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EMT FISDAP READINESS FINAL EXAM Questions and Answers Latest Versions 2024 GRADED A+.
Typology: Exams
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1. 36/yo female complains of fever, lower abdomen pain that moves to lower back when she walks. BP 144, p98, R 16. You should suspect? ANS Pelvic inflam-matory disease 2. Are administering oral glucose to a known diabetic. What should you bemost concerned about? ANS The smell of acetone on breath 3. 45 year old is 34 weeks pregnant.she complains of a severe headache, sensitivity to light, and swollen feet. Vitals signs are BP 130/88, P104, R 24what should you suspect? ANS Preeclampsia 4. A 10 month old is choking, what should you do? ANS Back blows 5. First step with a sexually assaulted patient? ANS Reassure patient
6. 2 year old has been vomiting for 12 hours and has decreased oral intake. She does not track your movements. What type of shock should you suspect?P150 R 24. Cool skin w/ mottling. ANS Hypovolemic 7. 50 year old female states she has "the worst headache of her life".The onestwas 20 minutes ago and it was abrupt. Vitals BP 180/90 P56 and R 20. You should suspect? ANS Subarachnoid hemorrhage 8. 32 y/o female. 18 weeks pregnant. Lower ab pain w/vaginal bleeding. Youshould suspect? ANS Spontaneous abortion 9. 70 y/o with SOB "I woke up and felt like i was drowning". He has beenrecently sleeping with extra pillows under his head. Bp 160/80 P 98 andirregular. R 24. Spo 86%. ANS Left heart failure 10. Request additional resources for which victim? (couldnt find all the op-tions ANS Foot wedged in pedal 11. 56 yo M with severe pain after eating greasy food ANS Cholecystitis 12. Newborn is apneic immediately after delivery ANS Stimulate baby
13. 3 yo F sitting on dads lap, drooling and won't eat or drink ANS Epiglottis 14. 56 yo F complains of chest pain that is unrelieved after 3 NTG's. Troubledbreathing speaking in 2 - 3 word sentences. You should? ANS Provide 02 15. What is a system of external/internal reviews called? ANS Quality improvement 16. EMS displays a "Free BP Check" sign on the window. This is a signof? ANS Community relations 17. Which the following will only occur in the 1st trimester of pregnancy? ANS Ec-topic pregnancy 18. 36 yo M complains of nausea, vomiting and ab pain. Homeless and admitsto chronic alcohol use. VS Bp 92/54 P122 R8. You suspect? ANS Pancreatitis 19. 62 yo M with history of COPD ran out of Home O2. SOB and dry lung nonproductive cough, clear lung sounds. You suspect? ANS Emphysema 20. 28 yo F has severe pain after slipping in the shower. 31 wks pregnant hasbright red vaginal bleeding. Suspect? ANS Abruption placenta
21. Previous ambulance crew failed to clean backboard properly. Dried bloodunder the edges. ANS Wash board with disinfectant 22. 24 yo F complains of right lower ab pain that radiates to the back with slightvaginal bleeding. Last period was 2 weeks prior. Suspect? ANS Ruptured ovarian cyst 23. When lifting a stretcher into the ambulance using power grip, you should?- ANS Position hands 10 apart 24. Complications with precipitous delivery ANS Perineum tearing 25. 54 yo F tells you she drank bleach to kill herself. You should? ANS Contactpoison control 26. 19 yr F is posticial following 10 mins seizures has snoring respirations.Youshould? ANS Insert OPA 27. You have been asked to audit prehospital care reports. Which requiresreview? ANS pt sitting on supine with chest pain on a stretcher right 28. 82 yo F mumbling and throwing clothes, nurse says she's diabetic. Youshould? ANS Give oral glucose
29. Unresponsive 3yo lying supine in a ditch. VS 60/40 P60 R8. you should? ANS - Assist ventilations 30. Leading cause of bradycardia in pediatrics ANS Hypoxia 31. Delivery of newborn has central cyanosis covered in thick greenish fluid. You should? ANS Inspect oropharynx 32. 46 yo F. fever & lower ab pain that moves to lower back when she walks. Abnormal vaginal discharge for 2 days. VS 144/88 P98 R16. you should sus- pect? ANS Pelvic inflammatory disease 33. 12 yo M bleeding uncontrollably from deep laceration to palm. He is a hemophiliac ANS Hemostatic agent 34. Which body is responsible for protection, temp, excretion? ANS Integumentary 35. An unconscious male is cyanotic and actively vomiting you have beensuctioning him for at least a minute. ANS Open airway, check pulse 36. 32 yo F was involved in a car crash and complains of a tearing pain in her back. Her left radial pulse is stronger than her right radial pulse. ANS Aorticdissection
