Download Esthetics Theory Exam Questions ( with 100% correct answers ) already graded A+ / all bu and more Exams Esthetics in PDF only on Docsity! Esthetics Theory Exam Questions ( with 100% correct answers ) already graded A+ / all bundled to boost and ease your study/ verified by experts The FDA regulates cosmetics only in the areas of - ANSWER safety, labeling & claims made for products what is the chief motor nerve of the face - ANSWER 7th Describe disinfection - ANSWER 2nd level of decontamination kills most micoorganisms Fatty materials used to lubricate & moisturize the skin - ANSWER emollients what is located in the papillary layer of the Dermis - ANSWER Touch receptors, blood vessels, capillaries Surfactants that cause oil and water to mix to form an emulsion with out them oil and water would separate into layers - ANSWER Emulsifiers A tendon connecting the Occipitalis and frontalis - ANSWER Aponeurosis A branch of anatomical science that deals with the overall health and well being of skin, the largest organ of the human body - ANSWER Esthetics When bacteria mature what happens. - ANSWER they divide into two new cells What is is called when bacteria mature - ANSWER mitosis what indicates the negative or positive pole of an electric current - ANSWER polarity sebaceous gland/Oil glands - ANSWER help keep the skin soft and protected from outside elements What is the stratum granulosum composed of - ANSWER cells that resemble granules and are filled with Keratin Cell apendages which resemble prickly spines become - ANSWER Desmosomes This occurs continuously in the basal cell layer - ANSWER Cell Mitosis The Basal Cell layer is also known as - ANSWER Stratum Germinativum what are the requirements for the teacher examination - ANSWER must be 18 yrs or older, 12 Grade or GED, possess a current cosmetology or estetics license and have completed an additional 500 hrs how much does it cost to renew a manicurist license each biennial - ANSWER $35.00 The process of removing hair at or near the level of the skin - ANSWER Depilation In salons Ethyl and Isopropyl alchol are sometimes used to disinfect implements to be effective - what are the % of each - ANSWER ethyl alcholo no less than 70% Isoprophy alchol99% What is Metabolism - ANSWER cells are nourished and carry out their activities Pigment that protects us from the sun - ANSWER Melanin What must be done to the skin prior to extractions - ANSWER Exfoliated and warmed What is a local infection - ANSWER confined to a particular part of the body and is indicated by a lesion containing puss The top outermost layer of the epidermis - ANSWER Stratum Corneum mist is excellent for treating what types of skin - ANSWER Dehydrated, mature, couperose The heart is often referred to as a - ANSWER pump What does the lymphatic or immune system do - ANSWER Carries waste and impurities away from cells, protects the body from disease this produces a substance that travels through small tubelike ducts - ANSWER Exocrine glands what is the metacarpus - ANSWER the palm what does PH mean - ANSWER relative degree of acidity and alkalinity or a substance what are the requirements for cosmetologist examination - ANSWER 16 yrs or older completed 10th grade 1250 training or 2000 as an apprentice define Board - ANSWER state board of cosmetology of the commonwealth from the greek word Aesthetikos - ANSWER esthetics what is Hirsutism - ANSWER excessive hair growth on face, arms and legs how many hours does a cosmetology student have to put in before working of the public - ANSWER 300 what are tissues - ANSWER collection of similar cells that perform a particular function what does collagen produce - ANSWER Fibroblasts collagen makes up how much of the Dermis - ANSWER 70% What are all cells of all living things composed of - ANSWER protoplasm what is the cardiac muscle under control of - ANSWER Autonomic nervous system what should be done prior to applying a chemical cream - ANSWER patch tested on the inside of the arm what is medical aesthetics - ANSWER integration of surgical procedures and esthetic treatments what are Proteins - ANSWER chains of amino acids what does the respiratory system do - ANSWER enables breathing what does the respiratory system consist of - ANSWER the lungs and air passages what is Staphylococci - ANSWER puss forming bacteria causes abcess, pustuals and boils what 2 groups