaining of abdominal pain D. have been drinking alcoholic beverages - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔are found unconscious What are the classic signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia? A. warm, dry skin; hunger; abdominal pain; deep, rapid respirations B. warm, dry skin; irritability; bradycardia; rapid respirations C. cold, clammy skin; bradycardia; hunger; deep, rapid respirations D. cool clammy skin; increasing anxiety tachycardia; shallow, rapid respirations - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔cool clammy skin; increasing anxiety; tachycardia; shallow, rapid respirations The diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract during: A. Inhalation B. Exhalation C. Exhumation D. Accessory breathing - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Inhalation The topographic term used to describe the rear surface of the body is:
A. Anterior B. Exterior C. Inferior D. Posterior - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔posterior The function of the right atrium is to: A. pump the blood to the body B. pump the blood to the lungs C. receive blood from the pulmonary veins D. receive blood from the veins of the body and the heart - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔receive blood from the veins of the body and the heart Which of the following systems has specialized tissue that produces rhythmic electrical impulses? A. Skeletal B. Endocrine C. Circulatory D. Cardiac - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔cardiac The inferior portion of the sternum is called the:
A. talus B. coccyx C. manubrium D. Xiphoid process - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Xiphoid process What structure contracts and sends a wave of blood through the arteries? A. Left atrium B. Left ventricle C. Right atrium D. Right ventricle - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔left ventricle The skin is the body's major organ for regulating the body's: A. Functions B. Secretions C. Respirations D. Temperature - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔temperature A flap of skin torn loose describes what type of injury?
A. Abrasion B. Avulsion C. Laceration D. Amputation - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Avlusion A safe residual amount of oxygen in a cylinder is: A. 500 psi B. 2,000 psi C. 500 liters per minute D. 2,000 liters per minute - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔500 psi To select the proper size of nasal airway, you should measure: A. only the diameter of the nostril B. from the tip of the nose to the chin C. from the tip of the nose to the earlobe D. from the tip of the nose to the corner of the mouth - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔from the tip of the nose to the earlobe Proper body mechanics means lifting the patient
A. safely B. in the easiest way C. using techniques of weight lifters D. in the most efficient way to prevent injuries to yourself - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔The most efficient way to prevent injuries to yourself Which of the following conditions or situations presents the MOST unique challenge to the EMT-B when immobilizing an elderly patient on a long backboard? A. Abnormal spinal curvature B. Joint flexibility C. Patient disorientation D. Naturally deformed bones - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔abnormal spine curvature When you record a blood pressure on a run report, the systolic pressure is written as which number? A. Top B. Middle C. Bottom D. Does not matter - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Top
What information should be noted when you assess a patients pulse? A. depth, rate, clarity B. difficulty in finding C. rate, regularity, volume D. if the patient can feel his own pulse - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔rate, regularity, volume Systolic blood pressure is defined as the measurement of the pressure exerted against the walls of the: A. veins while the heart is at rest B. Veins during contraction of the heart C. Arteries while the heart is at rest D. Arteries during contraction of the heart - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Arteries during contraction of the heart When you inspect a patients pupils with a flashlight, the pupils should normally react to the light by: A. Dilating B. Fluttering C. Constricting
D. Not responding - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Constricting Which of the following is NOT a sign of respiratory distress? A. Nasal flaring B. Labored breathing C. Low blood pressure D. Accessory muscle use - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Low blood pressure What skin color is associated with cyanosis? A. Pale B. Jaundice C. Bluish tint D. Reddish complexion - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Blush tint As you assess a patients breathing, you should note the: A. Tidal volume B. Strength of breathing C. Rate and effort of breathing
D. Height of chest rise during inspiration - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Rate and effort of breathing With regard to the legal implications of child abuse: A. EMT-B's must report all suspected cases of child abuse B. Child abuse should be reported only if it can be proven C. You should document your perceptions on the run form D. A supervisor can forbid you from reporting possible abuse - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔EMT-B's must report all suspected cases of child abuse You have responded alone to a child who appears to be unresponsive. What is the first step in your treatment of the child? A. Call for help, then check for respirations B. Establish unresponsiveness and check for respirations C. Establish unresponsiveness, call for help, open the airway, and check for respirations D. Check for respirations an feel a pulse - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Establish unresponsiveness and check for respirations Why is delivery with a prolapsed cord considered a true emergency?
A. It is a sign that the baby is too large to be delivered outside of the hospital B. It is a sign of a possible miscarriage as the baby's blood supply is cut off C. It may threaten the baby's life because the baby's blood supply is cut off D. It may threaten the mother's life as the decrease in blood supply might lead to seizures - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔It may threaten the baby's life because the baby's blood supply is cut off Which of the following organs provides nourishment to and removes waste products from the baby? A. Cervix B. Vagina C. Placenta D. Perineum - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Placenta Which of the following is a sign of inadequate ventilation? A. Skin color does not improve with oxygen B. The chest rises and falls with each ventilation C. There are 12 ventilations per minutes in an adult
D. Exhalation is heard escaping from the lungs with each ventilation - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Skin color does not improve with oxygen Which of the following methods is used to open the airway in a patient that does not have a neck injury? A. Head-tilt/neck-lift B. Head-tilt/chin-lift C. Simple hyperextension D. Hyperextension/jaw-thrust - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Head- tilt/chin-lift When using the one-person bag-valve mask technique, you should maintain a seal using the: A. E-C technique B. Jaw-thrust technique C. Double hand technique D. Head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔E-C technique What is the most common cause or airway obstruction in an unconscious patient?
