Diversity in Organizations
- The two major forms of workforce diversity are and. A) surface-level diversity; deep-level diversity B) surface-level diversity; lateral-level diversity C) organizational-level diversity; individual-level diversity D) lateral-level diversity; deep-level diversity E) physical-level diversity; intellectual-level diversity Answer: A Explanation: A) Demographics mostly reflect surface-level diversity, not thoughts and feelings, and can lead employees to perceive one another through stereotypes and assumptions. However, evidence has shown that as people get to know one another, they become less concerned about demographic differences if they see themselves as sharing more important characteristics, such as personality and values, that represent deep-level diversity. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Differences in characteristics like education, ethnicity, regional background, and gender form part of. A) individual-level diversity B) organizational-level diversity C) lateral-level diversity D) surface-level diversity E) deep-level diversity Answer: D Explanation: D) Surface-level diversity refers to the differences in characteristics like education, upbringing, work-status, regional background, and gender. Deep-level diversity, on the other hand, refers to differences in individual characteristics like personality and values. Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments
Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Differences in characteristics such as personality and values form part of. A) surface-level diversity B) deep-level diversity C) lateral-level diversity D) organizational-level diversity E) individual-level diversity Answer: B Explanation: B) Surface-level diversity refers to the differences in characteristics like education, upbringing, work-status, regional background, and gender. Deep-level diversity, on the other hand, refers to differences in individual characteristics like personality and values. Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- While initial meetings may depend on surface-level diversity in making attempts to understand other individuals, studies show that after time and become more important to understanding the other individual. A) stereotypes; assumptions B) assumptions; judgments C) values; personality D) age; wisdom E) gender; age Answer: C Explanation: C) Evidence has shown that as people get to know one another, they become less concerned about demographic differences if they see themselves in terms of more important characteristics, such as personality and values, that represent deep-level diversity. This type of diversity is much more subtle, and can be difficult to recognize at first because it relates to invisible patterns of thought and unstated (often non-conscious) cultural assumptions. Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Which of the following statements is true regarding surface-level diversity? A) Surface-level diversity will overcome fundamental differences and promote harmony. B) Surface-level diversity can co-exist with deep-level diversity within an organization. C) Surface-level diversity does not affect employees' perceptions. D) Surface-level diversity, not thoughts and feelings, is mostly reflected in demographics. E) Surface-level diversity in the workforce can be eliminated by effective diversity management. Answer: D Explanation: D) Demographics mostly reflect surface-level diversity, not thoughts and feelings, and can lead employees to perceive one another through stereotypes and assumptions. However, evidence has shown that as people get to know one another, they become less concerned about demographic differences if they see themselves as sharing more important characteristics, such as personality and values, that represent deep-level diversity. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Diane and Clarke are two employees in an organization who recently started working together. Diane is an older, long-tenured woman raised in rural Kansas, who achieved her current level in the organization by starting as a high school graduate and working her way up the hierarchy. Clarke is a young, recently hired male college graduate with a business degree, raised in a Spanish-speaking neighbourhood in Miami. However, both are deeply committed to their families, share a common way of thinking about important work problems, like to work collaboratively, and are interested in international assignments in the future. Which of the following describes the diversity between these two? A) lateral-level diversity B) deep-level diversity C) surface-level diversity D) individual-level diversity E) hierarchical-level diversity Answer: C Explanation: C) Although these two employees seem very different from one another, these are surface-level differences. If they are able to get past these differences and get to know one another on a deeper level, they will likely find that their deep-level similarities are more important than their surface-level differences and work very well together. Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Application
LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Steve and Dave are two unmarried, white, male college graduates from Ontario who recently started working together. However, Steve is highly introverted, prefers to avoid risks, solicits the opinions of others before making decisions, and likes the office quiet. Dave is extroverted, risk- seeking, and assertive, and likes an active, energetic work environment. Which of the following describes the diversity between these two? A) lateral-level diversity B) deep-level diversity C) surface-level diversity D) individual-level diversity E) hierarchical-level diversity Answer: B Explanation: B) Superficially, they seem well matched. However, their surface-level similarity will not necessarily lead to positive interactions, because they have fundamental, deep-level differences. It will be a challenge for them to collaborate regularly at work, and they''ll have to make some compromises to get things done together. Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Application LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- By projections, 93 percent of the growth in the labour force from 2006 to 2016 in Canada will be from workers. A) under age 25 B) under age 30 C) over age 40 D) over age 54 E) over age 65 Answer: D Explanation: D) By projections, 93 percent of the growth in the labour force from 2006 to 2016 will be from workers over age 54. Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 24 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Analytical LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Which of the following statements represents findings from studies of the age- turnover relationship? A) The older you get, the less likely you are to be satisfied with your job. B) The older you get, the less likely you are to quit your job. C) The older you get, the more likely you are to equip yourself with new skills. D) The older you get, the more likely you are to take a leave of absence. E) The older you get, the less likely you are to be productive on the job. Answer: B Explanation: B) The older you get, the less likely you are to quit your job. That conclusion is based on studies of the age-turnover relationship. As workers get older, they have fewer alternative job opportunities as their skills have become more specialized to certain types of work. In general, older employees have lower rates of avoidable absence than do younger employees. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 25 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Analytical LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- In a recent study of 8,000 employees across 128 companies, it was found that. A) employees over the age of 50 were more productive than those under 50 B) employees under 50 were more productive than those over 50 C) policies allowing age discrimination encouraged lower levels of organizational commitment D) policies allowing age discrimination encouraged higher levels of organizational commitment E) age has no effect on performance or commitment Answer: C Explanation: C) Companies with age discrimination policies had lower levels of organizational commitment which in turn resulted in lower levels of organizational performance. Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 25 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Statistics Canada data from 2011 showed that the gender wage gap was for full- time workers. A) 46 percent B) 36 percent C) 26 percent D) 16 percent
E) 6
percent Answer: C Explanation: C) Statistics Canada data from 2011 showed that the gender wage gap was 26 percent for full-time workers. This meant that for every $1 earned by a male, a female earned 74 cents. Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 26 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Analytical LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- is defined as the biological heritage people use to identify themselves. A) Race B) Diversity C) Culture D) Civilization E) Ethnograph y Answer: A Explanation: A) We define race in this book as the biological heritage people use to identify themselves; ethnicity is the additional set of cultural characteristics that often overlaps with race. Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 27 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- is the additional set of cultural characteristics which often overlaps with race. A) Ethnicity B) Civilization C) Diversity D) Anthropology E) Acculturatio n Answer: A Explanation: A) Ethnicity is the additional set of cultural characteristics that often overlaps with race. Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 28 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Alton, a mid-level manager for Knockaround Clothing in charge of monthly inventory, often participates in quarterly meetings of the Cherokee Nation in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Alton's supervisors' allowing him flex time to attend these meetings embraces Alton's. A) religion B) cultural identity C) abilities D) ethnicity E) tenure Answer: D Explanation: D) Ethnicity is the additional set of cultural characteristics that often overlaps with race. These definitions allow every individual to define his or her race and ethnicity.
Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 28 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments; Analytical Thinking Quest. Category: Application LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- The manner in which people carry themselves in terms of race and ethnicity is commonly referred to as. A) heritage B) ethnic background C) cultural identity D) regionalistic customs E) collective individuality Answer: C Explanation: C) Many people, both immigrants and domestic-born, also carry a strong cultural identity as well. This link with the culture of their ancestry or youth lasts a lifetime, no matter where the individual may live in the world. Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 31 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Jared was raised on a cattle farm and currently works as a civil engineer. When Jared recently represented his company at a formal dinner, his supervisor was surprised to see Jared wearing an expensive suit with cowboy boots. Jared's boots would be an example of his . A) religion B) cultural identity C) abilities D) ethnicity E) tenure Answer: B Explanation: B) Customs of dress are just as much a part of one's cultural identity as are their holidays and foods. Jared's boots were simply an expression of his cultural identity. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 31 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Application LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Demographics mostly reflect surface-level diversity and not deep-level diversity. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Demographics mostly reflect surface-level diversity, not thoughts and feelings, and can lead employees to perceive one another through stereotypes and assumptions. Diff: 2 Type: TF Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments
Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Differences in characteristics like education, financial status, ethnicity, regional background, and gender constitute surface-level diversity. Answer: TRUE Explanation: Education, financial status, ethnicity, regional background, and gender constitute surface-level diversity. More important characteristics like personality and values constitute deep-level diversity. Diff: 2 Type: TF Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Summarize the two major forms of workforce diversity. Answer: Demographics mostly reflect s urface-level diversity, not thoughts and feelings, and can lead employees to perceive one another through stereotypes and assumptions. However, evidence has shown that as people get to know one another, they become less concerned about demographic differences if they see themselves in terms of more important characteristics, such as personality and values, that represent deep-level diversity. This type of diversity is much more subtle, and can be difficult to recognize at first because it relates to invisible patterns of thought and unstated (often non- conscious) cultural assumptions. For example, people from some parts of the world may consider it improper to question their manager if they think he or she is making a mistake, while others may believe it expected and required of them. Since these types of differences tend to go unrecognized, deep-level diversity can be responsible for persistent conflicts and misunderstandings. But it can also lead to profoundly different modes of thought that can heighten creativity and innovation in team settings. Diff: 3 Type: ES Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- Explain and provide a workplace example of how stereotypes function in an organizational setting. Answer: Demographics mostly reflect surface-level diversity, not thoughts and feelings, and can lead employees to perceive one another through stereotypes and assumptions. However, evidence has shown that as people get to know one another, they become less concerned about demographic differences if they see themselves in terms of more important characteristics, such as personality and values, that represent deep-level diversity. To better understand the difference between surface- and deep-level diversity, consider the following example. Luis and Carol are managers who seem to have little in common at first glance. Luis is a young Mexican who emigrated to Canada three years ago. He is a university graduate with a business degree. Carol is an older, long-tenured employee raised in rural Manitoba, who started as a customer service trainee after high school and worked her way up the hierarchy. At first, these coworkers may notice their surface-level differences in education, ethnicity, regional background, and gender. However, as they get to know one another, they may find they are both deeply committed to their families, have a common way of thinking about important work problems, like to work collaboratively, and are interested in international assignments in the future. Such similarities will overshadow the more superficial differences, and research suggests that after an initial period of familiarization the two people will work well together. Diff: 3 Type: ES Page Ref: 23 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.1 Describe the demographic characteristics of the Canadian labour force.
- The Canadian Multiculturalism Act introduced some changes to multiculturalism policies, including all of the following except. A) formal statements of support for the maintenance of languages other than Canada's two official languages B) mandating programs and practices that enhance community participation for all citizens C) mandating programs and practices that enhance understanding and respect for diversity D) requiring the collection of statistical data measuring the outcomes of these initiatives E) mandating programs and practices that enhance intellectual protection Answer: E Explanation: E) The Canadian Multiculturalism Act introduced some changes of multiculturalism policies, including: (1) formal statements of support for the maintenance of languages other than Canada's two official languages, (2) mandating programs and practices that enhance community participation for all citizens, (3) mandating programs and practices that enhance understanding and respect for
diversity, and (4) requiring the collection of statistical data measuring the outcomes of these initiatives. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 20 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.2 Explain the relevance of the Multiculturalism Act and other equity-focused legislation to Canadian diversity practices.
- Which of the following describes the main goal of the multiculturalism policy of Canada? A) It ensures that all citizens maintain their identities, acknowledge and celebrate their ancestry. B) It ensures that all citizens get the equal pay for equal work. C) It ensures that all citizens can refuse to work in an unsafe work environment. D) It ensures that all citizens have freedom of speech. E) It ensures that all citizens have freedom of conscience and religion. Answer: A Explanation: A) Multiculturalism as a policy ensures that all citizens can maintain their identities, acknowledge and celebrate their ancestry, and still have a sense of belonging in Canada. As a result, it encourages harmony and cross-cultural understanding and supports efforts to integrate all citizens and enable them to take an active part in Canada's social, cultural, economic, and political affairs. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 20 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.2 Explain the relevance of the Multiculturalism Act and other equity-focused legislation to Canadian diversity practices.
- All of the following represent the critiques against Canadian multiculturalism legislation except. A) encouraging people to focus on their differences rather than their similarities B) making a shallow commitment to multiculturalism C) discouraging people to maintain their own ethnical identities D) not backed up with the resources necessarily to genuinely foster cultural maintenance E) failing to address underlying systemic barriers to true cross-cultural acceptance and inclusion Answer: C Explanation: C) Multiculturalism legislation has been criticized on various grounds. Some critics claim that it encourages people to focus on their differences rather than their similarities. Others say that the legislation represents a shallow commitment not backed up with the resources necessarily to genuinely foster cultural maintenance. The latter critics state that in practice multiculturalism has focused on things like festivals while failing to address underlying systemic barriers to true cross-cultural acceptance and inclusion. Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 20 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.2 Explain the relevance of the Multiculturalism Act and other equity-focused legislation to Canadian diversity practices.
