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English Literature paper 2 questions and their correct answers
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Ozymandias: Key concepts - Correct Answers Power,pride,arrogance,loss and art London: Key concepts - Correct Answers Poverty, conflict,power and religion The Prelude: Key concepts - Correct Answers Hubris,spiritual, nature,power My last Duchess: Key concepts - Correct Answers Unfaithful,possessive,control,arrogance Charge of the light brigade: Key concepts - Correct Answers Stress,political,heros,hopelessness,glory Exposure: Key concepts - Correct Answers Misery,bravery,suffering,weather Storm on the island: Key concepts - Correct Answers Isolation,weather,fear,power Bayonet charge: Key concepts - Correct Answers Young,violence,panic,destruction Remains: Key concepts - Correct Answers Trauma,PTSD,death,pain,fear Poppies: Key concepts - Correct Answers Religious,longing,bonds,sacrifice War photographer: Key concepts - Correct Answers Horrors,PTSD,religion,publicity Kamikaze: Key concepts - Correct Answers Social,honour,neglection,culture What describes the king in Ozymandias? - Correct Answers He is cold hearted and a arrogant ruler, the king has much power which he loses and becomes insignificant. What does the king become in 'Ozymandias'? - Correct Answers A 'colossal wreck' he stands all alone in the desert isolated and abandoned. Shelly emphasises that power is not important. What is is the context for 'London'? - Correct Answers The poem is set during a time in england where there was poverty, child labour and a war with france.
What the poem 'london' challenging? - Correct Answers It criticizes people who have power such as the church, monarchy and the wealthy. It focuses about the way people are sacrificed for the powerful. How does mountain overpower the boat and man in the 'Prelude'? - Correct Answers 'A little boat' emphasises how insignificant they both are. Could be be a reference to a man made object and how it is nothing to pure nature. How does the 'prelude' show that the man is fearful of the mountain? - Correct Answers There is a repetition of 'craggy' which suggest that he is losing any words to describe the massive structure. What does the duke hint throughout 'my last duchess'? - Correct Answers Throughout he hints that he killed the duchess because she was unfaithful. Her 'spot of joy' angered him because he had no control. Why did the duke become angry with the duchess? - Correct Answers Because she treasured all the presents she received and ranked them all the same which made the arrogant sire upset. What kind of rhythm is in 'the charge of the light brigade'? - Correct Answers The dactylic rhythm mimics the galloping of the horses in the valley. Why is the structure interesting in 'the charge of the light brigade?' - Correct Answers The repetition of the structure emphasises the poor soldiers journey under heavy fire into 'the jaws of death' What is fighting the soldiers in 'exposure'? - Correct Answers Personification of the wind is brutal and attacking them, they become exposed to the horrific conditions. Who abandoned the soildgers in 'exposure'? - Correct Answers God has abandoned them, and they have abandoned god their own love and trust in god has died. What is the context for 'Storm on the island'? - Correct Answers The writer lived in ireland and grew up in a farming community, he uses are large number of natural images in his poems. What is the structure for 'Storm on the island'? - Correct Answers The verses are unrhymed and gives it a very controversial tone. How does the 'bayonet charge' poem start? - Correct Answers In medias res, which means it suddenly begins in the middle of the action.
How are the soldiers made to seem young in 'bayonet charge'? - Correct Answers The repetition of 'raw' makes the soldiers seem young and naive, it also gives a connotation of fresh meat in the battle field. Why does the person suffer PTSD in 'Remains', what makes one death significant? - Correct Answers There was a strong level of uncertainty and they are haunted by the fact that they killed someone anyway despite the fact 'possibly armed possibly not' Why was the death in 'remains' so horrific for the speaker? - Correct Answers Because the images are played slowly, the violent scene of the person getting shot is emphasised as the speaker sees 'every round and it rips through his life' What is the form and structure for 'poppies'? - Correct Answers There is no regular rhythm or rhyme scheme, so it makes the mother's thoughts and feelings into a story. What does 'poppies' challenge about soldiers? - Correct Answers That they are not the only one making sacrifices and the idea that they are the ones who are brave. What does the photographer feel after returning to his darkroom in 'war photographer'? - Correct Answers A sense of relief which suggest he was surrounded by chaos and screams. What does 'war photographer' criticise about the public? - Correct Answers 'They do not care' he is criticizing the british public as they barely take a moment to think about the horrors before returning to their normal day. What is the context for 'Kamikaze'? - Correct Answers The poem reflects the immense social pressure brought to the pilots to carry out their missions as part of japan's war effort. Why do his family "treat him as though he no longer existed?" in 'Kamikaze'? - Correct Answers He has brought shame on the family and the country, so they do not speak to him as part of their social culture. What is Mr.Birling's Ironic quote about the titanic? - Correct Answers Unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable What is Mrs Birlings snobby quote about Eva when talking to the inspector? - Correct Answers Girls of that class What is Eric,s quote about Mr Birling when he couldn't seek help? - Correct Answers Your not the kind of father a chap could go to when he's in trouble What is Mr Birling's capitalist view quote? - Correct Answers A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own
What is the Inspectors quote about social responability? - Correct Answers We don't live alone. We are members of one body What is Sheila's quote about guilt towards Gerald? - Correct Answers You knew her very well,otherwise you wouldn't look so guilty about it. What is Gerald's quote about Sheila's development of character? - Correct Answers I rather respect you more than I've ever done before.