37. 48 year old male in vehicle responsive to verbal only.You see smoke in thevehicle. ANS Rapid extrication 38. You are delivering a baby and the amniotic sac is still in place.You should?- ANS Tear amniotic sac 39. 54 year old female tells you that she drank bleach to kill herself/. Youshould? ANS Contact poison control
40. Newborn infant with pink torso and blue extremities, you should? ANS Dry himoff 41. 36 year old ventilator dependent, called 911 because the ventilator warn- ing. What should you do? ANS Look for rise and fall 42. 22 year old fem is choking.She is in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy she is standing up leaning over a chair drooling unable to speak or cough. You should? ANS Perform chest thrust 43. 8 year old with ecchymosis to ULQ. you should suspect? ANS Splenic injury 44. 22 year old pregnant choking what do you do? ANS Chest thrust 45. 21 year old female alert and complains of weakness / dizziness following a syncopal episode. She tells you she has been working outside all day. What's the most likely cause? ANS Dehydration 46. 55 year old female fell and struck her head. She now complains of aheadache. Which statement is most concerning? ANS Im on blood thinners 47. 36 year old female complains of left leg pain after car wreck, when you place her on long spine board, you see her left leg is shortened and rotatedoutward? ANS Femur fracture 48. You arrive at the factory and see lots of people coughing as they evaluatethe building you should? ANS Triage upwind 49. 32 y/o complains of rapid heart. You should? ANS Obtain Vitals 50. 58 year old male complains of general weakness and tells you that he hadsevere chest pain/ SOB the day before. You head rales at both lungs. Cool, pale, clammy skin signs. BP 70/40 p110, and R28. suspect? ANS Cardiogenic shock 51. Which part of heart responsible for pulmonary edema? ANS LV 52. Unconscious 28 year old male has a puncture wound in his left forearm.You also see
multiple scars on the backs of both his hands. What type of overdose should you suspect? ANS Narcotic
53. You have just assisted in the delivery of a newborn. She has central cyanosis and is covered in a thick greenish fluid. You should. ANS Inspect theoropharynx 54. 48yo M involved in a car crash is slumped over the steering wheel & unresponsive to loud stimuli.You smoke inside the vehicle & airbag deployed.You should? ANS Perform emergency extrication 55. Which vessels carries oxygenated blood back to the heart? ANS Pulmonaryveins 56. Which part of the heart is responsible for causing pulmonary edema. ANS Leftventricle 57. A 59 year old male complains of distress and crushing chest. He is di-aphoretic, pale cool. You should ANS Assist with self administer Rex nitro
58. immediately after the delivery of vigorous newborn, you should. ANS Suction oropharynx with bulb 59. 19 year old fem is found by her friend staring blankly at the wall. She is awake but slow to answer questions. What is most likely the cause? ANS Seizure 60. 23 year is 30 weeks pregnant and complains of abdominal cramps. She tells you that she has had normal prenatal health care and no vaginal dis- charge. Vitals signs are Bp 102/74, P 112, R22 and labored. You should? ANS Ad-minister oxygen 61. You have just delivered an infant with a pink torso and blue extremities. Heis crying and moving his arms and legs.You should. ANS Vigorous dry off with towel 62. Where in your PCR should you document that you placed the patient ono2 at 15lm by nrb? ANS Plan 63. Which conditions will only occur during the 1st trimester of pregnancy? ANS - Ectopic pregnancy 64. A newborn head has just been delivered.You should? ANS Inspect for meconium 65. A 66 year old female has regained a pulse after shock with an AED? Sheis moving her extremities and has a R 8. You should? ANS Assis her ventilations 66. An 8 year old male was hit by a car and is unresponsive. He has ecchymo-sis to his left upper quadrant. You should suspect. ANS Splenic injury 67. What should you do to prevent the spread of this infection. ANS Clean your stethoscope with a germicide 68. 67 yo female is unconscious and her family members are performing poorCPR. You should ANS 2 min CPR 69. While performing a primary assessment on a Suicidal 35 year old M hebecomes verbally abusive. You should ANS Calmly attempt to de escalate him
