Download EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Questions & Answers 2024 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 4-Year-old female tracheostomy pt has pulled out her tracheostomy tube. The opening is partially obstructed with skin. You should A. Use a soft tip catheter and suction until clear B. Insert a nasal airway into stoma C. Wipe the area clean and perform mouth to stoma ventilation D. Cut the skin away from the stoma - Correct Answers ✅Use a soft tip catheter and suction until clear To protect yourself from injury when lifting a stretcher you should A. keep the weight as close to your body as possible B. use two additional ppl for the lift C. lean forward toward the stretcher - Correct Answers ✅keep the weight as close to your body as possible An unresponsive 10 year old male was hit by a car and is bleeding heavily from an open leg fracture. After securing his airway and manually stabilizing c-spine, you should: A. place the patient in Tredelenburg position B. perform a rapid trauma assessment C. control bleeding from the leg wound D. immobilize the extremity using a ladder splint - Correct Answers ✅control bleeding from the leg wound * EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 The strongest portion of the heart that is responsible for circulating blood to the entire body is the A. Left atrium B. Right atrium C. Left ventricle D. Right ventricle - Correct Answers ✅Left ventricle A 46 y/o female was involved in a bar fight and has an obvious open neck wound. You should dress this wound with a/ an A. Occlusive dressing B. Sterile gauze dressing C. Pressure dressing D. Moist gauze dressing - Correct Answers ✅Occlusive dressing * When assessing a pulse, you are feeling the: A. relaxation of the atria B. contraction of the left ventricle C. contraction of the left atrium D. relaxation of both ventricles - Correct Answers ✅contraction of the left ventricle* EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 B. Document his refusal and recommend that he see his doctor C. Speak calmly to him and convince him to accept transport D. Have the police transport the pt to detox unit - Correct Answers ✅Speak calmly to him and convince him to accept transport Your 12 yr old patient has a penetrating wound to the abdomen. You may provide care based on A. informed consent B. expressed consent C. implied consent - Correct Answers ✅implied consent A victim of smoke inhalation has developed difficulty breathing. He does not like the smell of the mask you are using to deliver O2. You should A. Switch to a NC set to deliver O2 @ 6 LPM B. Restrain the pt and continue administering O2 via NRB C. Explain that the mask is very important and continue its use D. Administer blow-by O2 via Simple mask - Correct Answers ✅Explain that the mask is very important and continue its use EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 23 y/o construction worker twisted his foot climbing up a ladder. He has an obvious deformity on the right leg just below the knee. The lower leg and foot are cyanotic and pulseless. You should A. Apply an air splint and transport B. Apply spinal immobilization and elevate the leg C. Pull gentle traction and apply a splint D. Apply a traction splint and transport - Correct Answers ✅Pull gentle traction and apply a splint Which of the following is TRUE about the insertion of an OPA? A. the OPA is always rotated 360 degrees as it is inserted B. if properly inserted, the OPA will keep the tongue out of the way C. the OPA should be inserted until the flange rests below the patient's teeth - Correct Answers ✅the OPA should be inserted until the flange rests below the patient's teeth* While ventilating a near drowning pt, you suddenly feel increased resistance in the airway. You should A. Perform abdominal thrust B. Place pt in lateral recovery position C. Attempt to reposition the head EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 D. Apply firm pressure to the abdomen - Correct Answers ✅Attempt to reposition the head A 28 y/o female who is 12 weeks pregnant has twisted her left knee while walking. She states the pain is 10/10 in severity. You should A. Apply a traction splint and immobilize with a long spine board B. Transport on her left side and hold manual stabilization until she gets the hospital C. Splint with the stretcher and straps and transport her on her left side D. Splint using board splints and cravats and transport sitting - Correct Answers ✅Splint using board splints and cravats and transport sitting A 20 yr old female complains of severe abdominal pain. She is in the fetal position. After your primary assessment, you should A. transport immediately to hospital B. palpate all 4 quadrants of abdomen C. obtain baseline vital signs - Correct Answers ✅obtain baseline vital signs* An intoxicated 33 y/o female