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EMT FISDAP OB/PEDS Paramedic Study Guide: Essential Concepts and Practice Questions, Exams of Advanced Education

This study guide provides a comprehensive overview of essential ob/peds concepts for emts preparing for the fisdap exam. It covers key topics such as pregnancy complications, newborn care, pediatric emergencies, and common medical conditions. The guide includes numerous practice questions and answers, allowing students to test their knowledge and reinforce their understanding of critical concepts.

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Available from 11/13/2024

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Download EMT FISDAP OB/PEDS Paramedic Study Guide: Essential Concepts and Practice Questions and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity!

EMT FISDAP OB/PEDS Paramedic Study


1. Where would you apply pressure to assess the mother for contractions?: - The fundus 2. Placenta Previa: Placenta is implanted low in the uterus and covering part of or all of the cervix/ Leads to painless bright red vaginal bleeding in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. 3. Best indicator to assess circulation in children: Cap refill. 4. A female that is child bearing age who is complaining of abdominal pain with an abnormally low blood pressure, you should suspect?:

Ectopic pregnancy

5. A patient with deformity and no pulse to his extremity do to an injury, you should?: Attempt to reduce fracture ONCE to restore pulses. 6. supine hypotensive syndrome: The uterus compresses the inferior vena cava reducing blood return. Occurs when the patient is left in supine position, place patient on left side. 7. Nuchal cord: when the cord is wrapped around the fetal neck 8. The most common reason why newborns lose heat when exposed to cold air or draughts is loss by :: Convection, dry them, wrap them in a blanket and put a hat on them if you are able to. 9. Signs and Symptoms of Meningitis in pediatric patients: Infants:

Fever, local- izing signs as lethargy, poor feeding, bulging fontanel. Children: Nuchal rigidity ( stiff neck) headaches, back pain, fever, ams, vomiting and photosensitivity & Kernig sign ( cannot extend legs at the knee.)

10. Pre-eclampsia: When a pregnant woman develops high blood pressure and protein in the urine after the 20th week (late 2nd or 3rd trimester) of pregnancy. Hypertension 140/ 11. Eclampsia: most serious form of toxemia during pregnancy, Pre- eclampsia symptoms ( hypertension) along with seizures 12. What should you do if a newborn patient has cyanosis and a heart rate of 60?: Chest compressions and ventilate. 13. What would be helpful if you had a 4 year old patient who drank household cleaning products?: Poison control & what substance & time of consumption & how much

14. How would you transport a small pediatric patient with a head injury who is stable: Emergency to level 1 trauma patient, keep patient calm. 15. What should you do if you have a pediatric patient seizing for several minutes.: Administer a benzo, such as versed. 16. primigravida: a woman who is pregnant for the first time 17. gestation: period from fertilization of the ovum to birth 18. Gravida: number of times a woman has been pregnant, regardless of outcome of pregnancy.

19. primipara: first birth/pregnancy 20. epiglotitis: in child, drooling, high fever, stridor, tripod position, inability to swal- low, SUDDEN ONSET (put nothing in mouth, transport immediately and quietly, 02 it tolerated, do not intervene if not necessary- crying may cause further obstruction of airway) 21. Bronchitis: inflammation of the bronchi Common cause of RSV 22. Croup: an acute respiratory syndrome in children and infants characterized by obstruction of the larynx, hoarseness, and a barking cough. Accompanied by a low grade fever, symptoms worsen at night. ( Upper airway infection) 23. Discovery of sunken fontanelle is an indication of?: Dehydration 24. How and when do you suction a newborns airway: Mouth first then nose second ( remember M before N ) You should suction if you notice the newborn is lethargic and there is meconium staining present. 25. What should you do with an unresponsive choking child: Start chest com- pressions/ cpr 26. Where does fertilization occur?: fallopian tubes

27. What is the most likely cause of febrile seizures in children: Fever or infection 28. What is the definition of a seizure that the child is unresponsive for no more than 15 seconds and is looking straight ahead: Absent seizure 29. What is menopause?: the cessation of ovarian activity/ menstruation 30. What is the preferred intubation blade for a small pediatric: Miller blade 31. Whats the difference between a pediatric airway versus an adult airway: - Airway is much smaller and more flexible larger tongues 32. Excessive traction on the umbilical cord during placental delivery can cause?: Uterine Inversion 33. How should you manage a small child conscious with a complete airway obstruction: Back blows/thrusts 34. Why do we assess a newborn APGAR score: It helps record the condition of the newborn in the first few minutes of birth 35. When do we assess the APGAR score in newborns: 1 and 5

minutes after birth

36. A pediatric patient with different stages of bruises healing may indicate?- : Child abuse 37. gestational diabetes: a form of diabetes mellitus that occurs during some pregnancies/ usually resolves after delivery 38. When do you provide chest compression in a newborn/ at what heart rate: 60 and under