70. 62 Year old complains of chest pain & shortness of breath with a long history of Angina. Vital signs are BP 90/50 P 100 R22 SPO2 90% what shouldyou do? ANS Administer 02 71. Securing pregnant patient to long spine board, you should tilt the board tothe left to prevent ANS Hypotension 72. 78 yo male tells you "I feel sick & can't walk" bed is dirty w/ urine and feces. He request transport, but daughter does not want him to be transported to the hospital. What should you do? ANS Transport him to hospital 73. 42 year old is apneic. Suddenly grabbed throat while eating and collapsed- ANS Start compressions 74. A 10 month old F withdraws to painful stimuli. She had an ear infection and fever the passed three days, and she has a bulging fontanelle. ANS Meningitis 75. Which of the following patients have a right to refuse transport. ANS A 52 yearold man with tightness in the chest and wheezing
76. Family members poor cpr. You should ANS Perform 2 minutes of CPR 77. Bleeding from dialysis shunt you should ANS Apply direct pressure to the shunt 78. A 12 year old male was kicked in the chest by a horse. He has distended neck veins and tracheal deviations. What should you suspect? ANS Tension pneu-mothorax 79. 58 Year old with fever and chills. Lung sounds reveals rales and rhonchiin lower right lung ANS Pneumonia 80. 24 y F is 23 weeks pregnant and she tells you that she feels weak and beenvomiting for the passed 3 days she also tells you that she is scared to go to the hospital in the ambulance. V/S 84/52 P 110 R SPO2 98% on room air temp.You should. ANS Monitor her vitals signs and transport 81. A 72-year-old female's family member tells you she had a brief period of slurred speech and left sided arm weakness prior to EMS arrival. What is themost likely cause ANS Transient ischemic attack 82. 18 yo M OD'd on unknown medication. RR is 8. Insert OPA, has gag reflexyou should? ANS Insert NPA 83. Circumferential burn from elbow to wrist is what % ANS 4. 84. 28 year old is in active labor. You see umbilical cord protruding from hervagina. Which position should you place her in? ANS Knee-chest 85. A 35 year old male spilled corrosive chemicals on his legs while cleaning an indoor swimming pool. He is dyspneic and has thickness burns to his legsyou should? ANS Remove him from pool area 86. Which of the following is an audible, high pitched sound usually resultsfrom a blockage of the smaller air passages ANS Stidor 87. Left ankle fracture with tingling sensation in foot. Foot is cool swollen witha faint pulse.
You should ANS Splint in position of comfort
88. 45 year old is 34 weeks prego. Severe headache and severity to light,swollen feet ANS Pre-eclampsia 89. Daughter of 82yo M called 911 because she thought her father was actingstrangely. He has no complaints and refusing to go to the hospital. Daughterhas proof of Medical Power of Attorney. She tells you to take him to the hospital. You should? ANS Tell her daughter that she is only legally allowed to make decisions when her father is incapacitated 90. What is the leading cause of bradycardia for pediatric patients ANS Hypoxia 91. A 36-year-old female complains of fever and lower abdominal pain that moves to the lower back when she walks. She also mentions that she has hada domino vaginal discharge for the past two days. Vitals signs are blood pres-sure 144/88 pulse 98 respirations 16 you should suspect? ANS Pelvic inflammatorydisease/
92. 53 year old male with a history of coronary artery disease had a suddenonset of tearing abdominal pain that radiates to back he is ashen and di- aphoretic states that he needs to use the bathroom vs bp 110/76 p 100 R20you should ANS Explain the need for immediate transport 93. 92 year old female complains of a headache and trouble breathing. She ison home O2. What is the most important question you should ask ANS When did SOB Start 94. A 16 y/o male tripped and landed on his elbow. It is swollen with obviousdeformities and he is screaming in pain. You should ANS ANS Splint in position found 95. A 58 year old male complains of general weakness and tells you that he had severe chest pain and shortness of breath the day before. You hear ralesat the base of both lungs. His skin is pale, cool, and clammy. Vital signs are BP 70/40, P 110, R 28. You should suspect ANS ANS Cardiogenic SK 96. 