was fighting with police. You note some minor scrapes on the pt's leg and face. The pt is being verbally abusive to you. The police want your approval to take the pt to jail. You should EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 D. Atherosclerosis - Correct Answers ✅Atherosclerosis A 60-year-old pt with stoma is apneic. You have been suctioning pink frothy sputum for 10 seconds and you continue to get more material. You should A. continue suctioning and have a partner ventilate through the pt's mouth B. suction until airway is clear C. stop suctioning and give a breath D. use a saline solution to moisten secretions and continue suctioning - Correct Answers ✅stop suctioning and give a breath A pulseless and apneic 68 year old male has an implanted pacemaker in his right shoulder Without delaying defibrillation, where should you apply the AED pads? A. anterior chest and back (between shoulder blades) B. nipple line under the left and right armpits C. left shoulder (to avoid pacemaker) and lower right chest D. right shoulder (directly over the pacemaker) and the left lower chest - Correct Answers ✅anterior chest and back (between shoulder blades) EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 You are transporting a patient who has been restrained due to hostile behavior. He is complaining that he has no feeling in his hands and is threatening to sue you if you don't remove the restraints. You should: A. place padding between the restraint and the patient's skin B. loosen the restraints C. assess the patient's distal circulation frequently D. remove the restraints - Correct Answers ✅assess the patient's distal circulation frequently* During a birth the baby's head was delivered. You should: A. suction the mouth and nose with a bulb syringe B. insert a Delee suction catheter in the mouth C. suction the mouth only with a bulb syringe D. suction for 15 seconds with a pediatric suction device - Correct Answers ✅suction the mouth and nose with a bulb syringe* Your patient is a 65 year old male complaining of chest pain. Which of the following would be a contraindication for assisting with the administration of sublingual nitroglycerin? A. Heart rate >100 B. Heart rate <100 C. SBP >100 EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 D. SBP <100 - Correct Answers ✅SBP <100 What are the two manual methods of opening a patient's airway? A. head tilt-chin lift and jaw thrust B. head tilt-chin lift and nasopharyngeal airway C. jaw thrust and finger sweep D. head tilt-chin lift and oropharyngeal airway - Correct Answers ✅head tilt-chin lift and jaw thrust Your patient is in labor. As the baby's head delivers, you notice the amniotic sac has not broken. You should: A. use your gloved finger to puncture the membrane B. place mom on her knees to take the pressure off the sac C. place mom on O2 to prevent fetal distress D. have mom pant - Correct Answers ✅use your gloved finger to puncture the membrane A conscious 7 year old patient has chemical burns around her mouth from ingesting drain cleaner. Her breathing is adequate. You should: A. evaluate the patient's airway B. flush burns with water C. contact medical control EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 30 year old male has been struck by a car. You note a contusion and pain to his left hip. There is no crepitous on exam. Vital signs are: BP 110/60, P 72, R 12; You should suspect: A. ecchymosis B. fractured pelvis C. neurogenic shock D. long bone contusion - Correct Answers ✅fractured pelvis A patient with chest discomfort becomes unresponsive during transportation to the hospital. What is the most appropriate action? A. start CPR while you assess for pulselessness and apnea, then apply AED and shock if necessary B. stop vehicle, confirm pulselessness and apnea, apply an AED, and shock if necessary C. confirm pulselessness, apply an AED, and advise partner to drive vehicle emergently D. confirm pulselessness, initiate CPR, stop the vehicle and apply an AED - Correct Answers ✅confirm pulselessness, initiate CPR, stop the vehicle and apply an AED** Which of the following statements regarding suctioning of an adult is true? A. you should insert the suction catheter only as far as you can visualize EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 B. you should start ventilations if suction cannot clear the airway C. you should only suction for a maximum of 30 seconds D. you should remove the suction catheter with the suction machine turned off - Correct Answers ✅You should insert the suction catheter only as far as you can visualize When driving an ambulance, operators must drive with the safety of others in mind. This is known as driving: A. defensively B. with privileges C. with due regard D. offensively - Correct Answers ✅with due regard A patient is in respiratory distress after eating soup brought