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2025 GRADED A+
- What is one of the easiest ways to identify the type of refrigerant that is in a system? A. Check the stem of the TXV. B. Check the nameplate data. C. Check the pressure cutout settings. D. Smell the refrigerant.
- By front-seating a three-way suction service valve, the A. suction inlet to the valve will be closed. B. gauge port of the valve will be closed. C. gauge port and suction inlet will be closed. D. valve port to compressor inlet will be closed.
- At room ambient temperature of 80 oF (26.7oC), what is the approximate pressure of a cylinder containing R-22? A. 143 psig (986 kPa) B. 74 psig (510 kPa) C. 114 psig (786 kPa) D. 212 psig (1462 kPa)
- Which refrigerant may be used as a trace gas, pressurized with nitrogen, for leak detection?
A. R-ll B. R- 12 C. R- 22 D. R- 115
- Visual oil traces around the inlet fitting of a sight glass may be the indication of: A. a leak at the point of the oil traces. B. excessive oil in the system. C. an overcharge of refrigerant. D. a restriction in the system.
- What may cause excessive superheat at the evaporator outlet of an air-conditioning system? A. High head pressure B. A dirty condenser C. Insufficient air flow D. Low refrigerant charge
- What is the maximum leak rate allowed for comfort cooling chillers and all other equipment to require repair under EPA regulations? A. 15percent
B. 25 percent C. 35 percent D. 45 percent
- The required level of evacuation for recovery equipment manufactured before November 15, 1993, is less than that required for equipment manufactured after that date. What is the early requirement when used on a system with an R- 22 charge of less than 200 pounds (91 kg)? A. 0 inches Hg B. 4 inches Hg C. 10 inches Hg D. 15inchesHg
- What is the required level of evacuation for recovery equipment manufactured after November 15, 1993, on a system that contains less than 200 pounds (91 kg) of R- 22 refrigerant? A. 0 inches Hg B. 4 inches Hg C. 10 inches Hg D. 15 inches Hg
- What is the required level of evacuation for recovery equipment manufactured after November 15, 1993, on a system containing less than 200 pounds (91 kg) of R- 12 refrigerant? A. 0 inches Hg B. 4 inches Hg
C. 10 inches Hg D. 15 inches Hg
- What is the maximum annual leak rate for industrial process and commercial refrigeration equipment required to be repaired under EPA regulations? A. 15 percent B. 25 percent C. 35 percent D. 45 percent
- Which of the following replacements is defined as a major repair by the EPA? A. Compressor B. Evaporator C. Either A or B. D. Neither A nor B.
- By EPA rules, a Type Il classification applies to: A. Small appliances containing five pounds (2.27 kg) or less of refrigerant. B. Refrigerators, freezers, and vending machines. C. Low-pressure systems.
D. Split air-conditioning systems with five pounds (2.27 kg) or more of refrigerant
- Most liquid refrigerants to be recovered from a system will be found in the: A. condenser B. receiver. C. hoses and lines. D. evaporator
- It is the owner's responsibility to maintain records of any and all refrigerant that is added to a system that contains pounds (_ kg) or more of refrigerant. A. 15(6.8) B. 20(9.07) C. 35(15.88) D. 50(22.68)
- System-dependent recovery equipment is limited to appliances containing less than pounds (_ kg) of refrigerant. A. 15(6.8) B. 25(11.34) C. 50(22.68) D. 75(34.02)
- There are exceptions to the required evacuation levels for recovery equipment that require an appliance be evacuated to only 0 psig. These apply to appliances that:
A. are being scrapped for salvage. B. contain a substance that would damage the recovery equipment. C. have a defective compressor. D. have a water-cooled condenser.
- What is the rule for maximum liquid filling of refrigerant cylinders? A. 60 percent B. 70 percent C. 80 percent D. 90 percent
- What refrigerant would you expect to find in a split air-conditioning system manufactured before 1995? A. R-ll B. R- 12 C. R- 22 D. R- 502
- How is time required for recovery of refrigerant shortened? A. Recovering as much liquid as possible in the initial stages B. Cooling the recovery tank in ice water C. Either A or B.
D. Neither A nor B.
- What is the condition and state of refrigerant entering the receiver? A. Superheated low-pressure vapor B. Superheated high-pressure vapor C. Subcooled low-pressure liquid D. Subcooled high-pressure liquid
- In what units is a deep vacuum, for evacuation and dehydration, measured? A. Atmospheres(psi) B. psig(kPa) C. psia(kPa-abs) D. Microns(inches)
- Any noncondensables in a refrigeration system will: A. be purged with a recovery machine. B. cause an increase in the high-side pressure. C. Either A or B. D. Neither A nor B.
