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TERM 1 Interpersonal Communication DEFINITION 1 communication between 2 people who both try and mutually influence one another; for managing relationships TERM 2 Impersonal Communication DEFINITION 2 communication that treats people as objects or that responds onl to their roles rather than to who they are a unique people TERM 3 Short Term Initial Attraction DEFINITION 3 degree of potential for developing an interpersonal relationship with someone TERM 4 Long Term Maintenance Attraction DEFINITION 4 level of liking or positive feeling tat motivates one to maintain or escalate a realationship TERM 5 Factors of Interpersonal Communication DEFINITION 5 similarity physical attraction sexual attraction proximity complementarity TERM 6 Similarity DEFINITION 6 one's characteristics, values, attitudes, interests, or personality traits are like those of another person TERM 7 Physical Attraction DEFINITION 7 ones finds another person'ts physical self appealing TERM 8 Sexual Attraction DEFINITION 8 desire to have sexual contact with a certain person TERM 9 Proximity DEFINITION 9 Likelyhood of being attracted to people who are physically close rather than to those who are farther away TERM 10 Complementaity DEFINITION 10 degree to which another person's different abilities, interests, and needs balance or round out ones own TERM 21 Per-Interaction DEFINITION 21 stage of becoming aware of one's attraction to another person and observing that person but not actually interacting TERM 22 Initiation DEFINITION 22 first contact with a person with whom desires a relationship; usually characterized by asking and answering questions TERM 23 Exploration DEFINITION 23 involves more in-depth interactions TERM 24 Intensification DEFINITION 24 partners begin to depend on each other for self-confirmation; characterized by more shared activities, more time spent together TERM 25 Intimacy DEFINITION 25 partners provide primary confirmation of each other's self concept TERM 26 Relational De-Escalation Stages DEFINITION 26 turmoil stagnation de-intensification individualization separation post-interaction TERM 27 Turmoil DEFINITION 27 increase conflict, less mutual acceptance, a tense communicate climate, and an unclear relationship definition TERM 28 Stagnation DEFINITION 28 relationship loses its vitality, partners begin to take each other for granted; communication and physical contact decline TERM 29 De-Intensification DEFINITION 29 decrease in interaction, increased distance, and decreases dependence on one's partner for self-confirmation TERM 30 Individualization DEFINITION 30 partners define their lives more as individuals and less as a couople TERM 31 Seperation DEFINITION 31 individuals make an intention decision to minimize or eliminate further interpersonal interaction TERM 32 Post-Interaction DEFINITION 32 final stage which represents the lasting effects of a relationship on the self TERM 33 Interpersonal Power DEFINITION 33 ability to influence another in the direction one desires TERM 34 Three Types of Relationships DEFINITION 34 Complimentary Symmetrical Parallel TERM 35 Complimentary Relationship DEFINITION 35 one partner willingly and continuously cedes power to the other TERM 46 Social Groups DEFINITION 46 exists to provide opportunities for group members to enjoy an activity in the company of others TERM 47 Secondary Group DEFINITION 47 group formed to accomplish a specific task or goal TERM 48 Study Group DEFINITION 48 exists to help group members learn new information and ideas TERM 49 Therapy Group DEFINITION 49 provides treatment for problems that group members may have TERM 50 Problem-Solving Group DEFINITION 50 meets to seek a solution to a problem and achieve a goal TERM 51 Roles Within A Group DEFINITION 51 Task Social Individual TERM 52 Task Group DEFINITION 52 role that helps a group achieve its goal to accomplish its work TERM 53 Social Group DEFINITION 53 Role that helps a group manage relationships and affects the group climate TERM 54 Individual Group DEFINITION 54 role that focuses attention on the individual rather than on the group TERM 55 Norms DEFINITION 55 standards that determine what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior in a group TERM 56 Status DEFINITION 56 individuals importance and prestige TERM 57 Power DEFINITION 57 the ability to influence other people's behavior TERM 58 Types of Power DEFINITION 58 legitimate referent expert reward coercive TERM 59 Legitimate Power DEFINITION 59 stems from being elected or appointed to be a position of authority TERM 60 Referent Power DEFINITION 60 stems from being liked TERM 71 Structure DEFINITION 71 the way a group or team discussion is organized, focusing on the group's agenda and the task that needs to be achieved TERM 72 Interaction DEFINITION 72 the give-and-take discussion and responsiveness to other group members TERM 73 John Deweys Relflective process to group problem solving: DEFINITION 73 identify and define the problem analyze the problem generate creative solutions select the best solution take action TERM 74 Brainstorming DEFINITION 74 technique for generating many possible solutions to a problem by withholding evaluation while group members suggest ideas TERM 75 Groupthink DEFINITION 75 faulty sense of agreement that occurs when members of a group fail to challenge an idea