by her neighbor. Her neighbor states "She was eating and suddenly her throat got tight." She is sitting bolt upright in a tripod position. You should suspect A. Anaphylaxis B. Choking C. Emphysema D. Asthma - Correct Answers ✅Anaphylaxis EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 23 y/o patient is lethargic. The patient just finished mowing the lawn. He is drooling and sweating profusely. You should suspect A. Hyperglycemia B. Hypoglycemia C. Heat stroke D. Intoxication - Correct Answers ✅hypoglycemia Your 18-mo. old pt has pale cool skin, decreased mental status, and delayed cap refill. The mother tells you that the child's diaper has been dry for most of the day. First responders have applied oxygen. You should A. position the child on his side and transport B. rapidly transport and monitor vital signs C. ventilate with BVM and transport rapidly D. transport rapidly and apply wet towels enroute - Correct Answers ✅rapidly transport and monitor vital signs After delivering a shock with an AED the patient begins to move and speak. You should A. begin BVM ventilations B. immediately remove AED pads to avoid accidental shock C. perform a sternal rub to assess LOC EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 2 year old conscious and alert patient has ingested an unknown quantity of aspirin. You call medical control and may be advised to A. administer activated charcoal by mouth B. administer syrup of ipecac by mouth C. perform several abdominal thrusts - Correct Answers ✅administer activated charcoal by mouth * Your 23 year old male patient is acting erratically. Which of the following would be most important to relay to the ER? A. medications B. last doctor visit C. allergies - Correct Answers ✅medications * Your patient complains of itching and difficulty breathing after a bee sting. He reports no known allergies. His vitals are: BP 136/86, P 118, R 20. You should A. administer O2 via nasal cannula and transport immediately B. administer O2 via NRM and transport immediately C. recommend the patient take an oral antihistamine and contact his physician - Correct Answers ✅administer O2 via NRM and transport immediately * EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 Which of the following is an anatomical difference between an adult and an infant airway? A. The infants trachea is more rigid B. The infants trachea is softer C. The adults tongue is proportionally larger D. The adults mouth is proportionally smaller - Correct Answers ✅The infants trachea is softer Your 36 y/o pt is unresponsive upon attempting to insert an OPA, the patient gags, You should A. Insert a nasal airway B. Suction the oropharynx C. Reattempt using a smaller oral adjunct D. Insert a dual lumen airway - Correct Answers ✅Insert a nasal airway An alert and oriented patient is complaining of severe chest pain, but he refuses transportation against medical advice. You should A. insist that he be transported by ambulance B. accept his right to refuse care and leave the scene C. contact law enforcement for assistance EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 D. contact law enforcement for assistance - Correct Answers ✅accept his right to refuse care and leave the scene * You respond to car accident on a busy city street. You are the first emergency vehicle on scene. Which of the following best describes where you should park the ambulance? A. directly in front of the wreckage to have quick access to medical supplies B. downhill or downwind from the wreckage so you can smell any hazards C. in front of the wreckage to warn oncoming vehicles - Correct Answers ✅in front of the wreckage to warn oncoming vehicles* Your 90 year old nursing home patient is pulseless and apneic. The nurse shows you a note in the patient's chart stating "Do not resuscitate". The note is signed by a doctor. You should A. call the patient' doctor to confirm the order B. call on-line medical control C. consult with the family - Correct Answers ✅call on-line medical control* Your patient has been submerged underwater for an unknown period and is in cardiac arrest. After taking c-spine precautions, you should EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 When infants or children experience breathing difficulties, their pulse may A. decrease early, then increase significantly B. increase significantly, then return to normal C. Increase early, then decrease significantly - Correct Answers ✅Increase early, then decrease significantly** A four year old patient has hot, dry skin after being inside a car with the windows rolled up on a hot day. You should A. Rapidly cool the patient with ice packs everywhere B. Pour water on the patient and fan vigorously C. Cover with wet blankets to prevent rapid cooling - Correct Answers ✅Rapidly cool the patient with ice packs everywhere An unresponsive 82 year