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ENGLISH SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS Frequently asked important synonyms and antonyms, Quizzes of English Language

ENGLISH SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS Frequently asked important synonyms and antonyms in competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, CPO, Railway, Bank, State Exams, and others

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Available from 07/16/2022

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Download ENGLISH SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS Frequently asked important synonyms and antonyms and more Quizzes English Language in PDF only on Docsity!


Frequently asked important synonyms and antonyms in competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, CPO, Railway, Bank, State Exams, and others

Word Synonyms Antonyms  Impenitent Uncontrived, Obdurate Repentant  Impulsive Flaky, Impetuous Cautious, Deliberate  Indifferent Equitable, Haughty Partial, Biased  Indigent Destitute, Impoverished Rich, Affluent  Infernal Damned, Accursed Heavenly,  Insipid Tedious, Prosaic Pleasing, appetizing  Interesting Enchanting, Riveting Dull, Uninteresting  Immaculate unsullied, spotless Defiled, Tarnished  Immense huge, enormous Puny, Insignificant  Imminent impending, brewing Distant, Receding  Immunity prerogative, privilege Blame, Censure  Impair diminish, deteriorate Restore, Revive  Impartial just, unbiased Prejudiced, Biased  Impediment hurdle, obstruction Assistant, Concurrence  Impious irreligious, unholy Pious, Devout  Bustle Commotion, Tumult Slowness, Quiet  Barbarous Frustrate, perplex Civilized  Baroque Florid, gilt Plain, unadorned  Barren Desolate, Sterile Damp, Fertile  Barrier Barricade, Obstacle Link, Assistance  Base Vulgar, Coarse Summit, Noble  Batty Insane, silly Sane  Acumen Awareness, brilliance Stupidity, Ignorance  Adhere Comply, observe Condemn, disjoin  Abolish Abrogate, annual Setup Establish  Abash Disconcert, rattle Uphold, Discompose  Abound Flourish, proliferate Deficient, Destitute  Abate Moderate, decrease Aggravate  Abject Despicable, servile Commendable, Praiseworthy

 Abjure Forsake, renounce Approve, Sanction  Abortive Vain, unproductive Productive  Absolve Pardon, forgive Compel, Accuse  Accord Agreement, harmony Discord  Acrimony Harshness, bitterness Courtesy, Benevolence  Adamant Stubborn, inflexible Flexible, Soft  Adherent Follower, disciple Rival, Adversary  Adjunct Joined, Added Separated, Subtracted  Irrepressible irresistible, unconfined Composed, hesitant  Immaculate Exquisite, Impeccable Defiled, Tarnished  Jaded tired, exhausted Renewed, recreated  Jejune dull, boring Interesting, exciting  Jovial frolicsome, cheerful Solemn, morose  Jubilant rejoicing, triumphant Melancholy, depressing  Judicious thoughtful, prudent Irrational, foolish  Just honest, impartial Unequal, unfair  Justify defend, exculpate Impute, arraign  Juvenile young, tender Dotage, antiquated  Keen sharp, poignant Vapid, insipid  Kindred relation, species Unrelated, dissimilar  Knave dishonest, scoundrel Paragon, innocent  Knell death knell, last blow Reconstruction, rediscovery  Knotty complicated difficult Simple, manageable  Lavish abundant, excessive Scarce, deficient  Admonish Counsel, reprove Approve, Applaud  Adversity Misfortune, calamity Prosperity, Fortune  Alien Foreigner, outsider Native, Resident  Allay Pacify, soothe Aggravate, Excite  Alleviate Abate, relieve Aggravate, Enhance  Allure Entice, fascinate Repulse Repel  Ascend Climb Escalate Descend, Decline  Amplify Augment, deepen Lessen, Contract  Arraign Incriminate, indict Exculpate, Pardon  Audacity Boldness, Courage Mildness, Cowardice  Authentic Accurate, credible Fictitious, unreal

