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EMT Operations Fisdap Exam With 100% Correct Answers, Exams of Nursing

EMT Operations Fisdap Exam With 100% Correct Answers What PPE should be worn when managing a patient's airway (suctioning, ventilating with BVM) - Correct answer-At a minimum, gloves and full facial protection

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EMT Operations Fisdap Exam With 100% Correct


What PPE should be worn when managing a patient's airway (suctioning, ventilating with BVM) - Correct answer-At a minimum, gloves and full facial protection Which immobilization device is used for a patient with multiple injuries and unstable vital signs? - Correct answer-Long spine board immobilization device Proper guidelines for safe reaching: - Correct answer-reach no more than 15-20 inches in front of body Who assumes the role of triage officer at a mass-casualty incident? - Correct answer- The most knowledgable EMS provider Exposure - Correct answer-When an individual comes in direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids. Ex: blood splashing into eyes or mouth START method - Correct answer-Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment Immediate (red tag) - Correct answer-Adult patient with a respiratory rate less than 10 breaths or greater than 29 breaths What should a radio report to the hospital include? - Correct answer-The patient's age, sex, their chief complaint, associated assessment findings, vital signs, treatment that you provided, and the patient's response to your treatment Key components at a mass-casualty incidient - Correct answer-On-site communications, adequately staffed treatment area, and a supply area near the treatment area Incident commander - Correct answer-Resposible for all logistical and operational aspects of a mass-casualty incident (MCI) such as designating section officers and working in collaboration with other agencies (police, fire, EMS) EMS medical director - Correct answer-Oversees all issues regarding patient care in an MCI

vesicant agent (blister agents) - Correct answer-Sulfur mustard (H), Lewisite (L), and phosgene oxime (CX)

scope of practice - Correct answer-the set of legal regulations and ethical considerations that define the job of the EMT. It provides a clear delineation of the EMT's roles and responsibilities Components of a Scene Size-up - Correct answer-Ensuring scene safety. Identifying the MOI or nature of the illness. Detecting the number of victims involved. Determining the resources needed. Chlorine gas - Correct answer-a pulmonary (chocking) agent with a distinct odor of bleach and creates a green haze when released as a gas First signs of Chlorine gas presence - Correct answer-Upper airway irritation and a choking sensation Later signs of Chlorine gas presence - Correct answer--shortness of breath -chest tightness -hoarseness and stridor as a result of upper airway swelling -gasping or persistent coughing Chemical nerve agents - Correct answer--Tabun (GA)

  • V agent (VX) -sarin (GB) -soman (GD) These are nerve agents designed to kill large numbers of people with small quantities-- they can cause cardiac arrest within seconds to minutes of exposure What are standing orders? - Correct answer-Define certain treatment interventions that the EMT is authorized to perform prior to contacting medical control What is triage? - Correct answer-It is the process of rapidly assessing patients to determine their treatment priority Use of a basket stretcher (Stokes Basket) - Correct answer-Ideal for moving patients across rough terrain. Staging area in a MCI - Correct answer-Area designated for all incoming ambulances and resources DUMBELS for nerve agent exposure - Correct answer--Diarrhea -Urination -Mioisis (constricted pupils) -Bradycardia
  • Emesis (vomiting)
  • Lacrimation (excessive tearing)