A. Vomitus B. The tongue C. Blood clots D. Aspirated food - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔The tongue Suctioning of oral cavity in an adult patient should be accomplished within how many seconds? A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔ 15 When using an auto-injector to give epinephrine, the primary injection site is the: A. Abdomen B. Upper arm C. Lateral portion of the thigh D. Medial portion of the thigh - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔lateral portion of the thigh You are performing your initial assessment on a 38 year old woman with an allergic reaction. She states that she has mild
headache, trouble breathing, and a sense of impending doom. The first treatment you should give her is: A. Oxygen B. Nitronox C. Proventil D. Activated charcoal - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Oxygen Which of the following drugs can you help give if the patient has a prescription and you have consent from medical control? A. Cocaine B. Demerol C. Morphine D. Epinephrine - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Epinephrine The usual skin reactions to an allergen include itching and: A. hives B. atrophy C. coldness D. Blueness - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔hives
A worker at the community swimming pool is complaining of being dizzy and states, "I can't catch my breath." Co-workers tell you they found him in the chemical supply room. Bases on this history, you suspect: A. toxic inhalation B. toxic absorption C. toxic overdose D. Poisoning by ingestion - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔toxic inhalation Cardiac arrest in children is commonly caused by: A. a heart attack B. a congenital defect C. Primary heart disease D. respiratory problems - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔respiratory problems The bluish discoloration of the skin caused by a lack of oxygen is called: A. Cyanosis B. Halitosis C. Kyphosis
D. Ecchymosis - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Halitosis In what area of the lungs does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occur: A. Trachea B. Alveoli C. Bronchi D. Bronchioles - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔alveoli Living cells begin to die when they are deprived of: A. water B. oxygen C. sunlight D. carbon dioxide - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔oxygen How many vertebrae protect the spinal cord? A. 7 B. 1 C. 31 D. 33 - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔ 33
The part of the brain responsible for cardiac, respiratory, and other vital lift functions is called the: A. Cerebrum B. brain stem C. Cerebellum D. Occipital lobe - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔brain stem What area is secured last when you are placing a patient on a long spine board? A. legs B. chest C. waist D. head - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔head When you suspect a head injury, it is important to look at: A. Scene safety B. personal safety C. The mechanism of injury D. The mechanism of extraction - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔the mechanism of injury
You are called to the scene of a possible diving accident at a local pool. You suspect a spinal injury. The patient should be removed from the water with a: A. Sager splint B. Stokes basket C. Short spine board D. Long spine board - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔long spine board When you relay patient information via a radio, communications should be: A. brief and concise B. coded and scripted C. spoken in a loud voice D. unhurried and complete - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔brief and concise What is the main reason for the written report? A. research data B. quality assurance C. continuity of care
D. legal documentation - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔continuity of care The term behavioral emergency is defined as: A. A person's mental activity B. Behavior that is within the acceptable norms C. The manner in which a person acts or performs D. a change in mood or behavior that cannot be tolerated by person, family or community - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔a change in mood or behavior that cannot be tolerated by person, family, or community Your care for a patient with hot, dry skin should include: A. Putting the patient in a sitting position B. massaging the body to increase blood flow C. Cooling the patient rapidly to cause shivering D. Applying cold packs to the neck, groin, and armpits - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Apply cold packs to the neck, groin, and armpits What is the process by which a person loses body heat by sweating? A. radiation
B. convection C. conduction D. evaporation - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔evaporation Hypothermia occurs when A. heat gained exceeds heat lost B. heat lost exceeds heat gained C. air temperature exceeds body temp D. air temperature drops below body temp - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔heat lost exceeds heat gained Localized cold injuries do NOT tend to occur on the: A. ears B. nose C. abdomen D. extremities - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔abdomen Which of the following is NOT a factor leading to hypothermia? A. Drugs B. Excessive clothing
C. Cold environment D. injuries to the spinal cord - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Excessive clothing The AED should be applied to: A. uninjured patients who are pulseless and apneic B. trauma patients who are in cardiopulmonary arrest C. medical patients who have a very weak, slow pulse D. patients who you think may experience cardiac arrest - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔Uninjured patients who are pulseless and apneic A 55 year old man is found unresponsive in his home. To use the AED, the patient must have: A. Brain damage B. Dilated pupils C. a pulse and no respirations D. no pule and no respirations - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔no pulse and no respirations A stress debriefing would NOT be conducted for:
A. pediatric abuse B. a job promotion C. a mass casualty situation D. the death of a serious injury of a co-worker - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔a job promotion At the scene of an automobile accident, a utility pole has been broken and power lines are lying across the car. The patients inside the car are conscious. You should: A. proceed with normal extrication procedures B. Remove the wires from the car and continue the extrication C. Advise the patients to get out of the car and walk to the ambulance D. advise the patients to stay inside the car and then contact the electric company - CORRECT ANSWER ✔✔advise the patients to stay inside the car and then contact the electric company The stage of the emotional response to death and dying when family members fail or are unwilling to recognize the seriousness of the situation is called: A. anger B. denial C. depression