old patient is lying supine. Their airway is most likely to be obstructed by A. The tongue B. Swelling of the epiglottis C. Secretions D. Loose dentures - Correct Answers ✅The tongue Which patient would benefit the MOST from helicopter transport? EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A. 30 y/o male pulseless and apneic with a history of asthma B. 38 y/o male burn patient with 1st degree burns to 55% of his body C. 15 y/o female motor vehicle crash victim still trapped BP 78/42 - Correct Answers ✅38 y/o male burn patient with 1st degree burns to 55% of his body * An infant is choking on a piece of candy. You are unable to see chest rise after numerous attempts to ventilate. You should A. perform abdominal thrusts B. insert an oral airway and reattempt C. administer chest compressions - Correct Answers ✅administer chest compressions * Your patient was on a third floor balcony which collapsed. The patient is semi-conscious, has an impaled piece of wood in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen, an obvious femur fracture and multiple cuts. You should A. Establish c-spine protection, open the airway and assess breathing B. Apply O2 and prepare pt for rapid transport to a trauma center C. Stabilize impaled object with bulky dressing and establish c-spine protection EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 D. Assist ventilations with BVM, and splint femur fracture - Correct Answers ✅Establish c-spine protection, open the airway and assess breathing A 72 year old patient is suddenly unable to speak and begins staring off towards the right. You should first A. administer oral glucose B. note the time and apply oxygen C. transport the patient in the supine position - Correct Answers ✅note the time and apply oxygen* a 11 year old male has crashed his bicycle. The patient's baby sitter is requesting to know the extent of his injuries. You should reply A. "You will have to wait and talk with his parents" B. "I cannot tell you, this would be a violation of patient privacy and confidentiality" C. "His leg appears to be broken, do you have a phone number for his parents?" - Correct Answers ✅"You will have to wait and talk with his parents" ** An 18 year old male has become increasingly shaky several minutes after administration of a prescribed bronchodilator. You should A. document the patient's response to the medication EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 62 y/o female is complaining of crushing CP that radiates to between her shoulder blades. She is very pale, diaphoretic, and feels nauseous. You should suspect a/an A. Cardiac event B. Cerebrovascular event C. Hypoglycemic reactions D. Asthma attack - Correct Answers ✅Cardiac event Which of the following is an essential component of your oral report? A. the EMT assessment of the chief complaint B. history related to the current illness - Correct Answers ✅history related to the current illness Your pt was exposed to an unknown chemical that has soaked their clothing. You should immediately A. Have the pt remove all clothing B. Administer O2 via NRB C. Flush pt's body with large amount of water D. Contact the poison control center - Correct Answers ✅Have the pt remove all clothing EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 62 y/o female who has been drinking alcoholic beverages is feeling dizzy. She cannot walk and she complains of severe headache. You should suspect A. Delirium tremens B. Severe migraine C. Hemorrhagic stroke D. Acute alcohol intoxication - Correct Answers ✅hemorrhagic stroke A 75 y/o female pt has partial thickness, thermal burn on her right forearm. You should A. Place a dry sterile dressing or sheet over the burn B. Pour water over the burn to cool site C. Place the pt on O2 NC 2 LPM D. Place a moist dressing over the burn - Correct Answers ✅Place a moist dressing over the burn You are treating an unconscious 50 year old diabetic patient. You should A. Transport the pt as soon as possible B. Immediately administer oral glucose C. Assist a family member in administering insulin EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 D. Insert a dual lumen airway adjunct - Correct Answers ✅Transport the pt as soon as possible Your pt is a 56 y/o male who collapses while mowing the lawn. He is apneic and pulseless immediately following collapse. What is the patient most likely experiencing? A. Heart attack B. Cardiac Arrest C. Angina D. Stroke - Correct Answers ✅Cardiac Arrest You are ventilating an apneic infant. His pulse is 54. You are currently ventilating with a BVM with supplemental oxygen. You should A. obtain a complete set of vital signs B. begin chest compressions C. continue ventilations and transport - Correct Answers ✅begin chest compressions * A 72-year-old with heart problems fell out of bed. He is confused and has pale and sweaty