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A four-year-old boy had an apparent seizure. He is conscious and calm and is sitting on his mother's lap. His father is sitting in a nearby chair. The child's mother suddenly begins crying uncontrollably, which causes a child to start crying. You should - ANSWER✔✔Ask the father to hold the child so you can assess him while your partner tries to calm the mother Which of the following statements regarding a patient refusal form is correct? - ANSWER✔✔I'm mentally competent adult has the legal right to refuse EMS care and transport You are transporting a 54-year-old male in respiratory arrest. An EMR is driving the ambulance as you and your partner are caring for the patient. Which of the following is the most logical way of notifying the hospital? - ANSWER✔✔Have the driver contact dispatch and relay patient information to the hospital You are caring for a 56-year-old male patient complaining of abdominal pain. Your service has recently switched to an electronica PCR system (ePCR). When completing the ePCR, it is most important to be aware that - ANSWER✔✔The ePCR allows patient information to be transmitted directly to the receiving hospital's computer "Chondro" in the word chondrites means - ANSWER✔✔cartilage Which of the following suffixes mean "two"? - ANSWER✔✔"dipl-" and "bi-" An intoxicated 40-year-old male is found lying facedown. How would you document his bodies position?
You are transporting to a 66-year-old patient with a history of heart problems. The patient chart indicates that he has hepatomegaly. The root of the term indicates that - ANSWER✔✔The problem is with the patient's liver Bile is produced by the liver and concentrated and stored in the - ANSWER✔✔gallbladder The brain connects to the spinal cord through a large opening at the base of the skull called the - ANSWER✔✔foramen magnum A by-product of involuntary muscle contraction and relaxation is: - ANSWER✔✔heat What happens when blood volume is lost from the body? - ANSWER✔✔The arteries contract to increase the blood pressure. The central nervous system is composed of the - ANSWER✔✔brain and spinal cord Which organ lies in the lateral and posterior portion of the left upper quadrant of the abdomen? - ANSWER✔✔stomach Urine is transported from the kidneys to the urinary bladder via the: - ANSWER✔✔ureters The waste products of aerobic metabolism include - ANSWER✔✔carbon dioxide and water The patient has a large accumulation of blood in the sack surrounding the heart. Which type of shock with this condition causes? - ANSWER✔✔Obstructive Which of the following is true of the lymphatic system? - ANSWER✔✔It relies on muscle movement to circulate lymph, It's vessels closely parallels the major arteries in the body The areas of the infant's skull that have not yet fused together are called - ANSWER✔✔Fontanelles And normal systolic blood pressure for a 30-year-old is between - ANSWER✔✔ 90 - 140 mm Hg Artherosclerosis is defined as - ANSWER✔✔The blockage of a coronary artery
In preconventional reasoning, children - ANSWER✔✔Act almost purely to avoid punishment and to get what they want The human body should be functioning at its optimal level between the ages of - ANSWER✔✔19 and 25 years. The average pulse rate of persons between 19 and 60 years of age is typically - ANSWER✔✔ 70 beats/min. You are dispatched to a call for a four month old infant with respiratory distress. While you prepare to take care of this child, you must remember that - ANSWER✔✔Small infants are nose breathers and require clear nasal passages at all times Which of the following is a physical change it typically occurs in the adolescent age group? - ANSWER✔✔Secondary sexual development begins Which of the following is not a common factor that would affect a 75-year-old patient vital signs - ANSWER✔✔Increased weight When you are communicating with an older patient, it is important to remember that - ANSWER✔✔Age related changes diminish the effectiveness of the eyes and ears The _______ is both the mechanical weight-bearing base of the spinal column and the fused central posterior section of the pelvic girdle - ANSWER✔✔sacrum The proper technique for using the power grip is to - ANSWER✔✔lift with your palms up To minimize the risk of injuring yourself when lifting or moving a patient, you should - ANSWER✔✔keep the weight as close to your body as possible. To facilitate a seat and coordinated move, the team leader should - ANSWER✔✔Use preparatory commands to initiate any moves When pulling the patient, you should extend your arms no more than _________ in front of your torso - ANSWER✔✔15 to 20 inches
Which of the following statements regarding an emergency patient move is correct? - ANSWER✔✔An emergency move is performed before the primary assessment and treatment. Upon arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you find a single patient still seated in his car. There are no scene hazards. As you approach the vehicle, you know that the patient is semiconscious and has a large laceration on his forehead. You should - ANSWER✔✔Direct your partner to apply manual in-line support of the patient's head The most serious consequence of a poorly planned or rushed patient move is - ANSWER✔✔injury to you or your patient. Which of the following conditions or situations presents the most unique challenge to the EMT when immobilizing an elderly patient on a long backboard? - ANSWER✔✔abnormal spinal curvature In contrast to typical wheeled ambulance stretchers, features of a bariatric stretcher include: - ANSWER✔✔increased stability from a wider wheelbase. When moving a conscious, week patient down a flight of stairs, you should - ANSWER✔✔Place the wheeled stretcher at the bottom of the stairs and carry the patient down the stairs with the stair chair It is essential that you ____________ your equipment to prevent the spread of disease. - ANSWER✔✔decontaminate You are attending to a 26-year-old female who is 34 weeks pregnant with her first child. Your patient has been having lower abdominal pain and cramping for the past two hours. In placing your patient on the stretcher and preparing for transport, you should place her - ANSWER✔✔On her left side The ability to take appropriate action with a little direction is known as - ANSWER✔✔Self-confidence Which of the following statements regarding the Americans with disabilities act (ADA) of 1990 is correct?
