Download Exam 2 | PSYCH 1000 - General Psychology and more Quizzes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 learning DEFINITION 1 some experience that results in a relatively permanent change in the state of the learner TERM 2 habituation DEFINITION 2 a general process in which repeated or prolonged exposure to a stimulus results in a gradual reduction is responding Ex: Living in a dorm, you become habituated to the sound of annoying drunk people constantly, but when you go home for a while and come back, they are just as loud as ever TERM 3 acquisiton DEFINITION 3 the phase of classical conditioning when the CS and the US are presented together TERM 4 extiniction DEFINITION 4 the gradual elimination of a learned response that occurs when the US is no longer presented ex: if i was to get in the cabinet and not give the birds a peanut everytime, eventuallly they would stop freaking out everytime i opened that cabinet TERM 5 spontaneous recovery DEFINITION 5 the tendency of a learned behavior to recover from extintion after a rest period TERM 6 generalization DEFINITION 6 a process in which the CR is observed even though the CS is slightly different from the original one used during acquisition Ex. you get a new canopener that makes a slightly different noise. your dog probably will still be excited its getting food and not notice the sound. If you were to switch from a handheld to an electric canopener though, they might not no food is coming at all TERM 7 discrimination DEFINITION 7 the capacity to distinguish between similar but distinct stimuli TERM 8 biological preparedness DEFINITION 8 a propensity for learning particular kinds of associations over others TERM 9 operant conditioning DEFINITION 9 a type of learning in which the consequences of an organims behavior deermine whether it will be repeated in the future TERM 10 law of effect DEFINITION 10 the principal that behaviors that are followed by a "satisfying state of affairs" tend to be repeated and those that produce an "unpleasent state of affairs" are less likely to be repeated TERM 21 latent learning DEFINITION 21 a condition in which something is leaned but it is not manifested as a behavioral changed until sometime in the future TERM 22 cognitive map DEFINITION 22 a mental representation of the physical featues of the enviornment TERM 23 observational learning DEFINITION 23 a condition in which learning takes place by watching the actions of othersimplicit learning TERM 24 implicit learning DEFINITION 24 learning that takes place largely independent of awareness of both the process and the products of info acquisition TERM 25 language DEFINITION 25 a system for communicating with others using signals that convey meaning and are combined according to the rules of grammer TERM 26 phoneme DEFINITION 26 the smallest unit of sound that is recognizable as speech rather than as random noise TERM 27 morphemes DEFINITION 27 the smallest meaningful units of language TERM 28 grammer DEFINITION 28 a set of rules that specify how the units of language can be combined to produce meaningful messages TERM 29 deep structure DEFINITION 29 the meaning of a sentence TERM 30 surface structure DEFINITION 30 how a sentence is worded TERM 31 nativist theory DEFINITION 31 the view that language development is best explained as an innate biological capacity TERM 32 language acquistion deivce DEFINITION 32 (LAD) a collection of processes that facilitate language learning TERM 33 genetic dysphasia DEFINITION 33 a syndome characterized by an inability to learn the grammatical structure of language despite having otherwise normal intelligence TERM 34 concept DEFINITION 34 a mental representation that roups or catergorizes shared features of related objects, events or other stimuli TERM 35 category-specific deficit DEFINITION 35 a neurologcial syndrome that is characterized by an inability to recognize object that belong to a particular category while leaving the ability to recognize objects outside the category undisturbed TERM 46 deviation IQ DEFINITION 46 a statistic obtained by dividing a persons test score by teha verage test score of people in the same age group then multiplying the quotient by 100 TERM 47 factor analysis DEFINITION 47 a statistical technique that explains a large number of correlations in terms of a small number of underlying factors TERM 48 two factor theory of intelligence DEFINITION 48 spearmans theory suggesting that every tast requires a combo of a general ability (which he called g) and skills that are specific to the task (which he called s) TERM 49 fluid intelligence DEFINITION 49 the ability to process info TERM 50 crystalized intelligence DEFINITION 50 the accuracy and amount of info available for processing TERM 51 prodigy DEFINITION 51 a person of normal intelligence who has an extraordinary ability TERM 52 savant DEFINITION 52 a person of