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English Language Arts A30 Canadian Literature - Lecture Notes - United State Literature - Mrs. Mejia, Study notes of American literature

When one thinks of the influence of a place on one’s writing, two aspects come to mind. First the physical presence of the place itself -- its geography, its appearance. Second, the people

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Uploaded on 12/23/2011

aristel 🇺🇸



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Download English Language Arts A30 Canadian Literature - Lecture Notes - United State Literature - Mrs. Mejia and more Study notes American literature in PDF only on Docsity!

English Language Arts A30 Canadian Literature Course Outline Mrs. Mejia – 2011

“When one thinks of the influence of a place on one’s writing, two aspects come to mind. First the physical presence of the place itself -- its geography, its appearance. Second, the people.” Margaret Laurence

Canada is a diverse country made up of multiple regions, cultures, histories, and identities. In addition to its diverse landscapes, Canada is a nation of many diverse voices and perspectives. Literature gives voice to a country, and its writers help us understand the nature of the people who live here. Students will listen to, read about, view, discuss, and write about different Canadian voices.


Citizenship – 10% Final exam – 20% Reading and writing – 42% Speaking and listening – 14% Viewing and representing – 14%

Late policy:

The late penalty in the English department is 10% a day up to 40%. A day is a day; an assignment due Friday and handed in on Monday would be considered three days late.

Late assignments will not be accepted in the last four weeks of the semester – May 30 would be the last day to hand in late work this year.

Class Rules:

The rules of the class are simple. I expect you to come to class on time, prepared to work. I expect you to be respectful to all people in the class. Finally, I expect you to be committed to work to your fullest potential.

The rules in the Campbell handbook regarding cell phones and plagiarism are especially important in this class.