skin. You should A. Perform a detailed physical examination B. Check vitals and apply an AED EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 and clammy. Her medical alert bracelet denotes diabetes. You should suspect A. Hypoglycemia B. Hyperglycemia C. Stroke D. Diabetic ketoacidosis - Correct Answers ✅Hypoglycemia Your 55 year old patient complains of chest pain radiating to the left arm. You should first A. perform a head-to-toe assessment B. administer the prescribed nitroglycerin C. place the patient on O2 D. complete a SAMPLE history - Correct Answers ✅complete a SAMPLE history* One of the most problematic side effects of nitroglycerin is A. bradycardia B. dyspnea C. hypotension - Correct Answers ✅hypotension EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 84-year-old female is anxious and complaining of SOB. She has been a smoke for most of her life. Upon examination, you find she has pedal edema. She is coughing up pink frothy sputum. You should suspect A. Complication of emphysema B. Congestive heart failure C. Chronic bronchitis D. Acute myocardial infarction - Correct Answers ✅Congestive heart failure Which strap should you place first when securing a patient onto a long spine board? A. Chest strap B. Abdominal strap C. Head straps D. Leg straps - Correct Answers ✅chest strap Early signs and symptoms of hypoperfusion can include A. Unresponsiveness B. Anxiousness C. Bradycardia D. Decreased BP - Correct Answers ✅Anxiousness EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 You are transporting a 68- year old female from a nursing home to a hospital. She has a valid DNR. During transportation, she begins to have trouble breathing. You should: A. return the patient to the nursing home B. ventilate the patient with a BVM C. provide O2 and position the patient for comfort D. provide supportive reassurance only - Correct Answers ✅provide O2 and position the patient for comfort provide supportive reassurance only ** second time You have assisted a 56 y/o patient in taking 1 nitroglycerin tablet. He continues to complain of chest pain. Vital signs are: BP 94/64, P 120, R 14, SaO2 98%. You should A. Reassess his BP B. Assist him with a 2nd nitro tablet C. Transport him to the hospital D. Assess lung sounds and have pt self-administer his inhaler - Correct Answers ✅Transport him to the hospital You are called to the scene of a motor vehicle crash, where you find a three-year-old female sitting in an unsecured car seat. She has EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 B. Check for a regular carotid pulse C. Administer one tube of oral glucose D. Ventilate with a BVM - Correct Answers ✅Establish and maintain an airway An AED has advised no shock to be delivered to a 60 y/o pulseless and apneic pt. You should A. Leave the AED pads in place and begin CPR B. Reposition the airway and perform a finger sweep C. Turn off the AED and begin CPR immediately D. Reposition the AED pads and attempt to defibrillate - Correct Answers ✅Leave the AED pads in place and begin CPR A 2-year-old boy has a circumferential burn to his hand up to the wrist. The mother tells you a pot of boiling water spilled onto the boy. You should A. Reassure the mother and treat the burn with moist dressing B. Transport and inform the ER that you suspect abuse C. Talk to the boy separately and ask if he is being abused D. Confront the boy's mother about possible abuse - Correct Answers ✅Transport and inform the ER that you suspect abuse EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 Your 26-year-old female pt was involved in 30 MPH head-on collision. She complains of slight stiffness in her neck. She is 36 weeks pregnant. What action should you take? A. Perform a complete physical exam, obtain hx to ensure lack of other injuries and advise pt to consult with primary doctor B. Provide c-spine stabilization, O2 c-collar, long spine board and transport with pt in right lateral recumbent position C. Provide c-spine stabilization, O2 c-collar, long spine board and transport with pt in left lateral recumbent position D. Evaluate the patient, c-collar assist onto stretcher and transport in left lateral recumbent position - Correct Answers ✅Provide c-spine stabilization, O2 c-collar, long spine board and transport with pt in left lateral recumbent position Your 25-year-old male pt has sustained a painful, deformed shoulder, injured while playing baseball. This has happened to him before and he wants to "pop it back in" you should A. Assist the pt in realigning his shoulder B. Apply an ice pack and check vitals C. Pull steady traction of the arm towards the pt's leg and splint in place D. Splint the shoulder as you find it - Correct Answers ✅Splint the shoulder as you find it EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 An unresponsive pt is bleeding severely from an open wound