- The case of Alberta Dairy Pool versus the Alberta Human Rights Commission (1990, 2.S.C.R. 489) established a set of criteria for undue hardship used to determine if an employer is required to provide a specific accommodation, which include all of the following except . A) the employer has a very large operation B) excessive expenses will be incurred C) it will disrupt existing collective agreements D) it will create morale problems with other employees E) the employer has legitimate safety concerns Answer: A Explanation: A) The case of Alberta Dairy Pool versus the Alberta Human Rights Commission (1990, 2.S.C.R. 489) established the following criteria for undue hardship used to determine if an employer is required to provide a specific accommodation, which have since been used more broadly in courts across the country: (1) Excessive expenses will be incurred. (2) It will disrupt existing collective agreements. (3) It will create morale problems with other employees. (4) The employer has highly interchangeable workforce/facilities. (5) The employer has a very small operation. (6) The employer has legitimate safety concerns. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 32 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Application LO: 2.2 Explain the relevance of the Multiculturalism Act and other equity-focused legislation to Canadian diversity practices.
- Which of the following is not an example of common accommodations for physical disabilities? A) fixed work schedule B) technical devices such as Braille readers C) software such as voice recognition D) human support in the form of personal assistants E) special parking spaces Answer: A Explanation: A) Examples of common accommodations for physical disabilities are technical devices such as Braille readers, software such as voice recognition, assistive devices such as special chairs or railings in washrooms, human support in the form of personal assistants, scheduling flexibility, and special parking spaces. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 32
AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Application LO: 2.2 Explain the relevance of the Multiculturalism Act and other equity-focused legislation to Canadian diversity practices.
- Which of the following is not an example of common accommodations for mental, sensory, and psychiatric disabilities? A) software such as voice recognition B) scheduling flexibility C) darkened rooms D) being able to work in a quiet, private workspace without distractions for people with attention deficit disorder E) social accommodation such as creating understanding among coworkers about communication-style differences associated with autism Answer: A Explanation: A) Common accommodations for mental, sensory, and psychiatric disabilities include being able to work in a quiet, private workspace without distractions (for people with attention deficit disorder), scheduling flexibility, social accommodation (creating understanding among coworkers about communication-style differences associated with autism, for example), and darkened rooms (as sensitivity to florescent lighting is a common side effect of medications taken for mood disorders and schizophrenia). Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 32 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Application LO: 2.2 Explain the relevance of the Multiculturalism Act and other equity-focused legislation to Canadian diversity practices.
- Research findings show that men and women may be offered a similar number of developmental experiences, but females are less likely to be assigned challenging positions by men. Answer: TRUE Explanation: A recent study reported that once on the job, men and women may be offered a similar number of developmental experiences, but females are less likely to be assigned challenging positions by men, assignments that may help them achieve higher organizational positions. Diff: 2 Type: TF Page Ref: 26 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Analytical LO: 2.2 Explain the relevance of the Multiculturalism Act and other equity-focused legislation to Canadian diversity practices.
- Federal law does not prohibit discrimination against employees based on sexual orientation. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Federal law prohibits discrimination against employees based on sexual orientation. This protection extends to all aspects of employment, including the
provision of benefits to same-sex spouses and common-law partners. Diff: 1 Type: TF Page Ref: 27 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.2 Explain the relevance of the Multiculturalism Act and other equity-focused legislation to Canadian diversity practices.
- The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Act prohibit employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of their religion. Answer: TRUE Explanation: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Act prohibit employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of their religion. Diff: 1 Type: TF Page Ref: 33 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.2 Explain the relevance of the Multiculturalism Act and other equity-focused legislation to Canadian diversity practices.
- All of the following describe the benefits of effective diversity management except . A) increasing an organization's access to the widest possible pool of skills, abilities, and ideas B) helping an organization innovate more effectively C) helping an organization reduce its operation costs D) helping an organization address diverse customer needs more appropriately E) allowing an organization to recognize and capitalize on employee differences Answer: C Explanation: C) Valuing differences helps to minimize discrimination, which occurs when job candidates or employees experience differential treatment based on characteristics unrelated to work performance such as gender, ethnicity, or religious beliefs. Beyond that, however, effective diversity management also increases an organization's access to the widest possible pool of skills, abilities, and ideas. This can help companies innovate more effectively, address diverse customer needs more appropriately, and have other positive benefits. That said, while diversity can be a great asset, managers also need to recognize that differences among people can lead to miscommunication, misunderstanding, and conflict. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 20 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.3 Assess the business benefits and management challenges associated with a diverse workforce.