are bones in the head grouped into - ANSWER the Cranium and Facial bones what type of products do oily and combination skin need - ANSWER water based products what is the muscle around the mouth called - ANSWER Obicularis Oris Bony cage made up of the sternum (brestbone) spine, 12 pairs of ribs, connective cartliage - ANSWER Thorax what purpose does the Thorax serve - ANSWER protective framework for the heart, lungs and other internal organs what are the two types of eyelashes commonly used - ANSWER band and individual What are 4 classification of potentially infectious microorganisms - ANSWER Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Parasites what is Bacilli - ANSWER most common, Rod shaped, Parasites such as head lice can also cause contagious - ANSWER diseases and conditions head lice can cause disease and conditions called - ANSWER pediculosis Government agency responsible for overseeing safety in the work place - ANSWER OSHA what is connective tissue - ANSWER supports, protects and binds together other tissues of the body water soluble anti oxidants that strengthen the white blood cells and immune system and its essential for producing collagen - ANSWER vitamin C what is Streptococci - ANSWER pus forming bacteria arranged in curved lines resembling a string of beads; they can cause infections such as strep throat and blood poisoning what is catabolism - ANSWER phase of metabolism which complex compounds within the cells are broken down into smaller ones what are lipids - ANSWER protective oils what do the islet of Langerhans cells within the pancreas do - ANSWER control insulin and glucose production a deficiency in perspiration due to failure of sweat glands often results from fever or skin disease - ANSWER anhidrosis give examples of epilation - ANSWER tweezing, wax depilatories, sugaring what arteries are the main source of blood supply to the head, face and neck - ANSWER common carotid arteries what is mitosis - ANSWER cell division which nerve is a sensory motor nerve that with it's branches supplies the fingers - ANSWER the digital nerve what ingredient causes the actual change in the appearance of the skin - ANSWER performance ingredients Anhydrous products are generally designed for what type of skin - ANSWER dry what is the teach student ratio - ANSWER 25 to 1 unless there's a visitor what do you do to an article dropped onto the floor - ANSWER must be disinfected prior to re-use TRF functions an - ANSWER anti-inflammatory TRF is a what ingredient - ANSWER moisturizing what would happen with out cells - ANSWER life does not exist what is pathogenic bacteria - ANSWER bacteria that is considered harmful, a large nodule or abnormal cell form excessive cells - ANSWER tumor what determines our genetic makeup including the color of our eyes, skin and hair - ANSWER DNA how many bones does the human skeleton have - ANSWER 206 what are the main structures of the hair follicle - ANSWER root, bulb, papilla the unit that measures the strenght of an electric current - ANSWER amp or ampere Effleurage - ANSWER soft continuous stroking movement any substance that occupies space that has mass - ANSWER matter what comes below the reticular layer - ANSWER subcutaneous layer internal factors mean - ANSWER intrinsic factors this method uses direct current which causes chemical decomposition of the hair follicle - ANSWER galvanic what happens when you place complementary colors next to each other - ANSWER each color makes the other look brighter an applicator for directing the electric current from the machine to the clients skin - ANSWER electrode Primary Colors - ANSWER fundamental colors, can not be obtained from a mixture what are used to stabilize skin care products - ANSWER anti oxidents How many nerves extend from the spinal cord - ANSWER 31 This muscle is the voluntary muscle and are attached to the bones and make up a large percentage of body mass - ANSWER striated muscle who Heads the state boards - ANSWER commissioner of professional and occupational affairs the human body has how many muscles - ANSWER 600 the human body muscles are responsible for approximately what % of the body's weight - ANSWER 400 how many types of parasites are there - ANSWER 2 What are the types of parasites - ANSWER those living inside (endo), those living outside (ecto) what 2 reactions does a galvanic current create - ANSWER