- R-134a is a drop in replacement refrigerant for: A. R-12. B. R-22.
C. Either A or B. D. Neither A nor B.
- What is the condition and state of refrigerant leaving the accumulater? A. Superheated high-pressure vapor B. Superheated low-pressure vapor C. Subcooled high-pressure liquid D. Subcooled low-pressure liquid
- Which of the following will speed up the recovery process? A. Chilling the recovery vessel. B. Heating the appliance. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- Recovering liquid before vapor refrigerant: A. prevents removing moisture from the system. B. prevents removing lubricant from the system. C. aids in removing noncondensables.
D. speeds up refrigerant recovery time.
- A vacuum pump has been operated for 15 minutes and then turned off. The low-side gauge then slowly rises to O psig. The problem may be: A. a leak in the system. B. a leak in the manifold and gauge set. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- The vacuum pump has been operated for a half hour and then turned off. The low- side gauge rises 5 in. Hg in five minutes. The problem may be: A. air in the system. B. refrigerant in the system. C. impurities in the system. D. oil in the system.
- It is important to leak test before charging a system to: A. remove excess air and moisture. B. ensure a proper charge of lubricant. C. Both A and B.
D. Neither A nor B.
- It is important to evacuate a system before charging to: A. remove air and moisture. B. determine the proper charge of refrigerant. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- The best method for pressurizing a system for leak testing is to use: A. nitrogen. B. nitrogen and R-22. C. R-22. D. compressed air.
- A major repair would be the replacement of a(n): A. evaporator blower motor. B. evaporator coil assembly. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- To convert psig to psia, add: A. 14.7 to psia. B. 14.7 to psig.
C. 17.4 to psia. D. 17.4 to psig.
- The state of the refrigerant in a receiver is: A. high-pressure liquid. B. high-pressure vapor. C. low-pressureliquid. D. low-pressure vapor.
- A refrigerant leak may be determined by: A. excessive superheat. B. oil residue. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- The same manifold and gauge set may be used for: A. HFC and HCFC service. B. CFC and HCFC service. C. CFC and HFC service.
D. None of the above.
- When recovering refrigerant from a leaking system, what level of vacuum must be reached? A. 5 in. Hg B. 10 in. Hg C. 5 psig D. O psig
- If the ambient temperature is 83oF (28oC) and the refrigerant pressure in an inoperative system is 145 psig (1000 kPa), the system is probably charged with: A. R-22. B. R-12. C. R-ll D. R- 500
- A white refrigerant disposable cylinder may: A. be used for the temporary recovery of R-12. B. be used for the temporary recovery of R-22. C. be used as a compressed-air storage tank.
D. not be reused for any purpose.
- What is the grace period for reinspection of a recovery cylinder? A. There is no grace period. B. 30 days C. 60 days D. 90 days
- A hermetic system is under a vacuum and is to be charged with refrigerant. Which of the following should not be done? A. Release the vacuum before admitting refrigerant vapor into the system. B. Start the compressor to draw refrigerant vapor into the system. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- Equipment room oxygen deprivation sensors are required under: A. EPA standards. B. ASHRAE standards. C. SAE standards. D. ARI standards.
- The termination date for the production of Class I substances is January 1 of: A. 2000. B. 2002.
C. 2004.
D. 2005.
- The termination date for the production of Class II substances is January 1 of: A. 2000. B. 2010. C. 2020. D. 2030.
- What type certification is required of a technician who wants to service high- pressure refrigeration systems? A. Type I B. Type II C. Type III D. Universal
- All alternate refrigerants must be approved for use by: A. the EPA. B. SAE. C. the UL. D. OSHA.
- State laws may be enacted that: A. enhance federal requirements. B. support federal requirements. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- Those who want to service air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment must: A. become certified for a particular type of service through an EPA- approved program. B. acquire refrigerant recovery and recycle equipment that complies with the rule. C. establish safe disposal requirements of equipment that enters the waste stream. D. All of the above.
- What type of system may a Universal certificate holder not service, under the 608 Rule? A. Centrifugal coolers B. Small appliances C. Non-MVAC D. MVAC
- What "charge" may be released to the atmosphere? A. Nitrogen and R- 22 used as a holding charge. B. Nitrogen and R- 22 used as a leak test gas. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- When connecting or disconnecting a hose from a system, the refrigerant in the hose: A. must be recovered. B. may be released to the atmosphere. C. must be retained in the hose. D. Either of the above.
- How do technicians ensure that they are evacuating a system to the EPA-prescribed percentage level? A. Follow equipment manufacturer's directions. B. Rely on past experience for a best-guess judgment. C. Evacuate for a minimum of a half hour. D. None of the above.