What should and EMT due to limit errors in the field? - ANSWER✔✔Follow the agencies written protocols Your caring for a driver who struck a light pole. She admits to drinking alcohol the orders you not to tell anyone. You should report the following information to - ANSWER✔✔The receiving nurse or doctor While providing care to a patient, blood got onto the ambulance stretcher. Because the stretcher was not properly cleaned after work, virus was transmitted to another emergency medical technician (EMT) several days later. Which route of transmission does this scenario describe? - ANSWER✔✔Direct contact Gloves, a mask, eye protection, and a face shield should be used - ANSWER✔✔Whenever you touch non-intact skin Which of the following statements regarding HIV is correct? - ANSWER✔✔There is no vaccine against HIV infection The most serious consequence of drug or alcohol use among EMS personnel is - ANSWER✔✔Loss of job or inappropriate patient care Which of the following would provide the EMT with the best cover in a situation involving active gun fire? - ANSWER✔✔A concrete barricade Which type of consent is involved when a 39-year-old mentally competent female with a severe headache asks you to take her to the hospital? - ANSWER✔✔Expressed Which aspect of the health insurance portability and accountability act (HIPAA) most affects EMS personnel? - ANSWER✔✔Protecting patient privacy Putrefaction is defined as: - ANSWER✔✔decomposition of the body's tissues. In which of the following situations there's a legal duty to act clearly exist? - ANSWER✔✔The call is received 15 minutes prior to shift change You are called to attend to an elderly patient with an extensive medical history who is now in cardiac arrest. The patient's family tells you that the patient has a DNR order. There is no paperwork available
but the patient does have a medic alert bracelet indicating Do Not Resuscitate. You should - ANSWER✔✔Confirm the patient identity and then confirm the DNR by calling the medic alert foundation number on the bracelet Which of the following will help improve radio communications? - ANSWER✔✔Hold the radio at least 6 inches from your mouth You were attending to a 34-year-old male patient requires transport to the hospital for assessment of his chronic back pain. The patient weighs over 750 pounds. Your bariatric stretcher has a wider surface area to allow for - ANSWER✔✔Increased patient comfort and dignity You are attending to a 22-year-old female patient who has overdosed. The patient is unresponsive and an upstairs bedroom. The most appropriate way to bring the patient down stairs is - ANSWER✔✔Secure to a fracture board with the strongest provider at the head end Which of the following scenarios does not involve the presence of any symptoms - ANSWER✔✔A 61- year-old female who is unconscious with facial cyanosis Which of the following actions would not be performed during the scene size-up? - ANSWER✔✔rapidly assessing a patient's respiratory status You are assessing a 72-year-old man with a domino pain. The patient is sitting in the chair; he is conscious, alert, and calm. As you were talking to the patient, your partner discreetly direct your attention to a handgun, which is located at a nearby table. You should - ANSWER✔✔Position yourself in between the patient and the gun and ask your partner to request law enforcement assistance Which of the following statements regarding mechanism of injury (MOI) is correct? - ANSWER✔✔The MOI may allow you to predict the severity of a patient's injuries. During an EMS call, you should take standard precautions: - ANSWER✔✔Before exiting the ambulance and before actual patient contact Treatment and transport priorities at the scene of a mass casualty incident should be determined after - ANSWER✔✔All the patients have been triaged