to her head. Initial efforts to stop the bleeding have failed. Vitals BP 660/40 P 122 R 16. You should A. Begin PPV B. Apply an occlusive dressing to the wound C. Apply direct pressure to carotid pressure point D. Continue to apply pressure and transport rapidly - Correct Answers ✅Continue to apply pressure and transport rapidly When suctioning a patient, you should A. Suction on the way in for no more than 5 seconds B. Suction on the way out for no more than 15 seconds C. Suction on the way in for no more than 15 seconds D. Suction on the way out for no more than 5 seconds - Correct Answers ✅Suction on the way out for no more than 15 seconds What is the most effective way to control the spread of infectious disease? A. exercise good hand washing technique B. wear gloves with all patients C. avoid contact with all bodily fluids - Correct Answers ✅exercise good hand washing technique EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 D. An HIV pt with a UTI - Correct Answers ✅A hemophilia pt with a nosebleed A 72 y/o female pt is unresponsive following an ejection from a car accident. She has an open jaw fracture and a dialated right pupil. What is the best way to open this pt's airway? A. Insert an OPA B. Perform a modified head-tilt chin lift C. Insert a NPA D. Perform jaw thrust - Correct Answers ✅head-tilt* Your pregnant patient has a history of asthma. She started having difficulty breathing 15 minutes prior to calling 911. She has used her inhaler three times with no relief. You should A. Encourage her to use her inhaler until she feels relief B. Start O2 therapy at high flow, transport and contact medical control for orders to administer a nebulizer C. Start O2 therapy at high flow and transport D. Start O2 therapy at high flow, administer a nebulizer, reassess to determine if transport is required - Correct Answers ✅Start O2 therapy at high flow, transport and contact medical control for orders to administer a nebulizer EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 What does pulse oximetry measure? A. Percent of carbon dioxide in the cells B. Percent of tissue that is saturated with oxygen C. The amount of plasma that is saturated D. The amount of hemoglobin that is saturated usually with oxygen - Correct Answers ✅The amount of hemoglobin that is saturated usually with oxygen A 32 y/o female amputated her index finger in a table saw accident. How should you care for the amputated finger? A. Wrap an occlusive dressing around the finger and place it in a bag B. Soak the part in saline and place in a bag of ice C. Place the finger in a plastic bag and place the bag in icy water D. Wrap it with moist sterile gauze, place in a plastic bag and keep it cool - Correct Answers ✅Wrap it with moist sterile gauze, place in a plastic bag and keep it cool Your patient is an alert and oriented adult who is speaking in a foreign language. You cannot communicate with the patient. You should A. determine whether to transport the patient B. look for a family member who can speak that language EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 C. load the patient into the ambulance and transport - Correct Answers ✅load the patient into the ambulance and transport wrong i think* When ventilating with a mouth to mask you notice the presence of increasing gastric distention. You should A. Manually reposition the airway B. Immediately suction oropharynx C. Increase the depth of ventilations D. Decompress the stomach manually - Correct Answers ✅Manually reposition the airway A 24 y/o male with a history of asthma has stopped breathing. Which ventilation rate would be most appropriate? A. 30 breaths per minute B. 20 breaths per minute C. 10 breaths per minute D. 24 breaths per minute - Correct Answers ✅10 breaths per minute You are helping a 21 y/o pt to self-administer her epinephrine via auto- injector. She has been stung by a bee. You should EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 75 y/o pt is complaining of SOB vital signs are 160/88, P 130, R 22 with crackles in the bases of the lungs. You should A. Administer O2 via mask B. Perform detailed chest assessment C. Assist the pt with prescribed inhaler D. Obtain a complete SAMPLE history - Correct Answers ✅Administer O2 via mask A 62 y/o female pt is clutching her chest inside a local restaurant. She is unable to breathe. You should A. Begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation B. Perform a blind finger sweep C. Perform a series of abdominal thrusts D. Apply O2 and assess her pulse - Correct Answers ✅Perform a series of abdominal thrusts Your pt is pale and seems anxious but is speaking in full sentences. You should administer O2 using a A. flow restricted O2 powered ventilation device B. NRB @ 15 LPM C. NC @ 4 LPM D. BVM @ 15 LPM - Correct Answers ✅NRB @ 15 LPM EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 