39. A female who is term and complaining of tearing abdominal pain, you should suspect?: Abruption Placenta 40. What should you do once the infants head has been delivered.: Guide the head upward and allow delivery of the shoulders. 41. How do you manage vaginal bleeding in a female who was sexually as- saulted: comfort patient, apply trauma pade to the exterior of the vagina 42. ectopic pregnancy: A pregnancy outside of the womb, usually in a fallopian tube 43. Prolapse cord: A situation in which the umbilical cord comes out of the vagina before the infant. 44. How do you manage a prolapse cord: Position the mother supine with her hips elevated, administer 02 via NRB, have mother breathe/pant through contractions to prevent her from bearing down. Insert two fingers with a gloved hand and gently push the presenting part (not the cord) back into the vagina. Maintain pressure on the part, cover the cord with moist warm saline and transport emergent 45. What do you do for a child who has a delay in cap refill: Warm

their hands and administer 02

46. Reasons why you are unable to obtain a blood pressure on a 38 week pregnant female who is lying supine on stretcher: Possible supine hypotensive syndrome, have mother lay on left side 47. An unresponsive pediatric patient who is tearless and has dry mucous membranes is more than likely suffering from?: Dehydration 48. Whats the normal respiratory rate of an infant: 30- 49. Whats the normal respiratory rate of a child: 18- 50. Braxton Hicks contractions: false labor contractions preparing the body for labor 51. Why is hypertension a pre-delivery emergency (Pre-eclampsia or eclamp- sia ): They can lead to seizures for the mother and affect oxygen delivery to the fetus. Also signifies that toxins are building up in the mothers body and baby 52. What indicates fetal distress: A low apgar score & meconium staining 53. Vaginal bleeding within the first 20 weeks of her pregnancy, you

would suspect?: Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion

54. Multiple contusion in different stages of healing on a child may indicate?- : Abuse 55. What are the signs and symptoms of PID: Abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, chills, NVD, Dysuria 56. Injuries from scalding water may indicate?: Abuse

57. A 40 year old female states her water has broken and is full term, what should you do?: Ask if this is her first pregnancy, obtain history, time her contrac- tions, check for crowning, if so prepare for delivery 58. What is the location to assess a pulse on an infant: Brachial 59. Whats the difference between eclampsia and pre-eclampsia: Eclampsia is accompanied by AMS and seizures 60. Indication of imminent delivery of the placenta: Contractions begin again, the umbilical cord lengthens and blood excretes from the vagina. 61. Signs and symptoms of abruptio placenta: sudden onset of severe abdomi- nal pain radiating to back, decreased fetal movement, decreased fetal heart tones, patient may report vaginal bleeding. 62. Bright red vaginal bleeding without pain during the second half of preg- nancy is the main sign of: Placenta previa 63. Female with no prenatal care delivered a baby and now has additional amniotic fluid coming out: You should prepare for a second delivery 64. How would you manage an arterial bleed to the extremities:

Apply direct pressure, if bleeding continues use a tourniquet

65. A young child who is tachycardic with a fever and altered mental status, what should you do: 02, iv, fluids, emergent transport 66. What is the fluid dose for children: 20ml/kg 67. Which delivery presentation would you put the mother in a knee to chest position: breech presentation or limb presentation 68. 1st stage of labor: Onset of contractions -> ends with full effacement/dilation 69. 2nd stage of labor: starts w/ full dilation / effacement of cervix ends with delivery of baby 70. 3rd stage of labor: Begins with Delivery of baby --> ends with delivery of placenta 71. Over hydration or inflammation of a childs head can lead to: Edema and swelling of fontanels 72. How do you manage a partial amputated finger of a child: Direct pressure, wrap it with sterile dressings, transport 73. Apgar scale: appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration 74. APGAR Appearance: 0 =

blue/pale 1 = pink core with blue extremities 2 = All pink

75. APGAR Pulse: 0 = absent 1 = under 100 2 = over 100

76. APGAR Grimace: 0 = No Response 1 = grimace 2= vigorous cough, cry, sneeze 77. APGAR Activity: 0 = limp 1 = some flexion/extension 2 = active motion 78. APGAR: Respiration: 0=absent 1=slow// irregular cry 2=strong cry 79. Treatment for croup: humidity, oxygen, and, if necessary, racemic epinephrine treatments or steroids, or both. 80. nuchal cord: Umbilical cord around the fetal neck. Slip fingers under cord and gently slip over shoulders and neck. If cord is too tight place umbilical cord 2 inches apart and cut between the clamps going away from the infant. 81. treatment for Prolapsed cord: Knee to chest or

Trendelenburg oxygen 8 to 10 L

82. joules for 1st defibrillation in children: 2j/kg 83. Initial joules for cardioversion in children: 1j/kg 84. Hypoglycemia in kids is: 45 bgl and under 85. Epi dose for cardiac arrest in children is: 0.01mg/kg OF 0.1 - 1:10, 86. Epi dose for asthma in peds: 0.01mg/kg 87. Initial dose for adenosine for svt: 0.1mg/kg 88. Treating Eclamptic seizures: 2g of mag sulfate, diluated in 50 to 100ml slow iv push 89. Treatment for Hypoglycemia in children: 25% dextrose 0.5-1g/kg iv/io 90. Treatment for bradycardia in children: Epi 0.01mg/kg 91. Epi for anaphylaxis in children: 0.01mg/kg 1:10, 92. chorioamnionitis: Infection of the amniotic sac & contents 93. Pyelenephritis: inflammation of the kidney