When approaching a 32-year-old male who is complaining of Trumatic neck pain, you should - ANSWER✔✔Ensure that the patient can see you approaching him Which of the following conditions would be least likely to cause an altered level of consciousness? - ANSWER✔✔Acute anxiety An elderly patient has fallen and hit her head. Your initial care should focus on - ANSWER✔✔airway, breathing, circulation An injured patient is assigned a total score of 9 on the GCS. He is assigned a score of 2 for eye opening, a score of 3 for verbal response, and a score of 4 for motor response. Which of the following clinical findings is consistent with his GCS score? - ANSWER✔✔opens eyes in response to pain, uses inappropriate words, withdraws from pain When you shine a light into one pupil, the normal reaction of the other pupil should be to - ANSWER✔✔to become smaller What maneuver should be used to open the airway of an unresponsive patient with suspected trauma? - ANSWER✔✔Jaw-thrust maneuver You should suspect that a patient is experiencing respiratory failure if he or she: - ANSWER✔✔has bradycardia and diminished muscle tone. A palpable pulse is created by: - ANSWER✔✔pressure waves through the arteries caused by cardiac contraction. In patients with deeply pigmented skin, changes in color may be apparent only in certain areas, such as the: - ANSWER✔✔lips or oral mucosa A 39-year-old male sustained a stab wound to the groin during an altercation at a bar. As you approach the patient, you know that he is conscious. He is screaming in pain and is attempting to control the bleeding, which is bright red and spurting from his groin area. You should - ANSWER✔✔Apply direct pressure to the wound
The rabbit exam of the patient that occurs following the primary assessment should take no longer than
Irregular respirations characterized by increasing rate and depth of breathing followed by periods of apnea are called - ANSWER✔✔Cheyne-Stokes Respirations In which of the following patients would the head tilt chin lift maneuver be the most appropriate method of opening the airway? - ANSWER✔✔a 37-year-old female who is found unconscious in her bed A 19-year-old female is found unconscious by her roommate. Your primary assessment reveals that her breathing is inadequate. As you insert an oropharyngeal airway, she begins to gag violently. You should: - ANSWER✔✔remove the airway and be prepared to suction her oropharynx. The nasopharyngeal airway is most beneficial because it - ANSWER✔✔can maintain a patent airway in a semiconscious patient with a gag reflex. When testing the mechanical suctioning unit, you should turn on the device, clamp the tube in, and ensure that it generates a vacuum pressure of more than - ANSWER✔✔300mm Hg Which of the following patients should you place in the recovery position? - ANSWER✔✔a 31-year-old semiconscious male with low blood sugar and adequate breathing Which of the following statements regarding oxygen is correct? - ANSWER✔✔Oxygen supports the combustion process and they cause a fire A patient who is suspected of being hypoxic and is breathing adequately should be given supplemental oxygen with a - ANSWER✔✔nonrebreathing mask What occurs when a patient is breathing very rapidly and shallowly? - ANSWER✔✔Air moves primarily in the anatomic dead space and does not participate in pulmonary gas exchange. You are performing mouth to mask ventilation is with oxygen connected and set out of flow rate of 15 L/min. What percentage of oxygen is your patient receiving? - ANSWER✔✔55% Which of the following is the most reliable indicator of adequately performed bag-valve mask ventilation and apneic adult with a pulse? - ANSWER✔✔Adequate rise of the chest when squeezing the bag
How does CPAP improve oxygenation and ventilation in patients with certain respiratory problems? - ANSWER✔✔It forces the alveoli open and pushes oxygen across the alveolar membrane. You were ventilating a patient with a stoma; however, air is escaping from the mouth and nose. To prevent this, you should - ANSWER✔✔Seal the mouth and nose During your assessment of patient with respiratory distress, you hear wheezing when listening to breath sounds. This indicates - ANSWER✔✔Lower airway obstruction A man was found unresponsive in his bed at home. There is no evidence of injury and the patient's medical history is not known. The patient's face is cyanotic, yet the pulse oximeter reads 98%. Which of the following would MOST likely explain this? - ANSWER✔✔carbon monoxide poisoning The amount of medication that is given is known as the _________. - ANSWER✔✔dose What is the route of a ministration for the EpiPen auto injector? - ANSWER✔✔Intramuscular Which of the following is required for an ENT to administer a drug to a patient? - ANSWER✔✔Medical direction approval Which of the following patient populations typically require a modified drug deals? - ANSWER✔✔Pediatric patients The term "pharmacology" is most accurately defined as - ANSWER✔✔The study of drugs and their actions on the body After taking diphendydramine (Benadryl) for an allergic reaction, a person begins experiencing drowsiness and a dry mouth. These findings are an example of a(n): - ANSWER✔✔side effect Advil, Nuprin, and Motrin are brand (trade) names for the generic medication: - ANSWER✔✔Ibuprofen Which of the following statements regarding parenteral medications is correct? - ANSWER✔✔Parenteral medications are observed more quickly than internal medications