Ionic and chemical what are the 6 primary functions of the skin - ANSWER protection, sensation, heat regulation, excretion, secretion, absorption What is histolory - ANSWER the study of the tiny structures in living tissue that is microscopic anatomy What is caused by exposure to allergens used in products - ANSWER uticaria What happens when oxygen is added to a substance - ANSWER the substance is oxidized What is the biggest external cause of pigment disorders - ANSWER sun exposure what is the most important carbohydrate - ANSWER glucose what ar the 2 types of emulsions used in cosmetic preperations - ANSWER oil in water and water in oil antioxidants prevent oxidation by neutralizing what - ANSWER free radicals hyper pigmentation - ANSWER over production of pigment what is collagen made from - ANSWER Protein which type of light increases the elimination of waste products, improves the flow of blood and lymph and has germicidal and anti bacterial affects along with producing vitamin D in the skin - ANSWER ultraviolet most skin care products are emulsions of - ANSWER Oil and water how are services rendered outside of a shop proven - ANSWER complete record must be made at the shop for each service rendered outside of the shop, showing the date, time, place rendered and the fee charged How do you remove creams and other semi-solids from their container - ANSWER with a clean spatula or similar utensil Who is responsible for violations in the shop - ANSWER owner and violator what license are available for a temporary license - ANSWER manicurist, esthetician, cosmetology are students allowed to practice upon the public for pay - ANSWER NO, but the school can charge for supplies Seven members of the board constitutes what - ANSWER a Quorum must a non-licensed cosmetology shop employee have a physician's certificate that the employee does not have infectious, contagious or communicable disease in order to shampoo - ANSWER no Disincrustation is beneficial for what type of skin - ANSWER oil & acne skin why is disincrustation beneficial - ANSWER helps soften and relax the debris in the follicle before extractions Dehydration can be seen in what type of skin - ANSWER all skin types describe Normal skin - ANSWER has a good oil/water balance how do you remove mascara - ANSWER work form the outside in with a cotton or tissue with makeup remover or cleanser on it how many primary lesions are there - ANSWER 11 in general, cancelled check, payroll, monthly and yearly records are held for at least how many years - ANSWER 7 yrs What is the scientific study of the functions and activities of the skin - ANSWER Physiology Stratum Cornum is also referred to as - ANSWER horney layer Why is the Stratum Corneum also referred to as the Horney Layer - ANSWER because it continuley sheds what is considered to be a particular good conductor - ANSWER copper the most commonly used cosmetic ingredient - ANSWER water what type of rays also produce chemical effects and kills germs - ANSWER UV Rays Back skin is prone to - ANSWER hyperkeratosis Hyperpigmentation is a greater problem for - ANSWER darker skin types what are two methods of hair removal - ANSWER temporary & permanent This service is elective surgery for improving and altering the appearance - ANSWER cosmetic what does a woods lamp do - ANSWER Illuminates skin disorders such as fungi, bacterial disorders and pigmentation problems Stratum Granulosum what layer is it - ANSWER 3rd What is the Stratum Granulosum known as - ANSWER Granular layer Abscess and boils are caused by what - ANSWER Staphococci What is the technical term for a sweat gland - ANSWER Suderiferus Stratum Basale is also known as what - ANSWER Stratum Germinativum What does the Zygomatic bone form - ANSWER the cheeks or cheekbones If a license expires for less than 5 yrs how may it be restored - ANSWER by paying a restoration fee for the years not renewed plus a renewal fee there are 3 types of hepatitis A, B & C which is the most difficult to kill on a surface - ANSWER B What are the 3 parts of a muscle - ANSWER Origin, Insertion, Belly What is the average PH of the skin - ANSWER 5.5 Does a disinfectant retard bacterial growth or destroy pathogenic organisms - ANSWER Retards bacterial growth What does mascara do - ANSWER Darkens, defines and thickens eyelashes What should always be matches as closely as possible to actual skin