- Recovered refrigerant may be: A. returned to the same system from which it was removed. B. installed in any other system on the premises. C. sold on the open market to any certified technician. D. processed and then released to the atmosphere.
- Who has the EPA approved for certifying recovery and recycle equipment? A. UL B. ARI C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- Recovery and recycle equipment built before November 15, 1993: A. may not be used. B. may be "grandfathered." C. must be scrapped out. D. does not meet EPA requirements.
- A particular appliance must be repaired if its leak rate exceeds 15 percent per year. It has been necessary to add eight pounds (36.3 kg) of refrigerant to a 100 - pound (45. kg) system after two months. What is the annual leak rate? A. 4.8 percent B. 48 percent C. 8 percent
D. 80 percent
- It has been necessary to add 2.75 pounds (1.25 kg) of refrigerant annually to a system that contains 25 pounds (11.34 kg) of refrigerant. What is the annual leak rate? A. 15 percent B. 13 percent C. 11 percent D. 9 percent
- An HCFC system containing 18 pounds (8.2 kg) of refrigerant requires 1 pound (0.45 kg) of refrigerant during every quarterly preventive maintenance period. This machine: A. should not be repaired. B. need not be, but should be, repaired. C. must be repaired. D. Should be serviced every month.
- A system having an excessive leak must be repaired within days of discovery. A. 10 B. 30 C. 60 D. 90
- A MVAC-like air conditioner may be found in: A. a truck. B. stationary refrigeration applications. C. refrigerated vending machines. D. farm equipment.
- The sale of refrigerant is restricted to: A. a properly licensed business. B. a properly certified technician. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- A technician with Type II certification may not service: A. high-pressure and very high pressure systems. B. small appliances. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- A technician with Type I certification may not service:
A. small appliances. B. MVAC-type appliances. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- Which of the following procedures may a noncertified technician perform? A. Connect and/or disconnect manifold and gauge hoses to a system B. Add refrigerant to or remove refrigerant from a system C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- Which of the following should not be used for leak testing? A. Compressed air B. Oxygen C. Carbon dioxide D. All of the above.
- The refrigerant recovery process may be faster by: A. recovering liquid and then vapor. B. recovering vapor before the liquid. C. recovering the vapor and liquid at the same time. D. first evacuating the recovery cylinder.
- The part of a refrigeration system that removes heat is: A. a condenser. B. the evaporator. C. an absorber. D. a receiver.
- Another term for heat exchanger may be: A. evaporator B. condenser. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- At what point in the system should the refrigerant be all liquid? A. When entering the compressor B. When entering the metering device. C. When leaving the compressor D. When leaving the metering device
- At what point in the system should the refrigerant be all vapor?
A. When entering the compressor B. When entering the metering device C. When leaving the compressor D. When leaving the metering device
- Which type leak detector is not used with an HFC system? A. Electronic B. Soap solution C. Dye trace D. Propane gas
- A low refrigerant charge may cause: A. high discharge pressure. B. low superheat. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.
- Low suction pressure may be caused by: A. a restriction. B. a low refrigerant charge. C. a defective evaporator fan. D. Either of the above.
- High head pressure may be caused by: A. a restriction. B. a low refrigerant charge. C. a defective evaporator fan. D. None of the above. After reaching the required recovery vacuum on an appliance, you should: A. Immediately disconnect the recycling or recovery equipment and open the system for service. B. Wait for at least a few minutes to see if the system pressure rises, indicating that there is still refrigerant in liquid form or in the oil. C. Immediately break the vacuum with nitrogen and open the system for service. D. Immediately pressurize the system with nitrogen and perform a leak check. During evacuation with large amounts of moisture it may be necessary to increase pressure to counteract freezing with gas such as: A. R-12. B. R-22. C. Air. D. Nitrogen.
Which of the following repairs would ALWAYS be considered 'major' under EPA's regulations? A. Replacement of an evaporator coil. B. Replacement of a filter-drier. C. Replacement of a schraeder valve core. D. Replacement of a condenser fan motor. Moisture is removed from the refrigerant in a system by: A. Purging the condenser. B. Draining the oil separator. C. Reducing water flow to the condenser. D. Using a filter drier. Recycling or recovery equipment using hermetic compressors has the potential to overheat when drawing deep vacuums because: A. It runs faster than other equipment. B. The motor relies on the flow of refrigerant through the compressor for cooling. C. It has a higher compression ratio limit than other equipment. D. The oils used in hermetic compressors bum at lower temperatures than the oils used in other equipment.