24 year old female complains of right lower quadrant abdominal pain thatradiates to her back with slight vaginal bleeding ANS Ruptured ovarian cyst 97. Cough producing thick mucus in tripod w/barrel chest ANS Chronic Bronchitis 98. An alert 62 yo male complains of chest pain, short of breath and long history of angina. Vital signs are BP 90/50, P100, R22, SP02 90%. What shouldyou do? ANS Administer o 99. A 450 lb patient has a 6 inch lacerating to the right upper arm & a fracture left ankles. He is on the 3rd floor. You should ANS ANS Apply a pressure dressing to thearm 100. A 22 fem was in a bicycle accident and struck her chest on the handlebar. She is short of breath and you notice small section of her chest move asym- metrically. You should suspect? ANS Flail segment 101. What organ is responsible for the exchange of oxygen, food, and wastebetween the
mother and fetus? ANS Placenta
102. After delivering a shock with an AED to an unresponsive 49 year old maleyou should ANS Resume chest compressions 103. Periumbilical pain radiates to Right Lower Quadrant ANS Appendicitis 104. 2 year old male had a seizure following the onset of a high fever whatshould you recommend to the parent? ANS Transport to hospital 105. Your EMS base displays a free blood pressure check sing on the door thisis an example of? ANS Community relaxations 106. In which zone would you triage patients during a hazardous materialsemergency? ANS Cold 107. A 58 year old female has a fever with chills. Lung sounds reveal rales andrhonchi in the lower right lung field. What should you suspect ANS Pneumonia
108. A 45 year old female 34 weeks pregnant she complains of severe headache sensitive to light and swollen feet vs are blood pressure 130/88pulse 104 and respirations 24 would you suspect? ANS Preeclampsia 109. 20 year old male has supraclavicular retractions and is slow to respond toquestions. He has expiratory wheezes in all lung fields with minimal chest wall movement. You should ANS Assist pt. In taking prescribed (MDI) meter dose inhaler 110. 21 year old female has an open femur fracture after falling off horse, you should ANS check distal pulse 111. An unresponsive 19yo F is supine on the bed next to several empty beercans, her 3yo son is running around the house. Vital signs are BP 80/40, P 110, R 6 & shallow. You should ANS Transport. Her & her son to the hospital 112. A 66 year old female complains of shortness of breath.You notice severaltissues beside her that contain bloody sputum. You should ANS Don an N95 mask and ask her if she has experienced night sweats or cough 113. An unresponsive 67 year old male is lying supine with a weak carotid pulse. He has emesis in his oropharynx and gasping respirations of 6 youshould ANS Suction Airway 114. Baby/infant Grunting & Intercostal Retractions & Nasal Flaring ANS Respira-tory Distress 115. What is a system of internal/external reviews called? ANS Quality improvement 116. A 52 year old female complains of severe abdominal pain, distention,and black stools. Vital signs are BP 92/40, P 115, R 20. What should you suspect? ANS Upper intestinal bleed 117. What is responsible for exchange of oxygen, food and waste betweenmother and fetus? ANS Placenta
118. 55 year old female tells you "It feels like something is stuck in my throatand my voice sounds different." She is hot to the touch. ANS Inspect her throat fora foreign body 119. A 24-year-old female is 32 weeks pregnant she tells you that she feels weak and has been vomiting for the past three days she also tells you that sheis scared to go to the hospital in the ambulance. Vital signs are 84/82 pulse is110 respirations 16 SPO2 98 you should ANS Monitor her vital signs and transport 120. A 23 year old male has a penetrating wound to his right upper chest with a small amount of bubbling blood. He is alert, plae, and diaphoretic. Vital signsare BP 122/82, P 112, R 24. You should? ANS Apply an occlusive dressing 121. Which patient has the right to refuse treatment and transport? ANS 52 year old male with tightness in chest with wheezes