tone - ANSWER foundation If a license expires for 5 yrs or more how may it be restored - ANSWER by paying the exam fee, retakin an passing the practical exam what is more important, PH levels or Percentage - ANSWER PH What is Lactic Acid derived from - ANSWER Sour Milk When is it unlawful to practice beauty culture - ANSWER without a license or for compensation What is a disorder of the skin caused by excessive sebum - ANSWER Seborrhea Within how many days must a violation be corrected before a license is suspended - ANSWER 15 What is the name for an oil gland - ANSWER sebaceous What is Erythema - ANSWER Redness of the skin Give an example of a Humectant moisturizer - ANSWER glycerin, hyaluronic acid what ar the requirements for the esthetician's examination - ANSWER 16 yrs of age, 10th grade, 300 hours completed Give an example of an occlusive moisturizer - ANSWER petrolium based What are the eligibility requirements for a manicurist - ANSWER 16 yrs of age, 10th grade education 200 hrs completed What does miscible mean - ANSWER Capable of being mixed What does AHA's stand for - ANSWER Alpha Hydroxy acids How many hours must an apprentice complete for cosmetology - ANSWER 2000 hrs What is the fine for infecting another person due to negligence or carelessness - ANSWER $300 or 3 months in jail What layer is the Stratum Lucidum - ANSWER 2nd What is the Stratum Lucidum also known as - ANSWER Clear/translucent layer Where is subcutaneous tissue found - ANSWER Under the Reticular layer of the dermis What is the minimum floor area of a shope operated by a license - ANSWER 180 sq feet minimum of width of 10 feet What does PH stand for - ANSWER Potential of Hydrogen What are the credit hours given to a licensed barber who wishes to enroll in a cosmetology school - ANSWER 555 When was the beauty law passed - ANSWER May 3, 1933 Can you use steam on couperous skin or inflamed skin - ANSWER Yes but you have to be careful, because it can dilate the capillaries and follicles causing more redness and irritation What part of the body gives us out sense of smell which is the strongest of the 5 senses - ANSWER Olfactory system Increased pigmentation or liver spots - ANSWER Chloasma What is Telogen - ANSWER The final or resting stage of hair growth Give a name for a disinfectant that is considered non toxic, odorless and fast actin - ANSWER Quats What is the live layer of connective tissue below the epidermis - ANSWER Dermis What is the most commonly used modality - ANSWER Galvanic Current What an happen when skin is exposed to low or high PH - ANSWER inflammation can occure What are included in many skin care formulas designed to combat free radicals - ANSWER Antioxidants Oils produced by the ________ help keep skin for and protected from outside elements - ANSWER sebaceous glands this hair removal involves repeat treatment as hair grows - ANSWER temporary The high frequency machine creates ozone and has a what action on the skin - ANSWER germicidal what is anatomy - ANSWER study of the structures of the human body Basal cell carcinoma - ANSWER the most common and least severe of carcinomas broad muscle extending from the ches and shoulder muscles to the side of the chin - ANSWER platysma a subcutaneous abscess filled with puss - ANSWER furuncle what composes what % of body weight - ANSWER 50 to 70 this product is a natural molecule found in every cell of the body - ANSWER Alpha lipoic acid What is Spirilla - ANSWER Bacteria that causes syphillis, characterized by spiral or corkscrew shape what are infectious agents - ANSWER microorganisms that invade the body tissue by disease causing or pathogenics an abnormal rounded, solid lump, larger then a papule - ANSWER tubercle what are amino acids - ANSWER building blocks of protein what are blood borne pathogens - ANSWER disease causing bacteria or viruses that are carried through the body in the blood or body fluids Why are enzymes necessary - ANSWER to bring about or speed up reactions in the body a flat spot of discoloration on the skin, such as a freckle - ANSWER macule what are BHA's - ANSWER Lipid soluble meaning they are able to fully dissolve in oil what is the main bone of the neck - ANSWER Hyoid how many cranial nerves are there - ANSWER 12 most bacteria is considered - ANSWER non pathogenic what does the Maxillary bone form - ANSWER upper jax UV sanitizer will not - ANSWER