While assisting a paramedic in the attempted resuscitation of a 55-year-old male in cardiac arrest, you should expect the paramedic to: - ANSWER✔✔administer drugs via the IV route to achieve the fastest effect. Activated charcoal is an example of - ANSWER✔✔suspension A 31-year-old female is experiencing an acute asthma attack. She is conscious and alert, but in obvious respiratory distress. After assisting her with her prescribed MDI, you should: - ANSWER✔✔reassess the patient and document her response to the medication You are dispatched to a state park for a young female experiencing an allergic reaction. Your assessment reveals that her breathing is severely labored and her blood pressure is very low. Can you carry epinephrine autoinjector is on your ambulance and have been trained and approved by your medical director to administer them. As your partner gives the patient supplemental oxygen, you attempt to contact medical control but do not have a signal from your cell phone. You should - ANSWER✔✔Administer epinephrine to the patient, begin immediate transport, and attempt to contact medical control en route to the hospital Which of the following statements regarding glucose is correct? - ANSWER✔✔Glucose is a simple sugar that is readily absorbed by the bloodstream. A 62-year-old male presents with crushing chest pain, which he describes as being the same kind of pain that he had with a previous heart attack. He has prescribed nitroglycerin but states that he has not taken any. After administering supplemental oxygen and contacting medical control, you should: - ANSWER✔✔Assist him with his nitroglycerin unless his systolic blood pressure is less than 100mm Hg Which of the following clinical signs would necessitate the administration of Naloxone (Narcan)? - ANSWER✔✔slow respirations When assessing an elderly male who complains of nausea and generalized weakness, you find that he takes atorvastatin (Norvasc). These medications suggest a history of - ANSWER✔✔Cardiovascular disease Which of the following is an example of a rules based medication error? - ANSWER✔✔The EMT administers a drug that is not approved by the medical director
The process of binding or sticking to a surface is called: - ANSWER✔✔adsorption In _______ administration, you are administering medication to yourself or your partner. - ANSWER✔✔peer-assisted Medications encased in a gelatin shell that are taken by mouth are called: - ANSWER✔✔capsules In adequate circulation of blood throughout the body is called - ANSWER✔✔Shock What are three components of the "perfusion triangle" - ANSWER✔✔Heart, blood vessels, blood You suspect your patient is in shock. You note the patient's skin is pale. This is likely due to ___________.
Which of the following injuries were most likely cause obstructive shock? - ANSWER✔✔Cardiac tamponade Distributive shock occurs when: - ANSWER✔✔widespread dilation of the blood vessels causes blood to pool in the vascular beds. In an acute injury setting, neurogenic shock is commonly accompanied by: - ANSWER✔✔hypothermia Hypovolemic shock caused by severe burns is the result of a loss of - ANSWER✔✔plasma When assessing a patient with signs and symptoms of shock, it is important to remember that - ANSWER✔✔blood pressure may be the last measurable factor to change in shock. When treating an 80-year-old patient who is in shock, it is important to remember that: - ANSWER✔✔changes in gastric motility may delay gastric emptying, which increases the risk for vomiting. A 25-year-old unrestrained female struck the steering wheel with her chest when her car hit a tree while traveling at a high rate of speed. She has signs and symptoms of shock, which you suspect are the result of intrathoracic bleeding. Which of the following interventions will provide this patient with the greatest chance for survival? - ANSWER✔✔Rapid transport to a trauma center Which of the following is the only action that can prevent eventual death from a tension pneumothorax?