low intelligence who has an extaordinary ability TERM 53 identical twins DEFINITION 53 (monozygotic twins) twins who develop from the splitting of a single egg that was fertilizsed by a single sperm TERM 54 fraternal twins DEFINITION 54 (dizygotic twins) twins who develop from wtwo different eggs that were fertilized by two different sperm TERM 55 heritability coefficent DEFINITION 55 a statistic (h2) that describes the proportion of the difference between peoples scores that can be explained by diferences in their genetic makeup TERM 56 Classical Conditioning DEFINITION 56 When a neutral stimulus evokes a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally evokes a response. ex:pavlovs dogs TERM 57 Unconditioned Stimulus DEFINITION 57 (US) something that reliably produces a naturally occuring reaction in an organism ex. placing food in front of animals will make them launch the salivary process TERM 58 unconditioned response DEFINITION 58 (UR) A reflexive reaction that is reliably elicited by an unconditioned stimulus ex: what pavlov called the dogs immediate salivation TERM 59 conditioned stimulus DEFINITION 59 (CS) a stimulus that is intitally neutral and produces no reliale response in an organism ex. pavlov would use a buzzer when it was food time. if u sounded the buzzer when the dogs couldnt see food, they would still salivate TERM 60 conditioned response DEFINITION 60 a reaction that resembles an unconditioned response but is produced by a conditioned resonse ex. resembles a UR, but it is associated with conditioned stimulus TERM 71 minimal conciousness DEFINITION 71 a low level kind of sensory awareness and responsiveness that occurs when the mind inputs sensations and may output behavior TERM 72 full consciousness DEFINITION 72 consciousness in which you know and are able to report your mental state TERM 73 self consciousness DEFINITION 73 a distinct level of consciousness in which the persons attention is drawn to the self as an object TERM 74 mental control DEFINITION 74 the attempt to change conscious states of mind TERM 75 thought suppression DEFINITION 75 the conscious avoidance of a thought to return to consciousness with greater frequency following surpression TERM 76 rebound effect of thought surpression DEFINITION 76 the tendency of a thought to return to consciousness with greater frequency following surpression TERM 77 ironic process of mental control DEFINITION 77 mental processes that can produce ironic errors because monitoring for errors can itself produce them TERM 78 dynamic unconscious DEFINITION 78 an active system encompassing a lifetime of hidden memories, the persons deepest instincts and desires and the persons inner struggle to contol these forces TERM 79 repression DEFINITION 79 a mental process that removes unacceptable thoughts and memories from conciousness TERM 80 cognitive unconscious DEFINITION 80 the mental processes that give rise to the persons thoughts, choices, emotions, and behavior even though they are not experienced by the person TERM 81 subliminal percipitation DEFINITION 81 a thought or behavior that is influenced by stimuli that a person cannont concioussly report percieving TERM 82 alterted states of conciousness DEFINITION 82 forms of experience that depart from the normal subjective experience of the world and the mind TERM 83 circadian rhythm DEFINITION 83 a naturally occuring 24 hour cycle TERM 84 rem sleep DEFINITION 84 a stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements and a high level of brain activity TERM 85 insomnia DEFINITION 85 difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep TERM 96 alcohol myopia DEFINITION 96 a condion that results when alcohol hampters attention, leading people to respond in simple ways to compelx situations TERM 97 stimulants DEFINITION 97 substances that excite the central nervous system, heightening arousal and activity levels. TERM 98 narcotics or opiates DEFINITION 98 highly addictive drugs derived from opium that relieve pain TERM 99 endorphins or endogenous opiates DEFINITION 99 neurontransmitters that have a simalar structure to opiates and that appear to play a role in how the brain copes internally with pain and stress TERM 100 hallucinogens DEFINITION 100 drugs that alter sensation and perception and often cause visual and auditory hallunations TERM 101 marijuana DEFINITION 101 the leaves and buds of the hemp plant TERM 102 hypnosis DEFINITION 102 an alterted state of consciousness characterized by suggestibility the feeling that ones actions are occuring involunarily TERM 103 hypnotic analgesia DEFINITION 103 the reduction of pain though hypnosis in people who are susceptible to hyposis TERM 104 medication DEFINITION 104 the practice of intentional contemplation TERM 105 emotion DEFINITION 105 a positive or negative experience that is associated with a particular pattern of physiological activity