sterilize or disinfect what is the origin part of the muscle - ANSWER it does not move a skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching or scabbing - ANSWER excoration another disinfectant besides Quats - ANSWER phenol what are some common types of fungal infections - ANSWER athletes foot, ringworm, nail infections what does the sudoriferous gland excrete - ANSWER sweat What are Ethics - ANSWER morals in which we live by what should be done before using a chemical depilation cream - ANSWER patch test how much additional space is needed for an additional license in a shop - ANSWER 60 sq feet parasites such as ____ can also cause contagious disease and conditions such as pediculosis - ANSWER head lice blood is approximately what % of water - ANSWER 80 The most abundant of all substances comprising of about 75% of earths surface and 65% of the human body - ANSWER water what muscle is Voluntary - ANSWER striated what category has been proposed for cosmetic chemistry - ANSWER cosmeceuticals what is collage - ANSWER protein that gives skin it's strength and is necessary for healing wounds the presence of puss is a sign of what - ANSWER infection how many levels of decontamination are there - ANSWER 3 levels the Stratum Greminativum also contains - ANSWER melanocytes what is the mandible - ANSWER the lower jaw and the largest and strongest bone of the face what type of lashes are separate artificial eyelashes that are applied on top of lashes one at a time - ANSWER individual or tabbing this tissue carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily functions - ANSWER nerve tissue the larges most complex mass of nerve tissue in the body - ANSWER the brain what nerve is a sensory motor nerve that with it's brances supplies the thumb side of the arm and back of hand - ANSWER radial ther are thousands of different kinds of bacteria, but they are grouped into just 2 primary types what are they - ANSWER pathogenic and non-pathogenic tissue that supports, protects and binds together other tissues of the body - ANSWER connective products that reduce trans epidermal water loss to help hold in moisture, protect the skins top barrier layer - ANSWER occlusive what glands excrete perspiration and detoxify the body by excreting excessive salt and unwanted chemicals thought the pores - ANSWER sudoriferous or sweat glands where is keratin found - ANSWER all layers of the epidermis what is the occipital bone - ANSWER forms the back of the skull above the nape of the neck pseudofolliculitis is also known as - ANSWER razor bumps/ingrown hairs what is electrolysis - ANSWER the process of removing hair by means of electricity what is the main source of blood supply to the head, face and neck - ANSWER common carotid arteries hypopigmentation - ANSWER lack of pigment skin color also comes from ____ & ____ - ANSWER pigmentation in the skin and blood showing through the skin what is malic acid - ANSWER comes from apples what is Tartaric acid - ANSWER comes from old wine an antioxidant that increases chemicals that control muscle tone this improving the appearance of sagging skin - ANSWER DMAE how is pressure directed during a massage - ANSWER insertion to origin what are some methods of sterilization - ANSWER steam autoclave, dry heat what must be submitted to to the board before a shop may be licensed - ANSWER diagram of the shop layout, proof of meeting all legal requirements what is the scope of a manicurists license - ANSWER performes manicuring services only no waxing allowed what does CoEnzyme 10 do - ANSWER protects and revitalizes skin cells may a license refuse to service a client whom the licensee believes has an infectious contagious or communicable disease - ANSWER only if the client can not produce a physician's certificate With what urgency must an application for the exam be on file with the board - ANSWER when you completed all hours and graduated school what is dehydrated skin prone to - ANSWER fine lines and wrinkles where must a license be displayed - ANSWER in a conspicuous place with current renewal hydrators AKA humectants are ingredients that - ANSWER attract water to the skins surface how much does it cost to renew a cosmetology school license each biennial - ANSWER $150 how often do school hours go into the state - ANSWER every quarter insertion part of the muscle - ANSWER movable attachment where are