If an object is visible in the unconscious patient's airway, you should __________. - ANSWER✔✔remove it Basic life support (BLS) is defined as: - ANSWER✔✔noninvasive emergency care that is used to treat conditions such as airway obstruction, respiratory arrest, and cardiac arrest. Your partner is performing one rescuer CPR on a middle-aged woman in cardiac arrest. When you apply the AED pads, you know that she has a medication patch over the same area where one of the AED pads will be placed. You should - ANSWER✔✔Remove the medication patch, wipe away any medication residue, and apply the AED pads CPR will not be affected if the patient is - ANSWER✔✔Prone Complications associated with chest compressions include all of the following, except - ANSWER✔✔Rib fractures Liver lacerations A fractured sternum Except Gastric distention Several attempts to adequately open a trauma patient's airway with the jaw-thrust maneuver have been unsuccessful. You should - ANSWER✔✔Perform a head-tilt-chin-lift A 60-year-old man is found to be unresponsive, pulseless, and apneic. You should - ANSWER✔✔begin CPR until an AED is available. Wild rescue were one is finishing his or her fifth cycle of 30 compressions, rescuer two should - ANSWER✔✔Give two breaths and prepare to start compressions
The impedance threshold device (ITD) may improve circulation during active compression- decompression CPR by: - ANSWER✔✔limiting the amount of air that enters the lungs during the recoil phase between chest compressions, which results in negative intrathoracic pressure and improved cardiac filling. In most cases, cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children is caused by: - ANSWER✔✔respiratory arrest When performing CPR on a child, you should compress the chest - ANSWER✔✔with one or two hands CPR should be initiated when: - ANSWER✔✔A valid living will is unavailable Signs of a sudden severe upper airway obstruction include all of the following, except - ANSWER✔✔Acute cyanosis Inability to speak Grasping the throat Except Forceful coughing CPR is in progress on a pregnant woman. Shortly after manually displacing her uterus to the left, return of spontaneous circulation occurs. Which of the following would MOST likely explain this? - ANSWER✔✔Pressure was relieved from her aorta and vena cava, which improved chest compression effectiveness CPR retraining is the most effective when it - ANSWER✔✔involves hands-on practice. Gastric distention will MOST likely occur: - ANSWER✔✔if you ventilate a patient too quickly. If carbon dioxide levels dropped to low, the person automatically breathes - ANSWER✔✔Slower and less deeply
If the level of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood rises above normal, the patient breathes - ANSWER✔✔rapidly and deeply Inflammation and swelling of the pharynx, larynx, and trachea resulting in a "seal bark" cough are typically caused by - ANSWER✔✔Croup _____ is a sign of hypoxia to the brain - ANSWER✔✔altered mental status Asthma produces a characteristic __________ as patients attempt to exhale through partially obstructed air passages. - ANSWER✔✔wheezing Your patient has a chronic respiratory condition. His stimulus to breathe is triggered by low oxygen levels in the blood. This is known as the - ANSWER✔✔Hypoxic drive Which of the following must be assessed in every respiratory patient? - ANSWER✔✔lung sounds Crackles (rales) are caused by _________. - ANSWER✔✔air passing through fluid Which of the following is a genetic disorder that predisposes the patient to repeated lung infections? - ANSWER✔✔cystic fibrosis In what area of the lungs does respiration occur? - ANSWER✔✔alveoli In order for efficient pulmonary gas exchange to occur: - ANSWER✔✔oxygen and carbon dioxide must be able to freely diffuse across the alveolar-capillary membrane. A 59-year-old male with a history of emphysema complains of an acute worsening of his dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain following a forceful cough. Your assessment reveals that he has a barrel-shaped chest, unilaterally diminished breath sounds, and tachycardia. What is the MOST likely cause of this patient's condition? - ANSWER✔✔spontaneous pneumothorax Treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) would MOST likely be contraindicated in which of the following situations? - ANSWER✔✔Shortness of breath and a blood pressure of 76/56 mm Hg
While auscultating an elderly woman's breath sounds, you hear low-pitched "rattling" sounds at the bases of both of her lungs. This finding is MOST consistent with which of the following conditions? - ANSWER✔✔aspiration pneumonia Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the - ANSWER✔✔right atrium Angina Pectoris (chest pain) occurs when - ANSWER✔✔Myocardial oxygen demand exceeds supply Which of the following is not a common signs or symptoms associated with malfunction of an implanted cardiac pacemaker? - ANSWER✔✔Rapid heart rate A patient in cardiac arrest is wearing an external defibrillator vest, which is interfering with effective chest compressions. The EMT should: - ANSWER✔✔remove the battery from the monitor and then remove the vest A 66-year-old female with a history of hypertension and diabetes presents with substernal chest pressure of 2 hours' duration. Her blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg, her pulse is 100 beats/min and