 Awkward Rude, blundering Adroit, clever  Axiom Adage, truism Absurdity, Blunder  Baffle Astound, Faze Facilitate, Clarify  Bewitching Alluring, charming Repulsive, Repugnant  Bleak Grim, Austere Bright, Pleasant  Brittle Breakable, crisp Tough, Enduring  Bawdy Erotic, Coarse Decent, Moral  Befogged Becloud, Dim Clear-headed, Uncloudy  Benevolent Benign, Generous Malevolent, Miserly  Benign Favorable, friendly Malignant, Cruel  Bind Predicament Release  Bleak Austere, Blank Bright, Cheerful  Blunt Dull, Insensitive Keen, Sharp  Boisterous Clamorous, rowdy Placid, Calm  Bold Adventurous Timid  Busy Active, Engaged Idle, Lazy  Calculating Canny, Devious Artless, honest  Calamity adversity, misfortune Fortune  Callous obdurate, unfeeling Compassionate, Tender  Calumny defamation, aspersion Commendation, Praise  Capable competent, able Incompetent, Inept  Captivate Charm, fascinate Disillusion offend  Captivity imprisonment, confinement Freedom, Liberty  Cease terminate, desist Begin, Originate  Chaste virtuous, pure Sullied, Lustful  Chastise punish, admonish Cheer, encourage  Compassion kindness, sympathy Cruelty, Barbarity  Comprise include, contain Reject, lack  Concede yield, permit Deny, reject  Concur approve, agree Differ, disagree  Consent agree, permit Object Disagree  Consequence effect, outcome Origin, Start  Consolidate solidify, strengthen Separate, Weaken  Humility Resignation, Fawning Boldness, Pride  Hypocrisy Deception, Pharisaism Sincerity, frankness

 Impute attribute, ascribe Exculpate, support  Inclination disposition, affection Indifference, Disinclination  Incompetent inefficient, unskilled Dexterous, Skilled  Incongruous inappropriate, absurd Compatible, harmonious  Inevitable unavoidable, ascertained Unlikely, Doubtful  Infringe violate, encroach Comply, Concur  Ingenuous undisguised, naive Wily, Craftly  Insinuate allude, hint Conceal, Camouflage  Insipid tasteless, vapid Delicious, luscious  Insolvent indigent, destitute Wealthy, solvent  Instill inculcate, inject Eradicate, extract  Intricate tangled, complicated Regulated, Orderly  Intrigue scheme, conspiracy Candor, Sincerity  Intrinsic genuine, fundamental Extraneous, incidental  Invective accusation, censure Approval, acclamation  Invincible unconquerable, impregnable Effeminate, languid  Lax slack, careless Firm, reliable  Lenient compassionate, merciful Cruel, severe  Liable accountable, bound Unaccountable, apt to  Liberal magnanimous, generous Stingy, malicious  Linger loiter, prolong Hasten, quicken  Lucid sound, rational Obscure, hidden  Lunacy delusion, insanity Normalcy, sanity  Lure attract, entice Repel, dissuade  Luscious palatable, delicious Unsavory, tart  Luxuriant profuse, abundant Scanty, meagre  Languid Sluggish, apathetic Energetic, spirited  Malice Vengefulness, grudge Goodwill, Kindness  Mandatory Imperative, requisite Optional  Masculine Gallant, strapping Feminine, meek  Merit Stature, Asset Demerit, dishonor  Miraculous marvelous, extraordinary Ordinary, trivial  Mitigate alleviate, relieve Augment enhance  Modest humble, courteous Arrogant, pompous  Molest harass, tease Console, soothe

 Mollify appease, assuage Irritate, infuriate  Momentous notable, eventful Trivial, insignificant  Monotonous irksome, tedious Varied, pleasant  Morbid Nasty, Macabre Healthy, Cheerful  Munificent liberal, hospitable Frugal, penurious  Murky dusky, dreary Bright, shining  Mutinous recalcitrant, insurgent Submissive, faithful  Nimble prompt, brisk Sluggish, languid  Nonchalant indifferent, negligent Attentive, considerate  Novice tyro, beginner Veteran, ingenious  Noxious baneful, injurious Healing, profitable  Nullify cancel, annual Confirm, Uphold  Notion Conceit, Apprehension Reality, Concrete  Numerous profuse, various Scarce, deficient  Obstruct impede, prevent Hasten, encourage  Mutual joint, identical Separate, distinct  Niggardly miser, covetous Generous, profuse