appeals taken - ANSWER court of common pleas Harrisburg, Dauphin County what percentage solution is used when disinfecting metal implants using Phenols - ANSWER 5% what is an infection - ANSWER when the body tissues are invaded by disease causing pathogenic microorganisms when is a temporary license extended - ANSWER never what daily duties must the school require of the student - ANSWER keep stations clean and assist in general clean up and other duties that may be required in a shop the magnifying lamp has various power of magnification known as - ANSWER diopters what does Herpes simplex 2 virus cause - ANSWER genital herpes what is the most important of the 5 massage movements - ANSWER effleurage how much does it cost to renew a cosmetology shop license each biennial - ANSWER $60 How many parietal bones are there and what does it form - ANSWER 2, sides and crown of the cranium sensory nerve endings in the dermis respond to - ANSWER touch, pain, cold heat, pressure what is the active stage of bacteria - ANSWER when bacteria grows and reproduces may a person be left unattended during the heating or processing of a permanent wave - ANSWER no what does the frontal bone make up - ANSWER the forehead this product is a water soluble antioxidant, it strengthens withe blood cells and immune system and is essential for producing collagen - ANSWER vitamin C for what reasons may a school refuse to transfer a student - ANSWER financial obligations are not paid a large bliser containing watery fluid - ANSWER bulla Viruses are - ANSWER hard to kill with out harming the body light abnormal patches caused by congenital disease that destroys the pigment producing walls - ANSWER Leukoderma This product increased chemicals that control muscle tone thus improving th appearance of sagging skin - ANSWER DMAE What does the Bureau stand for - ANSWER bureau of professional an d occupational affairs in the departments of the state how long can a license be in escrow - ANSWER 5 yrs how often is your esthetician license renewed - ANSWER every two years what is muscular tissue - ANSWER contracts and moves the various parts of the body for what 2 reasons are the educational requirements waived to sit for the cosmetolgy or manicurist exam - ANSWER persons of 35 or veterns shedding of dead skin cells, flaky skin cells is AKA - ANSWER scale how many members are on the board - ANSWER 12 plus 1 commissioner what indicates the negative or positive pole of an electric current - ANSWER polarity what is diplococci - ANSWER Round shaped bacteria with two or more nuclei, causes diseas like pheumonia where must a shop sign be displayed - ANSWER at or near the main entrance how many lacrimal bones are there and what do they form - ANSWER 2, the eye socket what are the 2 purposes fo the vacuum machine - ANSWER suction dirt and impurities from the skin ,stimulate the dermal layer and blood circulation what is the scope of a cosmetologist license - ANSWER may perform the functions of a cosmetologist, estitichen or manicurist what does the term tanning unit mean - ANSWER equipment that utilizes ultraviolet light for the purpose of cosmetic tanning what does the word Department refer to in the beauty culture law - ANSWER commissioner of professional and occupational affairs in the department of state what safety and sanitation rules must a shop follow - ANSWER the shop must be well lit, ventilated and maintained in a safe and orderly condition how much does it cost to get a license through reciprocity - ANSWER $20 how much does it cost to renew a manicurist/esthetician license each biennial - ANSWER $60 what must be done if a license is lost - ANSWER notify the board by submitting an affidavit w/the fee for duplicat license which is $5 what are the rules for sanitary uses of towels - ANSWER only clean cloth towels or disposabel towels are permitted when did the beauty law become effective - ANSWER January 31, 1934 what is the fine for hiring an unlicensed operator - ANSWER $500 or 6 months in jail What is Reciprocity - ANSWER an agreement in the beauty culture law that exchanges priviliges between 2 states what is the scope of an esthetician license - ANSWER working on the face, massage, applying cosmetics, false lashes what are the limitations of a temporary license - ANSWER must practice only under the supervision of a licensed teacher or licensed cosmetologist