irregular, and her respirations are 22 breaths/min and her oxygen saturation is 92%. The patient does not have prescribed nitroglycerin, but her husband does. You should - ANSWER✔✔administer oxygen, give her 324 mg of aspirin, and assess her further. Nitroglycerin is contradicted in patients - ANSWER✔✔Who have experienced a head injury After the AED has delivered a shock, the EMT should: - ANSWER✔✔immediately resume CPR. You and your partner arrive at the scene of a middle-aged man who collapsed about five minutes ago. He is unresponsive, apenic, and pulseless. Bystanders are present, but have not provided any care. you should - ANSWER✔✔Begin high-quality CPR and apply the AED as soon as possible Which of the following signs is commonly observed in patients with right sided heart failure? - ANSWER✔✔dependent edema The three major parts of the brain are - ANSWER✔✔cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem
Interruption of cerebral blood flow may result from all of the following, EXCEPT: - ANSWER✔✔A thrombus An embolism An acute arterial rupture Except Cerebral vasodilation The most significant risk factor for a hemorrhagic stroke is - ANSWER✔✔hypertension Which of the following conditions would be the least likely to mimic the signs and symptoms of a stroke - ANSWER✔✔hypovolemia Which of the following most accurately describes with the patient will experience during the postictal state that follows a seizure? - ANSWER✔✔Confusion and fatigue A patient with an altered mental status is: - ANSWER✔✔not thinking clearly or is incapable of being aroused. When caring for a patient with documented hypoglycemia, you should be most alert for - ANSWER✔✔seizure During the primary assessment of a semiconscious 70-year-old female, you should - ANSWER✔✔ensure a patent airway and support ventilation as needed. You are caring for a 68-year-old man with sudden onset of left sided paralysis and slurred speech. His airway is patent, his respirations are 14 breaths/min with adequate depth, and his oxygen saturation is 98%. Treatment for this patient should include - ANSWER✔✔recovery position and transport When you are obtaining medical history from the family of a suspected stroke patient, it is most important to determine - ANSWER✔✔when the patient last appeared normal
Your patient opens his eyes, moans, and pulls away from you when you pinch his trapezius muscle. You should assign a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of: - ANSWER✔✔ 8 The left cerebral hemisphere controls: - ANSWER✔✔right side of the body For a patient with a gastrointestinal complaint, it is most important for the EMT to - ANSWER✔✔identify whether the patient requires rapid transport Your patient complains of abdominal pain that occurs mostly at night or after eating fatty foods. You should suspect - ANSWER✔✔cholecystitis Which of the following is correct about the secondary assessment for a high-priority patient? - ANSWER✔✔You may not have time to complete a secondary assessment. Which of the following statements regarding the acute abdomen is correct? - ANSWER✔✔The initial pain associated with an acute abdomen tends to be vague and poorly localized. Pain that may be perceived at a distal point on the surface of the body, such as the back or shoulder, is called - ANSWER✔✔Referred pain A 30-year-old woman with a history of alcoholism presents with severe upper abdominal pain and is vomiting large amounts of bright red blood. Her skin is cool, pale, and clammy; her heart rate is 120 beats/min and weak; and her blood pressure is 70/50 mm Hg. Your MOST immediate action should be to: - ANSWER✔✔protect her airway from aspiration. A 47-year-old male presents with severe abdominal pain of 3 hours' duration. His abdomen is distended and guarded. Your MOST important consideration for this patient should be to: - ANSWER✔✔be alert for signs and symptoms of shock. Peritonitis may result in shock because: - ANSWER✔✔fluid shifts from the bloodstream into body tissues. A young female presents with costovertebral angle tenderness. She is conscious and alert with stable vital signs. Which of the following organs is MOST likely causing her pain? - ANSWER✔✔kidney
A 59-year-old male presents with a sudden onset of severe lower back pain. He is conscious and alert, but very restless and diaphoretic. Your assessment reveals a pulsating mass to the left of his umbilicus. You should: - ANSWER✔✔administer oxygen and prepare for immediate transport. The main function of the endocrine system is to - ANSWER✔✔maintain homeostasis A patient with an altered mental status; high blood glucose levels; and deep, rapid breathing may have a condition known as __________. - ANSWER✔✔diabetic ketoacidosis Which of the following statements regarding glucose is correct? - ANSWER✔✔The brain requires glucose as much as it requires oxygen. In contrast to type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes: - ANSWER✔✔is caused by resistance to insulin at the cellular level. Classic signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia include - ANSWER✔✔cool, clammy skin; weakness; tachycardia; and rapid respirations. Is 75-year-old male with type 1 diabetes presents with chest pain and a general feeling of weakness. He tells you that he took his insulin today and eat a regular meal approximately 2 hours ago. You should treat this patient as though