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Terminology and Concepts in Media and Communication Studies, Quizzes of Communication

Various terms and concepts in media and communication studies. Topics include: four distinctively human traits (svss), four self-reflective modes (levis), models of priming, conceptual roots, diffusion of innovations, successful innovation, adopter categories of diffusion, s-shaped curve, agenda setting theory and framing, cultivation hypothesis, stereotyping, uses and effects models, persuasion, theories and models, propaganda, word games, false connections, and special appeals. Each term is defined and context is provided.

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jesswineke 🇺🇸

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Download Terminology and Concepts in Media and Communication Studies and more Quizzes Communication in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Four distinctively human traits DEFINITION 1 Symbolizing Capacity Self-Regulatory Capacity Self-Reflective Capacity Vicarious Capacity (SVSS) TERM 2 4 self-reflective modes DEFINITION 2 Logial Enactive Social Vicarious (LEViS) TERM 3 Models of Priming DEFINITION 3 Priming occurs when media activates related thoughts stored in one's mind Storage Bin Model - Recently primed concepts are strongest Storage Battery Model - Frequently primed concepts are strongest Synapse View Model - Time determines strength- for short time recents primes are important.; a freq primed concept might be more important TERM 4 Conceptual Roots DEFINITION 4 Cognitive neoassociation -- Network of semantically related thoughts and feelings Mental Models --Dynamic mental representations of a situation, event, or object TERM 5 Lecture 11: Diffusion of Innovations DEFINITION 5 diffusion of innovations (1995) Four main elements: Innovation Communication Social System Time (STIC) TERM 6 Successful Innovation DEFINITION 6 Relative advantage Compatibility Complexity Trialability Observability (ROTCC) a TERM 7 Adopter Categories of Diffusion DEFINITION 7 Innovators Early adopters Early majority Late majority Laggards TERM 8 S-Shaped Curve DEFINITION 8 The product starts off slow, then it takes off (increases) then eventually when everyone has the product, it levels off, called Saturation.Making an S-shaped curve. TERM 9 Agenda Setting Theory and Framing DEFINITION 9 Agenda-Setting - Concerned with how the media agenda influences the public agenda Agenda-Building - Concerned with how the public agenda and the media agenda influence the policy agenda Framing - How media helps audience perceive issues TERM 10 Framing DEFINITION 10 Frame Building Research - Examines how news professionals or elites construct frames Frame Setting Research - Examines effects of news frames on audiences- These effects include: how audiences define the issue attributions of cause perceived societal implications beliefs on how best to resolve the issue TERM 21 .. cont. DEFINITION 21 Social Judgement Theory-we hold one view along a continuum and judge other viewsTheory Reasoned Action (TRA) & Planned Behavior (TPB)-Intentions and behaviors are predicted by-attitudes toward behavior-normative beliefs-perceived control TERM 22 Propoganda DEFINITION 22 -Using information (may be true or may be flawed) to affect minds of people.-Bad Logic vs. Propaganda Propaganda deliberately manipulates logic to promote a cause TERM 23 Word Games DEFINITION 23 Name-Calling gives an idea or person bad label so it will be rejected and condemned without examining evidence "communist" Glittering Generalities Associates something with a "virtue word" and creates acceptance without examining evidence "patriotic american" Euphemisms-ex) "releasing from contract" instead of "firing" bland term to make bad thing more palatable TERM 24 False Connections DEFINITION 24 Transfer takes the sanction of something respected and associates it with another thing to make the latter accepted (works in reverse) "he is a descendant of G.Washington" Testimonial gets support from a respected authority and transfers it to an object (works in reverse) using Brad Pitt to endorse a beer TERM 25 Special Appeals DEFINITION 25 Plain Folks something is good because it is "of the people" "locally produced goods are the best" Card Stacking using facts or falsehood to give one side of an issue Bandwagon claim that "Everyone is doing it" so you should 95% of people agree with this fact Fear Warning ppl that disaster will result if they don't follow action TERM 26 Political News DEFINITION 26 News Frames: metaphors that media professionals use to structure understanding of news stories News flaws Personalization Fragmentation Dramatization Normalization (PFDN) TERM 27 Macro Research Areas DEFINITION 27 Descriptive Research Effects on policy making TERM 28 Micro Level Areas DEFINITION 28 Formation and change of opinion Cognitive Effects Voter perception of political system Political behavior (voting) (FVPC)