67-year-old female is short of breath and sitting in a tripod position. She is on home oxygen and has had a productive cough over the last few days. During your exam, you note that she is wheezing and breathing with pursed lips. SPO2 is 93%. You should suspect A. Anaphylactic reaction B. Obstructive pulmonary disease C. AMI D. Pulmonary embolism - Correct Answers ✅Obstructive pulmonary disease You are treating a 23 y/o pt in a car crash. He is complaining of neck, back and leg pain. He has a cut above his left eye. You should A. Remove the pt from the vehicle ASAP B. Immediately place O2 on the pt C. Apply a C-collar and perform rapid extrication D. Take manual stabilization of the spine - Correct Answers ✅Take manual stabilization of the spine Your 73 y/o pt is sitting in the tripod position. As you approach they motion for assistance in using their inhaler. You should immediately A. Administer their prescribed inhaler EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 B. Administer O2 via NRB C. Assess the pt's airway status D. Ventilate with a BVM - Correct Answers ✅Assess the pt's airway status Your pt has a gunshot wound to anterior thigh. You should A. Take spinal precautions and search for exit wound B. Expose the wound, clean the area, and apply a sterile dressing C. Apply direct pressure and treat for shock D. Expose the wound, control bleeding and transport rapidly - Correct Answers ✅Expose the wound, control bleeding and transport rapidly Which of the following indicates the correct flow range and delivery percentage for NC? A. 1-6 LPM / 40% B. 10-15 LPM / 95% C. 2-8 LPM / 28% D. 2-4 LPM / 35% - Correct Answers ✅1-6 LPM / 40% Consent to treat is implied in which of the following cases? A. 21 yr old unconscious male EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 Bystanders are doing CPR on a 3-month-old infant. You should A. Evaluate effectiveness of CPR while gathering info B. Stop CPR and call medical control for instructions C. Attach an AED and prepare to defibrillate D. Put the infant on a backboard and transport emergently - Correct Answers ✅Evaluate effectiveness of CPR while gathering info A patient is experiencing seizure activity and a bystander has placed a spoon in the patient's mouth to help control the airway. You should A. Tape the spoon in place to protect airway B. Hold the spoon in place and grab patient's tongue C. Remove the spoon and establish airway D. Restrain the patient's movements - Correct Answers ✅Remove the spoon and establish airway A 19-year-old sexual assault victim is bleeding from an external vaginal laceration. You should A. Apply direct pressure to the wound and transport in fowlers position B. Keep anything from touching the injury C. Have the patient apply a sterile dry dressing to the wound D. Pack the vagina with sterile dressing moistened with saline - Correct Answers ✅Have the patient apply a sterile dry dressing to the wound EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A common symptom of cardiac compromise is CP or discomfort known as A. Fibrillation B. Ischemia C. Myocardial infarction D. Angina - Correct Answers ✅Angina You are alone when you witness a 57 y/o woman suddenly collapse and become unresponsive. She is not breathing. After calling for help you find that she has no pulse. You should A. Begin chest compressions B. Leave the pt and obtain an AED C. Continue rescue breathing D. Perform blind finger sweep - Correct Answers ✅Begin chest compressions You are dispatched to a pt who has intentionally overdosed on pain meds. The patient is refusing transport. You should A. Convince the pt that they should be transported and can return home after seeing doctor B. Give the pt a few minutes to change their mind EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 C. Ask a family member for assistance in convincing the pt to accept transport D. Request law enforcement assistance with this pt - Correct Answers ✅Request law enforcement assistance with this pt Which of the following symptoms would indicate a significant localized cold injury? A. Skin appears blue and is diaphoretic B. Tissue below the surface is soft C. Mottled or blotchy skin D. Skin appears white and is hard - Correct Answers ✅Skin appears white and is hard You are transporting a pt with CP, when suddenly she becomes unresponsive you should A. Start CPR and transport more rapidly B. Stop the ambulance and confirm absence of pulse C. Immediately apply an AED and analyze D. Insert an OPA and ventilate twice - Correct Answers ✅Stop the ambulance and confirm absence of pulse EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A. do not disturb the crime scene B. assess the airway and check for a pulse C. remove her clothing and determine the extent of the wounds - Correct Answers ✅assess the airway and check for a