he is experiencing - ANSWER✔✔A heart attack A man finds his 59-year-old wife unconscious on the couch. He states that she takes medications for type 2 diabetes. He further tells you that his wife has been ill recently and has not eaten for the past 24 hours. Your assessment reveals that the patient is unresponsive. You should: - ANSWER✔✔open and maintain her airway and assess breathing. Which of the following statements regarding sickle cell disease is correct? - ANSWER✔✔In sickle cell disease, the red blood cells are abnormally shaped and are less able to carry oxygen. A 66-year-old woman experienced a sudden onset of difficulty breathing. She has a history of type 2 diabetes and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). On the basis of her medical history, which of the following should the EMT suspect? - ANSWER✔✔pulmonary embolism
You are treating a 40-year-old male with a documented blood sugar reading of 480 mg/dL. The patient is semiconscious and breathing shallowly, and is receiving assisted ventilation from your partner. You should recognize that definitive treatment for this patient includes - ANSWER✔✔insulin The normal blood glucose level is between - ANSWER✔✔ 80 - 120 mg/dL When an allergic reaction proceeds to life-threatening anaphylaxis, it will usually do so __________. - ANSWER✔✔quickly, within 30 minutes When a foreign substance invades the body, the body will __________. - ANSWER✔✔protect itself go on alert attempt to inactivate the foreign substance Anaphylaxis caused by stinging insects is typically an allergic reaction to ____________ rather than the bite or sting itself. - ANSWER✔✔injected poison irritating toxin deadly venom Which of the following signs/symptoms are indicative of respiratory involvement of an allergic reaction?
you proceed with the treatment of this patient? - ANSWER✔✔Administer oxygen, transport at once, and request a paramedic intercept The adult epinephrine auto-injector delivers ______ mg of epinephrine, and the pediatric auto-injector delivers ______ mg. - ANSWER✔✔0.3, 0.15 How do poisons typically act to harm the body? - ANSWER✔✔By changing the normal metabolism of cells or by destroying them If the victim of a toxicologic emergency vomits, an EMT should _________. - ANSWER✔✔use appropriate personal protective equipment and examine the vomitus for pill fragments or other clues for patient care. Of the four avenues of poisoning, generally ___________ is the most worrisome in terms of treatment to the EMS provider. - ANSWER✔✔injection The recommended treatment for absorbed or contact poisons includes _________. - ANSWER✔✔safely removing or diluting the poisonous substance Heroin is an example of a(n): - ANSWER✔✔Opioid Hypotension, hypoventilation, and pinpoint pupils would be expected following an overdose of: - ANSWER✔✔oxycodone (Percocet). Activated charcoal is given to patients who have ingested certain substances because it - ANSWER✔✔binds to the substance and prevents absorption. You receive a call to a residence where a man found his wife on responsive on the couch. The patient's respiratory rate is 8 breaths/min, her breathing is shallow, her heart rate is 40 beats/min, and her pulse is weak. The husband hands you an empty bottle of hydrocodone (Vicodin), which was refilled the day before. You should - ANSWER✔✔Ventilate her with a BVM You and your paramedic partner are caring for a patient who ingested codeine, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and hydrocodone (Vicodin). The patient is unresponsive, his breathing is slow and shallow, and his pulse
is slow and weak. Treatment for this patient should include: - ANSWER✔✔assisted ventilation and naloxone (Narcan). A 49-year-old male presents with confusion, sweating, and visual hallucinations. The patient's wife tells you that he is a heavy drinker and she thinks he had a seizure shortly before your arrival. This patient is MOST likely experiencing: - ANSWER✔✔delirium tremens A behavioral crisis interferes with which of the following? - ANSWER✔✔Activities of daily living Behavior that is acceptable to the community Dressing, eating, or bathing Which of the following is an example of a psychiatric emergency? - ANSWER✔✔A person violently attacking family members Which of the following is considered an organic brain syndrome? - ANSWER✔✔Alzheimer dementia Which of the following is a good guideline for physical examination of the patient? - ANSWER✔✔Avoid touching without permission A general pression of the patient is formed by EMT - ANSWER✔✔At a distance when the patient is first seen A 38-year-old male with a history of schizophrenia is reported by neighbors to be screaming and throwing things in his house. You are familiar with the patient and have cared for him in the past for unrelated problems. Law enforcement officers escort you into the residence when you arrive. The patient tells you that he sees vampires and is attempting to ward them off by screaming and throwing things at them. He has several large lacerations to his forearms that are actively bleeding. The MOST appropriate way to manage this situation is to: - ANSWER✔✔restrain the patient with appropriate force in order to treat his injuries. When caring for a patient experiencing excited delirium, the EMT should remember that - ANSWER✔✔sudden death can occur if the patient's violence is not controlled.