122. A 42 year old was stung by a bee on his left hand and finger are red and swollen, he tells you that he is allergic to bee stings. Vitals are Bp 112/76 P90 R16 you should? ANS Scrape stinger 123. A 12 year old male is prone in a shallow bathtub of water. He is pulseless and apneic. What should you do? ANS Dry the patient 124. Appropriate to say to suicidal patient ANS Let's bring you to the hospital 125. 36 year old complains of the fever abdominal pain moves to lower backbp 114/88 p 98 R16 ANS Kidney stones 126. An unconscious 28 year old male has a puncture wound in his left forearm.You also see multiple scars on the backs of both his hands. What typeof overdose should you suspect? ANS Narcotic 127. What is a system of internal and external reviews called? ANS Quality improve-ment 128. Which part of the heart is responsible for causing pulmonary edema? ANS - Left ventricle 129. 51 Year old male is unresponsive with agonal respirations. You should ANS - Check for pulse 130. what is the normal breathing rate for a 6 year old? ANS 18 - 30 131. A 70 year old male complains of shortness of breath he tells you "I wokeup and felt like I was drowning." He has recently been sleeping with extra pillows under his head. Vital signs are BP 166/80, P 98 and irregular, R 24, SpO2 86%. What should you suspect? ANS Left side heart failure 132. Sexually assaulted and bleeding from vagina. ANS Place sanitary pad overvaginal opening 133. Which cardiac rhythm prompts you to shock? ANS V-tach
134. A 35 year old has shortness of breath after being shot in abdomen andlegs. Vital signs are P 122 R 24 and labored ANS Apply 02 by non rebreather 135. 45 year old male hypothermic after night camping.You should? ANS Move himto warm environment 136. Patient has been shot in the chest after cutting off the patient's bloodsoaked shirt you should place it in ANS Biohazards disposal bag 137. Which statistic about EMS calls would support a community's request to reduce the speed limit in the neighborhood? ANS 15% of calls for car crashes have at least one victim dead on scene 138. A 72 y/o female has a nose bleed after a fall. You should. ANS Lean forward 139. 54 year old female drank bleach to kill herself. Psychiatric history/ poison control/activated charcoal/drink milk ANS Poison con-trol
140. Lifting a 26 year old male out of crash onto long board. Complaintsshortness of breath and anxious. You should ANS Apply 02 141. A confused 22 - year-old male weak pulse of 122 distended abdomen paleand clammy ANS Internal bleeding 142. Unresponsive 22 year old is breathing 6/min after motorcycle crash ANS Begin ventilation with BVM / 143. 76 Year old female with fever, cough w/green sputum for 3 days. Lungsounds Rhonchi ANS Pneumonia 144. 28 year old 31 weeks prego falls in shower. Severe abdominal pain, brightred vaginal bleeding. Suspect ANS Abruption placenta 145. A 25 - year-old stabbed in the chest occlusive dressing was applied prior to arrival Vital signs are 90/62 pulse 122 respiration 28 and labor you should ANS Lift one side of the occlusive dressing 146. 42 yo is apneic suddenly grabbed throat while eating and collapse. You should ANS Compressions 147. 40 year old with open ankle fracture with blood. Standard Precautions ANS - Gloves and goggle and surgical mask 148. An 88 y/o female in hospice care is pulseless and apneic with dependentlividity. Her son says "she died 2 hours ago after I gave her a large dose of pain medication" What should you do? ANS Notify law enforcement 149. When using sirens? ANS Consider motorist can hear it 150. an unconscious pt has a partially amputated foot. You should ANS Controlbleeding 151. A febrile 24 yo female complains of periumbilical pain that radiates to herright lower quadrant. What should you suspect ANS Appendicitis's
152. A 50 yo. Female states, " I'm having the worst headache of my life" andthat the headache began suddenly, 20 min ANS Migrant headache 153. A 45 year old has frostbite on both feet. You transport time is 20min. Youshould? ANS Rewrap with blanket 154. A 19 year old Female jaw is clenched following a 5 min tonic clonic seizure. She is cyanotic and has gurgling respirations. What should you do? ANS Insert NPA and suction 155. An 18 year old female with sickle cell anemia complains of stomach painand upper leg pain Vitals 130/66 P 96 R 14 you should ANS Apply o2 and transporta position of comfort 156. Pencil stuck in cheek and bleeding stopped ANS Stabilize 157. Air Medical Landing Zone? ANS 100 x 100 158. Name the condition for a pregnant patient with placenta covering cervicalopening ANS placenta previa
159. 62 year old male with COPD history ran out of his o2. He is SOB. He hasa dry non- productive cough with clear lung sound ANS Chronic bronchitis 160. 72 year old has a nosebleed after a fall ANS lean her head forward 161. 78 yo M says "Feel sick cant walk" wants to be transported but daughterdoesnt want you to. ANS transport to hospital