pulse * You respond to a 22 y/o male with altered mental status. His skin is warm and diaphoretic and has a known seizure history. It is likely your pt is A. Postictal B. Clonic C. Hypovolemic D. Hypothermic - Correct Answers ✅Postictal A 2 y/o pt who has been sick all day, now has a barking cough. You should suspect A. Epiglottitis B. Asthma C. Croup D. Chronic laryngospasm - Correct Answers ✅Croup EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 A 67 y/o female just had a syncopal episode while using the toilet. Vitals are BP 100/6-. P 110 irregular, R 12. She is weak and dizzy. You should suspect a A. gastrointestinal obstruction B. vertebral vascular accident C. cardiac rhythm disturbance D. acute myocardial infarction C. cardiac rhythm disturbance - Correct Answers ✅cardiac rhythm disturbance Which of the following is most likely to be life-threatening? A. Femur fracture B. Humerus fracture C. Clavicle fracture D. Lumbar fracture - Correct Answers ✅Femur fracture An 18 y/o soccer player is feeling disoriented. He has been playing soccer in 90-degree heat. You should A. Direct the pt to drink at least 8 ox of orange juice B. Remove the pt's clothes and pour ice water on him C. Move the pt somewhere cool and assess vitals EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 D. Direct the pt to rest on the bench until he feels better - Correct Answers ✅Move the pt somewhere cool and assess vitals A malfunction of the heart's electrical system may result in A. Atherosclerosis B. Pericarditis C. Aneurysm D. Arrhythmia - Correct Answers ✅Arrhythmia You are called to an elderly patient who had a syncopal episode. The patient has had blood-tinged vomiting and general fatigue for the last few days. You suspect A. An abdominal aneurysm B. Gastrointestinal bleed C. CHF D. Cerebrovascular accident - Correct Answers ✅Gastrointestinal bleed A 10-year-old male complains of a stiff neck and a fever. He is very confused and complains of extreme fatigue and headache. You should suspect A. Febrile seizure EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 D. Head tilt lift with c-spine stabilization - Correct Answers ✅Jaw thrust with c-spine stabilization Initial assessment reveals an alert adult pt who is SOB. He is seated in a tripod position using accessory muscles to breathe. Vital signs are BP 140/80 P 110, R 22 with crackles, SpO2 95%. You should A. Administer O2 via NRB B. Ventilate the pt with a BVM to slow respirations C. Administer O2 via NC D. Monitor pulse oximetry - Correct Answers ✅Administer O2 via NRB An unresponsive female has been stabbed in the chest during a robbery. She has an open wound on her left chest. You should A. Assess the respirations and ventilate if appropriate B. Begin taking spinal immobilization precautions C. Perform head-tilt chin lift D. Cover the wound with a gloved hand - Correct Answers ✅Cover the wound with a gloved hand You are using a BVM and oral airway on a 72 yr old apneic female. Suddenly it becomes difficult to ventilate. What should you suspect? A. her diaphragm has contracted EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 B. her lungs have collapsed C. she is becoming more responsive D. she has an airway obstruction - Correct Answers ✅she has an airway obstruction Of the following communicable diseases, which one is MOST likely to be transmitted through airborne droplets A. Salmonella B. HIV/AIDS C. Hepatitis D. German measles (rubella) - Correct Answers ✅German measles (rubella) An 18 y/o hiker has been bitten by a rattle snake. Vitals BP 140/90 P 130 R 24. You should A. Make an incision on the site and suction the venom out B. Calm the pt and coach him not to move C. Apply a tourniquet to the limb above the bite D. Vigorously scrub the area with soap and water - Correct Answers ✅Calm the pt and coach him not to move EMT Final Practice Fisdap Exam Question & Answers 2024 Your pt has the following signs and symptoms: increased HR, narrowing pulse pressure, rapid respirations, weak peripheral pulses, thirst, cool, clammy skin. The patient also states a feeling of impending doom. This pt is most likely exhibiting which type of shock? A. Irreversible B. Compensated C. Decompensated D. Controlled - Correct Answers ✅Decompensated Your pt's pulse returns after the use of the AED. You should first A. Reanalyze the rhythm B. Continue performing compressions if BP is too low C. Turn off the AED and remove the defibrillator pads D. Continue ventilations - Correct Answers ✅Continue ventilations You are at the scene of a car crash. Which of the following would require rapid extrication? A. your patient complains of blurred vision B. you patient complains of arm tingling C. there are multiple patients at the scene D. your patient blocks access to a critical patient - Correct Answers ✅your patient blocks access to a critical patient *