TERM 106 James-Lange theory DEFINITION 106 a theory about the relationship between emotional experience and physiological activity suggesting that stimuli trigger activity in the autonomic nervous systems, which in turn produces an emotional experience in the brain TERM 107 Cannon-Bird thoery DEFINITION 107 A theory about the relationshop between emotional experience and physiological activity suggesting that a stimulus simutaneously triggers activity in the autonomic nervous system and emotional experience in the brain TERM 108 two factor theory DEFINITION 108 a theory about the relationship between emotional experience and physiological activity suggesting that emotions are inferences about the cuases of undifferentiated psychological TERM 109 appraisal DEFINITION 109 an evolution of the emotion-relevant aspects of a stimulus that is performed by the amygdala TERM 110 emotion regulation DEFINITION 110 the use of cognitive and behavioral strategies to influence ones emotional experience TERM 121 metabolism DEFINITION 121 the rate at which energy is used by the body TERM 122 human sexual response cycle DEFINITION 122 the stages of physiological arousal during sexual activity TERM 123 intristic motivation DEFINITION 123 a motivation to take actions that are themselves rewarding TERM 124 extristic motivation DEFINITION 124 a motivation to take actions that are not themselves rewarding but that lead to reward TERM 125 conscious motivation DEFINITION 125 a motivation of which one is aware TERM 126 unconscious motivation DEFINITION 126 a motivation to experience postive outcomes TERM 127 approach motivation DEFINITION 127 a motivation to experience positive outcomes TERM 128 avoidance motivations DEFINITION 128 a motivation to experience positive outcomes TERM 129 avoidance motivation DEFINITION 129 a motivation not to experience negative outcomes TERM 130 developmental psychology DEFINITION 130 the study of continuity and change across the life span TERM 131 zygote DEFINITION 131 a single cell that contains chromosones from both a sperm and an egg TERM 132 embryotic stage DEFINITION 132 the period of prenatal developmental that last from the second week until about the 8th week TERM 133 fetal stage DEFINITION 133 the period of prenatal development that lasts from the ninth week until birth TERM 134 myeliniation DEFINITION 134 the formation of a fatty sheath around the axons of a brain cell TERM 135 teratogens DEFINITION 135 agents that damage the process of development, such as drugs and viruses TERM 146 accomdation DEFINITION 146 the process by which infants revise their schemas in light or new info TERM 147 object permence DEFINITION 147 the idea that objects continue to excist even when they are not precent TERM 148 childhood DEFINITION 148 the stage of development that begins at about 18 to 24 motnhs and last until adolescense TERM 149 preoperational stage DEFINITION 149 the stage of development that begins at about 2 years and ends at about 6 years in which children have a preliminary understanding of the physical world TERM 150 concrete operational stage DEFINITION 150 the stage of development that begins at about 6 years and ends at about 11 years in which children acquire a basic understanding of their owns the others minds TERM 151 conservation DEFINITION 151 the ntion that the quantitantive propertives of an object are invariant despite in the objects appearence TERM 152 formal operational stage DEFINITION 152 the stage of development that begins around the age of 11 and lst through adulthood, in which children gain a deeper understaing of their own and others minds and learn to reason abstractly TERM 153 egocentrism DEFINITION 153 the failure to udnerstand that the world appears differently to different observers TERM 154 theory of mind DEFINITION 154 the idea that human behavior is guided by mental representation, which gives rise to the realization taht the world is not always the way it looks and that different people see it differently TERM 155 attachment DEFINITION 155 the emotional bond that forms between newborns and their primary caregivers TERM 156 internal working model of attachment DEFINITION 156 a set of expectations about how the primary caregiver will respond when the child feels insecure TERM 157 temperaments DEFINITION 157 characteristics patterns of emotional reactivity TERM 158 pre conventional stage DEFINITION 158 a stage of moral development in which the morality of an action is primarily determined by its consequences for the actor TERM 159 conventional stage DEFINITION 159 a stage of moral development in which the mortality of an action is primarily determined by the extent to which it conforms to social rules TERM 160 postconventional stage DEFINITION 160 a stage of moral development at which the mortality of an action is edetermined by a set of general principals that reflect the core values