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EMT FISDAP Readiness 2023/2024 Latest Update Correct Questions & Solutions Already Rated A, Exams of Nursing

Administration of bronchodilators - ANSWER deliver pre-prescribed nitroglycerin or a bronchodilator(inhaler or epinephrine) to a patient if the patient indicates (verbally, by gesture, etc.) If there is any question, contact Medical Control. Contraindications, cardiac history Ventilation rate for adults - ANSWER 12- 20 per minute, 5-6 seconds apart Ventilation rate for children - ANSWER 15 - 30 per minute, 3-5 seconds

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Available from 06/06/2024

ShantelleG 🇺🇸



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Download EMT FISDAP Readiness 2023/2024 Latest Update Correct Questions & Solutions Already Rated A and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

EMT FISDAP Readiness 2023/

Latest Update Correct Questions &

Solutions Already Rated A+

Administration of bronchodilators - ANSWER deliver pre-prescribed nitroglycerin or a bronchodilator(inhaler or epinephrine) to a patient if the patient indicates (verbally, by gesture, etc.) If there is any question, contact Medical Control. Contraindications, cardiac history Ventilation rate for adults - ANSWER 12- 20 per minute, 5-6 seconds apart Ventilation rate for children - ANSWER 15 - 30 per minute, 3-5 seconds apart Ventilation rate for infants - ANSWER 25-40 per minute, 3 seconds apart Foreign body obstruction in airway - ANSWER perform head tilt chin lift for tongue, abdominal thrusts, or finger sweep for larger obstructions Complications of assisted ventilations - ANSWER Inadequate breathing, no chest rise, breathing sounds BVM indications - ANSWER Unconsciousness, respiratory rate below normal levels, altered mental status Non-rebreather indications - ANSWER difficulty breathing identification of hypoxia - ANSWER anxiety, confusion, high BP, CTC: pale cool clammy Yankauer suction tip - ANSWER For suctioning large amounts of fluid in oropharynx French Tip catheter - ANSWER small amounts of fluid, Nasopharynx, infants Emphysema - ANSWER loss of elasticity of aveloli, barrel chest, very hard to breath Hyperventilation - ANSWER rapid breathing treatment of occluded airway - ANSWER head tilt chin lift for pt without spinal precautions, abdominal thrusts, suction treatment of occluded airway for infants - ANSWER usually tongue, use towel under torso , sniffing position, DO NOT HYPEREXTEND

Treatment of Vomiting - ANSWER lay on right side, suction and ventilate appropriately treatment of respiratory failure - ANSWER establishment of an airway ventilate Assessment of chest pain - ANSWER CPR and AED, if indicated, administer nitro (if prescribed) AND aspirin Nitroglycerin - ANSWER Indications

  • chest pain -prescription contraindications
  • systolic under 100 (hypotension) -head injury -erectile dysfunction meds (48 hours) Aspirin - ANSWER indications
  • chest pain contraindications
  • hypersensitivity
  • GI bleed cardiac arrest - ANSWER cessation of heart activity CPR and AED causes of cardiac arrest - ANSWER defects, arrhythmia Proper use of AED - ANSWER apply AED to right anterior chest and inferior to breasts on left anterior chest signs of stroke - ANSWER Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, time to call 9-1- signs of congestive heart failure - ANSWER reduced cardiac output, hypertension, edema, SOB, weakness signs of myocardial infarction - ANSWER feeling weak or dizzy, nauseous, cold sweating, difficulty breathing, pain in chest/arms/shoulders/back treating a cardiac patient who suddenly becomes unresponsive - ANSWER apply oxygen, if pulse is absent CPR and AED Special Populations - ANSWER provide comfort and respect oral glucose - ANSWER Indication- signs or symptoms of hypoglycemia conscious

Contraindication- unconscious , unable to swallow glucagon - ANSWER indications -hypoglycemia -BG >

  • pt is unable to swallow treatment of hyperglycemia - ANSWER administer glucose, or ventilate and transport symptoms include thirst, loss of hydration (urination) BG< Treatment electrical Injuries - ANSWER Provide airway care Be alert and prepared for cardiac rhythm changes; be ready to defibrillate Treat for shock and provide oxygen treatment for heat stroke - ANSWER CCT: flushed dry hot (106) move to cool area, remove clothing, O2, cooling pack to neck groin armpits cell death can occur treatment for heat exhaustion - ANSWER CCT: cool clammy fluid replacement, apply water to skin then fan dry, get to a cool place leg elevation Treatment of Tuberculosis - ANSWER proper ppe O treatment of hypothermia - ANSWER blankets and warm environment, do not use heat pack, rewarming baths if indicated treatment if chemical burn - ANSWER proper PPE BSI brush the chemical off and irrigate Heat Emergencies - ANSWER Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.
  • Remove any heavy or restricting clothing
  • Provide cool water or sports drink anaphylactic reaction - ANSWER severe reaction, epinephrine causes of siezures - ANSWER epilepsy, tumors common cause of pediatric death - ANSWER trauma, falls and abuse. complications of delivery - ANSWER breech can be delivered do not deliver if only one limb is present oxygen for peds - ANSWER oxygenate if breathing is inadequate

resuscitation for newborns - ANSWER keep warm, oxygate with BVM 40-60/min if HR id below 60beats/min start compressions Signs of dehydration - ANSWER Thirst is the first symptom, and if it is not replaced dryness of the mouth, weakness, increased pulse rate, flushed skin, and fever can result. treatment of pediatric flu - ANSWER proper PPE, check temp, acetaminophen for fever