While the ages can vary, women typically experience menstruation from approximately _________ to ____________ years of age. - ANSWER✔✔11:50 Patient complaints of pain during intercourse, lower abdominal discomfort, and nausea may be indicative of which of the following? - ANSWER✔✔pelvic inflammatory disease The EMT should ensure that vaginal bleeding is _________. - ANSWER✔✔taken seriously and the patient is transported for gynecologic evaluation Some causes of vaginal bleeding include - ANSWER✔✔Ectopic pregnancy Vaginal trauma Spontaneous abortion In cases of sexual assault, it is important to ensure that you do which of the following? - ANSWER✔✔Immediately write down your observations of the scene before assessing the patient. Call for a female EMT or ALS care provider. Discuss with law enforcement any suspicions that you may have about the perpetrator. During gynecological emergencies, in addition to the standard SAMPLE questions, the EMT should attempt to determine which of the following? - ANSWER✔✔The amount of time since of the patient's last menstrual cycle The possibility that the patient may be pregnant If the patient is sexually active When caring for female patient who has been sexually assaulted, you should - ANSWER✔✔place any bloodstained clothing or other articles in separate paper bags. Which of the following destinations is most appropriate for a 41-year-old male patient who was involved in a rollover motor vehicle collision and is unconscious and unresponsive, assuming that travel times to each is equal? - ANSWER✔✔A Level I or Level II trauma center
Which types of motor vehicle collisions present the greatest potential from multiple impacts? - ANSWER✔✔Rotational and roll over While en route to a major motor vehicle crash, an on-scene police officer advises you that a 6-year-old male who was riding in the front seat is involved. He further states that the child was only wearing a lap belt and that the air bag deployed. On the basis of this information, you should be MOST suspicious that the child has experienced: - ANSWER✔✔neck and facial injuries. A 15-year-old female was struck by a small car while riding her bicycle. She was wearing a helmet and was thrown to the ground, striking her head. In addition to managing problems associated with airway, breathing, and circulation, it is MOST important for you to: - ANSWER✔✔stabilize her entire spine. A 12-year-old male Jumped approximately 12 feet from a tree and landed on his feet. He complains of pain in his lower back. What injury mechanism is most likely reasonable for his back pain? - ANSWER✔✔Energy transmission to the spine When assessing an elderly patient who fell, it is important to remember that - ANSWER✔✔osteoporosis can cause a fracture as a result of a fall from a standing position. A young male sustained a gunshot wound to the abdomen during an altercation. As your partner is assessing and managing his airway, you should control the obvious bleeding and then: - ANSWER✔✔assess for an exit wound. Following a blunt injury to the head, a 22-year-old female is confused and complains of a severe headache and nausea. On the basis of these signs and symptoms, you should be most concerned with the possibility of - ANSWER✔✔intracranial bleeding Which of the following injuries would most likely occur as a direct result of a third collision in a motor vehicle crash? - ANSWER✔✔aortic rupture Hypovolemic shock occurs when - ANSWER✔✔the body cannot compensate for rapid blood loss. Significant vital sign changes will occur if the typical adult acutely loses more than ______ of his or her total blood volume. - ANSWER✔✔20%