- Which of the following biological characteristics is a potent variable in explaining turnover? A) age B) religion C) gender identity D) sexual orientation E) race Answer: A Explanation: A) Based on studies of the age–turnover relationship, the older you get, the less likely you are to quit your job. This shouldn't be too surprising. As workers get older, they may have fewer alternative job opportunities because their skills may have become more specialized to certain types of work. There is also an incentive for older workers to stay in their current jobs: Longer tenure tends to provide higher wage rates, longer paid vacations, and more attractive pension benefits. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 25 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.3 Assess the business benefits and management challenges associated with a diverse workforce.
- Which of the following statements is an accurate representation of the relationship between age and productivity? A) Employee productivity declines with age. B) Employee productivity increases with age. C) Employee productivity and age are unrelated. D) Employee productivity increases to the maximum at age 30. E) Employee productivity increases to the maximum at age 65. Answer: C Explanation: C) Many people believe productivity declines with age. It is often assumed that skills like speed, agility, strength, and coordination decay over time and that prolonged job boredom and lack of intellectual stimulation contribute to reduced productivity. The evidence, however, contradicts those assumptions. Reviews of the research find that age and job task performance are unrelated and that older workers are more likely to engage in organization-helping behaviour. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 25 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.3 Assess the business benefits and management challenges associated with a diverse workforce.
- Which of the following statements is not an accurate representation of important differences between men and women affecting job performance? A) There are no consistent male-female differences in problem-solving ability, analytical skills, competitive drive, motivation, sociability, or learning ability. B) Research suggests that women believe sex-based discriminations are less prevalent than do male employees. C) Psychological studies have found women are more agreeable and willing to conform to authority. D) Working mothers are more likely than their counterparts to prefer part-time work, flexible work schedules, and telecommuting in order to accommodate their family responsibilities. E) After rethinking what constitutes male and female roles, we can safely assume no significant difference in job productivity between men and women. Answer: B Explanation: B) Sex roles affect our perceptions. For example, women who succeed in traditionally male domains are perceived as less likeable, more hostile, and less desirable as supervisors, although women at the top have been reporting that this perception can be countered by effective interpersonal skills. Research also suggests that women believe sex-based discrimination is more prevalent than do male employees, and these beliefs are especially pronounced among women who work with a large proportion of men. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 26 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.3 Assess the business benefits and management challenges associated with a diverse workforce.
- Women who succeed in traditionally male dominated roles are usually perceived as . A) more likeable B) less hostile C) more sociable D) less desirable E) more capable Answer: D Explanation: D) Women who succeed in traditionally male domains are perceived as less likeable, more hostile, and less desirable as supervisors, although women at the top have been reporting that this perception can be countered by effective interpersonal skills. There are no consistent male–female differences in problem-solving ability, analytical skills, competitive drive, motivation, sociability, or learning ability.
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 26 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Concept LO: 2.3 Assess the business benefits and management challenges associated with a diverse workforce.
- Research shows which form of discrimination can result in the highest levels of psychological stress? A) intimidation B) exclusive practices C) sexual harassment D) mockery E) age discrimination Answer: C Explanation: C) Research has shown that sexual harassment is the most overt form of discrimination and can lead to lower levels of organizational commitment and higher turnover rates. Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 27 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Analytical LO: 2.3 Assess the business benefits and management challenges associated with a diverse workforce.
- Which of the following statements is not an accurate representation of employment statistics for Canadians? A) The unemployment rate for Aboriginal people is higher than that for other Canadians. B) When employed, Aboriginal people tend to earn less than other Canadians. C) The unemployment rate for new immigrants is higher than that for Canadian-born workers in Ontario. D) Recent arrivals who were African-born experienced higher unemployment rates than do domestic-born workers. E) Recent arrivals who were Asian-born experienced lower unemployment rates than do domestic-born workers. Answer: E Explanation: E) In 2012 the general unemployment rate across Canada was 7.2 percent, while for Aboriginals it was 14.8 percent. When employed, Aboriginal people also tend to earn less than other Canadians, even when education and geographical location are taken into account. Labour market statistics from 2007 indicate that in Ontario the immigrant unemployment rate was 6.8 percent compared to 4.4 percent for Canadian-born workers. Recent arrivals who were African-born experienced unemployment rates as high as 20.8 percent, while recently arrived Asian-born immigrants had rates much closer to those of domestic-born workers. Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 28 AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Quest. Category: Analytical LO: 2.3 Assess the business benefits and management challenges associated with a