Download EPPP Practice Exam (Fill in the Blank) Questions and Answers and more Exams Public Health in PDF only on Docsity! EPPP Practice Exam (Fill in the Blank) Questions and 100% Correct Answers. The F-ratio is calculated by ____ - ANSdividing a measure of treatment effects plus error (MSB) by a measure of error only (MSW). MST is "mean square total" and is a measure of both_____ and ______. - ANStreatment effects, error (MSB plus MSW) MSW stands for "mean square within" and is a pooled measure of variability within each of the treatment groups. It provides an estimate of variability that is due to _____ - ANSerror only MSB stands for "mean square between" and is a measure of variability between treatment groups. It provides an estimate of variability due to______. - ANStreatment effects plus error the ______ is ratio of the variance between groups to the variance within groups. If we consider the variance within groups as due to the random error of individual differences, then the variance between groups must be due to the experimental treatment. The greater the ratio of between group variance to within group variance, the more likely it is that the differences between groups is significant. - ANSF-statistic As described by Piaget, the concrete operational stage is characteristic of children between the ages of _____. Children in this stage are capable of ____, which are logical rules for transforming and manipulating information. - ANS7 and 11, mental operations Piaget described transductive (precausal) reasoning as characteristic of the ______. - ANSpreoperational stage Piaget: A child is exhibiting _______when she assumes that one event caused another only because the two events occurred at about the same time. - ANStransductive reasoning Piaget: _____ contributes to the ability to conserve. It is the ability to reverse an action by mentally performing the opposite action. - ANSReversibility Reversibility is part of which stage of Piaget development model? - ANSconcrete operational stage Piaget: ____ is the ability to mentally compare objects and find differences and similarities between them. - ANSTransitive inference Piaget: Transitive inference is a characteristic of the ______ - ANSconcrete operational stage Piaget: Decentration is characteristic of the ______ - ANSconcrete operational stage Piaget: _____contributes to the ability to conserve. A child is exhibiting this when he is able to simultaneously focus on more than one aspect of an object or situation. - ANSdecentration Piaget: objects are treated as though they were people. For example, a child will smack a 'naughty' chair that has fallen on it. - ANSAnimism: Piaget: Animism is in what stage - ANSPreoperational Piaget: a child's inability to see things from another's point of view. The classic experiment to illustrate this is often referred to as the 'Swiss Mountain scene' - ANSEgocentrism: Piaget: what stage is egocentrism - ANSpreoperational Piaget: the tendency to pay attention to only one aspect of a situation (usually the most striking). This characteristic is most dramatically demonstrated in the failure to conserve. - ANSCentration: Piaget:what stage is Centration: - ANSpreoperational Piaget: At what age does the child has achieved object permanence; they can imagine movements without seeing them - ANS18 to 24 months, ___ is useful for alleviating hyperventilation. - ANSRespiration biofeedback ___ is a disorder of the blood vessels that limits circulation to certain areas of the body (usually the fingers and toes). It is triggered by cold or emotional stress and causes a change in color of the skin with coldness and numbness followed by throbbing, tingling, or stinging pain upon warming or relief of the stress. Thermal biofeedback has been found to be an effective treatment for Raynaud's disease and for a number of other disorders including hypertension and migraine headache. - ANSRaynaud's disease Thermal biofeedback has been found to be an effective treatment for ____ - ANSRaynaud's disease, hypertension and migraine headache. ________ has been found useful for treating stuttering. - ANSGalvanic skin response (GSR) training _____ has been found to be effective for treating temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome and tention headaches. - ANSEMG biofeedback Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joiny and there is clicking, pain, muscle spasm, and difficulty opening the jaw caused by clenching or grinding the teeth or by misalignment of the teeth - ANStemporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome is a form of biofeedback that measures the tension in muscles. Typically, sensors are placed over the forehead or the neck muscles, although any group of muscles can be tested. The sensors determine muscle tension. - ANSEMG biofeedback measures skin conductivity from the fingers and / or palms. emotional physio responses - ANSGalvanic skin response (GSR) training Bandura's theory of _____ proposes that people undertake activities they believe they are capable of performing. - ANSself-efficacy these are the four sources of self-efficacy that Bandura has identified as Self-efficacy mechanisms - ANSpast accomplishments, observations of others, verbal persuasion, and physiological state. _____ is used when the goal is to predict status on a single dichotomous variable (a categorical variable with two levels). - ANSLogistic regression Note that an extended version of logistic regression is used when a single outcome variable has more than two categories and is referred to as ____logistic regression. - ANSmultinomial or polytomous logistic regression. _____ proposes that humans are born with an innate capacity to acquire language. - ANSChomsky Chomsky, the capacity for language acquisition is due to an innate language acquisition device. His theory is classified as nativist. - ANSnativist The ____ is used to compare two means, and when one of the means is a sample mean and the other is a known population mean, - ANSt-test The independent samples t-test is the appropriate t-test for comparing means obtained from two independent samples. - ANSindependent samples t-test The _____is used to compare the number (frequency) of cases in each category when a study includes a single variable. - ANSsingle-sample chi-square test The ______is used to compare the number (frequency) of cases in each category when a study includes two or more variables. - ANSmultiple-sample chi-square test tachycardia, muscle rigidity, hyperthermia, altered consciousness, and autonomic dysfunction are characteristic of _____ which is a rare disorder that can occur with any class of ___. can be fatal unless it is recognized early and the medication is immediately stopped. - ANSneuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), neuroleptic agent clozapine is what class of drug - ANSneuroleptic ___ well-known research the study involved infant monkeys that were reared in isolation or with one of two types (wire mesh or cloth) of surrogate mothers. Results indicated that tactile contact is the crucial element in the development of attachment: Infant monkeys consistently preferred cloth mothers to wire mothers even when food was given via the wire mother. - ANSHarlow and Harlow's According to the NCTP, there is now evidence that some programs do, in fact, reduce pregnancy rates. These include ____ and _____. Other authors have similarly concluded that _____ that address a variety of developmental issues (including sexual behaviors) are most effective. - ANS1. service learning programs (e.g., Teen Outreach and Reach for Health Community Service Learning) AND 2. comprehensive multi-modal programs (i.e., the Children's Aid Society-Carrera Program). 3. multimodel programs development - ANSThe "structural" models of career counseling emphasize measuring and defining how individuals differ in their career ___________. MMPI - ANSThe _____ is a true-false test of personality with an objective scoring system. interpret - ANSThe Rorschach and TAT require examinees to ___________ ambiguous stimuli. H-T-P - ANS__-__-__ requires examinees to draw a picture of a house, tree, person. SCII - ANSThe "working man's _____" is the Career Assessment Inventory basic - ANSThe Career Assessment Inventory (CAI) provides scores for 22 _______ interest area scales, 91 occupational scales, and Holland's six occupational themes. CAI - ANSThe ____ was designed for individuals seeking careers that do not require college degrees or advanced professional training. DLOS - ANSThe _____ is a questionnaire used to help counselors and clients in the process of career planning. Lifestyle - ANSThe DLOS stands for: The Dimensions of ________ Orientation computer - ANSCACG: __________ assisted career guidance systems. systems - ANSCareer information _________ & computer-assisted guidance are both CACG's Information - ANSISVD: ___________ System for Vocational Decisions decision - ANSISVD offers training and development in the process of _________-making and information about self and vocational and educational opportunities.